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  • Sigh, If you'd seen anything else in this thread, you would get what the problem is. I'm too tired to explain it again right now but suffice to say, I know it's #NotAllKillers.
  • I heard about a SWF group that encountered Forever Freddy once. They're still doing gens to this day... Spoooooky
  • Yeah, the Legion skin has almost a... Human Centipede level of disturbing? It was the first one I thought of when I saw this thread.
  • Only you don't need to tunnel just the ones bad at looping if you have a chainsaw. I think, once again, you're missing the point. It isn't that he was mowing everyone down like grass. It was that he did that, said something nasty to me after the match, and then proceeded to tunnel me across multiple matches because I…
  • This forum certainly isn't going to solve that issue.
  • I had my first match against a Forever Freddy earlier. That was the most agonizingly slow match I've ever had. I'd be 100% fine with them easing up his slowdown add-ons, especially since once he stacks them with the right perks, it basically takes you ten years to do a gen.
  • Heavy doubt, but okay. I feel like you're so focused on making it not the killer's fault that you're missing the forest for the trees.
  • I did report them. I don't expect anything to come of it though. Maybe I need to download recording software and start recording matches... There clearly aren't many of these kinds of people, but the few are enough to do a number on someone. And yeah, the Doctor dude was great. Just all kinds of fun. Shocking to stop…
  • Okay. It felt a little like you were trying to say "not all killers" when I didn't mean all killers so I was confused and tired and kept pushing the point.
  • Well wouldn't you know. This Bubba stood in front of my hook chainsawing me over and over! Also, maybe you missed something. Playstyle is whatever. Tunneling/camping the same person over and over again in different matches? Thats not playstyle. That's being an [BAD WORD].
  • I don't think most people in my matches even use BT. We were all just trying to get literally anything done, but without the sort of coordination you expect from maybe rank 1 SWF, we were pretty much doomed. It didn't matter if we ran, it didn't matter if we healed or hid or tried to do a gen. Any unhook attempts were just…
  • The only reason I "lumped" is because I know people here who play killer love to talk about all the ways they [BAD WORD] over some survs today and encourage others to do the same. Sorry it's taken too many words for me to make it clear I'm not targeting you specifically??
  • That Last bit about everyone on the team not being a potato and doing gens? Not as common in solo as you'd think, weirdly enough. Also, let's be real, it isn't hard to reach red survivor rank, and the killers at the same rank are buck wild. They eat solo players for breakfast. With no milk. This tunnel/camp/mori crap…
  • But That's like, not tunneling. That's just, you're all right here and that's the weak one. It's not at all like what I experienced. Maybe it will help if I explain that these were Bubba and Doctor? Basically, Bubba did what he does. Chainsawed one person down, ran off. Came back as soon as someone went for the save, mowed…
  • I been playing like a year, but I haven't invested a ton of time like, researching maps and stuff or anything. I'm good enough, but not great. I also don't run second chance perks because I don't particularly like them, but I did cave and put points into Laurie to have DS available to me. Also you're totally not the kind…
  • You keep mentioning my bias, and I think yours is pretty clear, too. You seem really intent on negating the way that this experience differs from others, in favor of a "both sides" argument. I'm not here because of both sides. I'm here because there is a segment of players who, regardless of how others swap between roles,…
  • Thanks! I used to play more killer, but then one of my friends got the game and we started playing together, and a few more who bought it ages ago came back to play with us... and so on, and so forth. It might be a while, there's more killers that I know from good experiences than bad, but because I don't do crossplay and…
  • I might only be a rank 12 killer, but I never dodge. I will get curb stomped, palleted, flashlight blinded, run in impossible loops, and get zero hooks, but I stay. I like to think I'm doing the sweaty SWFs a favor. Usually when they get in chat after match, they act sheepish about going that hard on a green ranked killer.…
  • I had completely forgotten this skin exists. Excuse me while I bleach my brain.
  • I'd say the only reason it appears that way is that for every killer playing a match, there are four survivors. It's real easy to feel like they're overwhelming when there's four of them and only one of you. And of course they're not. But I tried to explain in some other posts the deal with bully killers. People say the…
  • I'm not saying it's "your job" to do anything. More like, the game is more enjoyable for everyone when played to the fullest. If you lean on the gas regardless and run over the survivors, sure you might get a 4K. But did you genuinely have fun? Did you enjoy speedrunning the match? I guarantee they didn't. The looping and…
  • I'm not suggesting that only the survivor view is the one that is best or correct. I'm saying that people selectively ignore that the people they're playing with aren't bots, they have a different view of the game, and it would help, I think, if many of the killers I see here on the forums considered that. Survivors aren't…
  • Y'all and y'all's Nea jokes get me But for real, Blighted Legion. Those hands on his legs are definitely Julie's. Also, there's something really uncomfortable and "Get Out" about him absorbing his black friend into his body... As an honorable mention, I'll say Dr. Vivisection. That one genuinely makes me feel a little sick…
  • But I think there's a disparity between what you describe and what you think the whole idea of the game is. It's just a game you play to have fun, which is why the survivors are playing too. But you don't think they're also worthy of enjoying the match and having fun too? This game can easily be played in ways that let…
  • I think there's a fraction, a small one, of people who are like that. The 4-man swf teams that just come to destroy and insult you for not keeping up. But like, I think the majority of players aren't that good, aren't trying to play "competitively" or something like that, and if they're in with a friend, which I see far…
  • I agree on that actually, to a point. Really good survivors can take the killer for a ride, prevent them from doing anything meaningful, use perks and items to make their objectives harder to achieve. The balance, though, is if a killer wants to keep your average solo queue survivors from having a normal game, they…
  • How so? Is it just because there's more than one of them in a match?
  • Bellend, I like that. Funny term. Embrace the toxicity... not a bad mentality. I try, usually. I tend to prefer making friends with other players over pissing them off because it's a small server and I see them a lot, but it also means I see the rotten ones a lot too. We all recognize each other at this point.
  • This Is exactly why BBQ shouldn't show auras of dying survivors
  • You worked to get them, but they were cheaper back then. A thousand cells for a rift pass, or a thousand cells for just one outfit? Which do you prefer?
  • I feel like if you do the math as far as how much time survivors lose because a Huntress downs someone in a chase with an Iri head, the reasoning becomes clear. She doesn't have to work for the instant down, like killers using perks for Exposed. She technically doesn't even have to be able to see the survivor she's aiming…
  • Yes, I know remapping keys is a thing people do all the time. I did not know that you could specifically unbind your Struggle from A+D to a different set of keys/buttons without affecting your normal movement, since I'm accustomed to games where the two things are linked and remapping one changes everything else those keys…
  • So many people dislike Huntress. Why? Is it the flying trucks? I mostly don't have a problem against her because she's slow. I guess Huntress players at high rank do tend to slug a lot, though...
  • There's five. Five iterations of the same crappy map. I hate that place.
  • That too! Something I did the other night while playing actually knocked out the LEDs in a section of my keyboard. My 3 key keeps popping off for no reason! (That's actually because of an MMO, but still.) I can already feel the WASD will be the next to go. I just know it.
  • As if this game wasn't [BAD WORD] enough, you got people with genuine mental issues and a complete lack of self-awareness goading others into making it worse by being absolute [BAD WORD] to other players. Some of y'all need help. You clearly play this game for the wrong reasons and only therapy will reveal why. Legit,…
  • Sounds familiar... But my version uses way more four-letter words. I'm a scrappy [BAD WORD] so if a killer is being a [BAD WORD] to me in a match, I'll tell them exactly what I think of them. Usually it's less pointing out their specific behaviors and more me shouting like an Irish sailor. The ones I yell at know what they…
  • I would love skill check struggles. The A+D and space bar is gonna give me carpal tunnel.
  • Hag's actual power is the preternatural ability to sense whenever someone is trying to be effective or have fun. The idea of ruining someone else's good time gives her a burst of adrenaline that makes her port faster and faster to new locations. If she even senses someone might be about to enjoy themselves, she is sucked…
  • People might find him boring, but overall, Blight is pretty interesting and creepy. His rush isn't an instadown, which I think is maybe what people were hoping from it? Idk. I just know that when you slap Infectious Fright on him, he's an absolute nightmare to deal with. King of Slugs.
  • More often than not, if I get a match with someone who plays "as an individual" and not with the team, sure, they get to the end. They're the last survivor. But because they did nothing to help others, they don't do things like run across the hatch when it spawns, and the killer finds it first, and then they gotta cross…
  • I love booping the snoot! I always try once in a match. If the Pig just shakes her head at me, I scramble.
  • 1. Doctor. [BAD WORD] him. All the shocky disruptive visual effects, the [BAD WORD] up skill checks, the screaming, his gross laughing and breathing, the illusory doctors and pallets, the whispers and fake terror radius, the shocking to stop an unhooks, vaults, pallet drops... He's an obnoxious piece of [BAD WORD]. 2. Hag.…
  • 200 IQ build: Resilience and Spine Chill to outspeed the Tinkerer killer I'm gonna try this out
  • You right. I can spend my time urbaning around the map, using Iron Will, Quick and Quiet for that one silent fast vault, but there's nothing quite like being totally unaware of the man with a chainsaw until he's literally up your [BAD WORD].
  • Better advice: Don't play Trapper.
  • I hate him. The sheer amount of forced [BAD WORD] ups and information he gets from survivors is aggravating, and you're right, it does way too much at once. I don't care if he's considered B-tier. It's ridiculous.
  • It's niche, right now it's just extra powerful because you can combine it with Ruin/Undying on fast, already-powerful killers. The combo is painfully boring for survivors, who get next to nothing done and can't stop it because of the stupid hexes, but makes a world of difference for killers you can see and hear coming from…
  • Ah, good to know. Hopefully they won't tie them to codes that are only available for three days.
  • I love this. Some of my buddies and I were discussing how we felt a Killer Battle Royale would play out, or like, who would win if you did a March Madness style chart where you paired them all off to fight and whoever won moved up to the next tier. We figured most of the human or mostly-human ones (Amanda, Ghostface, any…