Just give up the game. It's not worth the headaches. The devs even confirmed that they want you to be frustrated because that's what keeps you coming back. They're like meth dealers cutting off their supply for a few days just to get people feinding more. I gave up on dbd and I just watch otzdarva nowadays and my gamingโฆ
You can't base the whole games balance on one match. ๐
I had a swf group berating me because I didn't let the last guy alive get the hatch. I was like da fuq kind of logic is that? Did you guys do one less Gen for me just to be nice? ๐
You can't blame the players for the viability of the killers.
It's a toss up between the Freddy and Doctor reworks. Probably Freddy though. I used to HATE facing him, but don't mind him at all now. I never played the doctor because he was boring and felt off but now I love playing as him.
Not sure if trolling. I never thought there would be someone that would wonder if you can take back a prestige in any game.
If deathslinger drops on March 10th I say we all abandon puppers.
Don't be fooled by playing just three matches. It's still as broken as it has been.
I used to run Spine Chill and Self Care, but then I got good at the game and took off my training wheels.
I can tell by your ######### attitude that your game wasn't crashing. nice rage quits bro. enjoy your ban. ๐
Nurse is worth the grind. I play Nurse in red ranks on PC and wait for it... WITH ONE OF THESE!
DS shouldn't reward players for playing poorly. Adrenaline shouldn't reward players for playing poorly. DH shouldn't reward players for playing poorly. Unbreakable shouldn't reward players for playing poorly. Do I need to name more?
I approve of this message. People would still quit if they got that map but at least there's a chance that you would get a different map instead.
I mean, why not? That's what survivors do. Even skillchecks are too hard ๐
Not only do survivor mains expect Killers to get 12 hooks, but they also expect us to down people 16 times. ๐
Toolboxes are still on the same level of usefulness, just in a different way. Killers won't rejoice.
What platform do you play on and what rank
See the thing about rating things and tier lists is that personal opinion has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Mortille is coming here because Killers had more to complain about to the devs. Also most people who play survivor tend to be more casual and don't go on forums.
Gen speeds. No one honestly wants to wait in matchmaking then get into a match that lasts 5 minutes or less.
Here's a joke: Survivor mains
They say it's so survivors can't stack on stop of each other but honestly this is an incredibly lame excuse because how often would survivors actually do this? It's not like there are many spots where they could hide like a totem pole in a corner. Plus crows are a thing. It's just their cop out.
Please tell me how getting hooked is a skill, being in the killers terror radius is a skill, or being injured is a skill.
I think this skin should be one and done. Its fine on clown but I don't want this game to turn into fortnite.
I think it's an original design.
If your internet or PC is garbage and you frequently disconnect, you deserve a ban anyways. Don't play online if you're on a garbage connection.
If the killer clearly knows where you're at its a scum bag move but there's been times where I couldn't find someone before they bled out and I got accused of doing it on purpose. It can be hard to find slugs nowadays with the audio bugs. How about an option to give up and die after you're half way bled out?
It's a small bandaid on a flesh wound.
Devotion 1 and probably rank 40/50 into the next one.
I'm pretty sure that they have been "removed." you may still have them, but can't use them anymore.
A thread that isn't complaining? Devs need to nerf this thread because it's too OP.
Don't insult me if you can't take an insult back. dumbass๐๐๐
Or maybe if you aren't good at reading maybe you should realize that I said survivor matches meaning I'm not the killer. What a dumbass ๐๐๐
I guess I play with or against the 1% frequently because most of my survivor matches lately have been getting 3 gens done before a single hook.
I'm playing more survivor lately for the tomes and almost every match we get 2/3 gens done before the first hook. Red rank solo queue also.
Legion needs some buffs and/or a rework. I have never ever once had any issue playing against Legion and never felt they were unfair in any manner. But you know if people complain enough, changes can happen.
The difference between Doctor, Clown, Freddy, and Hag is that the doctor needs to charge up and use his power each time. With the rest of them you can M1 while your bottle/puddle/trap is doing it's own thing.
100% of matches I keep playing against survivors. BHVR plz nerf
simple and effective! i like it
If you're not having fun, stop playing. It's that easy.
Omg like srsly I kno rite lol teehee
You only got 23k which shows that was a relatively short match. You expect to pip at red ranks with a short match?
If you don't want to get DS'd then play around it. It's not hard.
Posting a whole new thread as a reply to another one is such an attention grabbing pathetic move.
Queue times are fine on my end. ๐
No one cares if you or anyone else quits. ๐