Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Since Killers receive no reward for not tunneling and since it is far and away the best way to win games, why wouldn't they do it? Same thing goes for survivor. If the best way to win is complete gens fast or waste the killer's time, then why wouldn't they bring perks like DH and DS or BNP toolboxes. Its a nasty cycle that…
  • I cannot play Trickster if my life depended on it. Something about his knives just makes my brain shut down.
  • First of all I am a caster. Casters are like sports commentators so we do not organize the leagues. That honor goes to people like Direwolf and Rey. As for links, just search DBDLeague on twitch. Vods are public and they have a youtube channel of the same name. You could also watch the Hens33 Spring Inivitational, since it…
  • As a matter of fact, im a caster for several leagues, so I think I know a few things about tournaments. You on the otherhand have very clearly never watched one. I suggest DBDLeague if you want to see what a top tier league looks like.
  • Just want to add something here about about pro tournament play. I'm not sure where you are getting the idea that there is no "bad play" in tourneys. If anything, "bad play" is the standard. Nearly every match without fail inolves the killer camping, tunneling, and/or slugging. It isn't bad play for the otherside to try to…
  • TBH, I find that my teammates are what makes solo q feel miserable more often than not. Not in the sense that "oh these guys are terrible and don't know what to do", more like "why are you giving up now? We have 2 gens left and the killer only has two hooks on different people!"
  • It was put in place to prevent teams from suiciding on hook to deny points or to give their teammates hatch
  • Since the feature doesn't force you to jump off hook, comp just banned it. You're already not allowed to try to kobe unless you have deliverance anyway.
  • Short answer: Its not toxic. People just have no patience for anything that slightly inconveniences them. Long Answer: Slugging is not in itself. Most people who whine about being slugged aren't being left for 4 minutes, usually around 1 and 2 at max while the killer hunts down a hiding teammate. Are there people that…
  • As much as I hate to say it, you've got a point. DBD as a casual experience is pretty awful right now, regardless of which side you choose to play. The end result of BHVR not knowing what they want their game to be, resulting in the balancing/matchmaking nightmare we've had to deal with. The other side is unfortunately the…
  • While I will be the first to support an end to facecamping, since I don't like it much myself, this is NOT the way to address it. 16 meters is far to wide of a space to have the meter build up. It also should stop completely if the survivor is in range, not slow down, as well as not go through floors. Its also effectively…
  • You have some points here. Getting camped is boring, since there is little input from the hooked survivor. I would posit that losing several gens following the first chase/hook is equally as unfun as the killer to. I would also say that putting the burden of "fun games" on the killer is a bit hypocritical when survivors…
  • I'm fine with the bot changes. If you play around in customs, you come to learn pretty quickly that they aren't fantastic (shoutout to bots being stuck on z-walls). Im more concerned about the facecamping changes. 16 meters is not facecamping, its proxy camping. The range needs to be much shorter, otherwise we're going to…
  • Because people go into games with unrealistic expectations aka entitlement. They expect their opponents to play in a specific way and forget that there are living people on the other side thinking the same thing. Then they get frustrated that a killer/survivor isn't playing the way they want and act surprised that…
  • You are just as likely to get an Eruption+CoB, Pain Res NOED killer as you are to get a baby trapper who bought the game an hour ago. DBD is by its nature, random. If you cannot accept that you MIGHT get a killer running meta perks( how dare someone use META!), then do not bother queing up. I accept that whether I'm…
  • but what is your point tho? Also, you didn't answer my question. What do you define as playing fair? I'm not trying to be mean, I'm genuinely curious?
  • I do believe it. The reason why tunneling is so popular is because other killer strats got gutted. Want to camp? Survivors learn to ignore the hooked and do gens or use reassurance. Want to do hit and run? CoH and medkits will make them heal up in no time. What does that leave killers, when gens are only getting faster? If…
  • Way to completely miss the point of my post. I stand by my post. If you cannot handle a bad start, then don't q and ruin it for everyone else. Also, I was not aware that shadowborn, agitation, pain res and lethal pursuer was OP and "not fair". Pray tell, what would be "playing fair"?
  • Fair points, but I respectfully disagree with the spirit of it. When you press the ready up button, you accept that you could run into any number of killers/builds. That is something that every survivor must reckon with. Finding yourself in a bad situation in the start of the match is not an appropriate reason to give up.…
  • You get three minutes? I'm jealous!
  • It feels like it tbh. I typically play at least 3 survivor games a day during the week. Without fail at least one of those three games has someone give up.
  • As much as I would love to not receive hate mail, being able to check profiles must remain a thing for one reason only: Reporting blatant and subtle cheaters
  • This right here is exactly what I was worried about. Like OP, I'm ok with the update and the changes it makes. However, BHVR will need to update killer side of things quickly, otherwise nothing will objectively change. Killers will still tunnel because it is by and large the best strategy these days. I might get flamed for…
  • I feel like OP is completely missing the point of why they lost. If a teammate quit at the start of the match, then of course you're going to lose. It doesnt matter what killer you vs, 3v1 with more than 2 gens to complete is a stretch for most players. Demanding that blight be nerfed because your teammate didnt want to…
  • Blight. Been my favorite killer for over a year now. I don't know if I can bring myself to do it again tho, the grind was several months.
  • My go to for a while has been Shadowborn, Lethal Pursuer, Agitation, and Pain Resonance. Agitation gives you near constant access to scrouge hooks and works surprisingly well against sabo squads too. I prefer double speed, but just starting out I'd recommend Blighted Crow and Compound 21 for speed/aura reading+Lethal.
  • Its really weird right now. As a killer, I'm starting to see some fairly old school stuff from survivors. Heck, the old DS,UB,DH, Adrenaline builds seem to be making a comeback. Killer also feels relatively stable, which is odd since killer meta traditionally gets shaken up way more often by patches. COB and Eruption is…
  • Unfortunately its the symptoms of an old game. At the start, people DID meme around for the most part. As time goes on, people get better and their opponents adapt to it. The problem with new players is that there is no safety net to help new players learn the ropes, especially on survivor. Having bots will help a lot in…
  • Here's my take. Getting slugged sucks, especially when its at the end of the game and there's no realistic chance of escape. But ultimately, it doesn't last forever. There is nothing wrong with a killer wanting to kill everyone in the game, its there job after all. Just like there is nothing wrong with survivors wanting to…
  • Handing out free to perks to people is not going to change camping and tunneling. As long as killing 1 survivor fast remains the best option for killers to gain control of the match, that is exactly what they are going to do. Survivors are going to complete gens as fast as they can because that is the best way for them to…
  • I see it fairly often in my games, but I don't flame the killer for it. The way gen speeds are and with survivors slowly but surely improving, any killer that isn't Blight or Nurse can't afford to spread hooks like they used to, unless the survivors royally messed up. I also don't think it ruins the game anymore than…
  • Dead Hard was 100% a crutch perk for far too many people. People are just going through pains learning how to loop without it. Plus, if you ask me, the reason survivor feels so miserable isnt because of the changes, but because people throw tantrums and ragequit when things dont go their way. The sooner the quitters and…
  • I have noticed this as well. Lots of survivors DCing early into a match ruins it for everyone. It makes you wonder why they readied up in the first place if they're just gonna quit.
  • Honestly, I don't think those kinds of folks are looking to achieve anything really. Ragequitting/ giving up isn't a logical decision, its an emotional one. Which brings up what I think is the real reason why people aren't liking the new patch. Its not because its a bad patch, far from it imo. Both sides got things they…
  • I don't have a problem with DS these days, since using it forces a survivor to be useless to get value. DH is busted with i frames and distance at a survivors discretion. How it has remained virtually unchanged for alll this time is beyond me. UB isnt too bad, but can really kill your pressure late game when you need it…
  • I tend to use it on my blight with NWO, Corrupt and BBQ. Its a feel good perk since it provides a downside to being injured for survivors. That being said, I think it really only works on killers that can spread hits easily like plague and legion. I only use it because I can get away with it as blight.
  • My concern isnt so much with BT as a perk, but the fact that it is a 5th META perk that all survivors will have access to from the start. What perk would you replace bt with if it was basekit? For me, it'd be prove thyself or COH. That is the real problem with this idea. It gives survivors even more tools to work with when…
  • Yes because survivors completing 20-40% of their objective while the killer completes less than 9% of theirs is fair and balanced. The only way that scenario works out is if the survivors mess up big time and misses a three gen or they get altruistic. Either way, the match becomes less about strong killer gameplay and more…
  • Killers can no longer afford to spread hooks these days. With first chases costing at least one, two or three gens if you're unlucky and circle of healing rendering injuries moot, killer have to commit to the tunnel or lose any pressure they might gain. If games weren't so fast then there would be less overall tunneling,…
  • There's nothing wrong with a killer slugging in general, much less for a 4k. Survivors take it far too personally in my experience. If I slug you, its not because I want to ruin your day specifically, I just want to kill everyone!
  • Blight: My favorite boi with green speed Call of Brine: Portable ruin that can be applied to multiple generators at once Corrupt Intervention: Early game slowdown No Way Out: End game back-up Thanatophobia: Surprisingly viable and can mean the difference between gen pops I tend to play a hit and run blight and while boons…
  • Strongly disagree here. Blight is damn hard to play properly and requires in depth map knowledge and an understanding of bump logic to have consistent results. He's one of those killers you need to play yourself to understand what he can and cannot do. Once that's done, countering him becomes surprisingly fun. As for…
  • For me its just COH that I have a problem with. Who on Earth thought giving one side unlimited heals that stack with other healing perks, through floors and is only permanently disabled when the person running the perk dies was a good idea? It would be like giving killers a perk that instantly regresses a generator by 50%…
  • Engineer's Fang Pinhead. Enough said
  • Killer made the smart play here and your teammates rewarded his decision by swarming like piranha's to fresh meat. Him slugging is also not holding the game hostage. Holding the game hostage is a situation where the game cannot physically end and will go on forever if nothing changes. Slugging does not fall under this…
  • Can confirm that dead man's switch is already banned in several comp leagues already for the exact reason you mentioned.
  • The old system was far from perfect, but it took much more into account than the current one. The problem that both systems suffer from is matchmaking. It doesn't matter how great your system is if their aren't enough players of a similar skill to match up with. Behavior all but admitted this when MMR is tossed out in…
  • Even better! Would make many a survivor think twice before flashlight spamming. I'm all for changes that force survivors to be more tactical with there resources.
  • That's also a fair point and not one I initially considered. Maybe a feature could be added where if a flashlight is clicked a certain number of times in a certain timeframe, the survivor cant use it for, say, 15-20 seconds?
  • If you ask me, the only thing people do that is toxic is sending hate through endgame chat or DMing your opponent. You don't have to enjoy what your opposition does, but it does not make them a bad human for doing it.