@Arbmos1998 I understand what you are trying here. But, do not bother. You will not get the discourse here you are looking for. If you have any grievances as a killer main, it does not matter what it is, you will not get any "valuable" feedback. At least not on this site. Survivor mains will say anything to make you look…
Personally i dont care if they remove it or not. Tried to play it for days now but stuck in killer queue for way too long. I give up after 20-30 mins, quit out DBD and go play another game. Would very much like to play this, but cant.
I wonder, is there internal testing "before" these things go live? Doesn't look that way to me.
Sometimes is really obvious when people don't play to win the game, but just to annoy the killer. Some even admitted to that in a few games after matches. Yesterday i had a fun lobby with people running breakout and saboteur. They also used these nice offerings so that hooks spawn further apart. I tried to hook 3 times and…
NOED is nothing compared to "some" survivor crutches. Buckle up + For the people....very "unhealthy". It gives survivors saves that are undeserved, with no counterplay. NOED is so weak right now, i haven't touched it since the change.
Wait a minute.. Its you again. Are you not the person who suggested that Chucky should have to "recharge" batteries and survivor being able to steal them. You know all kind of nonsense that would make him unplayable. And now you want this kicking thing on top of that? No, just no.
As stated, he doesn't need batteries to function. He is a possessed doll through voodoo magic. The batteries included addon is, well an "addon" which can make him faster around finished gens. Your suggestions would make him totally unplayable.
Are you serious? Really? Well, what else would you like to go along with it? Maybe a free escape button for you to use at any time in the game?
If you want all these things nerfed, they might as well delete him from the game. The dash is weak to mediocre. It is not very precise and quite finicky. If people are stupid enough to stay at dropped pallets, it's their fault, not the killer designs. He totally needs the undetectable status. Without it, he would be the…
Just recorded several matches playing as Chucky. It was a disaster. People who know what they are doing know where you are even when you are undetectable. I play with an aura reading build, and it was very obvious people knew. Also, during chases, mindgames were impossible. Only one 4k, several 1k, a few 0k and a 3k. I…
The new complaints. Almost comical. People honestly complain about the fact they can't blind Chucky at pallets and that he can break pallets and slide under them? I wonder if they ever played against Legion. He can basically do the same thing, vaulting pallets and destroying them at the same time. Yet i hear no complaints…
I agree with some of your points. However, if the majority of killer player do camp or slug it must be for a reason. And it's most likely not the reason to troll. Both sides are trying to accomplish their objective. As i understand it, the most efficient way to try to accomplish the objective as a killer is to get one…
Chucky is mediocre at best. But it won't matter. Too many survivor mains complained already, so he will be nerfed, making him completely unviable like many killers before. The things posted in this thread. Claim of Chucky being better than Blight. It is beyond ridiculous. People complaining about the scamper…
Basically it is like that already in some areas. At least the game is shifting in that direction, to give survivors more control over what happens to them without the killer being able to do much about it. My suggestion could always be altered in a way that would introduce a timer of sorts so survivors could not abuse…
Because then there would be no more complaints and problems. Just look at these forums. Many survivor players complaining about literally every killer, perks or addons. It is a constant stream of never ending whining. My suggestion would eliminate all of this. People would have no reason to complain anymore because it is…
The idea is terrible and the discussion isn't even about the topic anymore but about DBD "comp".......
From a killer perspective, the event is worthless and an annoyance. Killers dont have time for these side objectives. And lets not even begin to talk about the added benefit for survivors. In some cases it needs 3 hits to down them because of the event. Time to play something else for the next few weeks.
Is it? I think it depends on the situation. When i play against people who play fair, i do not slug them. But lets face it. This community is toxic by nature. So most of the time you have survivors who t-bag you at every corner and pallet, do the clicky clicks, constant gesturing/taunting and only have one goal in mind, to…
Yes, this is about playing effectively. With the current state of gen efficiency, it is best to get one survivor out of the game quickly. You want all killers to suffer with this truly awful suggestion of yours? Well how about getting rid of being able to play Killer in the Game? We could all just play against an AI Killer…
So you signed up with an account to make demands and threats? What a great and positive way to introduce yourself and your "team". About what you said, it's ridiculous. Xeno is fine. Just use the turrets and learn to adapt your play style against Xeno. Calling for and demanding nerf with threats is really not going to work.
I hope you guys thought this through a lot because that little feature might harm the game quite a bit. Personally, i think camping is a symptom of the ever-increasing survivor power creep. Adding this feature will only make things worse. You need people who want to play both sides of the game or there is no game. For a…
Well that was fast. Now that they introduced a somewhat decent killer, people start to complain already. No, the tail attack is not too strong or OP. You just have to adapt to this new mechanic. In general, there is a lot of counterplay you can use against Alien. The killer feels very balanced right now, introducing a nerf…
I guess the best thing to do at that point as a Killer (if it is a genrush SWF with these offerings) is to do nothing. Deny them of any points through chase or any other killer interaction. Sure, they get their precious escape points, but a lot of additional points will be denied.
Maybe they will delay the release and tell us these news tomorrow. Possible explanation why there isn't a Dev blog.
I can not believe that people actually think this perk should be nerfed.
Sure, if they remove "made for this" in exchange.
What kind of response is that? No, Bullying should not be part of the game experience. Period. Or do you suggest that BHVR is condoning bullying in their game? It is just how the playbase is? Well, that is the problem! And the playerbase should be better than this. The suggested function would help to improve the game. If…
"Maybe" the "cat" in the Teaser wasnt Jonesy, but a hint what the Killer in November could be. A Flerken. 😉
I had a similar bug. Same thing happened but the survivor activated DH while i ran into her with the ability. Me and the other player got stuck unable to move or do anything.
I am glad we can put our differences behind us and thank you for the apology. Yes i can see why some of the things you mentioned are upsetting. Nurse is without a doubt the best killer in the game. And i wouldnt mind her being reworked, however it should be reasonable. Making her blink attacks special attacks would be the…
Sigh. Bringing up another killer is changing the subject. Most maps dont have structures to break line of sight? Sure....right....moving on. Your arguments are just excuses. Learn to adapt to Nurses gameplay. You just have to learn how to do it. I know how to loop and mind game as a M1 killer, i dont just play Nurse you…
Dont change the subject. I stand by what i have said. Your suggestions are plain terrible and you dont understand why they are awful, thats how it is. Sorry. You put a lot of effort into making her nonviable without taking anything else into consideration. Really? You think that your Nurse nerf "suggestions" are comparable…
Aw, adorable. Keep at it. Oh and please look at my previous post.
Survivors will use every excuse to t-bag and clicky clicky you. Nurse isnt broken. She is just fine. Maybe survivors just need to adapt? Break line of sight, make unexpected moves. But its easier to DC or to stand there and give up. Happens often when i play Nurse. Survivors dont want a challenge, they want easy peasy…
These proposed Nurse changes are just terrible. They seem to be be designed in such a way as to actively discourage people from playing her. Especially with these ridiculous blink recharge times. Where is the fun in spending lots of time looking at the floor unable to do anything? The long fatigue would be a blessing for…
I dont think that you would get a 3k against a solo group with camping. People would do gens. We already have anti camping mechanisms with basekit BT and all the others endurance perks. Combined with reassurance it will be a nightmare for killers. But maybe thats what this game needs. "If" the situation will get out of…
You have so many posts but you still dont seem to understand the problems in the game. You still didnt answer my question and it has something to do with the new perk. If you would know anything about the gameplay, especially in high mmr then you would be aware of the situation that killers face mostly swf "troops". And…
Why should camping be thoroughly punished? How about thoroughly punishing gen rushing,t-bagging, clicky clicky and general disrespect? Of course we cant have that because the forums would be flooded with survivor tears.
You shouldnt draw conclusions about how i play survivor, i rarely ever do. No you dont want to prevent griefing. You admitted that you intend to hold people hostage at the hook. Thats griefplay. Sorry.
So you admit that you want to use the perk for griefplay? Nice.
They fix her range addon and people still complain. I guess the complaints will only end when Nurse is nerfed to such a degree that even the most skilled Nurse player can be bullied and t-bagged at the exit gate. That is what the majority wants, and they will get it in the end. People dont want a challenge, they want to…
The person who posted this thread must somehow be able to transfer messages from a parallel universe or something. Nothing that person said seems valid. SoloQ is worse than ever. Its just the worst experience you can have. Honestly its bloody awful and anything but fun.
I am usually a killer main, havent tried to play one yet after the update. However i did try some survivor solo q. Oh my god, that was the worst experience i ever had in a game. It was bad before but now its just one miserable round after another. I am honestly considering streaming this. The channel of solo q misery. Just…
I find it quite amusing when people say that Killers lose because they make mistakes, not because of DH. Of course Killers make mistakes. BUT does a killer get a reward for making mistakes? No, they get punished for every mistake they make. Survivors get rewarded for making mistakes when they have DH. Gylfie described it…
I dont mind the map itself. But whats really annoying is that even without a map offering i got to play this one about 12 times in a row. That is just stupid and has to stop. And if i do use a map offering someone else is using a haddonfield offering and we mostly end up there AGAIN! Is this Dead by Haddonfield now? There…
Why is this such an issue? If they would have made a new original character people would have said "oh its just a token gay character hidden behind a paywall". I guess people are never satisfied.......
Somehow i have several views on this. As a gay person myself i think its nice that BHVR did this. Does it seem forced? Depends on how you look at it. In a simple way it does but if you think about it a little more its not. We learn more stuff about the characters over time with tomes and other content. It takes time as…
Are you sure? You make it sound so easy. Just find a survivor in 10 seconds, down them in another few and get a hook. Sometimes that does work. Most of the time it doesnt. I mean sure it does work very well if you play against people who have like 20 hours in the game but if you face veteran swf groups.....good luck.…
I do remember a dev stream where they said they would do something about it. Well whatever it is they either didnt implement it yet or its not working. The things i have seen that cheaters can do....mind boggling. Whats really frustrating is that is you play on PC and you have someone cheat on an Epic account, you cant…
No. Why would i want to indulge them? If something like this happens i ignore them, get myself something to drink or check my e-mails.