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  • Looks way better than the newborn we got in that film (A4). Big yeesh there.
  • Has it occurred to you that perhaps survivors role in this asynchronous game inherently requires these types of perks to be balanced? A bear only needs to win one chase with unlimited retry opportunities where its prey needs to win every chase.
  • Honestly, when I’m on survivor and go against a Sadako (since the update at least) my goal for the match is preventing a mori, and gens come second. If I don’t keep those priorities I end up getting mori’d and gen progress is irrelevant anyway. I could be on death hook but if I’m in a situation where I will get downed but…
  • I can’t tell if half the comments in this thread are serious or just trolling. Windows isn’t OP any more than basekit gen auras are for killers. Of all the perks I’ve seen people complain about making matches difficult for them, this one is probably the most ridiculous.
  • Do you notice any disparity between those things in survivor’s and killer’s hands? Like, of the - one’s a weapon, the other’s a flashlight variety?
  • Playing a mix of survivor and killer helps. Really, playing killer only would be optimal - bloodpoints are way easier to earn in higher quantities per match as killer.
  • Granted if the only hooks that were done were after the last gen popped that wouldn’t feel super great, but I’m pretty sure a kill during a match is a kill. Is there a reason when the kill happens is cause for concern? Is it important to not just kill the survivors but make sure they achieve the lowest score and blood…
  • The devs also designed the same loops you're now calling unfair so clearly them favoring the survivors is a fundamental part of the game's design. You also seem to be analyzing game elements in isolation when measuring which side is 'stronger'. For example, killers don't have to sit at stationary targets for minutes at a…
  • The snow machine, the long tiles, and pallets are there for the benefit of survivors not the killer. They're meant to be more useful to survivors. They're in the same category as a killer's weapon - they're a tool for one side to use against the other. Killers kill so their tool supports attacking. Survivors run so their…
  • When I'm playing survivor, depending on how the game went sometimes I'll try and motion over a killer toward the end and point at a hook so they get some points too. Especially if there were streamers or event cakes burnt. Or waiting at the gate so they can get some deviousness or brutality score events in by hitting me. I…
  • Exactly where the killer is at all times, their direction, and current actions - anyone who isn’t a psychic, yes - opaque walls can present an issue in some circumstances. Quite a few were shown in the video you posted despite it being clearly choreographed for demonstration purposes.
  • The thing is, being nasty or obnoxious doesn’t get a pass just because it’s in a game. It just means the reaction should be commiserate with what it is. Post game trash talk or complaining on a forum is hardly some huge reaction. Frustration is an emotional response. It usually doesn’t help that particular feeling to be…
  • This. Mind games aren’t how you catch a survivor, they’re a way to catch a survivor faster. If killers could loop as effectively as survivors, they would need to be nerfed to be only as fast as survivors. Otherwise kill rates would be even more lopsided in favor of killers than they already are. If there was something as…
  • BHVR said being able to see over tall obstructions or many obstructions for a considerable distance is an unfair advantage (along with revealing Ghostface over walls). You yourself mentioned they patched this out - I’m not sure what your complaint is then. Being able to see a handful of pixels worth of information every…
  • Of course I do but I also know the shack isn’t a greenhouse with transparent walls. You can’t see the killer wherever they are regardless of their position. There are some small holes, yes, but that’s hardly an unobstructed 360 view of the entire shack perimeter.
  • No, I just think those tiles are meant to be used to extend chases not shorten them. They don’t prevent the killer from getting a down and don’t eliminate the ability to mind game - they just favor the survivor. There removed all the infinite loops in DBD so if you want a survivor dead, it’s only a mater of how much time…
  • They’ve been stuck playing in solo a matches for a few weeks straight now. I doubt they even remember what Ok feels like.
  • So what would your ideal environment be? 2 possible routes? So now the killer has a 50/50 chance of guessing their way to a down in the next 3 seconds. You also suggest reducing the number of jungle gyms. Ok, so now if they guess wrong they are punished by waiting 10 seconds for a down instead of 3. The horror. Exactly how…
  • Survivors don’t like Skull Merchants or to a lesser degree Knights because their powers are frequently used to create boring battles of attrition. Before the regression nerfs, they could literally guarantee no generator could be completed in a 3 gen setup unless they went AFK or something. It has nothing to do with whether…
  • The whole point of the 3rd person camera is to be part of the survivor’s toolset. Heightened environmental awareness is beneficial when you can only run. Until survivors have weapons and killers have health states, the game needs to have mechanics and map designs that support survivors having more options than just going…
  • Another perspective is that the video shows him making the choice to try riskier gambits in pursuit of a 4K instead of settling for not killing all the survivors. He’s also probably not playing against players indicative of the general play styles and skill levels for a majority of the player base. 4Ks are the highest win…
  • Consider the collected data from a situation where one player notices a bug that provides them a benefit, reports it, and no one ever uses it again on the PTB. Sure, the bug might be an unfair advantage but the data says it didn’t actually impact that many matches. Now the fix is moved down the priority list, maybe to a…
  • The new system just tells you if any action was taken against someone who you reported. There’s no difference to whether someone CAN report someone. I usually just switch to slugging when I want to make a point against a bully squad. No Mither isn’t going to get gens done.
  • I think the problem is a survivor needs a way to realistically get away from a killer that spots them. You mentioned shack pallet but pallets are one time use if the killer decides to break it. Breaking it lets the survivor build a lot of distance, sure, but that’s a one time event and it’s kind of the point of pallets. If…
  • Hope and Adrenaline don’t give you endurance for the duration of the match which would be the closest analog to NOED on the survivor side. NOED would simply be too strong if it was unable to be deactivated. Post exit-gate power on, hook rescues would never be the smart play.
    in NOED Comment by MDRSan August 2023
  • I had no idea that stopped the long screams. Usually I just run away, hoping to mitigate some of the shrill noise with distance. Sure it’s frequently BM but meh. Usually if I’m on the hook I just think ‘ooo, somebody’s angy’. I’m not sure how it would even be able to be changed. A killer can swing their weapon at anything…
  • The tail attack really isn’t that big of a deal - If you aren’t standing right on the other side of a pallet or window, you aren’t getting hit by it.
  • What can add to the frustration is what progress toward the objective feels like. Progress toward the objective for a survivor doesn’t change anything about the killer’s gameplay. They can still do whatever they were going to do in the first place. Progress for a killer means another player is dead and kicked from the…
  • What do you think is unbalanced about it in its current state specifically?
  • Windows of Opportunity is a big deal now? Seriously? It’s just a highlighter of pallets and things you can vault around you. It conveys some benefit sure, but it’s really not helpful most of the time and just ‘handy’ levels of useful in cases where it does provide value. If you want to compare apples to apples, Lethal…
  • Seriousness aside, when I first read about the turrets and hadn’t yet played and tested them on the PTB I did have a moment of - ‘Aha! So you want to 3 gen, skull merchant? Well who’s 3 genning now, huh? How’s it feel? HOW’S IT FEEL?!?’ Lol.
  • Called it! Love the mori!
  • There’s not enough endurance in a match to body block a Xeno from damaging turrets indefinitely. The longest that this could possibly happen without getting into really niche, only theoretical situations (not that this situation is even likely) is 4 turrets close together, each body blocked once by each survivor. In that…
  • I think the number of times I've accidently found someone in a locker playing huntress when I'm just trying to reload outnumbers the times I've been actually looking for someone at this point.
  • I literally just found out Victor can search lockers in a match the other day. The ones I was checking didn't have anyone in them and I'm not really sure what happens if someone is in one. The visual was kind of funny - like a kid standing on tippy toes to reach something (though I only saw it through Victor's POV…
  • I'm not a fan of the effect - it's very disorienting. I don't usually get uncomfortable with any visuals in games but this effect, for whatever reason, makes it hard to look at the screen. I didn't even realize what it looked like until recently from the survivor's POV and now I feel bad for pelting survivors in the past…
  • If only killers that run at reduced speeds had some reason they moved slower - like, I don't know, some sort of ranged attack or blink ability that makes movement speed less of an issue in the first place?
  • Probably because games shouldn't be balanced based off complaining on forums without also seeing if actual games frequently play out the way some are claiming.
  • As a survivor, I find I still rescue/heal/etc. bots as they're still an asset to the team but my level of altruism is definitely lower. I won't take risks I might take if it was an actual player. As a killer, they're literally the one time I give myself a pass to tunnel if they don't get away fast enough after being…
  • At the start of the match sure but you quickly start running into TVs being turned off due to someone else putting a tape in or Onryo teleporting to it. If she spreads out the hits which destroy the carried tapes it can be difficult to keep up with making sure everyone has tapes while making any real gen progress.
  • I've always imagined xenos were more cat people and predators were dog people.