That Spirit is consistently plagued with audio bugs and footsteps aren’t audible on certain floors and 90% of Eyrie. I also despise how her husk yells at you when you’re trying to use your power. Also something not well known is that if you play at max FOV then you put yourself at a disadvantage because FOV pushes your…
I like voice lines on the killers that have them but I really don’t care about the survivor voice lines. I wish there was an option to turn them off especially if they go back and add voice lines to older characters. Context is key because I couldn’t imagine someone like Wesker or Chucky without voice lines because it adds…
So why does that make Nurse a big problem if most of the playerbase cannot play her? I do agree that she is overkill to us players who can play her well and have 5000+ hours in the game. But so is Blight. So is Billy. So is Spirit. All of these S tier killers crush pub matches. Blight, Billy, and Spirit are going to…
Like it or not, Nurse has her dedicated players and she’s an iconic figure in DBD. We’re so far into DBD’s life cycle that’s it’s like a “why bother” situation. Whenever I face a Nurse and she destroys my team I’m just like “just another Nurse match. Classic” and I go next. She’s been here for almost a decade so I just…
She easily the most difficult killer to get into and learn to play because you’re playing an entirely different game that ties directly to muscle memory. Most players will not stick to Nurse because of her steep learning curve. Your skill as every other killer doesn’t transfer to Nurse. Now if you do stick to her and learn…
She’s a product of 2016 DBD and was the answer to infinites in the game at the time. She’s been grandmothered in so they aren’t gonna spend resources changing a free killer that’s entire power would have to be reworked because there’s no money to be made that way. She is hard to pick up and play and most casual people will…
I can see them reverting his turn rate, making his missed chainsaw cooldown slightly more punishing, putting Overdrive on a slightly longer cooldown, and removing Lopro. He doesn’t need major changes, but he is a bit overtuned at the moment.
They’re probably not changing SM that much other than number changes and band-aid fixes to make her more tolerable until she gets a bigger update next year. It’s listed under “tweaks” and not “update” or “rework”. I’m most excited for Plague, not for any kind of changes but for the possibility of her finally getting her…
I mean not like Nemesis/Demo loud but her footsteps are definitely very audible. She has giant combat boots on and I can hear her well enough to not get grabbed off of a gen. Of course she’s still gonna sneak up on you and get close but she has some sort of audible cue with her giant combat boots. But I’ve always been very…
I don’t feel like SM is anymore stealthy than any of the other undetectable killers. Wraith, Sadako, and Myers I’ll give you because they either have really audible cues with their breathing or ambient noise. However if Sadako is just undetectable without being de-manifested then she is easily one of the stealthiest…
Artist Go to loop, she sets down the crow, you must leave or die, find another loop, you get hit in the process of running to another area, rinse and repeat. Her gameplay is so monotonous. Zoning characters are some of my least favorite. I find the mind game potential with jungle gyms and other structures to be really…
I started playing the game on March 27th, 2018 (I remember because that’s Mariah Carey’s birthday and she’s my favorite singer) and that period from when I started playing all the way to Legion’s release, I look back super fondly on. I was new to the game, first chapter release I was apart of was Clown and his menu music…
I’m like the #1 advocate for “Spirit is still a strong killer”. I’ve mained her since her release back in 2018 and I’ve been P100 with her for a year. She’s my golden child for killers, I love her. But she’s nowhere near as stupid as she once was. Her old busted add-ons (MDR, Prayer Beads, green speed and duration, purple…
Ever since the removal of hug tech and his add-ons being reworked, Blight isn’t as stupidly oppressive as he used to be and is closer in strength with Spirit and Billy than he is Nurse. Nurse is truly the only S tier killer. Sure you could consider Spirit and Blight S tier but they aren’t as busted as they used to be and…
Sadako gets changed every three months so please give people slack who don’t currently know whether it’s Sadako 3.0 or Sakado 17.0. Most players are casual and don’t check patch notes. I’m a 7200 hour player and even I had a brain fart moment against Sadako. I was like “why tf am I getting stacks when she didn’t teleport…
I just had a three minute match as Nurse on Saloon like two days ago.
Saying “GG” is not toxic but there are instances where it’s probably not smart to say it. Let’s say the killer was Pig on Garden of Joy and they got two hooks. That was definitely not a “gg” in their eyes. Or if you completely smash a team at five gens as Nurse. They probably don’t see that as a “gg”. Saying “gg” is good…
I see what you’re views on moris are but I feel as though a lot of people have a bad stigma over moris due to what they used to be with the one hook moris and even back in 2016 when you could be moried on your first down. People usually used moris if they reaaaaaallly wanted to win and it was considered “toxic”. Nowadays…
It’s not necessarily the fault of Distortion. The perk is fine and it doesn’t need any changes, it’s the playstyle people use. Stealth is a viable option in certain situations, but often times it is at the expense of their teammates. Let’s say there is Kate, Meg, Ada, and Feng. If Ada and Kate have Distortion and are both…
Yes. It’s boring. Who wants to play against four AI? I don’t see the purpose behind the reasoning of “It doesn’t happen often so why should they implement it?” So what if it doesn’t happen often? It can still happen. Why do you want the killer to sit there and play against bots? How does it affect you if they end the match…
My food takes priority over pixels on a screen. I will gladly AFK or leave the lobby if my food comes.
Thank you for the fix. I appreciate that. I still dislike that map even when I’m someone like Wraith 😭
I will dodge if… • I forgot to select a tome challenge • My ping is bad • An emergency happens • My food came • I’m facing a group of survivors I faced in the match before (mainly because I know they probably don’t wanna face the same killer) • I see my friends (facing my friends makes me anxious and I don’t like to be…
You just have to keep losing to become better. With higher skill ceiling killers like Billy, you cannot expect to go into matches and do well or win against competent players if you don’t have the experience behind playing him. You’re not playing a simple killer like Wraith, he’s hard to learn and get the hang of. And…
Doesn’t surprise me because Nurse and Spirit have both received changes over the past few years and Blight is right up there in terms of strength so this is not shocking. I do expect the changes to be similar how they changed Nurse/Spirit where there are slight base-kit changes and probably more add-on changes. I still…
So is she not supposed to have some sort of a tool to deal with loops and catch survivors and some point in time during chase? Are you supposed to loop her for the entire game? And 60% of the killer roster cannot be conventionally looped. You hold W against Clown, Pyramid Head, Artist, so why are people so feral over SM…
The difference between old Legion and SM is that Legion was 100% guaranteed a three hit down with Frank’s Mix Tape with zero input from the survivor. All Legion did was stab, stab, fatigue, wait 10 seconds, the stab again and down. And there was zero counterplay because Legion could vault pallets and windows and could…
I feel as though people have a lot of anger toward her because of what she used to be. If SM were released at launch as what she is now, she wouldn’t be as hated. Same reason I still hate Legion and always will is because of old 2018 Frank’s Mix Tape Legion. Some people will hold on to what they used to be and still…
This is true but more than any other killer in the game, she completely walls a whole category of perks. Perks like We’ll Make It, Botany, Inner Strength, etc are negated. She was the one killer who laughed in the face of old COH and when she sees four med kits it’s just like “meh, I don’t care”. Even if she does injure…
So would Plague be a flawed design as well since she completely negates the use of med-kits?
There’s no reason to fully rework Spirit unless it was to add more clarity to her audio. As in the while the Spirit is phasing; it would give the same lullaby visual heartbeat you get with Huntress, an actual animation that indicates to the player “Hey, she just started phasing”, and more clear audio on her location while…
I’ve been a Spirit main ever since her release and the #1 thing that throws me off is when people are unpredictable and make plays that make no sense. If you double back against a good Spirit that just results in death and camping pallets is not a smart play but if you run around while she’s phasing and do random…
He has super problematic add-ons and that’s really all that needs to be changed. I don’t think he’ll get the Billy treatment per say but I can see them adding in a few small changes to his base kit like not recovering tokens during his fatigue or pallet breaking animations, making token recovery taken slightly longer, etc……
Various reasons… • The game is unique and no other games plays like it and the core chase mechanics is fun. • Playing with friends keeps me entertained. This is probably the prime reason why I still play • The amount of money I’ve spent on the game is in the thousands so there is a lot of grind and investment. So much so…
It wasn’t in the patch notes that they gave her new animations so I’m assuming it’s a bug. Plus with her view model being completely out of whack and being able to see her shoulders and most of the length of her arms while phase walking, it’s probably a glitch. There is also another glitch when playing against Spirit that…
Legion followed closely by Spirit. I enjoy most unique chase musics though
Even though both of the Red Forest realms have the exact same layout as before, I get confused and lost on the map because it looks so different and I don’t know my way around. One time I was looping the outskirts of the map because I didn’t know where I was and I thought I was near a jungle gym. Did they add more props to…
You definitely have to find a sweet spot. I have my volume at 70% and a lot of times in chase you need higher volume in order to hear certain survivors and footsteps. Then other actions like kicking pallets or kicking generators or when the chase music kicks in for certain killers, it will start to deafen you and you have…
Slinger didn’t even get nerfed into an oblivion like people say he did. His 1v1 was way too oppressive because he could M2 you before you were able to react. The human brain is not physically capable not had the reaction time to make a play against Slinger’s insta-scope. Slinger is a fine killer. Billy I can’t defend. His…
I don’t have many grievances with Wesker. I think it’s extremely boring to face him over and over again because soooo many people play him and it’s overexposure of seeing him like 57 times a night that make me roll my eyes when I have to see him for the 58th time. Only two things are that it is way too easy to tunnel and I…
Survivor has been generally very unfun with the way most killers play. Only thing that makes it bearable is playing with friends and suffering with them. Killer has been the easiest it’s ever been. It’s been quite boring most of the time just winning 80% of matches.
Oop. I’m bad at interpreting things. Forgive my idiocy 😭
I never “defended” the bug. Unfun to face has no correlation to whether or not a killer should be kill switched. It’s an audio bug, not a game breaking bug. It’s a bug that definitely needs to be fixed but it’s not necessary to completely kill switch her because this is not a game breaking bad. Just the fact that you said…
Guys just relax. The next update is in a week and I’m sure it’ll be fixed then if this audio bug is causing this much of a stir.
I play very poorly without Shadowborn. Unlike others, I don’t get headaches if I don’t use Shadowborn. However, the game feels sluggish and slow, and I play poorly because I swing from further away due to muscle memory tied to that perk. The only two killers that I don’t use Shadowborn on is Oni and Myers because Monitor…
I never have and I never will believe that Blight’s kit is perfectly balanced. He’s way too oppressive of a killer. Good Blight players steam roll most people. It’s just like Nurse but to lesser degree. I just don’t believe that S tier killers are balanced around most of the playerbase. Around a stacked 4 SWF? Sure. That’s…
The game should be balanced around casuals, not a good four man SWF. The game would quite literally die if all killers were Blight/Spirit level because casuals wouldn’t wanna play and all that would be left is really good players who try super hard. It’s okay to have killers who are very good in against a four man, but…
This is 100% accurate. Most killers will do good on Coal Tower. Only map traversal killers will do decent on a large map like Mother’s Dwelling if the survivors split gens. Huntress sucks on Gideon but Nemesis does pretty well. RNG is a big aspect in “is the balanced or not”?
Oni and Plague are the only two I can think of. Wesker would be if he couldn't suck you back over a vault with his bound after you already vaulted and wasn’t brain dead to tunnel with due to the hindred effect of his power. Anyone who says Spirit and Blight are coping pretty hard. I’m a Spirit main but MDR/Amulet and…
Survivor: Boil Over. It’s not really a good perk per say but it’s extremely annoying to face and a lot of people like to burn maps with insanely good map buildings that you HAVE to drop from a two story height and continuously run up to the top floor. I just hate this perk. Killer: Uh…nothing bothers me too much since…