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  • I'm so interested on proof about that being the case.
  • @tester Why buff and nerf patches happen if the game is "perfectly balanced"?
  • A balanced map pool/design for high MMR.
  • I understand that you can think that Tunnelers and Campers are less skillfull players, but those strategies involve the most skillfull plays by survivors to get solved too. Camping and Tunneling can lead to many memorable moments. But think about it this way. They are game features that get "labeled" by it's community,…
  • @justbecause Ur making no sense it's u who choosed to do that and don't blame anyone else for ur own suckage at the game... Is about choice, right? Well the first one is to keep playing the game, which exposes you and everyone else to features that might make own experience unpleasant. Again: How you determined that would…
  • @justbecause Nothing fair about tunneling and camping at least not for person on receiving end I'll rather play the game and lose than play starring contest... One more time. How you determined that it's unfair if the person on the "receiving end" has choosed to expose himself to the intended game design?
  • @justbecause How is not fair? Killer is as exposed to factors that they may dislike as survivor is...
  • @scenekidtrash I don't want to hear from people who think they are genuinely doing nothing wrong. How you determined that they are doing something wrong or that it would be better if everyone adopted a different subset of morals and rules than the ones that already exist? Ever single player accepted to play the game under…
  • Obviously if you advocate for a singular definition of fun you are not going to understand others... In fact if a player is playing however he wants while not giving negative connotation to others playstyles or choices is probably less toxic than you.
  • You can definetly see the game as is, as a set of possibilities. People use the term unbalanced or unfair to describe the amount of advantage or luck that you can have over your opponents for no "merital" reasons. Finding a key being an example.
  • So here is the tricky part, how a competitive person can have fun while being constantly denied of displaying competence? But all players have something in common. We all have the choice of leaving the game if it doesn't fit what we looking for, yet here we are.
  • The MMR could be deeper, what if it has a factor where it is taking data from the rank 1 playerbase and add it with your individual skill factor? Plague has a rank 1 playerbase skill average factor of 500. So if you MMR is 1000 it adds the playerbase factor = 1500. Blight has a rank 1 playerbase skill average factor of…
  • The video shows it a bit earlier, at 3:12...
  • Not banning or kicking them, just sending match data reports to devs so they can act accordingly. If there are 100 reports of different players going beyond the intended speed on School, then the School might have a problem. If there are 50 reports where Bob escapes in less than 3 minutes, well... Bob is suspicious.
  • Long ago, might find the quote if necessary, i read about how players always strive to find the paths of least resistance. Essentially if a game has the paths of least resistance to be unfun, it's bad design. Unfortunately it applies to Gen-Rushing, Tunneling, Camping... as most of the time these strategies block/deny the…
  • DBD was never designed with having a "positive experience" in mind unless players are wiling to. It's all about the constant features that counter or block the possibility of the opposite role to show competence. If you accept an advice, don't leave the game at once. It might not work as you probably have the habit by now,…
  • So interesting that all bringed issues have to do with efficency.
  • Sometimes a 2-2 in a big open map as Doctor, Myers... can feel rewarding. What i mean is that is not necessarily about the "result" but about the context of the match. The Map + Killer, Gens disposition, Survivor items... all can contribute to how the experience ends feeling. My theory is that the game would improve if at…
  • It's about the need of a better definition of how a skilled player should look like at this point. The skill tracker system part. One weird example of this is when someone get's "tunneled or focused" but still manages to loop the killer for lots of time. The end match points are going to reflect that the survivor did not…
  • Normally it's nostalgia triggered from plain and simple preference for the older style. In fact you can trigger that nostalgic feel with games, that you never played, that share graphical similiarities with the ones you love/d. It's like magic. Yet take a look: Old vs New Graphics - FPS comparison | What's the difference?…
  • All players' fun have equal value, as long as they play as intended. We all choose to play, to be exposed to posibilities that we might enjoy or not due to the design. Any player that wants a more adapted experience you should start thinking about either changing the game or become a game developer, attributing negative…
  • @TacitusKilgore To me the game is more frustrating due to two things: The pacing at which your objectives or strategies are often countered or denied. The importance that every mistake can have, on the outcome of a match, when facing competent players and some RNG unluckness. @TragicSolitude His analysis also made me a…
  • The problem is already in the premise, you can't come with unbiased rules on top of the ones who are in the right to do so. To put it short, all players are equally responsible of being exposed to features that they might find toxic. From there wanting to influence other's behaviour can only be done for the sake of…
  • Don't bother, it's always the same. Every single player is responsible of being exposed to the game features. From there it's all people wanting to influence others for selfish reasons.
    in Muh Fun Comment by NaigEtarip July 2021
  • This posts always end with the same sort of arguments. Every single player is responsible of being exposed to the game features, Tunneling is an intended game feature: How you take a game feature is on you If you take a game possiblity as waste of time the problem is on you, seriously is your entertainment time why the…
  • Just answered on another post practically the same. The self made rules of players are often, if not always, biased. If survivors are unwiling to exert more skill to solve, or annoyed for being exposed to, those strategies why the killer should play otherwise?
  • Interestingly those strategies are the ones that require more skill from survivors to be solved. So why would a Killer need to choose a more skillfull playstyle when the opposite side is equally annoyed by having to?
  • I'm enjoying the map a lot as Doctor.
    in Why? Comment by NaigEtarip July 2021
  • It's a problem but depends on map + killer combo. Many reworked maps have structures that makes lose line of sight, if by "luck" the survivor decides to go away and the killer hesitates for a mind game the won time and distance by the survivor can be really strong. But i don't know how that could be fixed at all.
  • The term is inmensely broad, but this definition: Consistent with rules, logic or ethics. The answer would probably yes as the authority of the environment are the devs. Any player that follows intended design is then playing fair. Problem comes on other definitions like:…
  • As it has been stated, no player can have the knowledge / resources / rights to attribute negative connotation on an intended game feature with logical basis. So it's on you to allow other's opinions to influence your playstyle.
  • People seem to attribute negative connotations to intended behaviour a lot. The point is, i have yet to see a logical reason that supports that negative connotation. That assumption or claim that certain intended behaviour is bad. They will bring how they feel, how you might make others feel, hypotetical cases... Leave the…
  • It was never necessarily about Camping... but about any possibility there is for all players due to the intended design. Anyways i end our discussion here, have been enough respectful by repeating myself many times by now.
  • Oh, it would be changed, would it? This is the important point, that's my hypotesis. It holds no logical basis as i don't work in the company that leads the game. I could be right but i also could be wrong. Like they actually attempted before, but reverted because the solution had its own problems? Right, so do you think…
  • Cause a feature of a game being overused / underused might not be intended? I also can guess that if it was "bad" for the game it wouldn't be discouraged but prevented or changed. Don't you think?
  • I'm here so you realize that there's no logic on giving negative connotation to player intended behaviour. Camping is blocking movement input, deleting gameplay is another negative connotation you want to give it. There are many possibilities of what could have lead to camping, what happens while and after. How are you…
  • This is a similar message of why i started discussing here. Please read the conversation i had with Firellius and tell me if you can reach a logical conclusion on why a player should not choose to act on intended behaviour.
  • I asked for proof on the assumptions that your opinion holds. Not on the emotions... Do you acknowledge that there is no logical reason to conclude that the game would improve if player's did not tunnel, camp, slug...?
  • @Firellius No, you don't have an argument, because your argument is 'no one can judge whether something is good or bad'. Please read what you write, you are not only contradicting yourself on the first phrase but attributing words that i never said. You are trying to approach game design like it's an exact science like…
  • Games die to exploit abuse and hackers all the time. Now, those are, of course, outside of the game's actual mechanisms, but it still demonstrates that players can have a negative impact on any game environment if they so choose. There's a reason why i bringed intended design. All players have agreed to play under same…
  • @Firellius If the game dies is not the player's fault. In fact there's no fault, no right or wrong in players who choose to act on a set of possibilites. Which is the intended game design. Otherwhise you are limiting the playerbase that enjoys doing or facing those strategies, designer/s' freedom, probably contributing to…
  • An unbalanced outcome of a competition is a possibility, there's no fault. No right or wrong. Players have agreed to play the same design, same set of possibilities, so they are equally responsible of being exposed to emotional triggering factors as the others, atleast as long as the intended design is followed by. (No…
  • In my opinion you can't balance DBD as long as there's no better way of tracking competency. Ideally, the matches to take statistics from would have all players as equally competent as possible. This should filter imbalances related to play time.
  • Notice this: "the only way to display competence". This is not the first time it happens, you seem to conclude that my implications are either Black or White, why? I'm not implying that Reparing a generator it's not showing any competence at all, i'm implying that it is displaying less competence that someone who makes…
  • That is why i bringed the perception issue, she might not know who repaired more at all.
  • This is probably about perception of competence. Was the outcome of the match negative for survivors? Nancy cannot know all of what you did in the match, but to her "available information" you were the most probable of have displayed less competence due to; 0 hooks on later stages of the match, the perk that often means a…
  • No. It changes players strategies to "give up" without being punished. That is doing something, no? Notice how you, one more time, bring "doesn't actually change anything" implying that it does nothing. I mean we can keep going but as long as your mind brings that the implication is that it does nothing it kind of makes no…
  • You are trying to return to what you understood the first time. The implication that it does nothing. You got it right the second time, it will make criminals adjust their strategies. Which is what happens on the world or has criminality dissapeared?
  • That implication is different than saying that it does nothing.
  • Sorry, who said it was not doing anything?