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  • The issue is, people would abuse this to make it easier to find players in a game that relies pretty heavily on sound; people abused the same thing in Fortnite as it had a deaf setting that made it able to hear footsteps' direction significantly further away.
  • There's a reason it's a meta perk. Just because you fight bad survivors that don't know how to use it doesn't mean it's not meta or broken.
  • No, it isn't. The atmosphere of the games are also great, considering it is also made by a single dev. Have you even played them, or are you just part of the "popular = bad" hate train who knows nothing of it? A loud noise doesn't scare you, an atmosphere tensing you up that leads into a loud noise is what does.
  • Bitter murmur is like already a top tier perk, why do we need to buff it? We should be buffing garbage tier base killer perks (like monstrous shrine or something) so that new players have a good selection of non-teachables
  • this effect could possibly work since we now know AI zombies are a thing, and I like the attention to detail of them not moving while looking at them as the original fnaf had a similar effect on the camera systems. I have no idea if DBD devs would be willing to do a fnaf crossover, but this genuinely seems like a good idea…
  • I haven't really seen BBQ be complained about in a while... most survivors tend to prefer it, it is kind of an anti-camping perk as you see survivors far away from the hook
  • Just don't heal. Then he becomes one of the worst killers in the entire game. I still don't get how people complain about terrible killers. It's weird. Can't I just enjoy my low tier in peace?
  • Yes, seriously, he is just a weaker executioner right now. Requires 3 hits and doesn't go through walls.
  • Your account is that old and you genuinely believe this? If you're not trolling, then I really don't think you belong in this community. You're just actively hurting one side of the community because you act as if this is a one-sided game, and of course it's your side.
  • Hahaha, ######### no. These suggestions are actual trolls. Please realize that this game has 2 sides, not only survivor with an AI killer. So ignorant, even as a survivor main this is so dumb. Especially "killer-sided". Anyone who has played for more than a month know killers are significantly weaker. Weak bait, 2/10
  • I'm fine they gave us 300k bloodpoints ontop of the 200k bloodpoints from the new tutorial, I'd much rather have that then nothing. As they don't have to give you anything at all, and instead they give you a decent amount of the only currency that means anything in the game.
  • I wish they'd do as Siege did where they spend an entire DLC cycle simply fixing in the game - I think it was called Operation Health or something in Siege? It was something I'd never seen a game really do before, purposely skip a normal DLC cycle, probably losing a lot of money, because they admitted the game was too…
  • Well, it's because of licensing. the "Ghost Face" in lore isn't actually the same character from his original media, but simply an OC who wore the ghost face costume. For Myers, that's also because none of the killers use their actual name as their title (i.e. the trapper isn't called Evan)
    in Name change Comment by Nyx32 June 2021
  • wrong yet again, I really wish you would look into ANYTHING about the lgbt+ community before trying to make a bait post about it. your baiting is ######### terrible man. you could at least try to put in some effort. again, LGBT+ supports every sexuality, including heterosexuality. that's literally what the + means in the…
    in Why not…? Comment by Nyx32 June 2021
  • Yeah I get it, I just think since it's pride month we should focus on what that month represents y'know? Most games actually have an icon system with every big country's flag, but I don't know how long it'd take them to make that many charms.
    in Why not…? Comment by Nyx32 June 2021
  • The LGBT flag includes heterosexual as it includes every sexuality... the heterosexual flag itself is more so used to insult the LGBT community, while actual heterosexuality is supported by nature in the LGBT flag and "but the LGBT flag doesn't have black or white"... wanna know why? Because it's a rainbow. Rainbows don't…
    in Why not…? Comment by Nyx32 June 2021
  • a new forum account just to make a troll post to make LGBT people angry... perfect lol. LBGT includes all sexualities, and just because white/black isn't there doesn't mean anything, it's because it's a RAINBOW. Natural rainbows do not have white or black in it, and that's literally just science. Find me a natural rainbow…
    in Why not…? Comment by Nyx32 June 2021
  • well it's like... the strongest part of his power. his tentacle strike is just a significantly worse huntress power, obviously much less range and requires 3 hits as it has to contaminate you first
  • Um... no. He requires 3 hits to hit you through obstacles as he has to contaminate you first, while huntress can do it in 2 and from range (unlike Nemesis who is fairly short range). Nemesis is one of the most balanced killer releases we've had in a while, and probably will be a very average killer in the long run. (Which…
  • Wait for someone to be like "um akshually decisive should be able to used 3 times to discourage tunneling, and killers should get punished for being anywhere near the hook" I'm glad to see an actual positive post though, I agree with all of this and feel this is one of the most healthy chapter releases they've ever had in…
  • why discourage slugging? it's like the twin's main strategy and it's not like it's something "annoying" for the survivors like tunneling/camping.
  • on mobile I'm pretty sure you can play as any killer/survivor so they can obviously do it
  • Yes, I would be happy even from a small change... just anything to show that they acknowledge it really. BTW, make sure to login into DBD to get 300k BP, then complete the new tutorials to get another 200k BP. like 20 minutes of work for half a million BP right now :D got my nurse from like 12 to 31
  • This is the most one-sided and biased post I think I have ever seen... this is such a joke. I don't even need to explain why this is so wrong in every way. As someone who's played both sides, this would be so terrible...
  • because having multiple anti-tunnel perks would punish the killer for a way they are playing the game - we already have one strong one, that should be enough, as tunneling normally makes a killer lose the game anyways
  • because it's meant to be a skill check, I can hit it at 30 fps as a killer main
  • It isn't that hard to hit
  • I used to play at 60 fps on high, now I literally cannot run that on low so I am forced to cap at 30 fps if I want a playable experience.
  • face camping is effectively a loss for the killer, as if they ACTUALLY face camp then basically all other gens will be done and they would have lost. and in this game, getting a single kill as a killer with very little blood points is nowhere near a win at all.
  • why does it not make sense? it's not as if they are exhaustion perks were they are super helpful, tell me that someone running 4 aura perks will do better than a killer with 1 aura perk, pop, corrupt intervention, and any other perk that fits that specific killer
  • I haven't been to red ranks in a while, but after coming back to killer after months of quitting DBD (right now rank 13) for some reason the purple ranks (normally around 8 or so) are SIGNIFICANTLY worse than yellow ranks, being on par or even worse than brown ranks, and even some early red ranks are just hot garbage. It's…
  • Yeah idk, I don't think any killers need nerfs before spirit and nurse - not saying they need nerfs, but right now they are objectively way better than even the killers directly behind them, so if anyone DOES get addressed it should probably be them
  • Really? That's weird to see then. Nurse is basically Blight except you go through every object... I guess it's okay for Nurse to be super strong but not other top tiers?
  • Playing around 15 games of killer (rank 15 rn), I only fought red ranks. ONLY. Every game. I had to quit playing after those games because I got too pissed off. And obviously, like a player in any video game ever, I'd prefer to have a fair matchmaking system that challenges me but isn't impossible to win.
  • wait until this person finds out about nurse, similar mobility to blight except literally goes through every object lol
  • it's very meh right now... very situational but damn does it feel good to use on like a tractor loop cuz they didn't hear the sound effect of it going off
  • you're joking, right? I'd much rather have a game where my bloodpoints are spent on items/offerings/cosmetics than perks that are nearly required to win
  • When I see "luck is in Killer's favor' I can't take you seriously. Even a survivor main has to know how easily killers are ######### by random chance. Even certain maps basically mean "your chances of winning are none unless the survivors have an afk"
  • I think he's a fun killer to play as and against, he has obvious and fair counterplay yet is decently strong with his hit and run playstyle where he can often get "free" hits but can't follow up well on them. He isn't too strong nor does he feel unfair to fight against, yet he still feels viable.
  • I'm sure someone will complain that Legion could be viable
  • The only time I remember DCing is when I was already pissed off and got directly facecamped, this game sometimes feels like you need to DC but a lot of red rank survivors and even killers are really sad and can't handle losing
  • I agree with all of that. Thanks for the great read :)
  • I agree, I feel like you described it well. Plague fits "Darkly beautiful" really well honestly... it's kinda sad when you see that she probably used to look beautiful yet she is decomposed
  • yeah it sucks, idk why it feels like everyone else is awesome with this mmr but I'm getting only red ranks for like over 15 games no matter which killer I play
  • I can't take a post seriously when they immediately insult half the player base for no reason, and act as if only killers can make a game unfun for the other side.
  • so why, when I play a new killer as a rank 15 killer, do I fight 8 games in a row of only red ranks? this mmr ######### sucks
  • if they do then I'm leaving this game. as a rank 15 killer, I have only fought a full team of red ranks in around 15 games. not a single other color. and as a rank 18 survivor, I have only fought red rank killers. so... no. I will not play this game if they think this is fun.
  • always boop the snoot, and yeah at brown ranks killer lobbies (especially 18-20) will legit take around 20 minutes.
  • That's because calm spirit isn't made to counter one killer. I never said it was good, I just said it wasn't a good idea.
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