I wouldn't say it should work for both sides, personally. Mending? Absolutely. Being healed? I wouldn't say to go that far, could lead to a lot of near instant heals that are dead silent, like top 1% medkit loadouts, Leader, boons, ect. Maybe the groans would be silenced, but not the bandages? Either way, Bite the Bullet…
Completely fair. I've lost count of the matches I've done pre anniversary where I'll get 15-20k (because I admitably suck, or I'll play survivor and get the same amount) and get halfway through a BW between each match because I want items that actually matter. Now it's about double or triple, so it isn't horrible...for…
Dude, you left the game to a point where you were banned for 22 hours? ...Is there a point to this post?
Of course it's OP. That's why it's a red add on. Watch some DBZA and learn how to dodge.
I can barely understand you, learn some grammar. I'm not a dev, but what does that matter? There's barely any reason to add Sidney and get into licensing. She has nowhere near the fan desire as things like Silent Hill, Stranger Things, and so on. How can you assume I only play one side based off an opinion of a survivor…
don't. Joking aside, GF is a tough one to get to work on some maps. If you're indoors aside from the school, you're good to go with your corner peeks. Just try not to rush people if you have a good place to stalk, but also know when it's a good time to just hit them with a stealth stab. As already said by someone else, try…
I'm not the best Nurse, but I can definitely play her averagly. If being on PS4 is an issue, then that sucks. If it's not a problem, try sending a request to Some_Dude64#3f53. Hopefully I'll be at least somewhat of a challenge.
So, you're asking for survivors to be able to just see all totems for free. No map required. Takes the fun and fairness out of finding them. Let's turn this around. Imagine if killers had a perk that showed arrows on where to go instead of scratches. Takes the fun and fairness out of finding the sneaky peeps. Point being,…
My bad, I'll admit I got that wrong.
First, they shouldn't exist to begin with. I'm not saying it's common, I'm saying there should be at least a band aid penalty to keep them from doing it rapidly with little to no punishment. Second, AFKing and suiciding at least gives the killer some points. DCing makes sure a killer can't even safety pip at times. It did…
Because all I got to do was find a survivor, hit them, and break a pallet. Then a couple of BP's for the DC's. Survivor gets thousands for their teammates DCing, then finds the hatch.
Fair enough, that's just how I see it is all. In my personal experience, along with everyone else I've played with, it was their WiFi that messed up. I shouldn't have assumed. Still, I doubt a server will mess up more than once, maybe twice. Penalties shouldn't be stacking too high for those who get messed up by the…
Yeah, all three at once with no reasoning. Not even a minute into the match, one of them spammed a flashlight. I'm positive it was on purpose.
Good point. I just want something to prevent survivors from being screwed over (unless it's a manipulated SWF move like I encountered,) and killers to be able to enjoy their won chases. At the very least let matches with DCs be unable to affect rank in terms of things like sacrifices and saves. Meanwhile, leave things like…
True. Still, I remember the DC penalties being removed nearly a day after a Twitch streamer got banned for an absurd amount of time after a normal match, which he then contacted Behavior about the problem. I assumed that was the main reason. There are reasons to DC, and sometimes people shouldn't be banned for a faulty…
True. Still, both, or either of those would be great to make sure people can't abuse systems, and pick on others because they have nothing better to do. It sucks people have to find every possible way to pick on others to get a sense of happiness.
Same happened. Play 10-20 matches with PH, and I get brain dead survivors that let me get five Devour stacks. I then decide to try out Nurse for the first time, and immediately get matched with tryhards with the DH smol pp build.
Hell if I know. Playing dozens of matches with Hag doesn't do a thing, but my first ever match with Nurse gets me rank ones with literally every one with the smol pp DH build.
Without a doubt, you will not get banned. Playing a game in a way someone else doesn't like will not get you banned. You outplayed them however you did such a thing, so you won't get banned for winning. If that were bannable, this game wouldn't have had a year of support, much less four.
>Hardly promotes not camping Not only does this perk immediately show how balanced it is by being a totem in the first place, but if it gets to three or five stacks, that's the survivor's fault. Literally every bit of the perk depends on survivors being saviors. If they don't find the totem, oh well. But back to the reason…
It's especially bad for someone who switches killers every now and then. Such as "That Hag game was boring, I'm using PH to give myself a challenge." Things like that can screw with the MMR since killer changing can't happen anymore once you're ready.
Probably not. Just another bug introduced along with the horrible new ranking system.
Rank doesn't matter, yet they make a new ranking system that makes people with experience and time suffer. If you're a high ranking survivor and get paired with people who can't loop and run for gens went being chased, they'll get punished for not carrying them. Killers out there, now is the time to get Adept trophies.…
No, not at all. Might be a bug, but if anything, you might have to aim upwards a bit more than usual. That's what I've had to do in my experience of playing survivor, but it's weird. You kind of have to aim at the forehead rather than the neck/face.
Jeez. This shouldn't take zooming in and squinting.
Not a single person is forcing you to play. Turn the game off if you can't handle someone playing how they want to. You are not entitled to anything in this game, nor should you receive special treatment.
It's not a big deal, you aren't wrong. The problem is that it shouldn't happen in the first place, that's all.
"Is matchmaking broken again?" Wait, it was fixed?
Wait, so...survivors found doesn't mean how many survivors you found? Why not word it differently then? I've gotten a match saying I found six survivors, it doesn't explain what that means. Also, the talk about the Adept achievement. Why should we be punished for killing someone instead of giving them extra chances? The…
While it's a good idea to control SWF, I feel like it would be hell for solo play in terms of "which gen will need one person, and which will need more? Is it randomized which needs more," and so on. It would also make Discordance heavily overpowered.
I walk at a slight angle if they've 360'd in the past. They try to 360, but run right in front of me.
Might want to word that a bit better. Rework the add ons to reject each other, not Huntress as a whole.
Correct me, people who play much more than me, but... Silent Hill is a location that brings out a person's worst fears, and makes their mind go to mush. Pyramid Head is an executioner of sorts, for the tormented souls in the realm they're trapped in. Again, haven't played it, but that's what I can tell.
Scrappy Doo confirmed as new killer or we riot.
oh, okay. That's a let down. I pipped one, but I guess I didn't protect gens well enough.
Unless you have corrupt by chance. Good thing that only lasts for...two minutes? Huh. That's how long it takes to finish them.
just pressure gens baby killer ever heard of pop and corrupt and thrilling and play civilization
I can get that, but I can't do multiple across the map. The chase lasted about half a minute ona single loop.
Heh. I would, if I could get time to put it down. I love killer, but if survivors know how to spread out, it's over.
I mean, I wish I could. If it's a map with spread out gens, it's over. Maps like Hawkins, Lampkin, or the Meat Plant have issues if you're not a Nurse, Billy, or Freddy main.
"Not nearly as bad as some say. Change my mind." Okay. Three gens in two minutes. I can't pressure gens if I have to find someone, and hunt them down. It's not that I suck, it's because gens are way too fast.
So, you protect your house, and nothing else. A lone Survivor keeps pissing off Billy. Everyone else understands what's going on. That one survivor then gets mad that he kept going to the same spot, and nobody else, so the killer gets banned for his stupidity? This could be exploited beyond relief. That, and wasn't…
Just try to stay one step ahead. Use good headphones. Prediction of where a survivor will go while phasing is your top priority to learn, in my opinion.
Same happened to me with the Gunslinger 4K. Hoping they say something about this.
imagine being the only person here that people don't agree with
On one hand, killers can't connect hits because of auto aim, and the devs refuse to acknowledge it. On the other, their servers can say no to fairness usage when survivors do anything. what is this game anymore-
Weirdly reminds me of when Doc has a splinter. I know that's not related to this, but...yeah.
Off the top of my head? Survivor: When in a chase, survivors in a 20/25/30 meter radius can see your aura. Or... When in a locker, you can see all survivors auras that aren't in a 40/30/20 meter radius. (Sort of like BBQ) Killer: When kicking a gen, said gen is blocked for 10/15/20 seconds. Cool down for a minute will be…
Imagine hiding in a locker across the map from a killer, and acting like Legion is the problem.