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  • Yeah and one of them is super unsafe, literally can't work on it injured or you die
  • I completely stopped playing killer too and moved on to other games, I've enjoyed playing doom eternal recently with that new huge update they released, it's a very well designed game which isn't something I can say of DBD. I still enjoy playing survivor but I will say some matches are very easy.
  • It's a shame because I always thought his character is cool but never bought him because of how bad he can be sometimes.
  • A lot of people have been talking about that vhs game, but personally I'm more excited about the evil dead game that's coming out next year. They're very different games but so far the gameplay they revealed for the evil dead game seems like a lot of fun, definitely has potential.
  • So far my experience has not been great. I've seen some people saying they have a middle ground with the matches they get. But for me my killer experience has no middle ground and it's almost entirely 4 mans, with clutch perks and map offerings, now If I want to have a chance I have to play sweaty which is something I…
  • Trickster has been a disappointment before it even came out, when they were showering the teasers, the song rewinding and the glitched dbd logo had nothing to do with his power.
  • I've been around for 3 years and I'd say old legion and spirit were and still are the most hated by the community. Old legion didn't require any skill whatsoever and he also had that dumb moonwalking exploit to get easy downs, and if you were going against Frank's mixtape there was literally nothing you could do to not go…
  • You probably just had a bad day, that's it. Sometimes I get bad days too and think that MMR is secretly on which sometimes it is but that's not the case majority of the times, that and also you're learning the game. Learning how to deal with squads is something you get with experience, good thing about it is that you'll…
  • I always thought it would be cool if he could walk through pallets somehow or maybe start sprinting furiously since he's the nemesis, an unstoppable stalker. I don't think he's a bad killer but for such a big deal killer I think he should be at least A tier but he's B.
  • I disagree with a lot of your choices but I do think nemesis is mid to high B tier, that speed boost when infecting hurts him
  • I was super excited to play the new chapter and was done after two matches because of how poorly the game is optimized right now, and I'm on ps5 as well I shouldn't have frame drops and lag spikes.
  • I agree, his tentacle is a bit too wonky so I imagine that's why people struggle with him including me, he's doesn't Excell at something but he isn't trash. If they removed the speed boost after infecting a survivor I honestly think he'll be around low A high B tier killer
  • I think crying over a game is a bit too much but I respect your honesty, not everyone can say they cried to a lot of people. As to the game getting better, devs just keep making bad decisions so I wouldn't count on the game getting better, facing bully squads right now is rare but with mmr that might change.
  • I wish we knew exactly how his tentacle collision worked, some tiles you can't hit over, some you can. Also what the hell l play on ps5 which is supposed to be next gen and it runs so bad, frames drop and lag spikes consistently, worst update in terms of optimisation since Halloween "event" 2020 or Binding of kin.
  • No, all you have to do is level her up to level 30, 35 or 40 I don't know which of those levels it unlocks to other survivors, so yes, you can skip tier 2 and 3 Edit: it unlocks at level 35
  • He's mid B tier imo, add-on reliant, zombies are super rng based, and his chase power is cool but nothing out of this world. If they made T3 more impactful and not give a speed boost to a survivor when they get infected like plague he'll be way better.
  • Man this is probably the worst patch since the twins release, maybe even worse than binding of kin since this is basically staining on a super big franchise.
  • Damn is it unplayable on ps5 as well? Haven't played today but if it is as bad as people are saying maybe I should wait a little, unless it runs fine on ps5.
  • How is Quentin not in the lowest tier⁉️ and why is nea the second most handsome
  • As of now he seems like a B tier killer to me, that could change if they buff the zombies a bit, increase the infection rate because it's insanely slow without add-ons, and make tier 3 something worth it. Maybe breaking pallets a bit faster and increasing the range more because tentacle range only increases by 1 meter from…
  • Glad I've never bought him, I was close to getting him just because of how content lacking the game has been for months, but now that he's been out for months he looks very unfun to me. I'll stick with deathslinger and huntress.
  • I like zooming through the map, and also might be a hot take but I don't think wraith is as weak as some people say, he has very good pressure and if you play hit and run you'll always be injuring survivors. The add-ons that affect the bell like bone clapper are fun to use because they throw off survivors, and also since I…
  • I used to be like you that ran spine chill for every game and when I took it off I felt vulnerable for a while. I recommend you change spine chill for windows of opportunity, a lot of people think it's a perk for beginners but it's really not, it gives you an idea of what your movement is going to be when the killer chases…
  • I agree bhvr gets more trash than it deserves but I wouldn't say everything essential to the game works, people not making noises has been around for two years now and they haven't fixed it, every patch they release always has game breaking bugs and as I'm writing this I got kicked out of a lobby for no reason, wait…
  • Yeah this is the only map where I get spunned because survivors are super hard to see when they're in a tile. P3 claudettes are just literal walking shadows on this map
  • I don't know if that's the case but if you picked dbd after a year that means you're on the low ranks, you can win easily with every killer on ranks 5-20
  • I really like the evil dead movies so I got him when he came out which means I also enjoyed MoM but I'm glad they nerfed it cuz it was disgusting
  • If they release the trickster with very minimal buffs I'll probably put him high D or low C, his power is just very underwhelming.
  • A lot of the community is very nice but you will sometimes find some bad apples no matter how you play. I play super nice or give the hatch frequently to the last survivor and still get people complaining. So just play the way you want, and don't care about what people say because it's impossible to please everyone and at…
  • Totally agree, majority of breakable walls are useless or used as an excuse of "yeah this is a god loop but you can get rid of it by breaking the wall" I don't think devs know how much 3 seconds of a survivor holding forward hurts the killer. The only good breakable wall I can think of is the one in badham because it…
  • Yeah they royally f*cked this map, it's still boring to play as survivor and killer imo but even worse those pallets, idk who thought adding a pallet every 10 steps would be a good idea, and very safe pallets too
    in how? Comment by StreetRat115 March 2021
  • Wouldn't say it's a playground for survivors because that's more like haddonfield, ormond, some farm maps and badham but I will admit you can get very unlucky as a killer with some windows set ups and there's also a handful of annoying loops
  • Yes I'm definitely going to play dbd. By that time the trickster will come out and if they fix him and make him good I will grind for his p3 and learn him. If not then I'll try to learn blight because I got his p3 but I'm so trash at him because I never really invested time on learning him and they're also fixing his pov…
  • Yeah lery's is not necessarily a hard map to win on because I played deathslinger on that map a lot but it's so boring to play on that map, not just for deathslinger a lot of killers suffer from it because you can't use your power a lot. But back to deathslinger if you don't have monitor or survivors see you coming and…
  • I'm a console player that enjoys Oni a lot and a tip I can give you is to turn the camera preemptively to where you think the survivor will go. If you try to turn when you're close to the survivor you'll often miss the hit because you're not in a good angle, but if you're already turning while charging that puts you in a…
  • I'd say you should get spirit, she's very strong and takes a bit of skill but once you become decent at her you'll stomp on majority of teams and she's a lot of fun as well. Legion can be fun as well but he doesn't really have a skill cap you'll play him for 5 minutes and that's how you're going to play legion forever.…
  • Yeah they should just drop MMR, they're not because bhvr is known for not listening at his community but they should drop the idea. If a game has rng you can't have sbmm because of the variables and also dbd has a lot of broken stuff both killers and survivors can use so it would be insanely hard to get a right sbmm…
  • Yeah I totally agree with you, there tends to be way more female characters and I don't think of it too much but I do wish they would make more male characters. It's probably because female cosmetics sell a lot, just today they released a rockabilly collection of all females, and there's also more female survivors when I…
  • Yeah I agree, art team did really one with this one, I like the aesthetic and charisma of this killer a lot and he's also a bit of fun but that's it. I find his power to be very meh it takes a while to injure survivors unless you're playing in autohaven because it's a very open map. My main problem is that when you're in a…
  • If we're just talking about average bubba vs hillbilly, then the Average bubba is better. But if we're talking an expert bubba vs a hillbilly then hillbilly wins easily. Experts hillbillies will curve on loops very precisely making them very deathly, only problem is hillbilly is kinda map reliant.
  • Imo playing the game only during the weekends has been great because I don't have to deal with some of the bs things this game has which I'll admit the game doesn't have that many anymore but they're still frustrating. This game has been really bland and buggy since October so I also don't have a real reason to play other…
  • I used to be like you once as well, but believe me when I say that the whole following you around thing is actually beneficial for you once you become a good killer because they're not doing any gens and you can take advantage of that. I'll also always advice that you should go for as many hooks as you can every game…
  • I play both sides and I honestly don't notice that much difference in macmillan and autohaven other than the fact that autohaven is a bit too dark. However I will say the meat plant is a pain to play as killer, there are barely any loops that are mindgameable. And last thing I'll say that applies to all reworked maps are…
  • I have played this game for years, it had its up and downs but I don't remember something this bad since original mettle of man or original legion. I wish they put the same effort that they do creating cosmetics and microtransactions in fixing the game. I really hope the devs get it together because if back for blood or…