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  • it is a good time to play killer for sure, unfortunately the queues are super long because absolutely no one (myself included) wants to play survivor.
  • This seems a lot like the discussion around a game's meta, or back with pen and paper RPGs, min maxing or GURPS. It sounds like this is an argument about why some parts of a game are naturally stronger than others and playing without them puts you at a disadvantage. While I understand what you're explaining that you just…
  • I'm still really conflicted. Most of the opinions I've read here tall about how one side is taking it way too seriously where the other side isn't however my confusion lies in the statement itself. In my experience you don't result to name calling if you don't care or are just having fun. You get angry in some way and in a…
  • Holding W tech too strong. Balance patch needed.
  • I'm going to ask you some questions because you were cool enough to offer your insight if that's ok. I understand what you're saying here, I just don't fully grasp the implications. When you call someone Sweaty or a Tryhard are you mad that they used a combination that's in your eyes unfair or because you feel like the…
  • I really wish someone like Tru3 or anyone who actively uses the terms insultingly would chime in and defend the point. I really want to have the discussion so I can understand better.
  • Barbed wire is definitely a silent hill thing. It was all over the movie and the first game. I couldn't find a reference to razor blades on wire in the games though and it's been too long to remember the game that well. Super interesting question that I actually want to find an answer to.
  • Lol complaining about killers afking. So I've seen complaints about killers being "sweaty" and trying to hard, the perks they use, the way they get kills and now when they don't try? Comedy gold.
  • They do. Sitting around the hook if you're not in a chase costs you bloodpoints. Bad news, it's not going to make a difference. If you're getting face camped, give up and die on the hook. Move on to the next game. there's not much more I can offer unless you're in a SWF with borrowed time and some good timing.
  • First, ignore the survivor rules. Your job is to kill survivors and as survivor our job is to avoid dying. Anyone who needs more rules to make sure their feelings aren't hurt isn't playing a horror survival game. Second, tunneling becomes pretty useless once the Borrowed Time, Bottled Time, DS etc start to come out.…
  • I think we've all had that happen a lot. Do the best you can. I come up with a goal that isn't the sacrifice like "I'm going to practice the Billy chainsaw". For me this helps me care a lot less when I don't have a chance of hooking survivors. Plus, even on a total loss, bloodpoints do help a lot. I was surprised at how…
  • The concepts are fundamentally different. Would you buy paintings from an artist and tell them they're the worst because they didn't use the color yellow you told them to? This isn't a country. You're not here because you have to be, your financial stake is minimal and the devs are under no obligation to do anything for…
  • The difference here with your comparison is one is a country and the other is art. While everyone has an opinion about what's right or wrong this is at its core the expression of the developers and if you're so incensed by the decisions of this artistic vision your best option is to take your business elsewhere instead of…
  • Going for the injured survivor is fine. You want to be mindful of DS but killing a survivor reduces the amount of gen pressure. You can follow the survivor rule book if you want but why play with a handicap? Something to try is using the slug to your advantage. If one is on a hook that's two survivors not working on gens.…
  • This is pretty disrespectful for a game you're supposedly playing. Everyone has an opinion about how it should be but this is still someone's labor of love. If you hate it so much, leave.
  • As a killer camping usually turns out in a loss of bloodpoints but it definitely helps get kills especially when the gates are powered. Tunneling is often the thing to do. If you're fighting a pretty good group and one is not so great, get rid of them and reduce the number of people you have to worry about. Like everyone…
  • The game is fairly well balanced for the majority of the community. There are issues but it's no Evolve. Survivors who complain about killer perks, camping, tunneling etc are part of the toxic community problem. So you died, move on. At max it's a depip, do better next time. It happens to literally everyone at some point.…
  • The concern that prompted this is what's the plan to integrate this killer with the existing archive system? if you have a quest for safe unhooks but everyone is playing executioner the system becomes worthless. Add to that that in order to then take advantage of this new killer you'd have to add a challenge for un-caging…
  • they also don't count as unhooks for anything. we'll make it doesn't work with them
  • BHVR has said they are working on a new matchmaking system. No idea when it will be. Killer is pretty awful to play until then. We should all just play survivor, not like we need killer players or anything.
    in Matchmaking Comment by TheWind June 2020
  • The devs have already read and responded but you're defending your point so I should do the kindness of reading and responding. We can agree a doctor knows more than a plumber when it comes to practicing medicine. If you have a medical question it makes sense to know who is answering your question and what makes them…
  • Mandy - Yeah I couldn't come up with a reasonable way to link the two accounts either unless this forum authenticated with steam and it doesn't. Thanks for reading though. Poweas - I hear what you're saying but the community is already toxic. My suggestion is not to invalidate an opinion but rather give you context for it.…
  • I mean nurse for sure, can't kill anyone for the first million games until you figure out how to blink through stuff. That out of the way though, Freddy eludes me. He seems so simple, slash people, put red stuff on the floor, make gens vomit blood, profit. But in practice he's like a weird hag trapper with no immediate…
  • I love a happy ending.
  • I'd have brought a Mori just to be sure tbh.
  • Yeah I can see how this could cause the dedicated servers to rear their ugly head but honestly getting rid of the guaranteed blind is worth it imo. I think more mind games makes the game more skill based and that is for sure the thing we need.
  • Thanks for that, you are a life saver. I am so tired of seeing how I should kill myself because one snowflake missed a vault and died. I can never close chat fast enough.
  • Where is this arrow? Man my experience with this game would be so much better if I could have chat auto hidden.
  • I actually believe you should need to unlock teachables to make it in the high ranks and I believe an unprepared killer should have a hard time vs good survivors but I 100% agree, the killer should be the actionary party not completely reactionary. Survivors should spend more time trying to prevent the killer from winning…
  • Man, same. I've been playing long enough to have half the killer teachables and I am right there with you. This game is punishing on people who aren't the best at it.
  • Aren't opinions fun? They don't even need any supporting evidence.
  • It seems to me you don't play a lot of killer. Since we're just announcing opinions here's mine. Voice chat / coms removes the benefits of some killer functions that rely on the fact survivors can't talk. Blindness, oblivious, undetectable, etc etc. You can't get that same advantage in the native game because a blind…
  • I want to play killer but can't as well so I switched to survivor, It's way less stressful. Seeing killers acting like that is sad to me because in most cases it comes from match after match of toxic survivors. Flashlight clicking, t-bagging, unfair matchmaking, awful verbal abuse... the list goes on. That killer has…
  • I derank. Being a rank 11 vs 3 red ranks ruins the game. Plus I really enjoy the hate you get even if survivors win and you don't stand a chance. There is no upside. Far better to just let them do whatever and move on. I switch it up, sometimes I'll practice controlling the Billy saw or nurse blink. As long as matchmaking…
  • Because it's ruining a large populations ability to enjoy the game.
  • best way to solve the problem: NOW WHEN YOU'RE OUTMATCHED EVERY GAME YOU CAN'T PROVE IT
  • that article is actually super interesting. you can do it moose population.
    in gg Comment by TheWind May 2020
  • Yeah, getting bullied as a rank 17 by swf red ranks is super enjoyable. Good thing I came back to try again huh? Pretty good job so far I'd say.
    in Matchmaking Comment by TheWind May 2020
  • I don't really get why everyone is so light about this. There are games out there that actually respond to and try and prevent these things. Why is having a morally bankrupt community so accepted? Why doesn't- Oh man, I was about to suggest things like behavior actually enforcing the report system they built in with…
  • I love how the comments are always the same: "I never have that problem because I'm amazing", "you're just bad and need to be better" or "yeah just play this one character with this very specific build and you'll do fine". This guy is saying that the game is suffering from a balance issue that's preventing him from having…
  • While I agree with body blocking, scaring survivors off a gen with no intent of downing them means the survivors can simply split up and do other gens. There could be something to the last survivor but the hatch closes and the doors are powered unless the killer stands on the hatch... Standing on the hatch means the doors…
  • @Prixusman I always suggest that if you think something is broken try it for yourself. Play the killer a bit, rank up and see how it actually feels. I'm not saying your opinion is invalid it's simply contrary to what I've experienced. Get some killer play in and make a better argument and the devs will consider it.
  • I find tunneling one survivor on Freddy works too since as soon as they're unhooked just sleep them again. But yeah if you want to play the game you have to be a dick. Playing the killer isn't fun and as far as I can tell it's by design.
  • As a killer main I took the opportunity in the after beta survey to say exactly this. Playing the killer is largely #########. The only way I can enjoy playing is at rank 20 if I try really hard not to do well. Over and over the devs ignore or sidestep direct requests to stop punishing half the player base but they won't…
  • The new update doesn't include the hatch as far as I can tell. Personally this update doesn't do anything to help killers at all imo. To me, devs announced they don't care if killer gameplay sucks because survivors either ######### louder or are more important to them.