Hm, I had to think about it for a few minutes. I would say: The whole winning/loosing concept. What I mean? In my opinion the game gives you more negative feedback about your gameplay then positive. For example: - You loop the killer for the whole match and at the end of the trial you die and get less bloodpoints then your…
For me the map is ok. The only think that i don't like is the brightness. I wish it would be a little bit darker. Not for hiding, only for the atmosphere. It looks like its 2 PM and I thought we should die until the day starts and not 2 hours after lunch 😲.
Killer Basement's best friend: "Wait, Mr. Killer. I'm hungry." The basement follows you. Survivor Atlas: "You own the power of the mighty Atlas." Use the 2nd ability button near a generator to pick it up. Press the 2nd ability button again to drop the generator at a your position.
Killer Heart Attack: Everytime a survivor has to scream while inside the killer's terror radius he instead gets a heart attack. This survivor can not move for 30s. After 30s this survivor also falls into the dying state. During the 30s countdown others survivors could do a cardiac massage to save this survivor.
Sure, if there is an idea to make this builds playable on every map, that would be great. And if then finally every map would be balanced the only reason to use an offering would be for fun. This would be the best scenario. I think it's not easy and keep the variety of such builds and make them work on every map 🤔. But…
By assuming every map is balanced I just want you to ignore the balancing aspect. I just want to support playstyles. Because I think the chances should be fair. If there is an issue on a map because of balancing that should be fixed in the map and not be provided by different chances in the offerings. That's the wrong…
Yeah, I understand the frustration. I'm playing in solo queue and I would say I loose like 80% of the matches 🙁.
Oh sry, I thought it was clear. My fault 🙂. He added in my quote "(and not to win)". And that's not what I said. I don't think it just helps to win. It's required for the build in the Meryer's example. It's nearly useless without a good map. That does not mean it's an auto win, but the opposite is maybe true. Getting…
That's what I said. I did not say killer bring this to win. That's a difference.
"Yeah, so survivors bring maps to win and killers bring maps to use builds (and not to win). " And I also did not say that. Please do not add words I haven't said. I respect that you do not agree. But you still talked about map balance a lot. This topic has nothing to do with balancing. I play for fun and that does not…
I did not say that ☝️. I said that the killers most of the time throw a map offering because of a specific build. The survivors throw it pretty often for the win rate and not for the build. There may be some exceptions, but how often does a survivor throw a map because he/she want a better usage of bond? 🤔 Now you will say…
Hi thanks for the reponse, I assumed this reaction 🙂. My suggestion is not for game balancing ☝️. That's a total different thing in my opinion. A mechanic like this must be independent from balancing, otherwise you could overhaul it after every balance patch. So lets assume the maps are balanced. I play survivor 90% time.…
Hi @Mandy , are the amount of up votes important for your considerations? Because I think the most people read and write in general discussions.
Sounds like matches where 50% of them are wins or loses. That's the proof, the MMR works 🙂.
Yes exactly, but most of the time this doesn't help a lot. In these matches where the killer player is struggeling even 2 survivors finish the gens pretty fast.
I can understand your mindset, because when I play killer it feels the same for me. From a survivors perspective I must say that I never know which type of player I'm currently facing. Is it a relaxed person who just wants to have a little bit fun an maybe scare some peoole or is at a 4k dude who needs the win no matter…
100% correct, but this all requires a skill based matchmaking. And currently there is a win/loss based MMR and the players want to see that score. In other words: Mr A: How much MMR do you have? I have 2700. Mr B: I have 2500. It looks like you escaped more. Or maybe you played more? Hm, or did I play more often, but lose…
No, that's not exactly true. The game is still casual. The people play it competitiv and that's why they're frustrated, because that doesn't work.
I wonder why so many players want to compare there skill in an non competetive game with hundrets of random factors. You can't even replay the exact map tiling, if you want. The MMR should help to create fair games. It should help you to have more fun. I don't understand why players want to incease there MMR although they…
Yesterday it was already confirmed by Mandy and Mods 🙂. It must be somewhere in following threads tagged with BHVR.
You have to enter the sum, including puddings, BBQ and whatever. That means it can be higher then 32k.
Hm, or maybe not. A good question 🤔.
Hi, pretty sure the base bloodpoints.
It depends. Hard to say. But I can say the more relaxed the killer is the more fun it is. That does not mean I have to escape. Very frutrating for me is a match against a killer with strong perks and addons and then I got hooked and see that nobody is doing a generator. It feels immediatly like a match without a chance.…
Looks like I'm an outsider 😄 . It's always the player behind the character I don't like 😄 . The poor model is just the victim of an evil person 😭.
I only play for fun. Fun is my winning condition 🙂. I try crazy builds and what ever else comes into my mind, but always without bullying. But there are so many tryharding people outside who would sell there souls for an escape or 4k and make really terrible games.
It's not important that there are more survivors or killers in sum at a certain time. What matters is, if there are enough in your skill level. Let's break it down: 8 Survivors are online. All of them got a mmr of 2000 points. There are 3 killers online. 2 got 2000mmr, the other 500 mmr. The 3rd one is waiting for 7min.…
That's sad 😔. Thanks for the feedback.
It can also be a shifting of priorities. Maybe other things currently are more important. And that is fine. But I'm still curious of the current state 🙂. We're just asking for a nice small statement. Hm, I can't remember when the last statement was. You said there were some of them. Do you know where or do you remember the…
An official statement would be very nice 🙂. Is it still on the roadmap? What's the priority? Or did you completly discard it 😮? As an inducement you may get players back who switched the console brand, if you implement this 😇.
Ok, but what would you do as a game designer, if there are no matching players available? He should wait maybe 30 min. or longer for a match? If you handle it like that he/she will leave the game and at the end you have lost 1 player. I'm pretty sure there are more new killer players with the same problem. That means we…
I really like the game concept. A killer who hunts some survivors. That's really cool. When I first read about the concept, I had so many ideas. Sadly many games (not all) feel total different for me. Although as a killer I'm in the power role it feels more like I try to survive the round. Instead of be afraid, many…
And what should happen, if there are no better matches available? Aren't he allowed to play the game or should he wait forever? You all assume that there are always all kinds of players ready for pairing.
I think they're still not sure what the reward will be and discussing it. That's why they are so quite about that. Honestly, although they said it won't be a cosmetic or charm reward I wouldn't wonder it would be something similiar, like a portrait border, a title or what else. Something that makes everyone think "If I…
And what do I do, if I'm on the ground?Sorry, but playing a slug simulator is not really fun. It has no benefit for me in terms of fun and is just a waste of time. And it's also not exciting for me, in no point. I want to queue up for my next match. I can't believe that there are some designers who decide: "Ok, and what…
same on ps4 1 min ago
I always thought dying should be the usual thing, because of the game's name 😄 . The sad thing is, that the reward for escaping is so good/important for many players, because of the heavy grind. That causes much frustration to loose all the BP. I personal do not care, if I die as long as the game was fun.
Currently you get the default clothes covered in blood. For each prestige lvl one item and the a slightly increased chance for better items in tthe bloodweb. But the chance is really low. The disadvantage ist that your character becomes lvl 1 again and loses all perks and addons. That's how it works now.
Pretty sure only on hit. It looks like a good calculated gameplay. Killer thoughts: "Ok, I vault faster as meyers and I also got bamboozle for faster vaults. Let's wait for Bloodlust 1."
It looks like he has waited for Bloodlust 1. He vaults after ~15s.
Someone explained it a little bit earlier in this thread. It is not an aimbot. It happens after you did the hit to fix the animation. So the hit was already done. The idea is that after the hit your character should look into the direction of the survivors position. It should only happen when your client "thinks" you hit…
Awesome 😂
If I find an AFK survivor I down but don't hook him. That's the trade. I don't hook, but he should cost his team time. When the crows arrive i hook him when the noise begins, because this is just annoying.
How to catch a killer ☺️✌️
Hello @DesignDad absolutly, I think the emblems with "rank numbers" or especially the colors of the emblems are the cause for many confusions. It really looks like a ranking system, although it should show a monthly progress. I'm no an ux specialist, but maybe something like a progress bar (because you want to show…
Billy, especially curve/flick. I play on console and I can't do more then 45° curves with 100% sensitivity. That's so sad 😢.
Yep, I also want to say thanks for sharing your knowledge, Mr. DesignDad, Sir.
Then don't play it. It's your decision.