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  • Hope all these guys who saying killer easier now as every patch are getting buffed should play the trickster as he the newest so must be the best go get adept achievement at rank 1 with him as it must be so easy lol I also love fact the start of this post is this game is so easy as killer now I win by tunneling lol this…
  • Why no topless Romero?
  • By what ur saying pain sounds should be removed from her in phase? If that's the case then ur right won't need iron will however how did u manage to get hit off her in the first place as she doesn't hear ur grunts of pain so if she can hit u with no pain sounds likely hood they will get u anyway just like the killer see's…
  • To be honest everyone has there own opinion and what some class as balance others won't regardless of what changes same with all things I guess, but for me in a game where most ppl class escaping as a win or killing all 4 as a win I put to them if the killer ends the game with 3 kills and 1 guy escapes who then has won? Is…
  • Just use Steve Harrington perk and be a survivor that camps close to hook then it freezes the timer while the other 2 do gen rush problem solved gens complete use bt and adrenaline pop em off hook and bam killer gets ruined so no need to change it and there is plenty of killers out there who can go a whole game without…
  • All I am trying to say is most players use add ons for all killers unless messing about a bit or trying to prove a point but as for the the wraith having nothing really power wise I think if you try the add ons I mentioned makes the wraith a really impressive top killer and makes it for a really fun game. I would much…
  • Well if you read the post I had replied to I was agreeing with his opinion and also I appreciate the game being played in a way that it is fully intended too so those killers & survivors who go out to win well played as for the 1s who want to goof around go play kyf as that is what that mode is there for
  • Lol you have said u find it fun to shock people over and over then let them leave I'm sure to some people that isn't fun at all so what u find fun others won't so what u think makes the game fun for others isn't true at all I'd rather u just played the game properly and I'm sure other people would feel the same I'm…
  • You couldn't have put it any better I totally agree people need to get off there high entitled horse be it killer or survivor the game is PvP and whole point is to win so whatever is required to win and it's not cheating is fair game in my eyes
  • Couldn't disagree really as u said with no add-ons however flip that and give wraith imo his 2 best add-ons the silent bell and the purple all seeing mud and u have a top tier killer can use mind games at pallets where there are clear blind spots and survivors even good ones can't anticipate what u going to do like are u…
  • If more people played killer survivors would get games faster but people to scared to get bullied as killer so that's why que times so slow as not enough killers. also why blame try hard killer when 1 DC the reason the game turns rubbish is due to slack teammate why should killer go ok I'll take it ez now would survivors…
  • Best player survived
  • Any games that pit a person against another is all about a side winning should I be bored in a game to make it fun for the others? Play a game how u want to play it so if u want to play in a way that all have fun then do that but if I want to win the game by playing fun for me but others don't find it fun then that's not…
  • Only reason to play anything is to win. otherwise every game should just be a draw then I'm sure no1 would play. Does any1 truly go out buy a game and go I don't want to win I'm just buying it because it will be fun to never win sadly that is what losers always say it's about having fun and taking part pfff there only…
  • Watched both games the difference is game 2 u got a basement hook and guy u chased ran to basement as other guy was sneaking there so that's GG right there if you looked and none swf blendettes the gen speed was far quicker and who knows if you had got basement hook against swf that would been same outcome so GG
  • Lol good ol salt grinder shows up but as this game doesn't actually offer any better graphics or gameplay just early access for pc woopdiedoo why spend on pc? I have all but I would never just buy a pc for dbd 
  • So Mr your right I'm wrong where's the update 3 weeks n counting now not 2 t 3 weeks it now over pff guess it legitimate now is it that all the moaning was wrong but it so right like devs maybe u and them should watch Harry potter I shall tell no lies.
  • Sadly there initial release date for all platforms were due the day pc expansion came out they didn't say before that date that it was delayed they said on the pc release date, they knew prior but didn't let people know hence people posting and saying what they want about it being delayed but ur there to tell people stop…
  • Wow u clearly know what your talking about lol at what point did i get mad ? Hmm yes day it released they saud 2 to 3 weeks so what ur claiming is that they only found out when they woke up hey its not going to be ready do ur reasearch u pompous know Jack shiznick and yes your right things get delayed but they don't tell…
  • It depends on what u class as a win and a loss u get loads of points and don't pip is that a win? Or is getting a 3/4 man low point n pip a win either way what does it matter it's that person's choice how they want to play for whatever reason just like how survivors want to play the want to flashlight teabag chase me…
  • Lol we all know they ain't going to give anyone anything for free it's all about the Benjamin my man. If people want to vent let them it doesn't mean there petulant they are just frustrated and venting as all had expected no matter how big changes are that would be across all platforms at same time not weeks apart as the…
  • Or how about the door only stays open for 20secs then if u want open again need power a gen means survivors have to work as team more leave sharply or potentially lose
  • Surely as game developers u would know bigger the update longer the process so that being said if u plan correctly there wouldn't be any issues saying it big and that's why surely they know the ins and outs of the process basicly they have dropped the ball plain n simple
  • Surely as game developers u would know bigger the update longer the process so that being said if u plan correctly there wouldn't be any issues saying it big and that's why surely they know the ins and outs of the process basicly they dropped the ball n don't want to take liablity for the shambles. When ps4 mess up u get…
  • Before they said delay due to blah blah they said when new dlc comes out it will be same time. Just like pig launch they got that wrong too they should learn from there past mistakes as although I don't know the process of there work much like they wouldn't know mine I understand the need to plan ahead and if there…
  • They shouldn't need to rush anything it's called good planning, lots of other companies manage huge expansions which all come out simultaneously and like the person said before is it that hard to integrate changes such as shard cap removal? Not really at least then it means people can store up and get ready there main…
  • The update is late they said would all come same time, then they change the goal posts. Look at there plan also we have tournaments on all platforms which face it joke!! But even so pc can have new killer for it but console users no, n I know people wouldn't have used anyway but still it's a joke
  • Lets hope they do as will be funny seeing all the salty cheats cry waaaaa not fair I mean if u need to cheat to win shows how rubbish they really are and even more so when the cheat backfires
  • True that mate like i say spoils game for newcomers and these guys just trolls guess they did to the wrong killer as they were salty as anything after getting wooped lol
  • U don't see the offering until the end of the game as it a secret offering. I know I could tell when game started but like I say I don't mind playing Freddy but not the point as clearly they thought ha we will bully this guy as Freddy easy to bully if u don't know how he works unfortunately for them i know how to play him…
  • All Sony are bothered about is if your being abusive to other players that's why I was Hoping the dbd devs could stop this from happening or at least punish them as could be quite off putting for new players to deal with that kind of rubbish.
  • Not trying to offend but why as a killer would u not want to tunnel? basicly game is harder for killer than survivor, killer been looped for days finally gets 1 then they get flashlight or ds start the looping again gaurntee this happens multiple times a game so when u get 1 hooked and now there 2 gens left if your lucky…
  • Go check it out put on YouTube: dead by daylight: swf cheats. I actually didn't mind as I 4k them guess little did they know I'm a rank1 killer who hasn't had much time to play get rank down since resets if they had made me nurse or Billy they would have won but I quite like Freddy n was funny to see the cheats get…