Berserk... Any of the apostles as killer.
This 100% is exactly how I feel about it to. It's really the only thing that makes sense.
I'm new and I love the game.... So there is that.
It's a shame really. For one I don't take anything personally. My emotional response could never be triggered by someone I don't care about or even know. I do not do these immature tactics though. Only thing I think is why does either side do this. One hand washes the other. If toxic players got their wish and made one…
Leave spirit alone she is my bae...
Every flipping time. I'm playing now and got tunnel twice and failed it both times. I don't think it needs buffed I just need to get good.
Does the pass mark get bigger once it's leveled up?
New killer will be night-pain aka Edgar Allan Poe. Quoth The Raven. Or Jack the ripper.
I'd crap my pants if it was Captain Spaulding from house of 1000 corps, devil's rejects. Doesn't meet the criteria but one can dream.
Decent as in compared to my laptop keyboard. It's a far cry from optimal for gaming. I already have a decent mouse because a track pad is painful to use for anything. Thank you for all the replies.
No, because Konami.
I find the challenges fun and gives me a goal other than just survive or kill. Actually it has caused me to use some perks and strategies that I never would have used before. I have learned a lot about the game because of them.
Actually if the mobile app is not officially supported by the real devs then I'm fixing to uninstall it. And shame on the devs for whoring out their game for a cash grab. I only downloaded it to support the game not some third party.
Sorry I am an idiot and thought you meant the "game" as in general not the map. I misunderstood you.
If you consider playing a map with a blind fold on bright then you sir are correct. But I digress I guess I should go pro and hook up to a monitor that can adjust brightness second only to the sun.
He is pretty bad. I seen a quest for him in the latest rift. Thought wth and spent shards on him. Totally suffering from buyers remorse.
NoED is amazing on ghostface and spirit. I can't count how many butt dance parties I have crashed with it.
Saying she is unfun to play against is subjective. Me and my girlfriend are casual players and spirit jump scares the crap out of her. We find it fun and helps with the horror aspect of the game.
Ah crap this post should of been in the ask the community section. Sorry. Ceres I'll try that out have never done gamesharing before. But sometimes like now, we aren't even in the same state. I work out of town a lot. P.S. the version of the game I have now is physical if I do have to buy it again it would probably be…
On switch not to long ago there was two killers on the map at the same time. I was one of them. Only ever happened once.
Oh crap that was probably what happened, thank you.
I play on switch and found no way to interact with the gates as a killer, NoED was active because I one shoted the only survivor after they finished the last gen. They played well and just gave up on the ground in front of the gate. I felt (uncharacteristically) bad for them and tried opening the gate for them but found no…