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  • I played very late last night and in my 10 killer games 36 of 40 survivors had ds unbreakable combos. Every game was 4 man swf which was expected. Only 2 survivors didn't have ds. I just wonder how can you not be bored running it all the time? I don't use any gen slowdowns so the games are very fast and that's fine by me…
  • If I play killer after 11pm, there are LITERALLY nothing else. I can mostly play only late at nights because of my work. If I try to switch to survivor queue lasts 10-20 min and I mostly encounter intentionally deranking killers or just new rank 20 killers regardless of my rank. One day I had a day off from work and could…
  • Yeah sorry, I just meant that in general about matchmaking problems. I didn't mean that you're survivor main.
  • The solution would be that if there are no killers matching your rank available, you simply won't get match at all. You're forced to play killer as well and vice versa. I started playing in 2018 and the matchmaking was working good back then. I don't get why someone wants to play just the other side, you're missing half of…
  • Yeah, I didn't mean my literal phrasing there. Just state accordingly that no repair penalties people near you, I'm no lawyer 😁
  • Wouldn't it be more clear to just state there's no repair penalty?
  • NOED Adrenaline Smaller killer hitboxes so you can't run small loops for ages. It's just so stupid and boring. Just a waste of time and not fun for me either playing a killer or survivor.
  • Ok I dind't know that. Anyway, I don't think that was the cause because it happened early game and I only lost the fountain near the hook.
  • I generally use BBQ, POP, Brutal strength and corrupt intervention. I use BBQ just for bloodpoints, it's not really that good with clown. I recommend using thrilling tremors instead, it goes very well with POP because of the info, you actually get double value.
  • I play mostly huntress and I haven't used IRI head over a year. That's because for me I actually feel that I'm better with hatchet + basic attack combo, then I still have 6 hatchets. It's of course easier with insta down, but If I need to pressure there's no time to reload all the time and maps are what they are.. People…
  • Last night I played 14 games. I got over 2 million bloodpoints after 4 hours of play. That's a reason enough, but also the games were more fun than usual, maybe people were trying to actually play the game instead of just sitting on gens, you get more bloodpoints after all.
  • I agree with ghostface because it's so buggy and low frames on ps4 but the rest of stealth killers I don't see a difference. Oni+billy definitely worse because of faster flick on pc, maybe demo is a bit harder too. Spirit, plague and PH are quite simple to play so I think those are quite equal. Maybe trapper and hag can be…
  • Nevermind, I just checked again and I have all the auric cells. I don't understand what the problem was, I restarted the game few times before and it didn't work, now just tried again and everything was fine.
  • Well, I don't think that at all. It's a lot of work playing him but I really like it, the power allows me to do and think different strategies than just running from place to place. I like the addons too because you can switch your playstyle and there's actually nice benefits that really make the difference. few examples,…
  • Ps4 Europe GMT +2 Last evening/night (june 16-17) multiple disconnects, very frequent after midnight. Game claims occasionally no internet connection but it's fine on my end.
  • If we consider the potential of the killer I think I'm relatively good with wraith, hag, doctor, huntress, demo and clown. I'm getting there with plague and ghostface. I play a lot of pig too but she can be so useless against good survivors, even with a clown I can manage it better it feels. For some reason I don't really…
  • As a killer seeing someone tbag at a jungle gym 5 seconds and two hatchets later he's down. It's also nice to get value out of pebbles as survivor, always cracks me up.
  • I wonder if it has something to with the latency? Maybe it's because of the servers, grabs and doctor shocks seem to fail most of the time also. However I do feel that some survivors really try do abuse this mechanic, it just seems like luck which I don't like at all. I respect a good dodge and bait but those weird misses…
  • Yeah I guess but has something changed regarding this, any updates or something else? I haven't missed so much earlier and it just feels so weird. Usually it doesn't change the outcome that much but in tight matches the secure 4k can turn into a 2k because of one whiff. I mean, I really don't care that much and I'm not…
  • You can also throw a hatchet through it at a certain angle, it has to be very precise.
  • I just unistalled, so that's - 1.
  • Yeah you're talking about potatoes, they come in many shapes and forms.
  • C'mon. It's not about giving up. When you play a lot killer and survivor you just recognize the patterns of how the game goes very early and you just know what kind of survivors you're dealing with. The only change late game normally is that when good survivors try to be too altruistic they can shoot themselves in the leg.…
  • oh my 😂 survivors don't lenghten the game on purpose like.. never 🤣 you can tell after 2-3 minutes if you have any change to win or not, the rest is just a theater.
  • I had a game yesterday with 4 rank 2's and they did all gens on purpose with ruin still up. It was right next to one gen and it was intentional, I managed to hook everyone at least once, 3 escaped and I'm not a bad killer. Imagine those great skill checks reducing the repair time, I would not have any change whatsoever to…
  • if base value is 4% and you add up 5% end result is 3 x 9%. so the change of freeing yourself is in the long run 27% with your suggestion. by the same logic 6 x 4% slippery meat gives you currently 24% change so it's almost the same.
  • Yeah I understand it but would you agree that if we tweak gameplay around a buggy gameplay something is wrong already?
  • With all due respect if you experience laggy gameplay for whatever reason, that has nothing to do with game tweaking/balancing. If our game is bugged it should be addressed first before anything else. If it's unplayable for someone, I think they're f****d anyway and that's not fun. If we need to take into consideration…
  • At low ranks survivors lose because they are afraid to do the gens, if they fail a skill check they will hide anyway because they're afraid OMG the killer is gonna come here. They hide anyway so the gen is stopped in both cases, no change there really.
  • If you just play normally and focus on doing good skill checks nothing really changes.. what am I missing here?
  • As I said this would be a very minor change IMO but I can assure you at least once a match red rank survivor will make a mistake, now it's just you can proceed trying to do great skill check because there's not much of a risk but high reward, you see?
  • They're reworking on doc so who knows what comes from it.. doc would be the only killer that maybe has too op ability, but I think it could be adjusted for this particular killer easily, somehow. huntress lullaby is hex so that would work a bit like a ruin at the moment and we could get use for that perk too, nobody uses…
  • But everything would be essentially the same as now, only you get punished for the mistakes a bit more?
  • Hitting a normal skillcheck is not that hard for even new players, it's the tension that makes you make more mistakes, you would get used to as new player very soon, regarding seasoned players, failed skill checks happen, currently good survivors just thinks mehh and proceeds doing the gen anyway, when pressured they would…
  • This would be a good idea, why not make it so that you could get the killer in your friend group aswell, why not? When you communicate with he killer it would make it even more fun with friends the amount of trashtalk would be hilarious. I would do that right away if possible with any survivors.
  • Yeah, not all swf. but in higher ranks this is normal. I propably would not enjoy facing your group either because I'd like to play more seriously and I don't like easy wins.
  • I'm a ps4 player and I've played this game well before SWF was implemented and I've made few observations. First of all when you play this game enough as a killer you start to see the patterns how the game runs quite easily and the patterns have changed. I'd say the swf with comms is an issue that is not just the…
  • I had the exact same experience as you, autohaven + wraith and I didn't understand what was happening. Funny as hell. This is my first post here and I logged in just to throw a few ideas here. I think the best scares are when you don't know what's happening or what's going to happen. One simple idea could be that killers…
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