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  • This actually also happens in the opposite manner too: If you are in the killer's terror radius when you get the oblivious status effect, it will briefly sound like the killer is right next to you for a split second (when they are not) before the terror radius disappears.
  • Skill check fails do not count, no. Even if it’s caused by a killer perk it doesn’t count. Kicking a gen with Overcharge for example just counts as 1 event for the kick, if the survivor blows up the gen afterwards that doesn’t count as a 2nd event. The spikes start appearing on the 4th regression event as a warning but…
  • For me I've noticed on survivor it usually happens only when I'm being chased or near the killer. I can't recall an instance of rubberbanding outside of that. I haven't had as many issues with it in 7.7.1 as I did in 7.7.0, but it is still a problem.
  • I do think it was overnerfed. But the solution is not to just revert it to the previous version, it was a problematic perk that needed a change. It might've still had a purpose if they kept it exactly how it is now (32 meters around the locker and doesn't follow the killer) but it still worked for 15 seconds after you open…
  • I would at least like to see the green key have a use on its own since a green key without addons that you pull from a chest is a completely worthless item and that feels awful when you loot a chest only to get an item that has no use whatsoever. Some of the key addons for aura reading could also be revisited, Blood Amber…
  • It’s nowhere near what it used to be but it’s still a really good perk that has singlehandedly won me games on survivor multiple times. I don’t think it needs a buff.
  • I had no idea she was sick. This is heartbreaking. Rest in peace.
  • I wasn’t sure about this so I tried it in a custom. Unfortunately no, the drone terror radius from the addon is still limited to 1 at a time despite them removing that line from the description. When I tried to disable a 2nd drone during the 15 seconds, it reset the undetectable and put a terror radius on the 2nd drone,…
  • I double checked it this morning in a custom game before I posted it. Unforeseen’s icon will still be lit up if it’s the one that gets deactivated early, because it will immediately switch to the cooldown timer, maybe that’s what you were thinking of?
  • You can have 2. You can't get 3 because the game doesn't let you have Dark Devotion and Unforeseen be active at the same time. If Dark Devotion is active and you kick a gen to activate Unforeseen, Dark Devotion deactivates. If Unforeseen is active and you hit the obsession to activate Dark Devotion, Unforeseen deactivates…
  • That just makes it a lot worse even on its own, when it's not even that strong on its own as it is. You'd get mostly the same information (though in a slightly better form) but lose the slowdown. All it needs is to not work when forced to let go of a generator so it doesn't work with Grim Embrace and screaming perks.…
  • Lightweight doesn't need a nerf. If anything, Light-Footed should work while injured as well.
  • So it's like a reverse Vigil basically but tied to scourge hooks. That's neat, I like it.
  • Basically it comes down to this: 3 second DS is too weak when used defensively (ie. for anti-tunnel), and balanced when used offensively. (I say balanced here as in, it still isn’t the way the perk was meant to be used, but it had a more appropriate risk factor if the killer eats the DS because it’s a lot easier for them…
  • It isn’t necessarily toxic. It’s more that it isn’t the intended use of the perk and puts killers in lose-lose situations that feel bad for them and sometimes aren’t really avoidable, and isn’t really fair. It’s why DS + UB is a strong and popular combo. Usually it’s when you’re either bodyblocking or otherwise interfering…
  • I don't really care as much about DS taking it away since it's more avoidable but losing it to Blast Mine/Head On shouldn't be a thing.
  • There should never be scenarios where it's very easy to guarantee that the killer can't hook. Sabotage as a mechanic is fine, and having to sometimes drop a survivor due to successful sabotage is fine. But the edge cases on certain maps like old RPD Library or that one top corner in Eyrie where denying the hook is…
  • Crows don't need to be buffed, they help attentive killers notice survivors but they're not meant to be something that is noticed easily and that always gives value. Adding auras or killer instinct to crows basekit would make them a lot stronger and is unnecessary.
  • There's nothing wrong with teleports as long as they are balanced and interesting to use. There are several killers with teleport abilities but not all of them work the same way and that keeps it from feeling stale imo. Like Dredge is the only killer that specifically uses lockers to do it for example. And several other…
  • It could go up to 125% but I don’t think it should be any higher than that. Keep in mind when it was 200% the game was very different from how it is now. Most killers were weaker than they are now, generators were quicker, and survivors were much stronger overall (and both sides had some much stronger perks that have all…
  • Yeah I have to agree. Losing a power that you very well may only get once or twice per game, to a random Blast Mine or Head On feels awful and isn't really fair. The risk/reward around pallets removing Corrupt Purge is fine because pallets are more predictable and the killer has to make a mistake to get pallet stunned (and…
  • That addon should just track totems and hooks and all the other killer-related stuff should be removed
  • I do agree PR + Pop is an issue, but it's not because of the new system and needing to repair 5% to stop regression, this perk combo was already a problem even before that imo. Gen-tapping got removed because of the regression event limit, and perks like Pain Res do count as regression events, so that particular aspect…
  • I don't think Terminus is really worth it most of the time unless you have NWO too. With NWO it lasts longer since survivors can't open the exits and so Terminus has more time to actually do something. On its own, the effect is too short to be meaningful a lot of the time. It can be impactful on its own occasionally, but…
  • Emergency Call is neat. Reuse is too strong.
  • This is by design, when drones are first placed (or when they become active again a while after being hacked) they start out in Stealth Mode which makes the scan lines invisible but also makes the drone rotate more slowly. You can see where the invisible scan lines are by looking for the 2 yellow lights on the sides of the…
  • Yeah they took that away when they nerfed it. Never use a medkit on another survivor in a CoH boon, it just wastes your medkit charges for nothing. It still stacks with other perks though.
  • Medkits don’t stack with Circle of Healing anymore (even if used on other survivors) so the 75% from the medkit has to be taken out giving us 564% total. Then we can also add in Better than New from a teammate bumping it up to 580% total and a 2.76 second heal. Everything else looks right
  • Her iridescent addons are a little too strong but other than that she is completely fine.
  • That’s good to hear. Is his hit cooldown also bugged then? It seems to be the same as PTB (instead of 5 seconds) but the patch notes didn’t say anything about keeping that. Victor can just move almost immediately and it’s really difficult to kick him. He’s also incorrectly glowing white after successful attacks even though…
  • Idk I just feel like Victor isn’t restrained enough now and that was the only thing really keeping them balanced. We’ll see. Almost all the other QoL changes are excellent though.
  • No this is a good change, it was really common for newer players to think they had damaged a generator and let go of the input, when they actually hadn’t. I made the same mistake 3 years ago when I was new. They do need to fix the animation bugs though.
  • Is Victor's cooldown supposed to be shorter after he downs someone? The 5 second cooldown was kinda needed for adequate counterplay if the killer player doesn't intend to switch back to Charlotte. If the goal is to let players switch back to Charlotte sooner (which I'd even say is a good thing), then allow switching back…
  • Revert Soul Chemical and Summoning Stone to what they were before the PTB. The problem with these addons on the PTB was not their strength (they didn’t even need to be nerfed), the problem was they were boring and lost the only things that made them interesting. The old effects were one-of-a-kind and fun to use. They…
  • Yes the in-game store prices of the characters from those DLCs will be reduced to 4500 shards or 250 auric cells.
  • Deadline - I think this perk has enough benefits to have the injured requirement. I also like how you can disable it by healing to healthy if you really want to (ie. if the killer has a build where you don't want the extra skill checks). Light-Footed - Yep, agreed this should work both while healthy and injured. It already…
  • It's not enough of a downside for the benefits it gives you, I agree.
  • While there are a lot of perks that should get buffed, it's impossible to shake up the meta without nerfing some things too. Otherwise the only way you can do it is by overbuffing other perks to the point where they are a problem and end up having to be changed again.
  • I would def agree Tag is stronger than C33 and I'd start with nerfing Tag first and seeing how that goes. At the very least, they shouldn't share the same downside since this just lets you use both addons with only 1 penalty which makes it a pretty broken combo.
  • WGLF is perfectly fine the way it is, the issue is FTP + Buckle Up just invalidates it completely
  • Only thing I can think of that does synergize is Surveillance, pretty much everything else doesn’t work
  • I think gen regression/slowdown addons are usually bad design and it should be reserved only for perks. Legion’s iridescent that regresses gens during Frenzy is the only one I actually kinda like. (I know Driver’s License also exists, imo that addon should not be a thing.) That said, the current Freddy addons that replaced…
  • That’s not a bad idea for a buff, though it still leaves the perk as mainly a hindrance for the killer early in the game and only helps when it already has a lot of tokens and is already stronger. Part of the issue with Dying Light is that it’s often a win-harder perk. If you do get a lot of tokens (to the point where the…
  • Bubba with Chili and Dredge with Haddie’s Calendar. I used to always run Combat Straps on Pig too but they made it basekit so not anymore.
  • Survivors can go through the Knight if they are being hunted by a guard. It’s always been like that
  • I'm not sure why these were nerfed either. The issue on the PTB wasn't that these addons were too strong (if anything they were too weak - why would you want increased speed or rush duration only on the first rush where you can't attack?) but rather that they were replacing the old effects of these addons which were cool…
  • They just need more incentive not to slug, by allowing the player to switch back to Charlotte faster after downing a survivor. Any killer can slug, but Twins are encouraged to do it more than anyone else because of how inefficient it can be to go pick up and hook. The long 5 second cooldown after Victor downs a survivor…
    in Twins Comment by sizzlingmario4 April 18
  • Oh good. Thanks for the update on this.
  • The terror radius doesn’t matter at all for UW anymore so it’s not any better on Wesker than the other killers. It’s just 32m around the locker regardless of killer. It’s actually usable on stealth killers now. I agree it doesn’t seem good anymore though.