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  • It’s a bad suggestion because that’s all these posts warrant. Day in day out people moaning about perks but not adding anything constructive. All you did to back up the perk being op is “always on always free”. Had you elaborated a little more from the beginning, you wouldn’t have got that daft suggestion. So sorry for any…
  • I gave you a suggestion, which you didn’t acknowledge, to you saying that a survivor perk being op. I didn’t specify you were whinging but you took it that way. People are always whinging about survivor perks or killer perks etc. it was a general observation on the topic of yet another post moaning about a perk being op.…
  • You were typing your reply as I was typing mine hence I did not see your reply. Look at time stamps. I wasn’t whinging, I’m literally laughing at you crying over a hardly used perk saying it’s op when it’s fine. I’d rather see different perks being used rather than the same 4 perks every game but hey that’s just me.
  • Maybe the killer should pick survivors perks every game. Wouldn’t have so much whinging about literally anything a survivor runs. would you the usual meta perks run every game so you can just whinge about that?
  • I don’t get the uproar about BT. It’s 12 seconds long. If you’re not camping hook and tunnelling that survivor it literally has no effect on gameplay… if it’s base kit you know everyone unhooked will have it so if you feel you must tunnel, just follow them for 12 seconds before you hit them. Or can’t you count?
  • People will then just die on hook. Had it happen in my first game on. Someone got hooked first, killed the selves on hook as I was about to pick them off. The killer came and I literally just stood there and killed my self because what’s the point? it needs to be looked at more WHY people are dc’ing so much. Personally the…
  • I didn’t even make it past the loading screen when all 4 survivors were dead on the ground. 2 dc’d, me and another guy just took the hook. Lobby time was longer than my game. It was awful. Not sure how an anti cheat system doesn’t pick up on that straight away 🙄
  • Recently just moved to a series x after finally getting hold of one, it was near unplayable on Xbox one. Constant lag whenever the killer did anything, even across map. So no improvement on older gens at all
  • Yesterday was constant camping and tunnelling. Same today. Except today there’s been far more dc’s on survivor side or just people killing themselves on hook. im just going to play killer instead for a few days because survivor has been torture.
  • I got it today. First time in ages
  • I’ve been playing about 7/8 months after watching it on YouTube for years. This isn’t my “main game” so I don’t dedicate a lot of time to it. The new player grind is ridiculous. Hardly rewards bloodpoints in relation to how much I have to spend. The bloodwebs are terrible, even though I’ve unlocked “meta” perks through…
  • Let’s move on to next gen when it’s currently hard to get your hands on next gen console… great idea.
  • I went through 15 blood webs for a single cake earlier. To then have the risk of either teammates dc’ing or me getting kicked out of a game when I’m at 99% opening an exit gate after a good game. It’s not worth the bp to get them if they’re going to go to waste. I have also seen more survivors bring cake than killers. Says…
  • Freddy bores me to death. With all his slow down add ons & having to run the entire other side of a map to wake myself up. Then just being able to teleport without having to set anything up first. No thanks. Boring AF and doesn’t take any skill to play him.
  • I finally got to play the map. Against a billy that chainsawed everywhere. Needless to say I didn’t actually get to see much of the map. Looks amazing, I appreciate that. Plays terrible. Is confusing as hell, hard to find a gen, even harder to find how to get to some of the hooks. I thought people were being extreme… how…
  • Maybe I’ve just been extremely unlucky. I’m from the UK so if other games are to go off, I’ll be constantly paired with someone half way across Europe
  • What are you playing on? im on last gen Xbox & so many games I end up running in to a wall or facing the other way. Nemisis’ tentacles are the worst for me, I can always tell when he’s using them on anyone
  • Me - cries in console
  • That’ll be because survivors need to escape to get the crown. If there was another requirement to getting the crown, I think people would have played like they normally do. Gen rushing is about the only way I can ensure I leave with a crown & it’s awful. It’s not enjoyable for either side.
  • Nothing wrong with a shameless plug. I’m UK time so if your streams are at a suitable time for me I’ll watch if you want to drop your twitch. started on a wraith, killed 3 first game without camping or tunnelling (things I hate as survivor) so pretty proud of myself considering I can be an utter potato sometimes 😂 the…
  • I’ve been running a licensed character a lot of games just to take the heat off regulars so they can get a crown. Just seen so many face campers/ tunnellers going after only people with glow. As a newbie killer I’ve let regular survivors with glow go just for a break. We both get points, I learn a little about chases/…
  • I get a cake about every 6 blood webs on survivors. Had a fair few out of mystery boxes. A ton of flashlights though… great to use on controller on console…. Not. I’d probably end up pointing it at a wall 😂 just about to put bp in to a killer for more cakes and play as killer for the remainder of the event
  • I still haven’t seen it yet! Wondering if I will see it before it’s disabled again…
  • I just had a game against leather face, 2 other survivors brought in cake. Him and his stupid chainsaw wouldn’t even let us get 1 gen on midwife (which I dislike as map anyway). Killer didn’t bring in a cake but reaped the benefits from the survivors whilst also giving us dire BP. What a waste of a cake that is hard to…
  • I may have misread, I thought you meant hook a survivor with a crown x amount of times, implying that person with the crown would need to be hooked multiple times in the game. My apologies. On further thought though survivors would just not pick the crown up until end game surely?
  • So survivors that have collected the crown will be tunnelled even harder? No thanks.
  • I was willing to take that hit with lessening the player pool considerably for what I’d hoped for was better quality games. I wasn’t expecting worse lag with a lower ping
  • I have a lot of flashlights and hardly any cakes. I’m lucky if I see 1 cake in 5 bloodwebs
  • I have all the flashlights & no cakes… I hate using flashlights on controller. Such a waste for me. Im lucky if I see a cake once every 5 bloodwebs
  • I brought a cake in… only for none of my other survivors to bring anything. They left me to die on first hook whilst 2 hid in closets. I hate people.
  • I’m considering turning crossplay off whilst it’s this bad. Even the playing field. I’m just worried about wait times for games
  • It’s ok for killers to throw but not survivors. it’s ok for killers to face camp & tunnel survivors out of their crown just because they find it funny.
  • “Just escape it’s easy” LOL you don’t play on console atm then… near impossible most games. I could have done all killer crowns in the time it took me to do 1 survivor last night. I solo queue & play on console. Nothing about escaping is easy
  • I don’t play toxic, don’t teabag, flashlight click etc as it’s just disrespectful. So in return I don’t expect to be hard tunnelled/camped out of a game purely because I’m getting a cosmetic. I had a nurse hook every other survivor once or twice. I get hooked once I get face camped out the game because I’m a Claudette…
  • It’s also not fair being tunnelled & camped out of a game because a killer doesn’t want you to get a crown. I’m playing on Xbox & it’s been tough to escape normally, but then to have game after game just being camped out… I’m just over it. A killer can do f all in the game except find a crown & they get to keep it. I find…
  • I’m sick of being hard tunnelled & camped out of a game because I’m just trying to get a damn crown!! All I’ve seen is toxic af killers. I’m already bashing my head against a wall trying to survive on console without killers being ######### on top of that
  • Not all heroes wear capes, some wear crowns. thanks for the list!
  • Oh ok, thank you
    in Crowns Comment by sumps1 June 2021
  • I restarted my game, escaped with a crown & still didn’t get one. Can Leon not get it? 😔
    in Crowns Comment by sumps1 June 2021
  • i had this game yesterday. We’d get slugged & end up on the roof. Some got put outside the map. He eventually slugged us all, put us at the exit gate & let us go. I just afk’d on the roof whilst I drank my tea
  • ive had a handful of games where someone has teamed with the killer. Generally they are the one doing nothing the entire game whilst everyone has been doing gens etc. Just standing pointing at the killer to see if they can get a hook rescue after they’ve lead the killer to the person. It’s a scummy play and any killer that…
  • Maybe you should have actually read the post before you commented… more to the point though no survivor should ever be helping a killer IMO. It’s just scummy.
  • Thank you! I missed it at launch so hopefully I can finally play it
  • I flashbanged a killer behind me (I had the prompt to say he was blinded), next second he was infront of me on the left! I couldn’t do anything but just laugh else I’d lose my mind honestly. Nemisis matches are the worst for me. Any time he gets his tentacle out it lags like crazy. So many missed skill checks, so many…
  • Pretty much yeh. As a newer player I’m excited to get more BP but on the flip side of that, I shouldn’t be getting excited for that when the normal amount of BP I get is dire. Seeing it from an older perspective, I’d be mad if the event was the same every year. But then again my main game is destiny 2 so I’m used to event…
  • You can say that about any game. Established players aren’t going to keep the money coming in like new players will. Most games cater to new players and casuals sadly and I really hate to see it. Established players should be much more rewarded, but that’s not where the money is so game developers don’t give two hoots.
  • I had this bug in this same window. Was stuck for ages until the huntress finally found me. Slugged me, I was still stuck in animation and had to wait out the timer
  • I do usually run kindred for exactly that. But trying to level up a new character, I haven’t been fortunate to get it on the blood web even at level 39. Bad rng I guess lol
  • toblerone many female killer = Margaret
  • I had a game against ghostface. Within the first minute I was the only survivor left. Just ruins the whole game
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