Simple solution for tunnelling.
Now that all survivor side tasks got extended (aka healing and gen completion) why not also extend the duration of the hook stages to match with this? 90 or 120 sec hookstage? Killer can still choose to proxycamp or tunnel. But in this way, the survivor actually has a way to punish this behaviour and actually has a chance…
Deja vu taking priority over other perks
I run deja vu. But whenever one of my teammates or the killer runs a perk that highlights the gen in yellow and its part of the 3 gen showing with deja vu, all 3 gens are always red. Especially if killers use trail of torment, its really hard to tell which gen it is. So the info other survs get, is not available when using…
fast skillcheck while repairing
Platform: pc description? we were playing against a docter. He had coulraphobia, sloppy, merciless and monitor and abuse. Tunneled first surv out, then went for the second one constant. Managed to heal her one time while my friend took chase (badham preschool map). In that time, i did get affected by coulraphobia. got very…
very bad gen placement on withered isle
when two gens are within 5 metres of eachother, there is defo something wrong with the spawning Its the worst one i have seen in a while
Pretty gamebreaking perk on pig
Played on coldwind against a pig. I got a nice partyhat, and it became active. So the counter is to search the boxes and get it off right? But the catch: she ran the perk Hex: face the darkness where you scream every 25 seconds at tier 3. With an active partyhat, i literally tried searching the box but the perk interrupted…
Pretty gamebreaking if you ask me
Played on coldwind against a pig. I got a nice partyhat, and it became active. So the counter is to search the boxes and get it off right? But the catch: she ran the perk Hex: reveals the darkness where you scream "once in while". With an active partyhat, i literally tried searching the box but the perk interrupted me at…
Anti camp failing and being useless in current state.
We had an artist. Tunneled first person out (hardtunneled and camped them) i was the second one found. Told my teammates to just do gens and i would unhook myself. To my surprise, killer was ten steps behind the hookthe whole time. I was in terror radius the whole time. All the artist did was send birds to all the gens and…
Deja vu not working on hawkins
We play pc. My friend had the hawkins offering on, so wasnt a random map. We both run the perk deja vu, but on spawning we couldnt see any gens. there were no afflictions active. So we think it is bugged on this map.
mmr not working?
I play almost all the time survivor only. For the rift, i play killer sometimes. But what are those teams i get matched with? If i have a 100 hours on killer all combined, its a lot. I played legion for the first time today. Got matched with a full blown swf team. All could loop pretty well. How is this motivating to try…
cut down bleed out timer
bleed out timer of 4 minutes is ridicolous. Its gettinmg used by killer when 2 survs already dead, two people in game....one person gets slugged, its then four full minutes where the killer can search for the last person where only he can progress by finding him, but the survivors cant. Its gives an unfair advantage to the…
Nice hook placements Rotten field :)
For the record, someone was hanging on that one too.....:P All to make camping even more easier...:P
off the record bug
I was unhooked second time, off the record activated. Someone was healing me, when the blight hit me. I went insta down and didnt get the endurance effect, which i should have. Is it possible that when someone is healing you, its not actiavting and that it is bugged? this was on pc.
PC: Hex totem devour hope bugged
Me and my daughter played survivor on iron works of misery map. Our killer was a deathslinger. He ran nurses calling, currupt intervention, hex devour hope and iron maiden. After two hooks, i found the hex totem and cleansed it. Had 2 stacks on it. killer played without addons to his power. Strange thing was, that even…
pc - no borrowed time when unhooking from a cage
not sure if this is intentional or not. Executioner send someone to a cage and went straight back to it to proxycamp. My friend who runs borrowed time ran in to do the save. He stood with them when unhooking already. Hit the person in the cage. Went immediately down. There was no BT. Not having BT there, caused us too…
Why noed is overpowered
Simple said, with 4 man swf it isnt. Since they have comms and literally know if all totems are done or not. But when you play solo or duo, it really is a broken perk. Since you really dont know if all totems got done. Simple solution: make a counter visible for everyone. Sfw already know the number, but now solo players…
Please lower the bl;eedout timer
There is literally no reason for it to be 4 minutes long. The only thing a bleedout timer does, is give the killer 4 minutes of finding the last survivor without him having an out. It literally is the only way killers use the bleedouttimer. its just slug, find last survivor for the 4k. And I seriously hate being on the…
Not being able to mend against docter.
We played against a docter, and in madness 3 two of my teammates couldnt mend. One got to me just in time so i could do it, the other one went down because he couldnt mend himself. I am pretty sure mending should be doable in stage 3 of madness. You cant snap out of it fast enough to mend after. Please fix this!
I really wish something would be done against the constant tunnel
I really dont care it its a legit strategy or not. Its total bullshit, requires no skill from the killer, cause there really is no skill involved to down someone immediately after they stand on their feet. What do we get against this form of practice? We get a one time use of a perk. Thats it. While its from the survivor…
Well...matchmaking still not fixed!
So...with the new matchmaking system...anyone want to explain to me why i am being matched with these ranks? @not_Queen @Peanits
The Dc problem
Right now a lot of people DC from the game. Its a big problem. And most DC are all on the survivor side. Everyone hates the DC-ing. But in fairness, the DC-ing of survivors is not the problem, its a sign that there is a bigger problem in this game on the survivor side. Something that dedicated servers wont solve. The real…
Suggestion for an addidtion to boorowed time and DS
Right now, those two perks are the only ones that can deal a little bit with the tunnelling. In my games, it happens almost all games. And i would like to see some solid penalty to this kind of behaviour. So here are my suggestions. DS should be after every hook. It shouldnt be a one time thing. If its meant to stop…
Change for BBQ and chili
Ok.....so we have camping and we have hook rushers. BBQ was meant as an incentive to go away from hook, and to chase someone that you could see further away. The reality is, that if they dont see 3 other people, they will just stay at the hook. As a survivor this is annoying. But so are people who farm the people on the…
Matchmaking changes for SWF
As a new killer, i keep running into SWF groups that consist of two new players and two red ranks. They get in my lobby because of that, so the red ranks can troll me around the whole round. I do think there are groups who are intentionally seeking up new and low rank players to get in matches with less experienced…
Remove the crows please
I think its ridiculous that as a survivor, you get crows above your head when you are standing or lying in one place. DBD developers say that camping and standing still in one spot is a viable strategy. Then this should be for survivors as well. You cant have it both ways. If I, as a survivor, want a camping killer to deny…
Balance suggestions killer/survivor
Both camps have 4 different categories in which they can obtain points during gameplay. But as for survivors, there is no real way to gain any survival points during gameplay, Other then escape, which rewards 5k at once. To me seems fitting, since that is the main objective to do. But Why is it that killers dont have this…
Camping...some things say it all
http://prntscr.com/l4e4gp He was a stairs camping billy while my teammates were on other side of the map. Just stood there whole time. When survivors do attempt a rescue, they are hit in their bloodpoints for doing an unsafe hook. But how can you not perform an unsafe hook with a camper like that? I dont think the rank…