Bloodpoint Cap
I am appreciative of the recent bloodpoint cap from 1 million to 2 million but why have a cap at all? With all the ways to earn BP’s and the recent prestige 100 patch there shouldn’t be a cap at all. Maybe to discourage BP hoarding for new chapter day? As of now I am sitting at 4.5 million bloodpoints with about 8 pages of…
Bug or Hack?
So I just played a game where 1 survivor could not be hit at all, and another survivor was invisible. Is this a bug or hack? https://youtu.be/Lf7qUZYTWx8
750,000 BP’s & 500 Shards
I just received this, anyone know why? I play on Xbox
Ace Vistaconti
I would probably buy a used car from him
“Slight” Tomb Challenge Mod
“Escape the trial 2 times” can we change that to “Almost Escape the trial 2 times” or “Sorta Escape the trial 2 times?” Escaping is a pretty big ask these days in solo Q. Maybe just a little, you know, close enough will do the trick?
Cannot Pip Up on Solo Q
I hate to beat a dead horse but #########? 8 out of the last 10 games in solo Q I’ve played someone has DC’d, the other two someone hook suicided. I’ve been stuck in gold ranks all month because I’ll get maybe one game that doesn’t start as a 3v1 basically. Of coarse the killer of the match is going hard with 3-4 Gen slowdowns,…
Adding Pictures on these forums from phone
I have tried to add a few game related pictures from my phone, they won’t load up. Am I doing something wrong? From an Iphone
Those that play Killer
Every match you play you aren’t playing a SWF. I’d bet that you don’t face a SWF but every 1-10 matches if not 1-20.
Avatar Icon
How do I change the icon on my name from the white circle of doom, with my phone? I’ve looked into settings and all that but I don’t see an option.
Snowman Tip for Survivors
If you’re worried about the killer sneaking up on you in a snowman suit, try to have a look at the shadow it casts, the casted shadow still shows the killer.
Incentive Bonus gone
Does that mean the sides are completed balanced, or are the incentives broken?
Whose ready for some snowmen?
Dead Hard Animation
Seriously, can something be done about how stupid this looks if used to early? Lol, it looks like your character is trapped in quick sand and is running at top speed trying to get loose.
Bug Fix
4GB for the tiny little fixes they mentioned? I wonder if there is some sneakiness going on here?
Old Swamp Gens
Anyone remember when swamp had gens you could onlY do from 1 side? I think Midwich had them too, but the new map has them also, just sayin
Totem spawn in The Game map
I’m sad I never got to see the totem that spawned in a locker in the Game map that they just patched. Anyone have any pics of the holiest of holies totem?
Funniest survivor squeal!
Another post made me think about this, and if you haven’t heard these, or just wasn’t paying attention, have a listen next time you’re in a game with them. Ash, and Steve. Not when they get hooked but like if they step into a trappers trap, it’s absolutely hilarious the sound they make. I will blow a skill check laughing…
Pallet Stuns
Does anyone else have an issue with pallets stunning you even though your almost in the next map over? Lately I’ve been getting stunned even though I am back pretty far because I expected the drop, but still I get stunned. Maybe it’s lag on my side idk.
Hag Daily Not Working
I have played 3 games with Hag. The daily is to teleport and hit a survivor 4 times. The hits are not registering. I play Xbox, and I see someone else has reported this as well.
Who gets chosen?
When you load in as killer, you see 4 of your survivors sitting by the campfire, are those chosen at random or what?
Most enjoyable map to play
For me it’s Ormond. For both killer and survivor I like the same thing, the open area, and large map. I think it’s a perfectly designed map.
Basement Gen
Why are there no Generators in the basement? Generally a generator is located in a basement, but no gens are there. If they put a Gen in the basement that would supply the power of two gens would it it be worth it to do it? 5 gens normally, but if you completed the basement Gen it would count as two, or the basement Gen…
Garden of Joy
Has anyone just stopped recently in the Garden of Joy to just admire all the beauty, the glorious splendor that this map has to offer? It’s just breathtaking…. I could literally die there.
If Bubba could crouch
now that would be funny to see
If Deathslinger was real
I’d punch him right in his stupid face. I loathe Deathslinger. What killer would you like to punch in the face? For survivor I suppose I’d punch David in the face. From my experience he usually does the least out of anyone, but always tea bags a hole in the exit hallway. He deserves a good punch.
Sound Effects
Has anyone having, or has it been noted somewhere about the weird sound effect lag/distortion issue? When I play against Knight or Legion (so far) and am subject to their chase music/green orb sound, it lingers long after I’m out of chase and even though I’m out of chase the music makes me think I’m still in chase. Does…
I enjoy playing The Knight!
At first he was aggravating to the point of wanting to DC every match, but after I did the Adept challenge, started using good perks, and realized I can constantly have guards on the prowl, I really started to enjoy what he is. By no means is he a nurse, or blight as far as lethality, but you gotta give it to BHVR for…
No Mither
Should come with resilience
Potential Energy value
Has anyone gotten anyone good value from this perk? I’ve been running resilience and no Mither with this perk, and I got a little value from it when playing big maps, but other than that it just seems like a novelty perk with cool animation.
What if the Knight was changed….
Think about this. If they changed the Knight to make his orb invisible, or his guards faster, or the area of patrol circle invisible, there would be literally no counter play to his power. If a night equipped M&A he could sneak up on a Gen being worked on by survivors, put his power on them, and guarantee a free hit…
That was the hardest killer to adept since Plague, jeez
The DC button
So, arguments have been made that if it’s “in the game” it’s a viable strat. Body blocking, face camping, tea bagging, whatever. So with the quit game button, does that make it a viable strat? Say, leaving a game to let a teammate get hatch, prevent the completion of that final Gen. Why is that button there? Say your game…
Weird Haddonfield Spawn
I spawned on the edge of a balcony on the upper floor of a house in Haddonfield. I walked forward and just started falling, really freaked me out lol
Random Map Spawns
Has anyone else experienced some really weird random map objects spawning lately? I came out of shack on auto haven and there was a rock literally right in front of one of the doors just barely forward enough to squeeze by, and on garden of joy there was a whole row of shrubs blocking off one side of the shack that you had…
Knight over already?
I played a bunch of games as knight today, and just recently switched over to survivor to have a look at the other side….. Nurse, Nurse,Nurse, Blight, random Demo, Nurse…… ######### man? In 15 games I haven’t faced a single Knight! What gives man
Jailer is the best!
Everyone says the Carny and Assassin is good, but man I gotta go with the Jailer. He can apply some good pressure
Dead Hard hit Deactivates Knight Minion
So hitting a survivor deactivates your minions as the knight, but that also happens during a dead hard
This has to be the best perk I’ve seen in a while
The Onryo
This killer scares the bejesus outta me when playing as the killer or survivor… jeez
Sympathy Pip? 🧐
just played a game as killer, broke basically every pallet in the map, kicked at least 10 gens, first survivor threw in the towel and suicided on 2nd hook, 2nd survivor DC’d on 2nd hook, 3rd survivor suicided on 2nd hook, the 4th survivor I found quickly and downed, but took to the hatch because they were still at 5 gens.…
New Chapter
Why is always released on Tuesday? It would be awesome if they could just release it now for the weekend.
Cannibal Bug
Anyone else having the issue during post match when Bubba is running away, instead of carrying his chainsaw it looks like he is carrying an imaginary pizza?
Call it a tie
With the amount of Gen regression perks currently in the game, there should be an option to call it a tie game, and end the match. I’ve been in so many games recently where the match has lasted 40 minutes and higher due to a killer having a strong 3 Gen, and no one wants to give up. Just implement a system where 1 person…
Fog offerings….
Greaten or Lessen the dark mist…. This needs to be reworked
Whose got level 3 tomb path?
What’s up will all the wraiths lately? Is there a convention in town or something?
Outbreak Breakout
Any chance we could get this achievement changed from “escape RPD 20 times” to “escape the shack 20 times?” That would be swell, please and thank you 😊