Tunneling is being incentivised now
With the healing changes coming into DbD its going to impact SoloQ to where they'll have to stay stacked due to not being able to efficiently heal themselves and SWF are going to play injured for the mast majority of the game. The changes doesn't really do anything to the Vets who play. What concerns me is that now it's…
Spawning with Survivors as killer
This has consistently happened to me when I play killer for the past few days. I've not played a lot in a few months but noticing now. I consistently spawn with 1 survivor For instance my previous match I spawn with a Nea on the opposite side of a Rock with me. Another match a Meg was just on the opposite side of a hay…
Rip Dead hard. You guys are out of your minds
Dead Hard will activate after safely unhooking a Survivor. When activated, press the active ability button while injured and running to gain the Endurance Status Effect for 0.5 seconds, then become Exhausted. Dead Hard will deactivate when it successfully protects the user from damage. Why are you nerfing a already bad…
Goodbye Sprint burst
Good-bye sprint burst your days are numbered now that Dead hard is gone avoiding chases entirely is going to be the play if not get the massive head start in chases . Running to the nearest gym while Fixed and vigil recovers your exhaustion you'll be able to stall at pallet for a long time. I'm going to miss Sprint Burst…
Auto Blood web thank you Devs
It took you six years to release a automatic bloodweb sure it isn't the best but it is way better than what it currently is!!! Now I actually want to spend my BP without wasting my time on not getting what I want from the blood web. If I could choose what to do for the automatic bloodweb I'd just have it take the total…
6 Years and killers are still whinging
What more can the Devs do? They've nerfed every possible survivor perks that they had and made changes to all of their mechanics and still they're crying. Solo is just barely enjoyable Dead hard is still being complained about and it already received a healthy nerf . Off the records is another perk being complained about…
Skull Merchant/ PTB was a waste of time
Skull Merchant brings light to a very unhealthy playstyle that encourages players to want to DC or just sandbag right away. With the PTB it should of brought to the attention that she can 3 gen defend making it almost impossible if not tedious for survivors to work on gens. They're at the mercy of RNG with gen spawning ...…
What were the Devs thinking ?
I understand being slugged for 4 minutes isn't fun and a complete waste of time but why reward toxic behavior with free wins? High mobility killers with exposed perks are going to be able to down survivors pretty fast and within 45s making matches end quite faster than just hooking survivors if you think about it you just…
Survivors have nothing going on for them
Dead by daylight has been around since 2016 and it has been 6 years now and survivor game play feels the same . They do not have the same options as killers who can swap up their game play based on killers ability . So something like they can play a killer that incredibly fast pace or a stealth killer taking it slow. They…
What happened to survivors?
What happened to survivor it just seems so unenjoyable and has been feeling that way for awhile now... Killer isn't much fun either rarely do you find competent seal team 6 SWF comps anymore and if you do the match seems long and drawn out. Survivors have it rough right out the box being only a skin to them and nothing…
Hooked on you? Why
I'm not sure of the marketing strategy for this game but it kinda ruins the aspect of Dead by daylight for me. It changes the whole feel of the game to sexualize characters and takes the horror and thrill away Why is the Devs focusing sexualation and and sexual preference of characters on these titles. It just seems odd…
Mettle of Man nerf was uncalled for
Why was a perk that is a one time use that required a absurd amount of protection hits got even looked at? This perk would require a throwing the game build to be even good Now in its current state you might as well remove it from the game
Health state of solo que
This isn't a suggestion or feedback but a discussion about missed opportunity for survivors with icons and status effects What are your thoughts on survivors having updated status bar around their name? When repairing a gen a gear icon should rotate around their players Icon When cleansing a totem they should have two…
The Devs sabotage their own game.
The problem with the game is a balancing issue at glance with a few other key mechanics. The issue that I see is Solo que isn't really fun anymore it's a double edged sword. You lack any useful information on what the survivors are doing. You get caught by the killer now you do not know the intentions of the other…
BloodWeb change plz
I do not like sitting in the bloodweb trying to level up and get perks .. It feels like a waste of time Who would be welcome to the idea of Auto leveling and progressing the bloodweb. It should take the total amount of BP you have then use all that's available to progress the bloodweb randomly until the available balance…
Better bloodweb plz
We need to have a way to auto progress the bloodweb... If I have enough BP to progress the bloodweb to level 40 I should be able to click a button and have it progress 40 levels and give me perks based on RNG idc what it gives me
I feel betrayed by the DbD crew
This isn't so much of a rant but a observation I've since my time playing dead by daylight. Whenever a new survivor/killer comes out they make some pretty interesting perks that change up game play. I loved that and it made it pretty fun refreshing than using the same 4 perks for years just to win . Then they go and nerf…
Where are our funko pops devs?
Did the making of Funko pops go by already did I miss it? When are we supposed to get them if ever I want to collect them mainly I want a Yui funko pop... Or was that a misinformation and we are not getting pop funkos? Who would you want to see or have as a pop funko No spirits no Dwight's mains unless you're a locker…
Boon totems..Totems in general
Why disable one boon totems and not both sense they both can create the same issue if anything boon shadow step should of been the one disabled. Anyways ... Totems we all know the RNG for it is bad and that on some maps they're unfindable with some being unreachable It is time for the killers to be able to move their…
Give Ghostface a phone
It would be a pretty interesting concept to give survivors phones along with Ghostface Having the secondary ability to gather Intel on near by survivors with a obnoxious ring tone and with add ons it can switch to reveal auras of survivors with ringing phones or a loud audio que of the survivors last location
The Devs finally getting the game right
The Devs are cottled the killer base for far too long and now playing survivor seems playable outside of SWF. I'm glad that they're listening and trying to make the game enjoyable instead of handing the killer a free 4k with killers with no counter Spirit, deathslinger and a few others I'm always happy to see non meta…
Pinhead needs a rework
I'm not suggesting anything or asking . I more or less want to talk about how absurd pinhead is in his current state. Pinhead needs a drastic rework to better make him useful while not being overwhelming aswell for survivors. A competent survivor team will hold his box hostage like they did with the twins and wait for him…
Rework hatch not keys
The hatch itself needs a rework instead of finding a rework for keys and I think a reliable rework would be that the hatch can relocate itself after it has been opened and used by XX amount of survivors remaining plus 1 gen. Hatch will only open to survivors who has done the minimal of a gen if not a half. They should have…
Answer this question about pinhead
What is the best most effective build for him to use and maps he do poor on
It's Time for bloodlust to go
It's time for bloodlust to go killers shouldn't gain unnecessary distance for nothing most killers have abilities that allow them to close the distance or hinder mobility so at least for those killers shouldn't get bloodlust. It should be a perk at best I'll be fine with that I'd like to see a negative bloodlust to hurt…
Pinhead teleporting
So far when I teleport with pinhead I always spawn facing away from survivors or facing a wall without being able to see the survivor Another thing to note is if you solve the puzzle at at elevated level pinhead will not spawn close to you as you can't spawn on a elevated area so it will be random
I can't seem to enjoy this game
I play Solos and it gets real draining to be in a lobby where you've a tunneling killer and it doesn't even matter if we ignore them do gens and escape. This game is supposed to be played for fun but you can't really do that if you get tunneled out the game within 5min and it's not fun to sit on gens all game I know I'm…
New Survivors get the raw end of the deal
Without access to BT or DS they've to deal with camping and tunneling with no way to counter it. With no knowledge of safe spots to evade the killer..
NOED needs to go or be reworked
NOED needs a serious change for the fact that it rewards poor playstyle and behavior.It is a perk that guarantees a kill if not a automatic win for some killers. I would like to see a rework for it being Tier 1 inflict the broken status and deep wound on all injured survivors. This will counter adrenaline and force them to…
Body blocking survivors
So I was body blocked into a corner by other survivors how do i report them
Borrowed Time
Without Borrowed Time this game would be pretty painful to play and overall unplayable . Yes it is manageable but is extremely hard outside a SWF. Borrowed Time should be a free perk being new to the game you have zero counter to camping and tunneling If you have not had the chance to level Bill you are out of luck and…
Blocking players mostly killers
So I would like to suggest that we be able to block players that we find toxic and by blocking them we will never be matched with them if not they'll have very low priority being matched with you again. I know camping and tunneling is a strategy and you can keep doing that all you want and the Devs do not have to change it…
ToolBox nerfs?
Are these rumors true? If do what else are survivors going to lose? We have already seen a Medkit nerf with seen a flashlight nerf now toolboxes? What else are we supposed to use? What are we supposed to do just die? I swear killer mains are just cry babies I feel survivor will be unplayable now
Why are Survivors Punished?
Why are Survivors Punished for Killers main terrible behavior and self destructive personality? It seems anytime they don't get their way or like an item a survivor is holding they can lobby Dodge for free and anytime they get outplayed they can double down and camp/tunnel. If they camp everyone loses even the survivors…
Xbox Que times?
I'm on Console and for me my average que time is 30-40min per game that usually ends with a error or a lobby Dodge making us have to repeat the process Are we going to get any support
Should Survivors be able to see the killer
Do you think the survivors should be able to see who the killer is during the lobby screen? Killers are able to see who the survivors are and plan ahead if they do not dodge But do you think it should be the same for survivors? I would like to know if I could plan ahead against certain killers and switch my perks out to…
Survival Guide
ImNot-Panthro* Survivor main here giving tips and tricks for starting survivors. We will just cover the basics and from there you'll be able to learn what works for you First thing first is select a Survivor with perks that you like and stick with them until you Max them out at lvl 50. Each survivor has their own unique…
The Demogorgon
The Demogorgon will play too much like Hag and I think that's awful. Anytime they make a killer share an ability the 2nd one is always worse just look at Leatherface. They say you'll get a status effect when digging up his teleport but what good does it do if they're gone by the time you get to them What reason do they…
Players who DC
Killers are able to lobby dodge SWF and anything that they see as a challenge or anyone So why can't Survivors do the same when they're going against a face camper or a killer they dislike Why are they the ones to get punished for staying in a game that's a loss or toxic
Demogorgon is a reskined Hag
The Demogorgon is a reskined Hag that got nerfed my change my mind
Survivor Main here
As much as I think killers are boosted and let's face it majority of them are and is entitled but let's start a new leaf Whenever I play killer I play Ghostface My build is Ruin, Thanaphbia,sloppy and Nurses. Nurses can be swapped out with anything and it has been really good so far. What perks would you use What are your…
Nurse Nerf
I'm just here to say bravo Dev team you've finally grew a pair and stopped nerfing Survivors. Frankly I'm glad the Nurse is getting nerfed now on to more killers like chainsaws , there is no reason chainsaws killers should get freebies. While we are at it Nerf BBQ and Chili with NOED NOED shouldn't activate on the first…
Freddy Rework
So after finally playing against the Nightmare I have to say this is the worst idea for a killer ever. He was already a terrible and annoying killer to play against, now he is twice as annoying while Tak by no skill to play. He gets all of the handicaps that rewards ######### game play. Every 60 sec you fall asleep if he hits…
Friday the 13th game is better
Friday the 13th game is way better than DBD because they do not cave into entitled whinny killers who doesn't have any skill at the game and wants nothing but a free handout Change my mind http://www.thesixthaxis.com/2017/07/07/friday-the-13th-the-game-or-dead-by-daylight-which-is-better/ let me know how much better this…
Solidarity new top tier perk
This perk has the potential to be top tier for being able to double heal. It will save time from healing and if you run a alteristic build you can practically take a hit and heal both you and him with we will make it I assume it doesn't work with medkits Because that would make instant heals over powered This however…