map sizes?
so far campbell's chapel is my favourite map on both sides cause i think it's the perfect size is it just me that thinks the majority of maps are just too big? Like gas heaven has those stupid car walls and ormond the saloon and don't get me started on dwelling. probably most hated is midwich just because it's such a…
help with huntress map pressure
finally getting the hang of huntress got a few decent cross map hatchets and i am actually quite proud of myself for them but at red ranks i can see huntress' one issue... map pressure. If anyone has any strategies, perk suggestions etc. they would be very appreciated
when do penalties reset?
i have gotten 24 hour bans for 5 days in a row because of my "bad connection" and totally not because this game is all over the place at the moment but anyway i would just like to know when i'm able to play the game again without having the chance to be banned for 24 hours any answers would be really appreciated. Seriously…
oni op or not?
as a killer main i hate to say this but i feel like he is just a little op. i haven't gotten under 3 survivors in any games with him. Maybe I just have really lucky matches but i am rank 3 but idk i want to hear what other people think. I'm also on console keep that in mind
blight worth learning on console?
i bought him at his release but took a big break so didn't get the chance to play him. Although i hear stories about how bad he is on console but he seems like a lot of fun and a powerful killer plus i don't want my money to go to waste. Any tips are really appreciated.
right i'm confused who has the highest probability of being the new killer
There's so much info on this just want to know who it could be instead of watching a crappy 10 minute video by paulie esther ranting on about how pennywise could be in the game
what killer needs a rework the most
i'd say legion
to all toxic survivors
Don't bother with the gg ez trash talk. Usually we really don't care and if we actually get affected by it doesn't that make you a giant #########? I used to care but now i really don't so don't waste your time with them. And instead just send two of the same letters. If you don't know what those two letters are i'm going…
devs please come up with more ideas
there hasn't been a single interesting event just more excuses to sink your money into cosmetics. this game gets severely draining and boring after 3 or 4 matches on either side. For survivor you hold m1 all game and for killer. you just get looped for the entire game. Every time you try a build as killer you just get…
it's that time again
I'm taking a break. As long as i can. Don't get me wrong i love this game but there are way too many issues in the game right now for it to be fun. I'll still check the forums and everything and see what the patches are like but just not playing it. I had one break so far and it was honestly the best thing to do. I'd…
why do people complain about slugging
Slugging is a really good strategy and if i'm myers and tier 3 has popped i'm not gonna waste it. I'll down as many survivors as i can to put more pressure on the survivors. Also if you hate slugging so much just bring unbreakable. I get that it might be boring but you'll either be hooked or picked up soon if the killer is…
my god this rift is trash
huntress looks okay but that really is the only good thing on here. Personally every outfit there looks so normie and basic. Everyone is saying it looks so good but for me it's their worst one yet. Anyone agree?
Think devs need to learn from r6 siege
Anyone remember where Ubisoft missed an entire season to dedicate that time to fix their goddamn broken game. Well look where they are now they are now one of the most popular fps currently. I honestly wouldn't mind missing a chapter and giving time for devs to fix at least some issues. Think they just came up with a…
i can barely notice gen speed changes as killer
title says it all i still get gen rushed no matter what killer i am no matter what map no matter how long chases are. Think they need to tweak them again or (really don't want to say it) bring back ruin. Other opinions are welcome just don't talk trash please that helps nobody
hillbilly changes??
just got ran for 5 whole gens with billy because he feels really clunky now. They only mentioned legion changes. and don't call me bad i get 4ks with billy all the time i've been playing him since i started. Also gen speeds haven't been affected enough imo they still fly by for me. First 3 games i had after the update i…
hottest killer and survivor?
don't have a survivor but Julie is the hottest by far.
dead dawg saloon is one big infinite
pallets are usually pretty safe if you run them on the correct side and there are too many windows on the saloon. i know you can break walls but you need to waste time in order to get some fairness. What is the point just make regular doorways. It is a shame cause it's imo the coolest looking map in the game with a good…
hag any good??
Thinking about starting to play her. Any tips or suggestions? All i know is that swf demolishes her but there's like 3 killers who can stand against a swf anyway.
talking about devs...Again
a big amount of their reasons of not doing things is for being it too "hard" for example in the latest q&a someone asked why hasn't the asylum window been changed which i think is a good question and so did Patrick who was really nice and informative of quite a few issues. But he did say it would take too much time. and he…
anything gonna happen with Oni on console??
there is no point to play him when you have billy on console. I have no control over my kanabō and he just feels horrible and painful to play
so i started playing clown at rank 2...
Not good. He's not too bad at green maybe purple on a good day but going as clown at red ranks is a death sentence. So i have thought about some buffs and here is what i've come up with. Have no movement speed penalty when reloading. It is infuriating how long it takes just to get back FOUR bottles. The amount of times…
can there please be no leave penalty for killer OR survivor
I just think nobody should be forced to stay in a match if they are not having fun. However if you are losing that's not an okay reason to leave. It's just that a lot of the time you can get into games where people are being huge pieces of sh** and you'd just rather leave and search for a new game. If that's too big of a…
buff trapper
just... please buff him...
can't mend while in madness III
i know these circumstances are extremely rare but i just got unhooked and the survivor gave me borrowed time and the doctor hit me and i ran away. By the time i ran away my mend timer was on like two seconds left and i tried to mend but instead it started trying to snap out of it. I was on last hook and i got downed and…
when is the update getting implemented?
i'm on console so i don't have a way to access the ptb so does anyone know when it's actually coming?
legion complete rework?
Idk about everyone else but i still despise going against legion mainly because it just gives you another reason to hold m1 or rb or r1 all game long. So anyone up for another ability for him? If so please tell any because i love legion they've got such cool cosmetics a backstory and let's be honest who doesn't want to be…
Survivor self entitlement
OH BOI i cannot wait for these changes and now survivors are really showing their true colours. Please all survivor mains complain right here i want to see more of it. To all survivor mains with some decency thank you truly
change gen speeds or bring back old Ruin or make smaller maps
Playing at red ranks now is just way too stressful mainly because of gens getting popped every.single.minute. You chase a survivor gen gets popped, hear something across the map and go and investigate gen gets popped. So i have thought quite a bit about this. Would bringing back Old Ruin be all that bad? The devs said…
prove thyself is gonna be much stronger now
not sure how i feel about the prove thyself and stakeout changes would like to hear other people's opinions