The Last Lamb - "Can you really call them friends when you're all going to end up in the same place?" Survivor Bloodpoints Mechanics • Survivors are granted 200 Survival Bloodpoints each minute for th…
This chapter idea is based on the web series Tribetwelve Killer: The administrator Killer bio: [REDACTED] Ability: The administrator's ability is called virus, the administrator can enter an infection…
Hey, fellow survivors and killers. I recently made a new killer idea on the steam community forum. I have now discovered this forum, so I'll just drop a link here.…
There are loads of chapter ideas I came up with, so I am just going to link the whole guide.
One day I woke up and I saw all of the beautiful artwork here so I was like.. Hm.. I need to go in 5 min'.. what should I do. OH YES, DADDY MYERS. !…
A friend viewer on twitch(Moonlyness) did this artwork of one of my emotes for my channel and i think i could share this amazing art with you guys! Golden Feng Art Feng is love Feng is life <3
Bonjour l’équipe de Dead by Daylight, Entant que joueur de DBD, j'ai eu l’idée d’une nouvelle perks pour votre prochain survivant. Il s’agirait d’une perks similaire à celle du survivant Dwight c’est-…
I already posted this in another thread but i guess due to its length it was not permitted - so i just share my ideas here, hoping it does not harm the forum rules: Basically - change every killer's a…
This is something I came up with while I was bored at work. I think it's pretty cool. My mom thinks it's cool too, so maybe you guys will agree. The Arsonist LORE Okay, let's just get this part out of…
Perhaps many people have already given their take on a sort of fisherman character. I, would like to throw my stylish hat into the ring, and see what people think. Power: Perfect Catch Thrust your fis…
These ideas a from a horror web series called Everymanhybrid so all the stuff presented here is bases on that. Also, these are ideas and only ideas and Shouldn’t be take that seriously Killer: HABIT/ …
The Fish Primary Attack - Ancient Anchor: The Anchor is one very old; yet still very effective weapon. Well, it wasn't meant to be used that way, but it still does a good job. Lunge attack is differen…
These ideas a from a horror web series called Everymanhybrid so all the stuff presented here is bases on that. Also, these are ideas and only ideas and Shouldn’t be take that seriously Killer: HABIT/ …
So. I think we all had this moment when a survivor crawled by and they scared us for a second because we thought it was the killer. So how about you don't know if it is the killer? The Skinwalker can …
I see a lot of chapter ideas and I want to present you mine even if it's not finished. The killer (or killers) will be a little group of evil elves (maybe looking like evil gremmlins). Their power is …
I recently found an interest in cosplay! I love going to anime and game conventions, but for a while I was indecisive about who to cosplay as, just due to nerves. However, this year at Sakura-Con, I d…
Here's a quick look at my current project that I hope to complete soon! Everything is 3D modeled, printed and then given an appropriate texture depending on what material it should be made from. I'll …
This is the first video I've uploaded to youtube that I put real effort into. I know there's room for improvement. If you can think of stuff I could be doing to make my videos better, I'm open to cons…
Have you ever created a piece of music for DBD? A rap? A remix? Let us know here! We love hearing your work :) Here's one of my own raps about DBD, that I made for a tournament I was hosting - I hope …