The Cookie Monster(CM) [The Glutton]
His main objective as a killer would be to slow down the survivors by having them find a cookie whenever they get hit, or they risk the chance of being exposed. The map starts with 6 cookies, and every time a survivor gets hit, a new cookie appears on the map, but there can only be a maximum of 6 cookies on the map (for…
New Paragraph: The (Shadow) Knight
Overview: New Killer: The Knight Name: Arthur Knight Gender: Male Power: Embodiment of Shadows Movement Speed: 115% | 4.6m/s Terror Radius: 32m Height: Tall Lore: Arthur was born as the third child of the family Knight. His family was one of the most well known and royal ones in the hole kingdom. Even though his two older…
SCP Chapter - The Abomination
Hiya there! I've had this idea for a long while but decided to start working on this a few days ago. I Would appreciate if you could give it a read, and all feedback would be appreciated!
New Killer - Idea x2
Please add Jack The Ripper!!! You can see my discussion for this idea in my discussions :) please add him.
Capítulo - The Walking Dead - Surv Killer y Mapa
En mi opinión, sería genial que un próximo DLC o capítulo sea sobre The Walking Dead, al igual que Stranger Things, vendría con Killer, Surv, y un Mapa de la misma serie. Mi idea es agregar de Surv a el personaje "NEGAN", que llega a la serie siendo un antagonista pero con el tiempo termina siendo un personaje principal,…
Note: I tried experimenting with giving new survivor a unique strength, something that other survivors can't do. In this case, if character equips their own teachable perks, the perks get a little stronger than if any other character was using them. Trailer:…
Killer concept: The Predator
Killer: The Creature/ The Predator Killer bio: The Yautja is a species of hunters who appear on planets to hunt worthy prey and they recently found an interesting planet that the natives called earth. after many hunts on the planet with some being successful and others not. One Yautja had decided to hunt on this planet and…
A small fanfiction set in the Dead By Daylight Universe
Critique is highly appreciated. A skull burned in the bonfire. Weird… never seen that before. It’s the last thing I see before I’m dragged away for the… fiftieth time? Don’t know, I lost count. The moment it begins always feels strange… first you disappear, and for a few seconds you kind of lose your body. I mean, you are…
Question about the contest. (crafting contest)
Hi! I have a few questions about the crafting contest. First, does anyone know the exact date when they will be announcing the winners? Also, how would they contact us? If there will be another crafting contest, I have one more question for that too. If I wanted to make a doll of one of the dbd characters, would I have to…
Next chapter in the works
Hey everyone, I hope you all are doing well, and I am here to share the upcoming fan made chapter I am currently making. Now I won't tell you what it is yet, but I will give you some hints. This project may take a few days to make or more depending on my schedule but I will make sure this gets finished before anything…
Chapter XVIII Trailer
While I was in the mood, I made another trailer for one of my chapters.
The Arachnid - Killer idea
I think this is genius, read in!! Name: The Arachnid Source: Original Difficulty: intermediate Main weapon: Spider fangs Power: Giant webs Passive power: Arachnid Poison Movement speed: 4.4 m/s Terror radius: 32 meters Height: short Map: the Spider's nest (it is a gated neighborhood defaced by the Arachnids webs and…
"The Plague" skin idea "The Anointed"
I didn't do color for this because I just don't have the right colors that I would like on this and I didn't wanna mess it up. This is one of my favorite killers and my main and I liked that she was a babylonian. When I looked at traditional babylonians I saw this idea forming within my mind and I had to draw her.
Soundsmiths Steryotypes: DBD Edition (Aka a Parody)(((Episode 1? Maybe?)))
Y'know, survivors tend to have a pretty great time when playing the game, and sometimes hell, they're having the most fun they could have. How can you tell? Well frankly you can't, so instead we'll look at the perks people use and see what kinda people they are. Maybe they're the fun loving kinda people, or maybe they're…
Chapter Idea: The Forbidden Sands
Killer: The Nomad (Size: Tall) Survivor: Evander Davis Map: The Desert The Nomad Bio: Marr Abdul was a son born into a poor family in Saudi Arabia. They lived in a small village in the middle of nowhere. Food and water was scarce during these times. Marr's family was happy nonetheless. "Atleast we have each other". That…
New Paragraph "Faith Connors" Mirror's Edge
Just a fan made of a survivor that I really wanted to see in Dbd! (Please be respectful and take it easy if you don't agree your didn't like it...)
New Chapter: "Pennywise" From Stephen Kings "IT"
Overview "Pennywise" is a new killer concept from the twisted mind of Stephen King, writer of the book "IT". The Idea for Pennywise is to bring confusion and to scatter the survivors.. Pennywise's perks ( You'll Float Too, Smell The Circus and Hex: Fear Itself) Put major pressure on the survivors to succeed or Pay the…
Gold´scannon Train Station. Grave of Glenvale. map concept in the sims 4
create, another map for the game Dead By Daylight, in the sims 4. Gold´scannon Train Station. Grave of Glenvale Name given to this train station built in the depression of a canyon, for being a place topographically rich in natural mines and full of gold. gold´scannon station served for a long time for the entry and exit…
team slayer killer idea
new killer is called The_slayer bio:There was this girl that this guy liked He will follow her around and try to get her to be together she didn't see that.Then there was these people in a group that killed her right in front of him then killed him.He went to hell to find the devil He made a deal with him.He came back to…
Chapter XIX Trailer
Hey guys, I tried my hand at making a video trailer. It has some minor audio issues, but google says it's a problem with video editing software I used and I was unable to come up with a fix.
Junko Enoshima BIO/Story for DBD.
Now uh. Dont take this too seriously, I was bored and decided to just. Write this out. It only took an hour but as Danganronpa is one of my favorite games, I tried to make this as sorta good as possible. I honestly have a LOT of perk ideas, power ideas, and just ideas in general for Junko, but I dont really think we need…
Killer concept: the shroud
Essentially looks like a grim reaper with a huge scythe. Killer's ability is the dark realm: Killers power: reality bending levitation. Its a chargeable pounce attack (like demogorgon). You start to levitate when charging your power then dash forward swinging your scythe. There are two realms the physical one that is all…
Wolf man Survivor Idea
Okay so I haven’t thought completely through on the concept of it would be just a survivor dlc or if a killer could come into it, but my main reasoning for this is the fact that despite all the characters coming from a variation of Earth, several of the killers are undeniably supernatural while none of the survivors are. I…
Chapter Concept: A Road which didn't exist
Survivor: Professor Markus Killer: The Path Creator Survivor Backround: A professor "gone mad" and once a shining beacon of the science projects in his lab, Professor Markus was and still is a brilliant scientist. Although his name would suggest otherwise, he truly never was a teacher. People simply put called him that. He…
Chapter concept: End of the World
Killer: The Apocalypse Survivor: Nameless Survivor Backround: The Survivor comes from a universe where the world has ended. Him most likely being one of the few left. He has been surviving by scavenging and surviving for many of years now and his name is forgotten but his will to survive is strong. One day he was…
Witchy/pagan/esoteric survivor
I have an idea for a survivor A witchy/pagan/esoteric character. Perks could be: Third eye: active ability. After cleansing a totem this ability becomes active. Once activated the survivor can clear their mind of dr.s maddness status effect/plagues sickness/pyramids tormented status effect. (Or any unique to specific…
Werewolf Killer
Alright, here is my idea for a Werewolf killer. The Wolf would have an initial prowling stage, were he follows scent trails rather than scratch marks in the early game to build up a power similar to Mikey or Oni. Scent trails are always visible, but will change based on how the survivor is moving. Crouching scent trails…
new brazilian killer idea
in Brazilian folklore there is the legend of a man with red hair and feet turned upside down, who protects the forests, named Curupira, and if they launched a killer in honor of brazil mirroring him, the red light could be on his back and have teleportation skills or something like just an idea :P
Make frank west a dbd survivor in the new update
Make frank west a dbd survivor
New killer idea: the relic interesting gameplay
Looks like a male version of the plague in that his flesh is decomposing as well. He is dark skinned (where his skin is not decomposing). Essentially he's got a mummy vibe. He has a dog helm similar to that of anubis. Just like the plague, tall and fast. His weapon are those two staves shaped like ankhs that can usually be…
New survivor and map idea check it out
Mechanic survivor Tricks of the trade: when repairing a generator by yourself, repairing at old repair speed (like speed before survivor repair speed was nerfed) not stackable at all! Does not work with toolbox and you must be repairing by yourself. Flash bomb: can turn a flash light with 25%/50%/75% remaining usage into a…
Leather Face Rework Idea REPOST
My suggested Leather face Rework: Contents; ability, perks, add-ons, Inspirations: Ghost-face, The Shape, and Leather face with how he is presented in the original 1970’s movie The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Ability: Chainsaw Frenzy Cool down and charge: Instead of a charged ability like hillbilly, leather face would now…
New Chapter: Doomed Dungeons Chapter
Killer: The HexBlade Lore: After many hours of watching Humans, the entity took a liking to a character of one James Carl, his Chaotic Evil Character sprang to life, grabbing James and bringing him to the entitys realm where he now faces the HexBlade for real. Weapon: DND Hex Blade A glowing fiery scimitar For a hexblade.…
The New Nea skin Graff-Crafter Fanart from MissLokey
Artist: twitter.com/ZJasber
Chapter Idea - The Conjuring
The Nun 4.6m/s Tall ↕ 32m 🎯 Power: Malevolent Presence A malevolent force, determined to claim a fresh soul to taint and possess. Special Ability: Defile Press and hold the Power button to Stalk a survivor. While stalking, your Terror Radius is reduced by 50%. A fully stalked survivor becomes Defiled by you through dark…
2 New Perk Concepts
So guys... i was thinking about some perks in the past and i decided to share some of my ideas. I originally had a third one but Yui Kimura got it already so here are the other two(NOTE:if you want to change anything on them pls tell me): Dead Sprint: Nothing can stop you from going some more to achieve my goal. Whenever…
Yeah. This matchmaking is so fair isn’t it!
I’m a rank 11 killer and this is what I have just been against. It’s so annoying mainly because with these survivors, they are basically getting better ranks for doing nothing whatsoever. Of course a rank 3 and a rank 2 are gonna get to rank 1 in no time going against easier killers. It requires hardly any skill for them…
Killer Concept - The Scarecrow
Lore: (This is a bit of a long one but i think it's a good read) Adrian Tombs was a very gifted young lad that grew up on a farm during his child years. When Adrian got into High School, he was sent to the boarding School and accelerated in his studies, even so far as to gaining a scholarship for a prestige private college…
I think Billy needs a nerf rework. I feel like its ability is way too op when compared with the others, for example Shape needs to charge his ability to one-hit someone , oni needs to collect bloodorbs , Leatherface can one-hit everyone at anytime but still he doesn't have a speed burst as Billy has. I think billy could…
Suggetions for new Duos
Howdy! I got new suggestions for you guys... How about John Carperter's The thing? Killer,as the shapeshifter Alien. It got the ability to morph as one of the survivors, but to hit it must setup the offensive form ( a disfigured survivor form) the mechanics of the Shapeshifter is to blend in among the survivor gen…
Suggestions for new Killer and Survivor
Howdy! I got new suggestions for you guys... How about John Carperter's The thing? Killer,as the shapeshifter Alien. It got the ability to morph as one of the survivors, but to hit it must setup the offensive form ( a disfigured survivor form) the mechanics of the Shapeshifter is to blend in among the survivor gen…
Spider [Killer]
Lore - Entity's pet is out of the limbo and it's hungry Weapon - Fangs + Enchanced with poison Movement Speed - 118% (can be boosted while over a web) Terror Radius - 40 meters Height - Large. Power: The spider can throw sliks around the map, almost invisible without the use of a flashlight, the web can trap one or two…
Ties to the Fog- Meg Thomas FanFiction
Fog blurred her vision, the only sound that she could hear was the sound of her own breathing echoing in her ears. It was so dark, the kind that gave one panic attacks. Everything threatened to swallow her entire being; hesitantly Meg took a step forward and realized she was wearing tennis shoes. RUN Her instincts told her…
Springtrap Custom Theme for DBD
This one isn't mine, but regardless if you want Springtrap in the game or not, this is an amazing track and wallpaper.
Killer idea - The Acolyte
The Acolyte Lore - A loyal worshiper of the Entity even before being pulled into the fog the Acolyte is very used to making sacrifices. Weapon - Ornamental Dagger + Blood vial (when hitting a survivor he has an animation of the blood dripping into a vial Movement Speed - 115% Terror Radius - 32 meters Height - Short Power:…
My ideas for game
Hello English community wanted to share their ideas, as in other forums you will not get an adequate response. To begin with, I want to apologize for the mistakes because I am from Ukraine and my English is bad, so everything will be translated from a translator. 1. In my opinion, a normal rating mode should be introduced…
The Hodag
This is based off the urban legend with the same name in Rhineland Wisconsin (also i know it looks dumb with the pin board background)
Chapter Concept - He Who Hunts Monsters
Chapter: He Who Hunts Monsters: The theme of this chapter is falling to the corruption of the Entity. The Chapter comes with the new Survivor, Frederick Harrington - and the new Killer, The Raven, or Darius Locke. Both are men trapped in impossible situations, willing to go as far as they have to in order to achieve their…
[Killer Concept #4] The Animatronic
Another one of my Killer posts, thought I'd post it on the Official Forums as well rather than just Reddit. I recommend reading the Reddit comments as well, as the Perks and the Power are explained in further detail, and might help solve any misunderstandings. Here's my take on the recent FNAF Hype for Springtrap. Reddit…
eight pages new killer dlc
It was a peaceful world then someone made a page talking about an urban legend that he saw but nobody believes him because he has no proof and he might be illusions from a lack of sleep.Then when people click on the link how to summon slenderman then people are starting to go crazy and then going missing and nobody could…