New killer
Darth vader, his ability would be a lightsaber throw, his heartbeat would be the imperial march but a dbd version. And you would be able to hear his breathing. His mori could be him force choking the survivor.
Legion Rework (Ideas)
Legion is a weak Killer, a very weak killer mind you but like most people some can manage to still pull through with him and have a stroke of luck when playing as him ending up getting a 3 - 4 man. But yet Legion is a very underrated killer that I see potential in, the problem is that the potential to make him a better…
Idea for the killer
Chapter name:the full moon beast,Hello, I have an idea for a killer,it would be the beast(werewolf), I don't really have any idea of competence but i thought the killer could transform, I don't know if it's possible but a werewolf as a killer that wouldn't be bad i wish it was possibles
New Killer: The Drowned
The Drowned: Apearance: A tall sailor with a large fishing hook lodged in his back. His body is rideled with holes as well as being covered in barnacles and seaweed strewn about all over him. Height: 6'8(Is 6'11 but is hunched over to 6'8) Terror Radius: 32 meters Movement: 115% Power: -Sunken Penance: At the start of the…
New Killer. The Surgeon!. New Survivor. Georgia Griffin. New Chapter. A Surgery Gone Wrong!
The Surgeon. Power. Surgery Surgery - When a survivor is on the hook, the Surgeon can perform a surgery on the survivor. (Takes 5 seconds to perform a surgery). When the rescuer saves the survivor off the hook, the Surgeon can then smell the blood of the rescuer as they would have the other survivors blood on their hands.…
New Killer Idea - The Angler
Benedict Lore | Remember when survivors were at risk of becoming killers? Benedict Baker remembers "The smell of rotting fish wafts through the air as a new aquatic hunter prowls my surroundings. A predator of amphibious nature, its very presence dampens the ground and gives way to a dark and terrifying realm, where…
Brigitte Richter. survivor
Create another survivor for the dead by daylight game. how or how to draw represent it in the sims 4. ps: yes, for some reason the last outfit looks a lot like elizabeth from bioshock infinite, I swear it was not intentional. 3. History: If there was one thing that made Brigitte Richter happy, it was knowing that her…
New Killer: The Glutton
Power: -Never-ending hunger: The Glutton wants to consume all he can. He can unhinge his jaw and swallow up a survivor in a 4 meter cone in front of him. If he swallows up the survivor he will begin digesting the survivor. If the survivor is not injured it will take 10 seconds to down them and 5 to injure. If they are…
Bogeyman - The Monster From The Closet (Locker)
tl;dr:Bogeyman - A monstrous creature (maybe former human for the DBD lore) whos power revolves around lockers. Killer: The Bogeyman Power: "Monster In The Closet" - M2 in front of a locker and inside a locker Pressing M2 lets the Bogeyman enter a locker and become undetectable. From inside the locker the bogeyman can hold…
Killer Concept: The Engineer (Pinhead)
Yes, most likely touched on before - and I can't be bothered checking. I'm here to give MY perception on the character and how he would fit into the Dead by Daylight archetype. This is currently my V1.0 concept for the killer, and is by no means complete, nor well made. It was a quick representation I constructed of what…
New Killer: The Magician
The Magician: Power: -Hat Trick: The Magician can throw his hat up to 18 meters. The hat will travel at 3 meters a second. While he does not have his hat he cannot attack. The hat at the end of it's arc will stop mid air then return back to him at 3 meters a second and will not stop until it comes back or hits a wall. If…
Idea for the killer
Hello, I have an idea for a killer,it would be the beast(werewolf), I don't really have any idea of competence but i thought the killer could transform, I don't know if it's possible but a werewolf as a killer that wouldn't be bad i wish it was possible
A few Gamemode ideas I had (Five Ideas)
------ Standard Mode: No perks, no items/add-ons, no offerings. Just a good ol fashioned game of DBD. No tricks! ------ Traditional Mode: All survivors and killers only have 3 perks being their character's individual perks plus a fourth perk being whatever they like! Only if it's a non character exclusive perk. Survivors…
Deathslinger Rework
I play Deathslinger a lot, and while I don't think he needs any changes to be viable, I recognize that he needs changes to be more fun to play against. I also wanted to keep his quickscoping alive while adding counter-play. The Redeemer's base projectile speed is now 20 m/s, down from 40. The maximum distance and reeling…
DBD Tile Concepts (Loops)
A colorblind-friendly concept of new loops that can be added to the game that I made!
Alright let me get this straight this is NOT my idea, this idea completely belongs to the user know as PBlackII but other than that I wanted to say I was watching the Shining and wondered could this be a killer and looked it up to see if other people thought the same thing and I found out that a lot of people did and liked…
Chapter Concept: Devil's Advocate
Fan Chapter: Devil's Advocate New Killer: The Unholy New Survivor: Aaryn Halliday New Map: Ritual Grounds, Salem NEW KILLER: THE UNHOLY Sam Foster grew up a man of God and faith. He led a dedicated and devoted life, much to the happiness of his parents. Sam was determined to become a Priest within Salem, to help guide and…
Chapter concept: "Deadly Bloom"
Killer The Shambler Name: Isabella Lindberg Gender: Female Nationality/Ethnicity: Swedish Movement Speed: 110% I 4.4m/s Terror Radius: 32m 🎯 Height: Average ↕ Power: Shamblings Weapon: Eldritch Vines Realm: The Green House (A big glass house which also has a hedge maze inside and lots of gardens) lore W.I.P (The gist of it…
The Enchantress
Hello! First time posting here 😁 I've had this idea for some time now, so I figured I should share it here! (Edit: there's a TL;DR in the end!) Here's her quote that made me come up with her skillset (I feel like it's cringey, rip). Voice-wise, her tone is stronger than the Doll from Bloodborne, although very similar. "I…
New Chapter (Ruined Fellings)
New Survivor: Scarlet Hould Lore: Going throught a happy childhood Scarlet always had Potential to make others happy and give them what they need, Naive, Nice, a happy soul that no one could hate. Moving out of town to a Village made her feel a little bit sad but she also had Hope to meet other People that she could make…
New Chapter: Falling Blossoms
New Killer: The Copycat Real name: Aoi Liameka Gender: Female Nationality: Japanese Height: 5.9 Terror Radius: 24m, Music: Think of a serene calm music, its that but all distoted, if you are within 5 meters of her, you can hear her giggling non-stop Eye color: Hazel Hair color: Black Story: When Aoi Liameka was born she…
Chapter: The fallen greedy
So, this is serious and kinda of a ######### post. (takes 50 seconds to fill one tier) The definition of greed is an intense desire to accumulate large amounts of something, such as food or money, especially if you try to acquire more than you need or more than your fair share. An example of greed in our case is what the entity…
New Chapter: Alien Artifact (Dead Space)
Killer: The Necromorph Survivor: Issac Clarke Map: The Sprawl Backstory : Issac Clarke volunteered to help investigate the distress signals coming from the USG Ishimaru. Upon Arriving the ship seemed to be empty but something was lurking in the shadows. His crew was attacked by the deceased crew reanimated by aliens known…
Lovecraftian Survivor Concept- Isaiah Wake
Backstory: A fearless sailor who took daring trips through the Bermuda Triangle to give himself a challenge, Isaiah Wake was the kind of man who believed he was invincible, untouchable, and utterly indomitable. That all changed one day, where he was the sole witness of a shooting that terrified him forever. That day he…
My Clown Project!
I enjoy Clown, but I and many others feel he is a bit under powered. Here are some add-on ideas. I feel these will make him more efficient and interesting to play and fight against. A lot of love, research and almost two whole days went into this, I really hope you enjoy! 4 Common Add-ons Sleeping Pills: A over-the-counter…
New killer Aoi Liameka (The Copycat)
Chapter: Falling Blossoms. Power: Copy, She has a stalk ability that allows her to transform into survivors if she stalks them for long enough, she is able to peek around objects like Ghostface and crouch like him too. When she is transforming she opens her fan and holds it above her head, cherry blossoms swirl around her…
Original The Slumber Concept
Backstory: Dr Joseph Wake was not a bad person. He was a unlucky one. Obsessed with H.P Lovecraft and his creatures, he would draw sketches of them, see them in his dream, and saw them as our dark saviour. One day on his drive home from the university, he was caught in a car accident inflicting him with bipolar. Left with…
SCP Concept Chapter
Repost because I couldn't edit lol. Prologue Before we begin I just wanna explain that this is for fun. If we did actually get a SCP chapter I would lose my ######### and buy it instantly, but I understand there are far more well known and preferred licenses than SCP. I should also mention that I made this a little bit at a…
Chapter XX Trailer
Link: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/175430/chapter-xx-mirai-nikki
Paragraph X Trailer
New paragraph will contain one new survivor. I haven't made any perks for the new survivor yet, since I wasted all my time doing the video. Reupload: Unrelated to the post (don't mind me)
New killer: the flute
THE FLUTE looks: old man with one eyeball other side is just a gap with blood. And a heigh black hat. weapon: flute with a sharp edge. terror radius: 15m flute (sound) radius: 32m height: without hat: average With hat: tall speed 4.4m/s primary ability: Damaging note: press the active ability button (Lcontrol) to perform a…
Lisa and Yui Fanart
So... They can just take our ideas?
I'm an artist who sometimes works with character concepts. I was working on an idea for a chapter of killer/survivor twin combo, for fun purposes, however, i changed my mind about posting it here since i saw this on the fixed post: I mean, if they actually like my idea, or anyone's, they shoud credit the person or…
Wraith can now summon invisible portals to kidnap survivors to another dimension.
Wraith's new power - portals summoning By using [Ctrl] key Wraith can place maximum 2 invisible portals as traps which can send survivors to another dimension when they run through one of the portals. Wraith need to place 2 portals in order to activate them. Survivors who have entered one of the portal will have to find a…
Lovecraft Killer Concept- The Slumber
Note: this is a reworked version of the original. You can visit the original here. Backstory: Dr Joseph Wake was not a bad person. He was a unlucky one. Obsessed with H.P Lovecraft and his creatures, he would draw sketches of them, see them in his dream, and saw them as our dark saviour. One day on his drive home from the…
New Killer: The Chained
The Chained: Speed: 110% Power: -Harrowed Chains: The Chained can throw his chains up to 24 meters. If the chains hit a wall or obstacle he will be pulled to it at 10 meters a second. If it hits a pallet he will be pulled through the pallet breaking it and being stunned for 2 seconds. It has an 18 second recharge. If The…
CHAPTER XX: Mirai Nikki
Trailer: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/177621/chapter-xx-trailer Here's a chapter inspired by question of @jiguiri at https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/175069/do-you-think-yuno-would-work-in-dbd. It's still very much work in progress, I just thought of Killer's power so far. Couldn't think of…
New Killer - The Crone
Name: The Crone (Cornelia Durrow) Gender: Female Realm: The Cavern Power: The Ritual Movement Speed: 115% Terror Radius: 32 metres Height: Medium/Tall Power: The Ritual All spells require something different. Cornelia’s favorite ingredient is bones, and she’ll acquire them by any means necessary. You start the match with 8…
New Killer: The Crazed
The Crazed: Power: -Insatiable Hunger: The Crazed can crouch getting rid of their terror radius for 3 seconds charging up a powerful lunge attack. The attack has a range of 10 meters. The attack will apply deep wound status effect for 20 second.The attack will not stop when hitting a survivor. It will only stop if you hit…
New Killer: The Witch Doctor
The Witch Doctor: Power: Curse: At the start of the match a single survivor becomes cursed. Survivors that are cursed suffer from the blindness status effect and have a 50% higher chance of triggering skillchecks. Survivors Can dispell a curse from another survivor by performing the dispell action which takes 7 seconds. If…
Licensed Chapter Idea for The Alien franchise.
KILLER - The Xenomorph / The Organism / The Creature KILLER BACKSTORY - The Xenomorph is a creature known to be the perfect organism throughout the galaxy with the purpose to reproduce and to eliminate any other life form that it comes into contact with. The Xenomorphs are hive like animals that have many stages of life…
New killer
The child, the orphan, the littlest bean. Whatever you would like to call her. this psychic wielding lunatic might be small and slow. But she’s terrifying in the long run. terror radius 25 meters speed 3.6 Power: Hide and seek, when damaged by the orphan. Survivors are no longer able to hear the terror radius, this effect…
FNaF Chapter Idea: Scrap Baby.
Edit: Okay, I can see that my original plan didn’t go accordingly. I can see that now but I’m not giving up just yet. I am going to try and rework my concept and actually bring something to the table. Something with more reasons to back me up. Something more interesting to explore and read about. So I will be editing this…
New chapter concept: Retribution of the Unwanted
So I've been extremely bored during the last few months, so much so that I have had a lot of time to think about what I want to see in Dead By Daylight, so I came up with a chapter concept, featuring a new map, a new killer, and a new survivor, Hope you like the idea "Here is the latest chapter for Dead By Daylight,…
Outlast Chapter in the works
As the title suggests I'm making a fan made Outlast Chapter, instead of doing something original I'm creating a chapter froma horror game I love, I'll post it here when everything for it is done and thanks for all who support
Chapter XX | Set The Stage DLC | W.I.P. 1
Killer - The Doll - Sarah Rose Appearance - Mask - Broken Doll The buttons that slowly fall off and the cracks on the mask represent a doll who is no longer played with. Cosmetic Item - The Doll Body - Teen Angst A rebellious teenager is the one to usually dye their hair, but they also think no one cares for them. Cosmetic…
Backstory: Ezra Squall was returning home to London from the Great War in a large boat where he was attacked and killed by a vampire. His fellow comrade's assumed he passed out from sea. Two days later he went into a blind, hungry frenzy and murdered and fed on plenty of his fellow soldiers, turning them into vampires and…
Kandar-The Destroyer
Main Weapon: Demonic Talons Harvest: Kandar can drink from violence, allowing him to absorb blood. Absorbing enough blood puts him in a state(Dead State) where he can breath fire and move incredibly fast. His obsession gives him much more blood, and when Kandar is in his powerful state he can only be stopped and forced out…
until dawn
So most are known to until dawn game i think or though or heard of people want until dawn into dbd but when are we gonna get until dawn dlc into dbd because i am about to get it if they are in stock with the game even alien isolation game it will be awesome if we can get this dlc into game
Nea's Graffiti Crafter in Animal Crossing
I dont know who will appricate this but this took me way to long to make i hope someone appricates my efforts