New Hex Idea
Hex: Static Cling -every 60/40/20 seconds, the next generator you damage will become Charged. A charged generator regresses 10% faster for 45 seconds. -If a survivor interacts with it during this time, it will explode like a failed skill check, and the survivor will become Charged. Their repair speed is reduced by 15% for…
Survivor Perk: Sealed Eyes
You suffer from the oblivious status effect and cannot see survivors aura for the entire trial. Whenever you can see the killer's aura, you get these effects. The aura reading is prolonged for 3/4/5 extra seconds from when the aura reading ends. The fog is reduced and moonlight is increased for you personally for 15…
Music Is A Escape (Jeff Johansen fan art)
[Small appreciate post] Jeff is my absolute favorite character in Dead By Daylight! I love his back story, but what I love even more is the same interest and hobbies we have. He's just a big Teddy Bear and I love him so much! My favorite skin I like to use is his Black Metal one and not just because the way it looks. I…
Does This Sound Like A Good Killer Perk Ideas
Thought I'd Name it Has Well... Closed Rapture Level 1 - When A Survivor is Hooked All Generators Within 16 Meters Are Blocked Off By The Entity. When The Survivor is Unhooked The Generators Are Blocked Of By The Entity For An Additional 15 Seconds. Closed Rapture Level 2 - When A Survivor is Hooked All Generators Within…
Killer Perk: Abrasive Destruction
The pounding of obstacles causes survivors to slow in fear. When you do a break action, survivors beyond 20 meters suffer a 55% hindered effect for 30 seconds. Getting into a chase with a survivor or being within 4 meters will end the effect for them. Has a 80/70/60 second cooldown
Survivor Perk - Soothing Presence
Soothing Presence When you have healed other Survivors for the equivalent of one Health State or rescued a Survivor from a Hook, Soothing Presence activates. For the next 30/60/90 seconds, other Survivors within 8 metres of range from you are automatically healed at 50% the normal Healing Speed. While Soothing Presence is…
New chapter concept: Heaven Among Us. New killer, survivor, map and perks
Hi everybody, sorry if somethings don't make that much sense, this is my first time making a concept (post actually) so I hope you like it. Keep in my this concept shows some religious beliefs of Catholicism in the backstory, but be aware it's just part of the backstory. Feel free to leave your opinions and tips for me if…
Broken Keys Concept
Hello, Ive been playing DBD since March of 2017 and through my time I've always thought of new ideas that can be implemented into the game. One of my main concerns in the game was broken keys. Currently, they have no purpose and are the most unused item in the game. To make broken keys useful you could add an objective…
Survivor Perk: Invincible
You gain a burst of courage when facing adversity head on. This perk becomes active after healing another survivor for one full health state. When active, gain the Endurance status effect for fifteen seconds after stunning the Killer with a pallet. I feel like this perk could be controversial, but i figured adding the one…
The Proxy (Slenderman Killer Concept)
I've seen Slenderman mentioned a number of times on the forums and while I think that would be cool, I always questioned how he'd be implemented because of how different his approach is. Then I remembered a section of Slender: The Arrival that was actually a lot like DbD; In the third chapter "Into The Abyss" the player…
The Butcher (Killer Concept)
Basically a psychotic Butcher with a physique similar to The Clown; Pretty typical horror concept, but backstory and design can always be played with. Weapon: Meat Cleaver Power: a chain hook that sort of works like Bane's ability in Identity V or The Strangler in Last Year where he pulls in survivors. It would probably…
Idea for a new survivor perk.
I got a idea for new survivor perk: Every time you finish a generator you get from the injured state to the healthy state (and perhaps get a 2-3 secs sprint burst)
Susie - Legion COSPLAY
Here is my Susie cosplay! I adore her and I love playing as her. This was my favourite cosplay to do! I'd like to do her other outfit soon along with Huntress, Kate and Yui 😁 I have more photos on my insta ❤️ (first two images by mechanismo, third photo by foodandcosplay)
Opinions on cross platform
How would everyone feel about cross platform Pros and cons
so i doodled my wraith oc... [personal/fanart-ish]
this is a very quick and rough doodle with a lot of imperfections (it was originally made during a 30s sketch challenge!), but i decided to show off my wraith boy, henry! henry became a character of mine when i first became a wraith main in early 2018, and i've been attached to him ever since! he's been a bit of a comfort…
Idea for a metal gear solid chapter
Chapter name: The restless clone Survivor name: Solid Snake Backstory: David wasnt a soldier like any others. He was a clone of a soldier once know as "Big Boss" he honestly couldn't care any less. He was a mercenary. It was the job of his dream, he loved the battlefield. It managed to make him feel emotions that he…
Survivor Perk: Witness Reports
When a generator is completed, hooks, generators, totems, chests, portals, exit gates and traps within 20/24/28 meters of other survivors are revealed to you for 8 seconds. This perk also makes all auras show their progression based on the intensity of the aura. Auras revealed will be added to your map.
Concept for a pyromaniac survivor (And a Firecracker expansion)
This is my first time "designing" an idea for a new survivor with acceptably powerfull perks, so please go easy on me ^^ I think it'd be cool to have a Pyromaniac survivor. Maybe someone who accidentally set a house on fire, and the killer took the opportunity to lock them inside - a bit of ambiguity in terms of who is…
New killer concept - Illusionist.
Hey guys, this is my post from steam forum, thought to drop it of here also :) As title says, an idea has been boiling in my mind for quite some time now. Illusionist Killer type : trapper / stalker Power: Convert totems, crates, pallets into a trapped object that activates upon cleansing, opening the chest, using pallet.…
Game Design Suggestions / New Perks, New Killers, New Survivors, Weapons, Items, Ideas... Oh My!
I've been playing DBD now ever since it was released on PC. I've been trying to think of some new ideas for the game that would REALLY stand out and make the game even better! If you have some ideas, please share them here on this DISCUSSION POST, perhaps one of the DBD developers might read our ideas and make it a…
Survivor Perk - Dying Wish
Dying Wish Your way of life inspires others to work harder. After dying, grants other Survivors 15% additional speed when repairing, sabotaging, healing, unhooking, vaulting, cleansing, opening Exit Gates and searching Chests for 40/50/60 seconds. Edited: Upon dying, all Hooks within 32 metres range break and You gain 100%…
Survivor Perk: Unlikely Friends
Your avian friends has given you a helping hand. When a crow is disturbed within a 36 meter radius, who ever spooked the crow is revealed for 6 seconds. Has a 45 second cooldown, decreased by 5/6/7 seconds when you disturb a crow
Killer Perk: Hex: Euphoria
A strange hex that roots an itself in Emotions, when broken, releases a unrecognizable emotion to survivors. When the totem is broken, the effect activates When a survivor is unhooked or recovered from the dying state, they are inflicted with joy for 40/50/60 seconds, afterwards they are inflicted with the withdraw status…
Obscure Chapter
Hello everyone! A good while ago, I was playing some Obscure again and since I really like the game and am a little fangirl, I had an idea for a chapter. I would love to have an Obscure chapter in the game. I worked a good while on it and am pretty much done with it for now, so I thought, I would share it. Let me know what…
Chucky CAN work! Here is my concept!
I put this up a few months ago on Reddit, forgot I did it until I stumbled over it again recently. Thought I should post it here to see what you guys think. Killer Title: The Bride and Groom Power: ‘Childs Play’ The player takes control of Tiffany, medium in height with 115% movement speed and 32 meter terror radius.…
Ace's Perk reworks
Open-Handed: Strengthens the potential of you and your team's Aura-reading abilities. Increases Aura reading ranges by 8/12/16 metres. Give your team the ability to store more 2/3/4 tokens for all they perks. "Paying attention is what kept me alive through the years. That, and my good looks of course." — Ace Visconti Up…
Robot survivor concept
Name: Zero ( if you get the reference then props to you) Mechanic changes: Oil instead of blood sparks when injured Survivor interface sparks when injured/ downed/ or hooked. Has 25% louder footsteps when running New status effect ( Drained) you may not use any perks that require “energy” and you may not vault You don’t…
Survivor Perk: Head Quarters
When you and another survivor are in a locker, you can see each other's aura at any distance, this effect persists for 60/80/100 seconds afterwards. This effect ignores the blindness status effect from lockers only.
Killer Idea: The Phobia
Appearance: A tall, thin shadow, with a spiked whip as a weapon. Terror Radius: 40 meters Speed: 120% (4.8 m/s) Ability: Anxious Grasp Holding m2 for 1 second will launch the Phobia forwards for up to 3 seconds (140% speed while charging.) The Phobia can pass through walls while charging forwards. After charging, the…
Moved: Camping
This discussion has been moved.
New survivor perk and item
Perk: Save Me When you are injured, the end game collapse will slow down for 5/10/15%. When you are hooked, the end game collapse will slow down for 15/25/35% New item: Rope Rope can be used on a pallet. When used, the killer has to spend more time to make the pallet and survivor has more time to run away. It can be…
Something just pops into my mind about Chucky the doll. I don't know how suddenly I think of Chucky and I just wanna tell you that sudden idea came out of nowhere giving me a vision of how this killer could blend PERFECTLY with Dark Ambiance trial map. DBD has every map in the game well lit and it is now the time to do…
New survivor concept: Richard( perk concepts)
Backstory skipped because I suck at those. Perks: BODY BUILDER ( perk image: Person bench pressing) - (Your body gives you the endurance you need in dire times) You must safely rescue a team mate from the hook or heal an injured team mate for this perk to activate. The next time you are hit by the killer you will be…
Some Survivor Perk Ideas
I just got here so some of these might already suggested but here goes (no images or flavor yet) Disclaimer: Vault speed bonus can't exceed 20% for balance purposes. New Features: Friends - After cooperating with, helping, or being helped by a survivor you become friends with them and they become friends with you if…
Survivor Perk: Take Cover
You make use of obstacles in unexpected ways. Performing a fast vault at a pallet while holding the crouch button will cause you to slide under the pallet. This perk then goes on cooldown for 60/50/40 seconds. Using this perk again while it is on cooldown will cause Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds. Take Cover cannot be…
Killer Concept: The Chelsea
Speed: 115% Terror radius: 32m Aesthetic: A slender figure with a pale face, glowing eyes, and a bloody ear-to-ear chelsea smile (aka glasgow smile), wields a bloodied sickle. Backstory (I’ll try to keep it brief): A mentally ill blacksmith’s assistant who was treated poorly throughout his entire life, constantly belittled…
Survivor-turned Killer (Jake Killer Concept)
Hello! I'm Jake, referred to as such by my online friends for my exclusive love of the solitary survivor. I am a studying game designer and have come across quite a few fun concepts for killers & survivors alike! Naturally, I wanted to try my hand at creating a concept and have developed two concepts of my own. The first…
The Inferno - Killer
Base stats Height - Tall Terror Radius - 32m Movement Speed - 4.6m/s Power Ignition - Ignition passively charges. Chasing survivors increases the rate at which Ignition charges. When activated, pallets and vaults will ignite within a 8m zone and the power gauge is depleted. Ignition zones disperse after 30s and pallets…
I kinda like this skin for clown (Not mine)
Chapter: Five night's at Freddy's
Killer: The Machine The Machine Bio: His name was William Afton and he was once a great robotic engineer who opened and supplied a children's animatronic pizza place which grew in popularity as the years went on. Soon William began a killing a spree none knows but he did and his first victim was someone of note that being…
Dead by Daylight Fan Chapter: DEATHGARDEN
New Survivor: Iosif "Fog" Blatov Perks Fleet Feet: For every 100/50/25% of a gen you complete, gain a token, up to a maximum of 4 tokens. If you have a token, once you let go of the generator, you will move 5% faster. Every 5 seconds, you will lose a token. Once all tokens are depleted, you return to your normal speed.…
Killer Idea: The Frost
Appearance: A frozen, frost-bitten male. Weapon is a pickaxe. Height: Average Terror Radius: 24 meters Speed: 110% (4.4 m/s) Power: Ice Age Each time a generator is completed, ice slowly spreads out from the generator (2 m/s after 5 seconds of the generator being completed.) After 160 seconds, ice from generators goes…
Survivor Perk idea - Expert Survivalist
Expert Survivalist You've seen this Killer before, you know it's weaknesses You preform Killer specific actions 11/22/33% faster The first time you would be downed within 2 seconds of the Killer using their power or while exposed and healthy instead disable this perk for the rest of the game Just to clarify. Actions that…
Trapper with a single add-on type
I just tried double add-on of the same type with 3-4 matches each, which are: Yellow Jaw, Green Jaw (cause heavy bleeding) Brown Bag, Yellow Bag (able to carry much more traps) Green Coil, Purple Coil (extend disarm time) Yellow Darken, Green Darken (make traps hard to see) Yellow Setting, Green Setting (faster setting…
Royalty Free FNAF Chapter Idea (Day of Fun Chapter)
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is primarily a concept and I have no faith that it will make it into the game. I simply thought it might be interesting to do a FNAF style animatronic killer and such and so I did that but it’s truly more of an idea than anything. PLEASE NOTE: I am by no means a professional at this so I welcome your…
OK 2nd round the survivor
Lucia was a very extroverted person always going to parties hosted by her friends and would never miss one of her friends ballet plays. One day she fell asleep to wake up in a auditorium hearing a familiar tune. 1st perk: Rock on When safely unhooking, healing a survivor or cleansing a totem will give you a token (3 max).…
Survivor Perk Idea: 200 IQ Brilliance
Upon rescuing a survivor, this perk activates. Whilst entering a locker for 10 seconds with this perk activated, You gain an AK-47 and can Mori the killer
Got bored so I made a chapter
I tried making it in the style of a spotlight. Feadback needed Chapter xx : the devil's in the details The court of law is like a casino in some cases, do you bet on black and pray that you get a light sentence or do you risk it all and bet on the numbers? There's a common saying in casino's , the house always wins… Its…
My chapter Idea, opinions?
Chapter name: Orange tainted nightmares Killer: The Glitch Survivor: Nicholas Hayrus Killer perks: Hex:Suprise, this hex roots its power on ignorance, when within 5/10/15 Of a generator, gain the undetectable status effect, this totem becomes Dull once all gens are complete. Boredom: this perk will show you a random…