Bad Luck Character
Anyone else got a survivor/killer that they just have the WORST luck with? For some reason, I'm doomed whenever I play with Quentin Smith! I don't know what it is! I've tried changing up the perks I'm using, what he's wearing, my own gameplay style....and yet more often than not I get destroyed! I wondered if it was just…
The Sad State of Survivor Balance
Survivor balance is in a pickle, no ALL balance is in a pickle right now. Lots of people say looping, camping, etc. are really big problems...but why are t they being tackled. Here’s why; SWF. SWF throws balance out the window, not only does it make survivors strong....but the main core problem......now 3 sides need to be…
Desicive Strike Nerf Idea
The current proposed (subject to change as well) nerf for Decisive Strike, is to allow everyone to use it immediately, with risk of failure, while getting a no heal status. I believe this is an inappropriate change, and doesn’t help the core problem. My idea for nerfing decisive strike is simple; buff it to 5 seconds…
For new nurse players
I know nurse can be very frustrating to play at first given how her power works and you will often mess up blinks and likely get stomped your first couple of games. But stick with her and get a feeling for her and you will see what makes her the most powerful killer. Also don't use add on's until you have a feeling for her…
PSA: We can edit posts longer than 15m old, now
Go get those typos, haha =)
DC and BBQ
When a survivor DCs, the BBQ stack should be awareded if the killer was not able to hook him yet It is ridiculous that survivors can punish the killer....
Steam Free Weekend
Anyone else taking advantage of the general lower skill level to get some of their achievements done? I've used this weekend to get a few Adepts (mostly survivor ones that I never did) which was pretty fun!
What are you most favourite and least favourite changes made in this game so far?
Just wondering what everybody's favourite changes are that have been made since the game came out and everybody's least favourite? My favourite has been the swirling hooks added and my least favourite was borrowed time changes. It took a long time to adjust to campers with that one.
F2P has to stop.
Literally, all I've played against today is Hackers. You cant even report them because guess what? ITS FREE TO PLAY WEEKEND>.
Account Transfer
Hey Guys, I have a short question: I played a lot of time on Dead by Daylight on Ps4 but i want to switch to Pc. But i dont want to loose my Account could you guys add a Account Transfer Feature? :) I´m looking forward to answers :D (sorry for my bad english) Thank you
Need help with a survivor build
I really want a stealthy but altruistic build. All I can think of is BT, SC, QaQ, Botany Knowlege. Is there any better? I really want a mobility perk too, but not sure which i should get.
AFK timer
I understand people get crows on them for doing absolutely nothing but yesterday I got crows around me for literally hiding around rocks and trees within the killer's terror radius...
Speedhacking survivors everywhere
Yep, the game is almost unplayable at this time
I just got on and these forums are a lot less toxic than I expected
It just seems that there is less "woe is me" and more general positivity coming from the community. This might just be me though.
Animation after hitting a survivor changed over the years.
When looking trough some old gameplay of youtubers it seems that the Wraith, when striking a survivor had the same animation as the trapper. But in a later update they changed it to what it is now. Maybe i'm just seeing things but why did they change this?, i think is looked pretty cool. 8-)
What do you guys think of these new forums one day in their implementation? are they better or worse
Also my own critic is that please remove the tile's character limit if possible because as you can see i could barely fit it into the title. And make the site's security HTTPS because being in an unsafe site freaks me up a bit.
the problems devs and community pov
over the last year ive heard many people claim: survivors are unbalanced. killers are unbalanced. items are unbalanced. mori, brand new parts are unbalanced. the game is dieing. devs arent fixing bugs. ext. though both me and the devs agree on some of these. the devs appears to base their entire point of view on…
Survivor luck
I use to play with a group. Out of all of us I would be found first most the time. I wouldn't touch a gen or anything killers would just find me. Anyone else have that kind of luck?
Best Teachable Perks
So I am farily new to the game, i have around 50 hours played and so far its great but i have no clue witch characters to grind, and what teachable perks i should try to get What Should i get? Thanks for replies x
Will the devs ever do something about it? It legit ######### sucks when an entire team quick-switches when you're playing as Killer. When it happens, you know you're just gonna run in circles the entire match. I just leave the match. Devs made rank totally worthless anyways.
Shrine of Secrets
I think that the Shrine of Secrets should get a rework.Instead of having 4 random perks in an week,It should be a kind of store with every perk.The reason is because a new player need to wait weeks or months,depending on their luck,to get a single perk that they want.And It would be really useful to people that can't buy a…
Moved: Can someone help with a fatal error?
This discussion has been moved.
Question about the forums.
Correct me if I'm blind but I can't seem to find a place to discuss speculation on the new killer. I'd love to hear the ideas everybody has (Sorry if this is in the wrong spot.)
Odd Forum Settings
So it looks to me like this forums has some odd settings when it comes to posting rules, like how we can't delete comments and you can only edit a comment for the first 15 minutes of it being posted. Why such odd settings?
Hello killer's of the world!
I've got one last Chukcles code. FQ0J6-WK5R7-66IIQ First come first serve! All I ask is that you let everyone know if you took it, just so they don't have to waste their time trying to activate an already redeemed code.
Freddy Buff Idea
I just had an idea for a Freddy buff that isn't too much of a drastic change, but it's still something. Each time you are put into the Dream World, one of your perks will be clouded over, losing that perk as long as you are in the Dream World. Waking up will allow perk usage again. Once put back into the Dream World, you…
Let's talk about it...
Yes, like Salt and Pepper said lets talk about sex. (Adults only.) Lets have a grown up discussion. I want to start about by saying at the end of the end this topic doesn't ultimately matter of effect the game and how anyone plays or enjoys its. But I'm kinda curious about the sexuality of the survivors. And I want to know…
Titanic (1997) [Shitpost]
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/262717416878988427/CA5EA78ABBDD58A42BAE80EA87E631F5EA16E5D3/ I'm sorry I couldn't post the original image, I dunno how the embed image thing works. uwu
The Emblem system should removed for the Killer.
The Killer's victory conditions should REQUIRE killing, not make it barely required. Very simple formula: Please no more of this participation award trash.
Thanks for the free weekend!! I guess.
I owned this game for long time time and have many hours in. I fricken love this game. It entertains me every single day and is by far the best bang for your buck. And when I come across the occasional hacker I do my part and record and report. But since yesterday i have recorded 14 hackers. In no way am i joking about…
If we buy the new currency in the PTB, will it transfer over when the dlc come out?
Question about Bloodpoints.
I'm playing on an alt account, and I'm wondering how many bloodpoints it would take to get everyone to level 40. Also, how many hours would it take to get everyone to level 40? I don't need an exact amount, an estimate would be fine.
Regarding the cosmetic store...
WIll my boy Trapper be getting some new outfits as well? And not just him, but all the other killers too?
Leaked best perk for new survivor Kate the guitarist!
Here's leaked footage of how the new perk will work in game for the new survivor from "Off the Beaten Track" DLC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=010aaw1Ajo0 :)
Different Animations
Just like how killers all have different stances and looks about them obviously I thought it would be cool to see different types of animations for different survivors depending who they are. Ex: Bill, David King and Tapp are more braver survivors, so maybe some idle, walking and running animations to better show that…
Ok, so there has been a lot of discussion since the video came out yesterday. I’ve heard some theories that the woman playing guitar could actually be the killer. Whats everyone else’s thoughts so far?
Survive with Friends
Any folks out there that wanna build a team for survive with friends? Anyone near to Germany and other regions cause that's the far away possible I can play with, I am from another region but that's the range I have got good ping, so anyone who wanna make a good team, Gather around the camp fire.
Moved: Item Loss After Survival
This discussion has been moved.
An easy way to make the DS change not a buff
So I see a lot of people talking about the new DS change and how it will be a buff, and the simplest fix would be: DS doesn't work when exit gates are powered. Right now that change would be unnecessary but after the change it would be very much necessary.
How do you create a poll?
I am using a mobile so idk if that’ll be different to PC but I just wanna know how :(
Are we allowed to post memes and sh!tposts in this forum?
Just out of curiosity since in reddit we are allowed to
Total revamp of Map selection/generation/offerings system concept.
Killers get screwed over by map generation. Whether it be Hillbilly getting sent to Lery's, Nurse getting into a cornfield, or Trapper on the game, the random map system can severely hamper the Killer before the game even starts. Thats not even including map generation saying "lol you get zero hooks on this side of the…
What can I do?
In the long, long ago I lost my data and with that I lost my legacy Claudette p1. Since I think the data loss problem has been fixed can I please have my legacy back? I clearly have the achi and it's not fair that I lost it.
Devs or mods. Can I be the new moderator for DBD Steam Discussions?
Seeing as you guys have moved. It would be nice to see some mods look after the Steam one as I notice some can't be bothered to move or dislike the new layout. What about it?
New forum seems fun
Wonder how long before I get banned here too.
Cool new forums!
Hope there will be active mods here and this forum won't die due to steam discussions x3
Killers are way too Overpowered
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Survivors Subforum
Hello! In this subforum you can share all your thoughts on Survivors in Dead by Daylight. Items, Perks, Add-ons, Powers, Offerings, gameplay mechanics and so on. For Balance feedback, please use Balance Feedback Subforum For new Survivor ideas, please use Fan Creations Subforum For Lore discussion please use Lore Subforum…
Killers Subforum
Hello! In this subforum you can share all your thoughts on Killers in Dead by Daylight. Perks, Add-ons, Powers, Offerings, gameplay mechanics and so on. For Balance feedback, please use Balance Feedback Subforum For new Killer ideas, please use Fan Creations Subforum For Lore discussion please use Lore Subforum Gameplay…