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Moved: No tengo mis personajes de licencia que ya había comprado en nintendo swich
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Nurse on RPD
There's like a invisible wall in the centre at the lion medallion so its hard to blink pass it. sry if it makes no sense im dyslexic love the game keep up the work <3333333
Can't pick up survivors if they fall into the mechanical door of the game
If a generator is finished on the map Gideons Meat Plant (aka The Game) and, before the big mechanical door finishes opening, a survivor falls into the door, because they were hit by the Killer, the Killer will not be able to pick the Survivor up. Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play on the map "The Game" Step 3 : Have a…
Bug spot
Glitched spot/un-reachable Found on PC. Could be replicated across platforms survivors + killer are able to get to a spot on Springwood Badham preschool. Its the building with a double story and single gen. (I'm not too sure if every Badham map has this building) Additional information This bug is also replicated as killer…
PC - Camera issues when tapping out and back in [Linux]
Step 1: Boot Game Step 2: Play as Killer / Survivor Step 2: Tap out of the game into second monitor Step 3: Tap back into the game Step 4: Notice your mouse hits an invisible "edge" in the middle of your monitor and u can not look further to the left or right Additional information Character played : Any Perks played : Any…
survivor rubberbanding
• Platform: pc • Description of the issue: cases of rubberbanding all the time, giving killers an advantage on hits and loops • Steps to reproduce (if possible): no steps needed • How often does this occur: every match
Can't move in match
PC/Steam - Stuck on "Loading Player Stats"
I'm unable to pass through the "Loading Player Stats" on the loading screen. Already uninstalled and re-installed the game, deleting all the folders and files I could find related to the game in-between, but the issue still happens.
glitch when you play with legion
• Platform: PC • Description of the issue: This also happens when playing survivor, but with legion it happens all the time, and it is not being able to walk fluidly and this is aggravated when you use the frenzy • Steps to reproduce (if possible): You don't need steps, just play as a legion (or in my case also as a…
sttutering and frame drops after last update
lot of people is having this problem after last update, i hope the company releases a patch to fix this, thanks
got stuck behind a locker
• Platform: steam • Description of the issue: when i was trying to heal someone i got teleported behind a locker • Steps to reproduce: see vidio • How often does this occur:it hapent to me and a other surviver.
Iron Maiden Dredge skin lacking certain sounds
Dredge’s “Eddie’s Tribute” outfit is lacking a few sounds, it still has the metal clanging noises from moving but the guitar riff noises when dropping from high places doesn’t seem to be there.
Invisible platform in Raccoon City and inability to break a certain pallet
I was playing with the Huntress in Raccoon City (on PC). At the top of the main staircase in the central area, it seemed as if there was an invisible platform, which I saw as my character could be walking down the upper floor hallway, but once I reached that area next to the staircases and generator, my character jumped up…
Movement issue
When playing The Good Guy, on Midwich Elementary School [shortcut at the toilet] I can't get down the stairs from the second floor to the first floor.
Leader bug
Platform: Steam After a person with the perk "Leader" dies, the affects of leader still remain in the radius of the hook where the person with leader died
ps5 europe disabled maps
those map offerings aren’t disabled
Getting kicked out of the lobby switching survivor
What to add in the description Example Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Select survivor Step 3 : Try to switch survivor Step 4 : Game freezes (despite 70ish fps) and does not respond Step 5: Disconnects me from my lobby after 30ish seconds of waiting Additional information it happens every single time I try to play
Movement issue
Bug with movement, i were playing and in random moments i am suddenly stuck in place for few seconds.
The offering for the RPD is available (PC, Europe)
The offering for the RPD is available for me. I just used it to see if the game will send me to the RPD map and yes, it's not kill switched anymore.:(
PS5 - Pyramid Head shadow lost his head
Summary When playing Pyramid Head, on all maps it seems that his shadow is missing his head. Steps Pick Pyramid Head as killer. Play any map that casts shadows, such as Coldwind, Nostromo Wreckage, etc. Look at shadow.
Underground complex map bug
I encountered this bug every time I got close to the doors that would open when the generator powered them. It didn't matter if the doors were opened or closed if I got close it would get pushed back and away from the doors and into the corridor or room I was in. Some of the other players noticed this and saw it was only…
Bite the Bullet bug
Bite the Bullet isn't suppressing healing sounds, as of this new update. I was playing as Jeff.
Basement randomly has blue aura?
Platform: Steam I play survivor. Whenever I go near basement, it gets highlighted in either a blue or lime-green aura. This causes severe lag for me. This happens randomly in matches and occurs very often, almost every match. Any idea what may be causing this?
Couldn't hook any downed survivors
Platform: PC I was palying dredge on autohaven, i was doing fine downing and hooking survivors, but then all of a sudden i couldnt hook anyone anymore, i tried on Sable/Feng and i still had the issue, even after dropping and having them wiggle out, tried on both scourge and normal hooks. The last hook i attemped before…
Rubberbanding is unbearable & Gen Speed (Only for SwFs tho)
Hello I am a killer main, that plays a little survivor, I am at 2500 hours currently, I have a small youtube channel and I play this game for fun, I truly love this game, Ive never put that kind of time into more than one or two games in my 20+ years of gaming, but Ive had to take a break from this because of the…
Iridescent Lab Photo Bug
Platform: Steam Killer: The Mastermind Map: Eyrie of Crows Add-ons: Iridescent Lab Photo, Leather Gloves Perks: No One Escapes Death, Thanatophobia, Monstrous Shrine, Hex: Undying Description: When using a Virulent Bound on The Mastermind on a dropped pallet while the Iridescent Lab Photo add-on is equipped, the Mastermind…
Trapper bear traps invisible on Shelter Woods
Platform: PC The bear trap in the doorway of main building on Shelter Woods was invisible. The killer was able to get multiple downs and reset the trap with it still being invisible in the doorway wood.
RPD Pallet Bug w/ Any Means Necessary
Step 1: Throw down the pallet at the top of the stairs on RPD (West Wing currently as East is disabled) (This also disables killers breaking it from the top side of the pallet due to the elevation issue probably already raised several times) Step 2: Use Any Means Necessary to bring the pallet back up Step 3: Just…
Killer Sensitivity Unable to be Changed (PC, Steam)
Have had this issue for a while where in games (tutorial and in public matches), I can't change killer mouse sensitivity. This forces me to either lower my DPI or just play on controller. The only posts I've seen of this are people on Reddit years ago having the same issue and having to go into the files of the game to…
Unbearable totem on Lerys plus a weird window/door
I was playing a game on Lerys and a hex totem spawned in a place where the game would not let anyone break it. This happened today and when trying to reproduce in custom games a totem never spawned there. There was also an occurrence where a tile spawned with a window on one side and a door on the other which you could…
Rubberbanding preventing vaults
Happened to my duo earlier, the video should speak for itself. But for clarification: It happened on the MacMillan Estate - Suffocation Pit, my Duo tried to vault and the game glitched him back and forth and nothing happened giving the Pig a free hit.
Hackers can now instantly teleport next to the survivor and down everyone in 10 seconds.
I believe they teleport next to a survivor everytime the hunter m1(normal attack).
Im pretty sure someone sent that a long time ago but the bug is still here, the hitboxes of the survivor goes through the wall and I cannot hit them, I reported them but since they have private profile i can't check them and send a ticket to get them banned unfortunatly. (they said they did that for 18 months now…) just…
Lery's Memorial Institute basement window can be walked through
Playing on pc. On Lery's Memorial Institute the center basement window overlooking the stairs is invisible on one side and can be walked through like a door. The side that is above the basement looks normal but the vaulting side of the window can be walked through.
Bubba collision speed boost glitch.
Xbox Series S, I collided into a piece of bamboo on the side of the hill on Sanctum of Wrath and it allowed me to keep my original chainsaw movement speed in my collision animation. Random occurrence and video is showing everything that happened. Maybe I used a token when I collided which caused the game to misread the…
Game afoot does not work when breaking pallets with singularity teleport
You can look over enitre tiles in Autohaven
So, there always has been some peeking on autohaven, but not as it currently is. I feel like 85% of the tiles have been accidentally lowered by 0.2 meters so you can literally see a killer walking on the other side of the tile.
Yun Jin Lee, torso: holiday silk blouse is broken.
Elodie Rakoto, head piece: loc jewelry has a hair bug.
Exploit to avoid getting pallet stunned
I'm on pc And I was in custom in a game and learned if you hug the pallet on the side it's on before it's dropped, it won't stun you All you have to do is: -Don't go under pallet but hug the side where the pallet is on -They drop -And it avoids the stun for you It seems to occur every time from what we tested in custom
RPD and Garden of Joy offering not kill switched
I'm on the Switch and they are not kill switched like the news states.
Withered Isle map bug exploit on PC
Four Survivors exploiting the Withered Isle map "border problem". I was able to record part of it.
Crush on start
First of all i use windows 10 on mac via bootcamp, after 7.7.0 update i wasn’t able to boot into the game, just being stuck on "initializing shaders", i tried to fix it by running dbd on dx11 but the game didn’t work at all. Every solution that i’ve found was something to do with bios, but, as i’ve said earlier, i’m…
No Internect Connection
Hello, im trying to launch dbd but it doesn't work… it shows no internet connection for 7+ days. No one from BHVR responded to my email so im writing here. I tried everything and i can't fix that
Game running at 20FPS
My pc is a very powerful pc and usually is running dbd at a solid 120 fps with no drops. When the hotfix was released for dbd my game instantly went to around 20fps on medium settings. This is not only in game but in the menus aswell. As a game that is highly reliant on frames and ping this has made playing impossible for…
Kicking, Hanging, and Skill-Checks
Having issues on my PC being unable to kick generators/hang survivors on hooks as killer and hitting skill checks as a survivor. With the Oni, was not able to damage a generator until the timer on Pop-Goes-The-Weasel ran out. Stuttering and delays when trying to hook survivors while using the space bar as the action.…
We are at this moment all stuck under the stair - 10 minutes now..
So if any @DeveloperOfDBD is around… everyone has been stuck under the stairs in the basement for over 10 minutes now the time is 11:11 AM - not kidding LOL . The killer was able to go through walls and hit us and then suddenly we are all in the basement under the stairs - regardless of where we were before being hit. Live…
Garden of Joy bug
Hi, I am reporting a bug on garden of joy, when you play as a survivor. If you start going into the world border in specific places, you are able to climb on the rocks that surround the map. Then, you are able to run around the map behind those map border rocks. You can leave that place by going towards the void and…
Unable to move after being unhooked
Has happened a few times to me recently (even before the engine update), different survivors/perks and different maps. When I am unhooked after first hook, I am unable to move away from the spot. Instead I just rubberband in place whenever I try to leave until the killer hits me, and then I'm free to move away. This…