Can't get into a match on Switch
Yesterday and today haven't been able to get into a match survivor or killer on switch. Have made sure it's updated/rebooted etc. Nothing is working. It is just permanently looking for a match, can never find one.
Uhhh idk where to put this
having issue where upgradable perks arent showing up in the bloodweb at all (cant upgrade them). idk how to report issues :(
I am on dbd xbox windows and when i start the game error 8014 pops up and says details: This issue is caused by the game servers being down please try again later. i have had this pop up for almost 2 days now.
Bugs i recorded two on The Twins
Ошибки, две из которых я записал в «Близнецах» на видео, разработчики, пожалуйста, исправьте эти две ошибки. Первый баг - Когда Виктор выпрыгивает, его скорость падает и он может двигаться только медленно, и больше ничего сделать нельзя. Видео https://youtu.be/ZAqKor6ijaE?t=555 Видео 2 https://youtu.be/KXNng5SXOHg?t=1048 .…
Crawling Quentin Smith does not get up when healed
• Platform : PC • Description of the issue : Playing as Quentin against Knight. One of the guards downed me while the killer was away on another chase. When I crawled, there was no animation but the speed was correct. Then another player healed me, but it looked (and sounded) as if I were still down. My crawling speed…
PC-Victor regrow time after being crashed is 15s rather than 10s (as in patch note)
Title. I wonder it is just intentional and patch note was wrong? What's more, pushing victor out of locker is also considered as crush.
TAA is causing massive motion blur - genuinely made me sick
While I realize there are a lot of issues since the UE5 update, Rubberbanding, Hitching, Stutters, FPS drops, insane resources eaten during game play, crazy texture pop in, none of them are as bad as the one that has popped up today. As of today's update if TAA is enabled it adds massive motion blur to the game. This is…
If a player (not you) DCs loading into the trial you lose your offering.
Platform-Steam If another player DCs before loading into the match your offering is consumed. I had 1 BPS left and offered it, but didn't have it available after going back to the lobby. The match was canceled yet I lost my item.
Nintendo Switch: The Nightmare Rubberbands on The Thompson House
I just played a match as Freddy on Nintendo Switch, on The Thompson House, and experienced rubberbanding for the first time. I have not experienced rubberbanding myself until just this match.
PC-Instead of rubber banding, my character is going still mid run
PC (Steam) Since the patch with the 'fix' for rubber banding came out I've been experiencing moments where my character will go still randomly while I'm running. This happens with any character I play and at any random moment while I'm running. This is especially annoying and frustrating in chase because my character…
My bloodwebs are strobing on certain killers
My bloodwebs are strobing on certain killers Step 1 : level up bloodweb applies to only certain killers - unknown, alien are 2 of them. if you guys want me to go through every killer and tell you which killer bloodwebs strobe i can. chucky does NOT strobe, for example. it is CONSTANT and is making me nauseous
Doctor Madness 2 Icon is bugged
Hello Devs, i recently discovered a Bug on the HUD. When Doctor is doing a Static Blast to increase the Madness from Madness 1 into Madness 2, the old Madness 2 Icon appears (not the one with the vertical lines). This can be very confusing because the old Madness 2 Icon looks very similar to the Madness 3 Icon. I made some…
Nintendo Switch - Nancy's Days of Rose causing Rubberbanding
Platform Nintendo Switch If you play as Nancy in her Days of Rose cosmetic there is constant rubberbanding. If you play her in her standard outfit, there is none. My friend tried this as he did not lose his Stranger Things content two weeks ago. I had him try twice to verify. The dress physics are also glitchy
Ultimate Weapon Perk Description Update
Description of perk still states that it causes survivors to scream.
Midwich Hallway Hook Bugged
Not sure how to pinpoint which one exactly it was, but one of the Hooks in the hallways of Midwich got bugged, on attempting to unhook it instantly cancels no matter what angle you try from.
PC- unintentional Grab from healing survivors (playing alien)
Step 1- Downed survivor, step 2- Have other survivor heal/ possibly be using for the people before the affect is used, Step 3- have killer do a basic attck without lunginf ( ismilar for when grabbing survivors off gens). step 4 - profit?
missing icons
dead by daylights's steam inventory items icons are missing.
PC - Hex: Face the Darkness does not deactivate if the cursed survivor escapes the trial
Step 1: Play as a killer with Hex: Face the Darkness and 2+ survivors Step 2: Finish all the generators and open the exit gates Step 3: Hit a survivor, cursing them and activating Hex: Face the Darkness Step 4: Have the cursed survivor escape the trial via the exit gates Step 5: Hex: Face the Darkness does not deactivate…
Black screen on exiting match
About once a day, when I exit a match I get a completely black screen except for some icons. If I enter a match, same thing. I see the icons for players and such, but no game action. Steam.
PS4 Aftermath Collection not in shop
Platform: PS4 Description: Aftermath cosmetic collection not appearing under collections tab in the store.
Multiple bugs on Marry's
PC version/STEAM EU servers There is a spot in the bathroom on Marry's where you get stuck.. Friend was healing a survivor and after the heal he got stuck in the wall and couldn't get out. (pic 1) And during our game, multiple times the totems spawns only on ONE side of the map, I don't know if it is intentional but I…
PC- nea no longer blinks? Jane frozen when holding an item⚔️.
nea does not blink during her idle animation in lobby. When jane holds any item she is frozen in place. Save my girls, please bhvr
PC - The Xenomorph broken camera and animations after leaving tunnel
Step 1: Play as Xenomorph Step 2: Enter and exit a tunnel Step 3: ??? Step 4: Upon exiting the tunnel, the tunnel-exiting animation doesn't play, but temporarily only displays certain objects. After exiting the tunnel, the camera is locked vertically and cannot be moved downward. Additional information Character played:…
There's a bug in Hawkins that traps you inside a locker as The Dredge (7.7.1)
I think this chest actually spawns inside that locker and if you teleport to it mid-match as Dredge you'll get stuck. The only way to get out is waiting for you teleport to recharge and teleporting to a locker again. This cost me a match.
Gen kicking animation still bugged in 7.7.1
The animation when kicking a generator is still bugged and not properly synchronized as you can see here: Happens with every killer.
Please fix Oni
Oni's animations have been messed up completely since the Alan Wake patch. Most notably: Missing screen shake when using a demon strike Stiff arm after collecting enough blood The hand holding the kanabo can be moved and jiggled around Also a very annoying bug that came with that patch too is that when entering blood fury…
Carlos skin
when you apply the Carlos skin for Leon he holds the flashlight backwards in lobby.
High Ping / Stuck in Server
It's been 3 days in a row and i am constantly matching up in EU server, when i am from Asian server. I have tried everything to fix this issue but it's the same. I read an article which said DBD and Fortnite uses same amazon server, so i download fortnite and did internet test on that game i am getting 60 to 70 ping…
Stuck in the wall bug on Haddonfield
I had an unfortunate game on Haddonfield where I became stuck in a wall on the top floor of the main building. The other Survivors couldn't interact with me and the Killer could damage me but couldn't pick me up. I couldn't move and was locked in place. I eventually bled out. Platform-PC Steps-Healing a downed Survivor on…
Feng Min's Day Off Wrap Outfit Torso Bug
Suppose to look like this (endgame photo). End up looking like that (in game photos)
Spirit floaty physics
A lot of spirit's head pieces/body cosmetics have lost their floaty physics
Elodie orange shirt
I dont know where is the suitable place to post this. I really want to get the orange shirt. And since it's showing in store. When I clicked on it, it showed unlocking it by buying Bundle; and led me to Binding of kin Bundle, since I already have Elodie but didnt have Twin, I unlocked the Chapter by buying Twin. Then I…
Dissolution Still Bugged
Dissolution doesn't activate when Injuring a survivor with a claw trap as The Skull Merchant.
Steam Always crashes with this error code OCCURS EVERY GAME Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000008DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 97157330 bytes DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 97133585 bytes DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping…
update today still hasn't fixed PS5 controller vibrations.
Can I get an ETA on when this will be fixed? Next patch? Anniversary? It makes the game a lot less enjoyable for me and kills my motivation to play it I'd really like to see a fix for it soon. It's still bugged.
Game Crashes/ Won't Load In
I literally can't play a game it keeps crashing when i load in. Pc on Steam. All my gpu drivers etc are up to date. The game is broken bad.
Survivor's vaulting through Trapper's Traps
Have had it several time where survivors fast vault over a window and when they should have been trapped they just vault like nothing happened. This is not a case of spacing, there is plenty room between the window and the trap for a survivor to run and slide into it and no they did not run around them either. Vaults like…
Skull Merchant's Drones can Disappear Underneath the Ground After Being Disabled
Platform: PC (Steam) Description of the Issue: Skull Merchant's drones can disappear underneath the ground after being disabled. Steps to Reproduce: This isn't helpful, but honestly, I don't know. How Often Does This Occur: This is the first time this has happened to me, currently unsure of frequency. Logs: (It was my most…
Moved: Pareamento bloqueado
This discussion has been moved.
PC - Game freezing randomly when tabbing out
Steps to reproduce Step 1: Boot the game, must be running in fullscreen windowed. Step 2: Tab out of the game and restore focus, repeat this until the game freezes. Step 3: In order to fix the game tab out and refocus and it should unfreeze. Additional information I first noticed this on the PTB for 7.7.0 - when returning…
Constant disconnect & being kicked from games
•Platform: Epic, PC •Description of the issue: Almost every match I’ve played since the 7.7.0 update I’ve been constantly kicked from. After being kicked from the game, I get a crash report pop-up page (which clearly shows the issue isn’t coming from my end). I’ve typed multiple messages explaining why I don’t understand…
Update said it fixed rubber banding but ITS STILL HERE!!!! Please fix
Devour Hope activating/exposing upon cleansing.
PC - Steam. Played on RPD against Plague. Found out totem, I cleaned it and was instantly exposed but with no counter. Realised it was Devour Hope when someone cleansed another totem and the exposed effect disappeared. The Killer had Undying/Devour Hope No body had been hit as was playing in a SWF and we all thought it was…
PC - Strobe light flashing when looking at hook charms
Platform: PC/Steam Occurs with Hag only after purchasing "Snake Charmer" skin Step 1 : Booted the game up Step 2 : Clicked on The Hag in killer menu Step 3 : Clicked on "customize" then "charm" Step 4 : Noticed strobe light flashing on entire screen only when viewing charms on hook customizations
Potential Energy bug; Not consuming a toolbox while the perk is active.
• Platform: PC, possibly every platform • Description of the issue: Switching to a toolbox while Potential Energy is active (at least 1 Token) doesnt consume the toolbox even though it speeds up the Tokengain. After a short test in some custom games, this can save up to 15 seconds (no other perks used). • Steps to…
Renato Lyra Goalkeeper cosmetic shorts bug
the shorts that are part of the goalkeeper skin seem to have collision issues and show black materials coming through them
Freeze on Startup
PC-Steam I cant open the game without it freezing on startup It started this update. I verified files, turned my pc off/on and am now reinstalling the game now to see if that fixes it.
Unable to load into game as Survivor, character models missing?
Example Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Choose "Play" as Survivor Step 3 : Choose character Ace Visconti Step 4 : Notice character model missing, should normally be to the right of the screen. Step 5: Switch to any other character Step 6: Switch back to Ace Visconti Step 7: Notice that instead of the character model for…
Issues with Thalita hair since new Unreal Engine Update
Hello dear devs, since the new unreal engine update some graphic errors have occurred for Thalita. First of all her blonde braid doesn't look the same as before because her hair is missing at her forehead, see the picture in the attachment, it would be amazing if it gets the original look back as we paid for it that way.…
Microstutters/fps drops after 7.7.1 patch?
So besides the rubberbanding NOT being fixed with 7.7.1, I noticed that this patch brought me some microstutters and fps drops throughout the matches. Playing on Windows/Steam. Anyone else?