Licensed DLC characters cannot be used
I bought the stranger thing dlc and in this update of the game it appears as if I had not purchased it
Visual bug - Léry's Memorial Institute
There's a visual bug in the Léry's Memorial Institute, in the televisions room, where appears to be a window but you can go throw it just walkin. It occur to me only today, and i don't know how to reproduce it.
Hawkins Desync by Stairs: Killers can see Survivors Where They’re Not and Hit Them From ANYWHERE
Platform: PC (Steam) (probably happening across all?) Description: There is MAJOR server desync on Hawkins, and Survivors and Killers become desynced towards the back side near the furthest-back stairs on the first floor. Because of this desync, Killers can swing at Survivors from anywhere that they appear to see them,…
Game no longer launches for AMD Phenom II X6 users
After the 7.7.0 update the game will no longer launch for my friend. I found others online that are having the same issue as her. Upon sharing info we all realized we all had the same CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 I'm just curious if anyone from the dev team can acknowledge this. My friend only plays DBD and is very disheartened…
Survivor's hands are inside Killer's body
• Platform: Steam • Description of the issue Survivor's hands are inside Killer's body, when the killer carries the survivor on his shoulder. • Steps to reproduce (if possible) Be on killer's shoulder. Different survivors, different killers. • How often does this occur: all the time since 7.7.0 update Screenshot with the…
PC - Surv gets stuck after throwing this specific pallet
Map: Midwich Elementary School Char: Ada Wong Perks: Light, Decisive Strike, Deliverance, Windows of Opportunity The video pretty much shows everything I haven't tried if it happens again in custom I think it has something to do with the stuff on the ground that causes height difference
bloodweb bug
Platform Pc: I'm currently having an issue with my bloodweb. I completed a level and now it's just infinitely loading and no levels are popping up for any killer or survivor. It's been going on for 3 days in a row and nothing will fix it like restarting my pc or game.
Game keeps freezing and then saying I disconnected
Platform: Steam Load into any game and then randomly the game will freeze and say I disconnected when I didn't. This happens at least once a day and I keep getting a DC penalty. I'm afraid of it going up and up for something I can't control. This started after the update. Use to happen before but after an update a year or…
Fix the servers
When I enter the lobby and press the reply button, it takes me to the loading screen, then kicks me out and writes me the following Dedicated server is not responding; disconnecting...I sit in the lobby for almost 5 hours and the problem was not solved
Xbox Series S - Game Afoot Not Activating
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match Step 3 : Equip Game Afoot as a perk Step 4 : Chase the obsession Step 5 : Break pallet while in chase with chainsaw Step 6 : Notice that despite the Game Afoot Icon being lit up, no haste is given to killer player Additional information Character played:…
Neon Lights in Basement
PC / Bright neon Lights in several basements / Unreproducible- It's random / Happens randomly once or twice a day, and I play an average of 20 games a day.
Tough Skin Challenge
The challenge in level 3 of tome 17 "Tough Skin" does not register any hits while under the effects of endurance. I tested getting hit with Dead Hard, Buckle Up, and Off The Record and none of the hits worked.
Botanist Extraordinaire
The Botanist Extraordinaire challenge in the first tome level 2 is bugged and cannot be completed, i tried about 10 games in a row "completing" it each time and even had my friend bring plot twist so that i could heal him off the ground over and over to try and complete it and it still did not work. it is the last…
Game updates full size randomly
Hello, i had this issue for a long time on old pc and on new pc so its not related to the pc. Every while my game does an update, but not for a certain size, it updates the full game size almost 40GB. Sometimes it even finishes the full 40GB update and it starts again immediately, did anyone get this problem before and is…
Not a bug but a scam issue (mobile)
Netease is over pricing characters such as naughty bear (128$) feng min skin (32$), and now they released the Resident Evil ch.2 perks but at a cost of 6$. Why do perks cost 6$ but the characters themselves only cost 5$? Does that mean I have to spend 11$ total as no one knows when said characters will be released.…
Xbox Series S - Low Resolution Bug
The game seems to have tanked resolution SIGNIFICANTLY since the last update. Lots of jagged edges, fuzzy models and assets, the game prior looked to be running at 1080 or 1440p. Now it looks like it's nearly 720p, maybe a shade higher.
Legion wall breaking uses the wrong sound
When the Legion breaks a breakable wall it incorrectly uses the pallet-breaking sound effect for the first kick in the animation, instead of the wall-breaking sound. This happens every time, but only from the Legion's POV. Nearby survivors will hear the correct sounds.
Minor PC Bug - Zarina Outfit Menu Bug
Really a minor bug. When selecting the Goddess Queen outfit for Zarina, the Oni Music plays. It only occurs when the entire outfit is equipped. Does not effect the actual gameplay, however. No real steps to replicate other than Step 1 : Select Zarina Step 2 : Equip the 'The Goddess Queen' outfit Ta
Gabriel's Biopunk pants - missing texture
I have heard from someone who works with DBD models/textures etc. that Gabriel's pants in the new Biopunk collection are missing a texture. Apparently his legs should be somewhat visible through the pants, as showed in the concept art: The problem seems to not be connected to a specific platform, but it's bugged in…
Initializing Shaders crashes my game
After patch my game started to freeze on the loading screen with the phrase "Initializing Shaders". It takes a long time to enter the game and sometimes it even crashes my game. Before the update this didn't happen and I was able to play normally, I hope you fix this problem soon, it's frustrating that this happens.
Hawkins is Incredibly Buggy
Platform - Steam Issue - Running into certain rooms will teleport your character to different, nearby position. There also seems to be some desync issue where your position will appear different on your screen then on other players (you can be hit/healed by a player you can't see since you are next to them on your screen).…
Bugs caused by Trapper/Naughty Bear skin
I experienced this issue only while playing trapper/Naughty Bear skin. In the video I attached, you can see the survivors head get in the field of view when hitting the weapon. I played as Naughty Bear here. I don't seem to have this issue with any other killer. Also, whenever I hook a survivor as Trapper/Naughty Bear, the…
Mouse sensitivity changed after 7.7.0?
Did anyone else notice that the mouse sensitivity changed after the 7.7.0 patch? It is now way faster on its default mode.
Clips for reference: https://x.com/AgentlilDuck/status/1782921735354159164 https://x.com/TheGamerFlavour/status/1783514581605695743 https://x.com/brnfrmawsh/status/1783233248186822900 There's also a clip of someone chasing a survivor to the exit gate as Victor and Victor teleported to a random corner away from the exit…
Racoon City Police Department bug
While playing on RPD as Artist whenever I would walk on the upper floor of the main lobby in the area between the main stairs I would be lifted up higher than normal about twice the height. It might be a collision error that forces the player into that state so they don't get stuck. It happened multiple times in the same…
DbD skirt issue.
I know thats not the game biggest bug right now, but all the skirt in the game works like jeans. its just not doing any physical thing and its just is attached to the survival. I cant explain myself great but try a match with Thalita's skirt or yui's greek sking and you will see the problem.
Knight's Iridescent Company Banner: When Flag is Collected, only Half the Exit Gate Unblocks
Platform: PC (Steam) Description of the Issue: When The Knight is using Iridescent Company Banner, if a Hunted Survivor collects the Standard to escape the hunt in Endgame, only half of the Exit Gate will become unblocked for the Hunted Survivor (the left side). Entity Spikes WILL NOT appear on either player's end;…
Blight hits on lethal rushes are faster?
I was playing with blight, and I was using double speed every match And I noticed something different, his lunges on his power, are faster and go further? Basically his lunges are faster and go further, i will report this here just to have sure if this is a bug or not
PC - Medkit found in chest healed me to full in 4 sec
I found a medkit in a chest. When I used it, my progress bar was already set to around 75%, and then I healed fully in approx 4 sec. Ace Visconti Badham map offering used: shiny coin perks: off the record, balanced landing, ace in the hole, plunderer's instinct as you can see from the screenshot, the medkit only used 25%…
PC - Can't login into the game
"NO NETWORK CONNECTION In order to access this content, a network connection is required." I have this issue since yesterday, although I could play the game for a few hours just this morning. Opening the game with VPN also works. Firewall is disabled as well as antivirus. Log:
PC - Hawking's Lab Sable name glitch
Sable Ward has a file name instead of a bot name when they dc. This one was dead hooked and dc'd while the entity was carrying them away.
[PC/steam] Lery's blinking signs are not working correctly
Map: Léry's Memorial Institute Issue: The signs at different rooms which indicate the status of a gen are not working properly. A room without a gen should have an unlit sign, a room with a finished gen should have a lit sign and a room with an unfinished gen should have a blinking sign. I encountered many rooms where the…
[PC/steam] Memory Fragments are unreachable on Eyerie of Crows
Issue: Memory Fragments spawn below ground and are unable to be collected. If collectable they are very close to the ground and bother you with their wooshing sound for the rest of the match. Map: Eyerie of Crows, but possibly also on other maps as well. I could collect them on Hawkins but they were barely sticking out.
Game stays on loading screen and won't launch.
When I click play on the game I get the little loading screen with splendor. Then it goes away and the game doesn't launch and the button changes to "play" again. I checked the game files and cleared cache and nothing worked.
PC - Crashing in Lobby
Whenever I queue into a lobby, as either Killer or Survivor, the game stalls and inevitably throws a timeout crash report after around three minutes. This happens every time and even applies to custom matches against bots. Will update with a screenshot of the crash report next time it happens. EDIT: Here's the crash report…
Twitching Hands while Injured and sitting down
• Platform: Steam • Description of the issue Both hands are twitching. Video with bug: • Steps to reproduce (if possible) Be injured Sit down • How often does this occur: all the time
Killer got glitched into table/pallet rpd map
Got stunned by pallet and ended up glitched into the pallet and table. On rpd map. Pallet and table is on rightside of lobby if facing stairs closest entry way to the stairs.
Patch 7.7.0 Stuttering effect whilst in game.
On PC, (unaware if this issue is on other platforms) there is an stuttering effect whilst moving around in game. I've only been able to play a few games after the recent patch because it was unbearable. I have stable internet connection so I'm not too sure why its happening. I've heard it's happening to other people too.…
Nemesis Stuck in Interrogation Room
Epic Games Nemesis can't walk out and break the pallet (Manually) when staying behind it in Interrogation Room on R.P.D. + He actually is flying on the second floor in main behind big statue.
tome videos
• Platform : pc (steam) • Description of the issue : playing any of the videos from the tome collections make everything but my player profile button to disappear. I have to close the game if i view anything. • Steps to reproduce (if possible) : literally any tome video does it • How often does this occur : see above
Got stuck in this area on RPD
(Don’t mind my face) I was playing as clown on RPD and this is where I got stuck, I also couldn’t break the pallet. I play on PS5.
Game is Glitching/ slowing down /lagging (console ps5)
I have had a few instances since the recent update where the game has glitched and/and or lagged really badly, i have a couple of examples to highlight this in one of my games, but this issue was not only just in this game it has happened in a few games and has never happened before, I have good internet and ping so the…
Game freezes while the game is alt tabbed during a loading screen
So whenever I alt+Tab the game just before loading screen happens there is a chance that game would just freeze and i need to close it with task manager. The game doesn't freeze if I don't alt-tab and just wait for loading to complete. I play on PC Steam.
PC - Crash when starting the game on Epic Games
Since the new update, I've been unable to play the game nor start it even. This is the steps it takes to crash: Step 1: Click on the game on Epic Store. Step 2: EasyAntiCheats bar loads super fast. Step 3: Game crashes. I've tried everything. Uninstall the game, verify the files, reinstall Epic Games, look for updates on…
Green envelope offerings not showing on the offering screen
Green envelopes do not show up in the offerings screen, nor do they give points. Shows up in game information and end game though.
Bug texture with triscker on screen
Well here's a video of what happened, he hitted me with a knife and well…here's what happened in a video. it stoped when he downed me…and never happened again since he couldnt hit me after that…so yea.
Killers with Insidious but visible by bots breaks them.
I am on a hook with an Insidious Buba but the bot can see it and then tries to run away, but then tries to save me, but then tries to run away… ay...
Were-elk mori - survivor going back to original position
wPlatform - playstation 5 When you mori a survivor as were-elk the survivor teleports back to original position after they have been thrown back, this looks really weird and needs to be fixed Step 1: boot the game step 2: go into a match step 3: mori a survivor From my experience it happens every time where she lands Where…
Xenomorph gets stuck coming out of tunnels
After loading in to a public match as the Xenomorph, i highlighted a tunnel and entered one closeest to me. After traveling through the tunnels and exiting out of the one i had highlighted i was stuck unable to walk or chase nearby survivors. I was only able to become unstuck after going back into the tunnel and…
Hawkin's Lab - PC - player model snagging on objects
The player model appears to be snagging on various parts of the environment causing you to lose momentum in chase/stop running/glitch in position on the map. Edit: this could also be rubberbanding however it seemed to only happen in tight-knit areas and i couldn’t replicate it when running in a clear open space. I also…