"Disconnection from Host"
Platform: PC/Windows Description: At least 1-3 times every day I get disconnected from my matches because of "Disconnection from Host" or something very similar to it. This is not a problem on my end, I have almost perfect wifi connection when playing and then I randomly get kicked either at the very end of the game or at…
Disconnected from host
launcher Steam - every time i join a lobby it kicks me and says disconnected from host, I have already reinstalled the game verified my files, lots of other thing and nothing has worked. Please Help ME!
The rift issue
Im playing on PS5 and for some reason can not collect any of the Free track I don’t know why or how this works exactly I’m barely on tier 4. Is there any way to collect my bloodpoints it says they are unlocked…?
Spirit audio and walk cycle
Im sure her walk cycle has been reported for months now, but currently as of June 12, 2023, she has no audio swinging her weapon. Its very jarring
Disconnecting from lobby everytime
I look for a match I get into a lobby Seconds later I disconnted from the lobby
Tome 2 part 1 impossible challenge due to perk rework
There is achallege in tome 2 that cannot be completed. In first part of this tome you are asked to dodge an attack by using Dead hard but after this perk rework you cannot dodge an attack because perk nature changed.
Pretty big pinhead box lament configuration bug
playing on pc (steam) when this bug occurs when pulling a survivor out of a locker when they are holding the lament configuration instead of the the chain hunt starting 10 seconds later, the box respawns but with a fully reset timer back to 0 grab the lament configuration get into a locker and let pinhead pull you out of…
Pinhead/Cenobite lament configuraiton bug when survivor with it goes inside a locker
If a survivor holding the Lament Configuration goes into a locker, when opening the locker the chain hunt doesn't strart, and instead the timer just resets from 0. It never worked like this, so it's a bug, recently shown in Otzdarva's experiment:
This bug makes it so people can vault back through Wesker after he vaults a pallet
When you vault a pallet if the survivor does some specific movement wesker loses his collision and survivors can just vault back leaving Wesker forced to break it. This can be very painful on god pallets like the one on Lery’s.
Not being able to press play
I have been noticing this bug alot recently. This bug occurs mostly on (Nintendo Switch) I believe. It is where i am just about to join a lobby but as soon as the found match pops up it has an error pop up and brings me back to the selection screen, and when i go to try to play again the find match button is light grey and…
i can´t ad my friend on dbd (crossplay)
Hey! Im having problems to add a friend and i couldnt find anything on web that might help me. Well, mine and also my friend's crossplay is allowed. I've literally checked everything but nothing is wrong and even by that, he doesnt apear. I tryed even to add by his user complete ID but, it just doesnt work! And, i…
Disconnecting from Host / Connection Error
I really enjoy playing this game, I've been playing for a couple of months and my experiences have been amazing all around, however I have been getting this very upsetting problem in which I get kicked from my matches from an outside issue. This problem has slowly been occurring and starting to get worse and worse. At the…
PS5 - challenges not registering as completed
PS5 when trying to complete both the Green glyph challenge as well as the 48m Doctor challenge, the prompt in match confirms it is completed but then once out of the match, the time is not accessible in any way other than main menu and the challenges show as incomplete/not completed (progress for the glyph challenge seems…
Stucking at launching screen
For no reason I m waiting a lot in the Calculating latency screen sometimes cant play but when ı pass the launching screen I always get errors like Bloodweb error , An Unknown Error acquired, Archive error , archive disappreance and more etc. Solutions I tried: Verified file integrity Reinstalled the game Reinstalled the…
Game breaking gens split on some maps (Yamaoka, Macmillan, Ormond)
I've encountered this issue multiple times and each match killers were using it to their advantage. 4 Generators spawning in the same half of the map. Yamaoka with temple in middle, Coal mine (gens were on the side of the mine) and yesterday I firstly witnessed it on Ormond (1 gen mid, 2 on the Shack side and 4 on the…
initialization error for PC
Every time I try to login to DBD from steam I am always hit with "initialization error". I have uninstalled and redownloaded, cleared cache, checked connection, restarted the game, synched to steam cloud, you name it I have done it. Not sure if this is a bug or some other server issue but I legitimately cannot play the…
Cant add friends
I am playing on PC and so are my friends. I have DVD downloaded from Epic Games and my friends have it Downloaded on Steam. I have other friends on my friendslist, but these new friends are unable to add me or vise versa and we all have crossplay enabled. I haven't been able to play for weeks. It just says 0 of 0 results…
Adept achievements
I got a merciless killer on Cenobite 3 times and have yet to get the achievement. Same for the artist I got a merciless killer once for the artist and never got the achievement. I play in Xbox my username is G0gg1s
Xbox Series X/S Load Times - Update
Xbox Series X load times are still abysmally slow to load up the game and pick survivor/killer. To make matters worse it's now affecting Xbox Series S consoles after the most recent update. Sorry Series S players, you're in the same boat as us now. Hopefully it'll get fixed soon since it's been an ongoing known issue for…
PC- Forcefully disconnected from matches when in lobby with friends
So I’ve been playing dbd for years now and I’ve recently started playing on PC. Almost every single match I play with my friends I get forcefully disconnected and lose my items and points. This only happens when in a lobby with my friends, when I’m playing solo it’s perfectly fine and I never get kicked. I’ve tried…
Endgame Collapse bugged
I just had a match against a huntress and I died during the endgame collapse, but it took almost the entire timer to actually collapse. I don't record my games, but I have screenshots that show the progression of the health-state bar regressing, but the game not collapsing.
PC - Unable to use mouse buttons as Trapper when landing in a trap with the Makeshift Wrap addon
During a match on Badham I dropped down from the 2-story house with the Makeshift Wrap addon onto a trap. I have not been able to reproduce this, but the conditions of when I originally encountered it are as follows: I was in chase. I vaulted through a window with a trap underneath me (long fall). The trap closed when I…
PC-disconnected from the host
I have seen that many players are happening the same as me, I sent the ticket more than 48 hours ago and still do not get any solution, they only tell me that it is being investigated but nothing more.
trickster exploit please fix bhvr
if you plug in a controller on PC while playing trickster u gain controller recoil. Pretty simple and simpler to fix thank u. showcase, left is exploit recoil and the right is normal recoil, I lifted my mouse up for both showcases so it is only the recoil affecting my aim moving: https://streamable.com/bqdgab
PC - Dredge Frosty Eyes cosmetic uses wrong body texture
The skulls on its back uses the texture of the mossy uncommon skin. That's all. Step 1. Boot the game. Step 2. Play as Killer Step 3. Select The Dredge Step 4. Equip Frosty Eyes. Voila.
Server issues
I'm on the Xbox One, playing on the UK servers. Yesterday, there were a few trials with abnormally high levels of ping that seemed to be spread across all the players, either constantly or sporadically. Bars appeared besides their portraits on the in-game HUD, as well as on mine. In some cases, chases were horrendous as…
Dredge Nightfall Survivor Killer View Window Visual Glitch
During the Dredge's Nightfall, a one way "window" appears that lets the survivor see as the Killer does during Nightfall. The "window" is only one way and if the survivors camera is on the wrong side of the "window" it is not visible. The "window" does not move nor do I know what causes it.
PC - Game Crashes
3/4 times. Right after or during the game.Checking the game cache does not help.
PC - Skull Merchant Power Unavailable
Match Details: Skull Merchant Hex: Plaything, Trail of Torment, Nowhere to Hide, Overcharge Map: Mother's Dwelling The entire match regardless of position on map relative to gens, survivors, etc I was unable to place any drones. I am aware there are places drones are unable to be deployed (for example next to a hooked…
i can't start dbd on my epic games account
When when i start the game it says to me "ACCOUNT SUSPENDED, Your account has been permanently suspended due to violating our Terms of Use.". I tried to search about it on the internet but I couldn't find anything.
Platform : PC Description of the issue : When a custom game is over and I'm sent back to lobby, I get this error message. I'm using bots in custom. I have never changed anything in my files / I don't use the custom icons or anything. Once I close the message, I can go on to next games. How often does this error occur :…
Did a gen after all gens were finished.
Here is the clip: You can see hope is even active as we do the gen.
bug still in game and my post just sais pendingh so im making another one with proof
so since the event a while back i have been getting randomly kicked from the game and i was kicked twice now the 2nd one was a few minutes ago and i now have a 2 day ban from the game dissconnecting me anyone know when this will be fixed and in my opinion untill this glitch is fixed the penalty should be disabled
PC- incorrect hook stages shown
The bug occurred due to a survivor getting a last-second save on a hooked survivor. For my HUD, it registered as the survivor being removed from the trial (+1 hook stage and the death sound and animation), however, the survivor was saved. I was playing the huntress, The survivor that this happened to was I believe Mikaela.…
PC - Crash after returning to the lobby
Happens after 1/2 of matches when I'm heading back to the lobby. I already reinstalled my NVIDIA drivers with a clean install and the problem persists.
Stuck in tree trunk after Wesker dashed into me
I ran into this location pretty much from the direction Steve is standing at and was up against the shrubbery when Wesker dashed into me. Afterwards I was completely stuck in the tree trunk here and got killed by EGC. Other survivors could interact with me (healing, using the first aid spray) and Wesker could basic attack…
Unable to interact with anything/Recover/Permanent blindness
Platform: Xbox One Map Grim Pantry, was survivor against Wesker. When he used his M2 I also got into a locker the same time he hit me, as such probably due to latency (I was 300+ ping as I was SWF'ing with a friend overseas). I got permanent blindness since the game thinks I was in the locker? was unable to interact with…
Merciless Storm
The perk is still bugged. It will not read skill checks correctly. Clip is included here https://medal.tv/games/dead-by-daylight/clips/1d1WpPcCKzpuDl/d1337wSVN8kd?invite=cr-MSw3czEsMTY5MzY4MDA3LA
Head-on locker bug
When Rebecca Chambers used head on so hard that it missed me but took down the entire locker on the Mc Millan map with the mine shaft.
PS5 - Session Expired Mid-Match
While I'm in a match, the game will randomly disconnect me, and give a notification that the session has expired because of an idle game or login elsewhere. Game wasn't idle, because I was actively playing, and I didn't log in anywhere else. It's happened twice in the last two days and has resulted in a DC penalty both…
RPD Upstairs Hook Is Bugged
The upstairs hook on RPD by the winding staircase has a weird property where if a killer walks by the vault, for some reason they're slowed to nearly a halt. In my friend's case, he was playing Trapper, and he had a trap spawn by that hook. When he picked up said trap he couldn't set his traps down anymore, causing him to…
Match locking after host disconnected its too much 13 hours
I joined a match then igot disconnected from the host y do i get match locking FOR 13 HOURS !!!!!!!!!!
Can't queue up with friends in any capacity on Switch version
This happens every time we try to play either a survivor match or a custom game. Someone will have their ready up button grayed out and on the odd occasion we can all ready up it kicks one of us from the queue. In the case of custom games it won't start the match if one of us is kicked. We can look past the optimization…
Bugs dbd Xbox one s and series s
I have had several bugs playing dbd on both of my xboxes the killer hook visabilities dont show ever .I rarley ever load in with my xbox console platformers its always people from other platform they constantly unhook themselves and i hook the same player more than 3 times they dont die and hit them they dont make noise it…
Graphical glitch when another survivor is sacrificed on hook
Hello, Platform: Steam, Windows PC Description: I've seen this bug twice now where the tree on the Garden of Joy map gets all purple and weird when a survivor is killed on the hook. It doesn't affect the game play but it is very weird. I'm not sure how to attach the appdata on windows, your information of how to get the…
Invisible Wall on Coal Tower
Platform: PC Issue: on one of the versions of Coal Tower there is an invisible object (almost center of the map, between logs and shack). It was stopping me as a killer. It looks like survivors can get past it, but I'm not 100% sure. Sadly I do not know the exact version of Coal Tower with this situation, was trying to…
Adding friends cross platform
Im on PC and I am trying to add my friend, who is on PS4, but I am just getting a loading symbol the whole time and they are getting the same. I have also seen lots of people having the same issue across Reddit
Lobby with friends bug
i’m on xbox, and when there is a friend from ps4 in my lobby and I invite someone else also from ps4, they can’t join and are sent back to menu. They have to add my ps friend to be able to join me (which we can’t even do right now due to the adding friend bug lol)
Problem with crossplay
I wanted to add my friends in dbd. They have game on epic and i have on steam. We can't add each others We tryed ID, nicknames, # just nothin'. If someone can help us pls wrti me back quickly