crash report
can whre help Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x63e164b5 nvwgf2umx {0x0000000000000000} + 12809751 bytes DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 52970486 bytes DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 63096683 bytes DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000}…
[Bug]: PC - Totem doesn't cleanse totem - Rancid Abattoir - Coldwind farm
Description: When i'm playing into this map called as "Rancid Abattoir - Coldwind farm", near the combine harvester, there is a totem that cannot be purified in any of the positions. (Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2) Step by Step: 1)I'm loading the game 2)i click on the "Plays as survivor" button on the main menu 3)My friends…
Can't be picked up if you are downed and fall above the stairs
I was downed by the chest on top of the stairs in I think one of the Autohaven maps, I fell down to the stairs and clipped into the wall just enough that I wasn't able to be picked up
Victor can't Pounce
Platform: Xbox One Couldn't use pounce at all during a game as The Twins. I used the Green and Yellow add ons that make it so it takes Survivors longer to crush Victor. Hope that helps.
Pale Rose Generator Bug
Platform: Xbox One The 3 person generators that spawn right beside trees cannot be worked on when there's a player already repairing on the long side.
Hillbilly chainsaw heating up while not using it (and also a rank reset idea for brand new accounts)
After I broke a pallet at high chainsaw heat, it continued to rise for the next few seconds until I had to overheat it to start the cool down duration. Used brown add ons (the box thing and the gear I think), and low rank Tinkerer and Sloppy. I'm pretty sure this isn't an intended feature, but I haven't played in awhile so…
Totem in Lery’s unreachable
I’m on ps4. I found a totem on lery’s that was unable to be interacted with. It was in one of the small rooms with multiple beds. The totem either spawned at the corner of a bed or the corner of one of the bedside cabinets at the foot of the bed. I’m not sure which it spawned next to but the totem was stuck between both…
Scraped tape not working
Scraped tape on doctor, PC. It doesn't seem to be working properly it's making the aoe visually but only triggering it's normal cone values in actuality. I only had 2 of them but it did it both games that I used this addon. They can be right beside or behind you it only shocks in a cone in front, even though it makes the…
Legion still buged after 4.4.1
Still no improvements...
Murky Reagent not working
I’m on ps4 and since last patch I noticed when a murky reagent is played there is no fog, the map is absolutely clear. I don’t know if it’s all the reagent offerings or just the murky (purple) one, but I’ve noticed the few times recently one has been used it doesn’t do anything.
Bloodweb Bug
Not sure if this is new or old, but it just started for me after leveling up David into the 20s my blood web freezes after I buy the last item & you can’t do anything but read up, cancel or dashboard
This Gen looks like being accessible from 3 sides but in fact its a solo gen
The Gen looks 3 people can work on it, the trees are not blocking but in fact its only accessible from right side (picture)
Totem putted far away and unable to cleanse & Generator putted a little left and only 1 sur can fix.
I can't cleanse the totem or help that survivor fix that gen.
Random DIsconect/crash on PC
Your platform: PC Which region are you from: Brazil The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue): Any games this weeknd, the last now at ~07:20 PM on 13/12/2020, i banned for 22 minutes and cant play with my friends because this random disconect/crash. After crash pops up a error report to…
switch audio issues
i play on handheld mode and even using headphones sometimes theres no heartbeat or its super low. is there any fix to this? does it happen while docked? i messed around with the headphone options already and nothing changed
Dying survivor hiding under generator
I had downed a survivor near a gen, they crawled up to it and i kicked the gen, then their head clipped into the generator and they were impossible to pick up. They attempted to do it again but I was able to grab them before they got to the generator (happily camped and mori'd them for intentional exploits, then killed all…
Autohaven/Damage Gen Issue
On Switch, I was playing match as Doctor. I was able to destroy pallets with no issue, but trying to damage any generator resulted in it just looping until I backed off of the initial damage button screen. I wasn't able to damage any gen on that map. I was playing as Doctor and Twins previously on other maps and had no…
PC- Stuck In a Locker
this is my first time writing a bug report so i'll follow the template exactly Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : Get the bug where your character model flops around and gets "picked up" when the killer swings/picks up/hooks another survivor Step 4 : Enter a locker the frame this…
Demogorgon Teleport Bug.
PC - if you cancel the teleport EXACTLY at the end of the bar (when you almost teleported) u still get teleported, but u can move and use shred while doing that (doesnt affect the teleporting itself tho) also after this happened u hear the teleporting sound ALL THE TIME until u teleport again. may be a server latency…
Exit Gates Fail to Open
Console PS4 Dead Dawg Saloon Wraith-Killer 2 survivors hooked, 1 survivor downed Exit Gates Fail to Open While using the perk Wake Up, exit gates fully powered up, lever pulled until “open gate” progress bar is full... still holding bar seconds later and gate still doesn’t open. Unusual rapid ticking sound is heard near…
[Solved] Michael and Ghost Face power dosn't work
PC. I am re-creating my topic from the Russian part of the forum. Nobody answers there ) For half a year now I can't interact with anyone visually. I don’t know how to describe it correctly, even in my native language ) My Michael cannot accumulate evil. I cannot get the Face out of the Night Shroud. Mechanics don't work…
Plague exploit
Survivors can become infected, take a physical hit, then purge their injury away to full health. Also, sometimes the purge attack indicates it hits survivors, but yields no results. The first one is easily done. Get hit, get puked on, go heal at a fountain. The second is not so easy. Replicating this is hard, but it…
Many invisible walls block the plague's vomit
I've noticed this seems to include but is not limited to exit gates, where the vomit is blocked by an invisible wall. Many times survivors have escaped because the vomit just hits something that doesn't exist. It also seems to happen around trees (I noticed it on the macmillan estate). I will attach a video if I notice it…
Pallet Teleports Me Up When I Try To Break It
On the Xbox version of the game, when I was playing a match as the Clown, I tried to break a pallet while chasing someone which resulted in me being repeatedly being teleported above the pallet until it suddenly stopped numerous, numerous times later. The map was Rancid Abattoir, and I was playing as The Clown, and the…
Reporting a bug
I was in a match on autohaven wreckers and outside the main building, I was hiding from killer and noticed I could see through the other side of the wall. Then I noticed I literally had walked through the wall back into the main building.
PS4 - No HUD while playing as Survivor
Have had this issue happen several times before. It's pretty random since it has happened while using different survivors against different killers on different maps both solo and swf. From the start of the match I have no HUD (some occasions the map name stays). When I do actions there is no prompt for the action and it…
Thorough Destruction challenge in tome V, level III
Looks like its bugged, since i counted the times i kicked pallets or generators and was way over 15 in the matches i tried I was using brutal strenght and pop, im going to try to ask survivors for help and with no perks....
2 three-player gens only workable on one side [Pale Rose map]
On my last game on Pale Rose map, there were two generators for 3 players (generator with only one side completely blocked by an obstacle), that only one of the sides could be worked on. The other 2 available sides did not show the Repair tooltip and could not be used. This gen is between the Pale Rose boat (on my right…
Two game breaking bugs on Gas Heaven after the update
PC. So there are two disgusting game-braking bugs on Gas Heaven after the graphical update: As Hag, 2 games in a row, I couldn't place a single trap in the basement. There are other spots on these new reworked maps where the game doesn't let me put down a trap. Survivors can go through the wall in the main building where…
Victor's Sensitivity is way to high
[PS4] when controlling Victor his sensitivity is independent on the camera settings, this occurs everytime I play them
PC - Tapp's badge visual glitch
Detective Tapp's badge hangs all the way down to the floor for the entire trial. This usually only happens to me on my first game of the day, and on the rest the badge looks normal. I'll add some screenshots. In case it matters, I'm using the full Prestige 3 Tapp outfit, and the perks Windows Of Opportunity, Decisive…
Pallet Drop / Vault Issue on Coldwind Farm
Platform: PC Description: When running, a certain pallett can't b e dropped or vaulted over (view attached Video), but when walking there is no issue. Steps to reproduce: I don't know if this was a one time bug, but the Killer that was chasing me at the time, seems to have had the same issue, while breaking the pallett, so…
Chase music bug on midwitch
on PC chase music plays in snatches on midwitch school map
Hug trap placing bug
Hi Team, On PS4 I bumped into a Hag bug where I am not able to place my traps at certain spots at the map. This happened on Ormond, but it also happened on other maps. Here is a link to a video where I've recorded what happened: Could you look into it, please? Thanks
Totem Spawn Bug - Coldwind Farm
Exact location where totem cannot be broken :( Pls fix!!!!
Pallet not working
Sometimes, during a game, it is impossible to use the pallet by pressing the SPACE key. Steps to reproduce: 1) Boot the game 2) Begin a match as survivor 3) Engage the chase with the killer 4) Try to drop a pallet 5) Die
Stuck in the floor bug
Probably its already known to you guys but just incase its not, there are several potential tiles where u can be put into the floor by performing an action over that tile, at a hook on dead dawg i tried to sabo i was put into the floor , and also when i tried to open hatch in the main building on fractured cow shed. You…
Website search function borked
When I try to search the forum, it only returns patch note results. I think it's broken.
Stuck in Feral Frenzy | Unplayable
So after the 4.4.1 patch, I was happy to see that Legion was supposedly fixed. I then went into a game and it was so bugged it was literally unplayable. The match went fine up until halfway through. I activated my Frenzy and it was a bugged version of frenzy that lasted forever, didn't make me move faster, and didn't allow…
Camera bug on The Twins
This happens when a survivor that have Victor on their back disconnected from the match. (notice the dc icon) seems like I can still move Victor but the camera is stuck to where the survivor disconnected, even after Victor get kicked and I unbind him again the bug still happen.
No Confetti from Event Flashlight
PS4 There is still no feedback from successfully getting a blind (beam expanding) and I'm guessing that stops the confetti from working.
Unbreakable Totem spawn
Platform: pc Description: unbreakable totem spawn on Rotten Fields Steps: have a totem spawn there How often: I have no idea Image of tile and where the totem is:
Durch wand Laufen auf dem Schrottplatz
Wenn Sie in der Garage gehen, kann Sie durch die Wand auf der linken Seite gehen... pls fix :)
The Balanced Landing Challenge in Tome 2
So, I've done this challenge 3-4 times yet, It hasn't said it's been completed yet. I've tried to do it and I just did the 4th time, and did it in 2 games. I think this is bugged, and I would like it if it could be fixed. It's rather frustrating to not be able to complete a challenge, that I've done 3-4 times now. Please…
Totems are still not spawn
Totems are still spawning in areas that no one can actually reach to break them. Could you please fix this already; it's been making some NOED games just unbearable. It does this mostly on certain maps, but this is like the dozenth time it's happened in the past few days.
Graphic Bug (Flickering/Twitching)
Out of sudden I'm facing this graphical issue (character both killer and survivor twitching) in gameplay, game menu since few days ago after the latest update. I've tried to reinstall the game, update graphic driver, windows update, the problem still persists. I have no issues at all with any other games, even graphic…
Diversion / Stake Out Timer Un-Parity
I have noticed this for quite some time on the Xbox version, at least. Diversion and Stake Out both have the same conditions - hide within the killer's terror radius outside of a chase to build up the perk. However, Diversion's counter will still fill up if a survivor is in the dying state AND on the hook, however, Stake…
game breaking twins bug
platform: pc descrpition: when trying to control victor when he is idle and about to die from being idle for too long you will get stuck forever and you are unable to do anything how to reproduce: play as twins, release victor, wait until his idle death timer goes to one second, start controlling victor before he dies,…
Bugs with Hatch and Totems
1) Hatch in the stairs of Ormond main building can't be opened with key (no prompt) ... same bug as before with the hatch on TheGame map 2) Some totems can't be cleansed (badam street, combine machine on Coldwind) ... super fun when the killer has hex:ruin or hex:devour TIA for fixing these huge bugs
Nurse 0 blink bug
nurse in-game No blink bug Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match Step 3 : In-game, during the chase Step 4 : after hit a survivor, the blink won't charged back, stay at 0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Killer - Nurse Nurse calling, Sloppy butcher, infectious fright, corrupt intervention Map - wretch shop…