Dragon's grip bug
I'm noticing a bug where dragon's grip doesn't make the survivor scream. It's a bit rare but I've had it happen multiple times in one day and twice in one game. I still get the steam bubble and they are exposed but they don't scream
Unvaultable pallet on Rancid Abattoir
The pallet and issue are shown in the video in the zip file. Once the pallet is down you are not able to vault it. Map: Coldwin Farm - Rancid Abattoir Killer: The Twins Survivor: Feng Min Perks: Inner Strength, Dead Hard, Detective's hunch, Spine Chill
PC - Slow Vault Mid-Air as Survivor Whenever Killer Vaults Window
Description of issue: After all the generators had been completed, I used Head On against the killer. On my screen, it looked like he had initiated the "grab from locker" animation right before I used Head On, though I guess my ping won because I got the stun and did not get grabbed. Following that, every time the killer…
Flying Baby, Camera Tilt, and Killer Instinct Doesn't Work on Latched Survivors.
The baby doesn't set off Killer instinct on anybody. Even the person he jumps on. And for having killer instinct be nullified by crouching is pretty stupid. If the whole point of a function is to find somebody, and it can't do it's job, what's the point? Babies camera will sometimes get stuck at a slant upon taking control…
[Bug]: PC - Stuck into the gen on "Lampkin Lane" - Haddonfield
Description: A my friend when crouches near to the generator which stands the one near the house with the wall pallet loop between the red pickup truck stuck in the ground / generator. (Video 1) Step by Step: 1)I login into my account 2)I click on the "Play as survivor" 3)I'm click on the "Ready" button and i'm starting on…
Claim All Daily Button Bug
PC, North America I had completed two survivor dailies, (a co-op and a Dwight chase daily), and I had a Cannibal chainsaw daily that I hadn't started. When I clicked claim all in the main lobby, I received the points for the survivor dailies but the Cannibal daily was immediately erased.
Trapped Hex Totem on Coldwind Farms
I play on PC, there's a hex totem spawn location in coldwind farms that stops you from being able to cleanse it. I think the only steps to reproduce this are bring a bunch of hex and see if one of them spawn next to the vehicle.
New twins bug
I chased a survivor up to a locker with Victor, they enter, victor locks them in and then when I go with charlotte, as soon as they get out, I hit them, making them stuck like this
Autohaven Wreakers survivor wall bug
So, in the garage area, in the corner edge of the wall beside the two red tool cabinets. There is a means for the survivors to go through walls. In my game there was a hook right on the other side of the wall. And the survivors just stayed inside this broken wall section to avoid being hit. Tracked them there many times in…
Ps4 oni skin Minotaure
Sur Ps4 le Minotaure n’a pas d’animation à l’écran d’accueil et en partie lorsqu’on frappe un survivant pour gagner du sang il n’a pas l’animation avec sa main gauche mais il agite son épée comme si la jauge était déjà pleine
Twins frozen as Victor unable to move
PC I was doing a round of killer, trying out the new twins, was winning, then when I tried switching back to Charlotte it performed the animation but I was still Victor and couldn't move. I'm not sure how this happened but this isn't the only issue I've had with Twins but this was the game breaking one and I believe the…
PC - Myers and the Ghost Face can't stalk
Start a match and can't stalk in any case. Additional information Character played - 1. The Shape, 2. The Ghost Face Perks played - 1. Thanatophobia, Monitor and Abuse, BBQ and Chili, Discordance, 2. Discordance, I'm all ears, Thanatophobia, BBQ and Chili Addons - 1. Blond Hair, Tacky Earrings, 2. Walleyes Matchbook Map -…
[Solved] Ghostface, Myers since 4.4.0 to 4.4.1
Ghostface Stalk Abilty still not working, it's still broken somehow! I was in NS and leanin' behind wall, behind tree, behind rock, crouched, standing. It's completely broken Killer at all. How tf can I do my daily ritual?
Pale Rose Log Spawn
Log is wide enough for survivors to get through, but not the killer.
The UE4 - DeadByDaylight Game has crashed and will close / Everytime i try to open the game
Hello All, Platform Xbox Game Pass PC I'm receiving the following error every time I try to launch the game: "The UE4 - DeadByDaylight Game has crashed and will close". The game gets freeze after the cinematic trailer of the beginning when we arrive at the first loading page. Just launch the game in Xbox game pass for pc…
Charlotte has a double fatigue when awaking from her dormant state?
I dont think there is a need for a photo as its a widely know issue ! PC Very often You just have to switch between the two
Bug Totem on Coldwind Farm Map cannot Interacted
I cannot cleanse totem on Coldwind Farm Map. Cannot Interact.
Soul Guard & Unbreakable Priority Fix
Make it so Soul Guard takes priority over Unbreakable when there is a hex active. It's quite annoying that Unbreakable gets wasted even when Soul Guard is active.
Animations Bug? Maybe or a hack?
Hi, I recently reported a nurse because i thought they were hacking but looking back at the clip it looks more like a bug issue, The killers name was Blinkz, this happened throughout the entire game, and on PC. I went to heal a downed survivor and the killer was coming so I hopped into a locker to do a head on play, I used…
Huntress Speed Bug
I was playing huntress on Mother’s Dwelling and I starting walking very laggy. Then I became very fast without doing anything. I was called out for hacking after the game and they said they would report spam my account. So I am posting this to clear myself because I didn’t hack. Perks were agitation, iron grasp, mad grit,…
Disembodied Corpse While Retaining Full Control
Wrecker's Yard, PC Trapper was carrying me to a hook when it appeared he had lost the ability to interact with the environment. As he struggled with this notion, I tried to wiggle free. Just as I was about to escape, I lost the ability to wiggle, the bar capped out at 90%, and pressing any key did nothing. I shortly…
Permanently exposed after haunted grounds
PC multiplayer enabled. In the middle of the game against a clown with 2 gens remaining Hex:Haunted Grounds effect was activated and the after the timer on the icon ran out, the effect persisted for several minutes until I was put on dying state from healthy by the killer's M1. All that happened before the last gen was…
Achievement near death experience
Hello there, verifiying some info, we found that when the Killer downs a sirvivor, it counts as a first down for all the sirvivors, we can only make progress for this achievement only if one sirvivor gets down and we leave the game without any one else been down, otherwise none get progress, hope been helpfull
Survivors able to walk through wall at main building on Gas Heaven
I was playing Bubba with BBQ & Chili, Ruin, Bitter Murmur, and either Stridor or Knock Out, I can't remember. A Steve and a Nancy were able to walk through a wall at the back of the gas station, right where the garage and the main building met. I was able to see through the wall when I got right next to it, and one time I…
Pallet bugged on abattoir
The pallet at the front of the main abattoir can not be dropped/broken from 1 side. attempting to do so will get you stuck in the ground. Its the one that’s guaranteed to spawn by the hay bales connecting to main at the start.
No post-game bonus from BBQ | The Twins
If match ending while playing as Victor, then BBQ bonus will not be awarded.
Where do I start? So many bugs, (Twins & Legion)
First, it doesn't allow Charlotte to pick up survivor for some odd reason after swapping back to her. Baby POV goes sideways like this -> \ <- and stays for the entire match like that. Baby returning but outside of the killer floating in mid-air after getting killed. After returning from baby to Charlotte for some odd…
Survivor Autohaven
platform: ps4
Another bug to ignore since you don't fix any others I report (screwed up animations)
So this is the second game in a few dozen now that this has happened. My animation goes completely crazy as you can see (PC Platform): This happens while running as well - note - I'm repairing the gen not on the hook behind. This is running down the hall. Also had the slow vault animation hit me as I was repairing a gen.…
Old Man Jake
system: PS5 version: PS5 skin: old man Jake head issue: he looks like he’s made of gold (goldish, reflective skin tone)
An unknown error occured message
Hi Platform: PC Description: Getting message "an unknown error occured". Steps to reproduce: Each time I'm playing with some friends and finish a match, always there is a message: "an unknown error occured" and I have to close the game and reopen it becasue I can't read the chat and can not join the next game. How often…
Adam Francis freshman outfit bug
There is a bug with the blue towel on his upper body where it clips through the ground and looks like a super long never ending blue cape .
Naughtystocking code redeemed but no charm appears in my Outfits
On the PS5 version, redeemed the naughtystocking code for the recent charm and it never appeared in my Charms inventory. Also did not receive my daily BPs/Iridescent Shards for playing on the specified days for the Advent Calendar event.
Killer could not pick me up
Encountered a bug where the killer was not able to pick anyone up. From survivor perspective he was carrying a ghost. Presumably started at a pallet drop, where killer grabbed a survivor from his perspective, but from survivor perspective the survivor got away
Uncleansable Totem spot on Abattoir
Can likely happen on any map with the combine, though.
Killer inside the ground
Just after hitting a survivant, wanted to break the palette and it was at this moment my camera go down. Couldnt move, break palette just aim and hit. I don't know how I can start over this bug first time I saw it.
So i latched onto surv as victor at gate... They still managed to escape (because they were hugging the entity arms) Then when they left i was basically no clipping/floating around the map???? Like ######### is that ######### :/ Need to do some serious bug fixing BHVR :/
M2 Bug / Can't use my power or item / NEED HELP!
Hello guys.I was playing killer today and i played few games for new tome but after 5-6 games my mouse ''M2'' stopped to working i dont know why but i cant use my power as a killer also i cant use any items.My mouse ''M2'' isnt working.In other games my mouse working perfectly.My mouse is okay but in game it just start to…
Translation error
polish version of dbd, last killer quest with clown perk.
item deletion
PC escaped with an item I brought in - didnt keep it bring in an item (commodious toolbox scraps/wire spool) use all charges put item down mid round pick it up on way out item lost unknown on reoccurrence
offerings not working
My offerings are not being accepted. It shows up in the offerings line up before the map is loaded but I still have the offering after the game whether I escape or not. I tried to use the salty lips offering and after the game I still had it so that means it never would have worked in game as a luck booster. Please fix…
Unable to interact with totem on Coldwind
I just played (PC) on Coldwind as Feng and tried to cleanse the totem by the tractor, but I was unable to even touch the totem. No "Cleanse" action came up as an option. This got me killed as I was attempting to interact with the totem for too long before the Killer came and hooked me a third time. I spectated another…
Totem cant be cleansed on cold wind farms
Totem cant be cleansed on cold wind farms. I had teammates try and they couldn't as well heres a screenshot
Hook animation locker bug
My friend is constantly having this bug: If someone else is hit, downed or hook, he screams and it plays the hooking animation even if he's doing a totem, or on a gen. Tonight on the game map, someone else got downed and it played the hook animation beside the locker he was in, and then he got permanently stuck. He could…
Skill checks stop showing up
While I was in mid game, my skill checks disappeared while I was halfway done working on generator then any skill checks never appeared, this and my last bug I faced 1 or 2 days ago occurred after latest 4.4.1 update on PlayStation 4 pro. Also have record footage of this happening
Gen on Grim Pantry bugged.
There is a gen on the map Grim Pantry which can only be worked on from the front side. Here is a Screenshot of it it's right besides the big main building. As you can see there are 3 sides which the gen could normaly be worked on.
Coal tower survivors are now stuck under hooks
I swear this was patched a long time ago... I physically cant pick up the survivor under the hook!
4.4.0 Stuck in Window and Rock
Map: New Ormond Platform: PC I was playing a normal game as survivor on new Ormond and at one point I slow-vaulted a window near the edge of the map, (it was in a full structure.) I then proceeded to try and walk away and realised I was stuck in between a rock that was partially in the window. I was completely stuck. Then…
Ormand Hill Climbing
Hey yo, i found this little thing on Ormand. I was hiding, as i literally went up that hill, after that i retried it and after the killer saw it later, he could go up too (sadly a friendly killer). U can see it in the video below. https://youtu.be/raykyQ4PbKM
Roof exploit - Dead dog saloon
System: Wiin10 on Steam Map: Dead dog Saloon Killer: Hillbilly Problem: I watched him use his chainsaw lunge to access the roof to drop down on players after using tinkerers. Player used chainsaw lunge on the gallows to get on the railing of the gallows, then turned and chainsaw lunged to get onto the roof of the shack, in…