Knight banner bug
Hey After some research, I did not find someone with the same bug as me, so I will reopen it :D. I am playing on Steam, and I was in a SWF with the Quentin (I am the Yui). I was playing against the Knight and I couldn't pick up the banners (yes, it was my chase). The banner were still there after the chase with his…
Dream World has incorrect colors
Currently, the Dream World has a colored tint in the distance instead of the usual, neutral colored fog. I've only tested this on Coldwind but it could be an issue on other maps as well. Here's a screenshot from a youtube video about three weeks ago showing how it should be. My platform is PC, if that helps.
The Knights speed bug
If you pallet stun the Knight while he uses his power he gets a massive speed boost for the rest of the game. I heard that this bug just got fixed but it didn't. Just played a match and this happened. 11/25/22.
Getting injured in survivor matches without being attacked (PC/Steam)
This happened to me like 3 times so far, the most recent being yesterday when I had a match on the RPD map and was heading to a survivor to unhook. I had blessed a totem with CoH and healed then left to unhook a teammate and noticed while on the way to the hook I had been injured even though the killer was nowhere around…
List of object spawning problem forum threads
Here is a list of the object spawning problem forum threads. As you might know by now, this new update bumped up the object spawning density, which causes survivors to get stuck on objects, causes small openings where killers get stuck but survivors can get through, and causes grief for ranged killers that have to deal…
Freddy's filter making few maps too dark
Best example are Mother's Dwelling but on the maps like Grim Pantry there are too places where you cant see at all. Mother's Dwelling example: How it looks on other killer same place…
Dredge locker teleport double grab bug
I was playing dredge and there where 2 survivor left, 1 on hook. when i heard the unhook i teleported to a locker nearby the hook, and since the rescuer went into that locker it did the dredge teleport grab animation (the slow since no nightfall). but while the teleport was going on, the hooked survivor also entered into…
Clown's cosmetics are bugged, most of them clip while one of them cover the whole screen.
Platform: Steam Description of the issue: I went though several Clown cosmetics in Custom to see which one are bug and found out that almost all of them have clipping issues. Step to reproduce (If possible) Go to custom game and check every cosmetic. How of ten does this occur: In every game. The clip bellow is one…
Disconnectd from host while loading, lost healing kit
I loaded in with a brown healing kit. The match failed to load and booted me back to the running after exit. But I lost my brown healing kit that I equiped. I had 8, but after this debacle, I have 7. No game play, exited during load. I shouldn't loose items during load failure!
Knight holding his sword the wrong way round
Seen this on a stream, where the Knight suddenly bugged out and held the sword the wrong way round till he hook one or two people. You'd think with his training and being considered the best swordsman he'd know the pointy end goes into the other guy.
Load time xbox series x
Running on a xbox series x console. I start up the game it takes almost 2/3 minutes to make it to the menu screen (about a month ago would have been under 30 secs). Then from the menu to load into survivor or killer is take so long! Just the swirly loading forever! But then the joke is if i get an invite to play with…
Make Your Choice is stuck on Tier 2 despite Pig being on Prestige 5
Haven't played since the big update to Prestige and stuff, but I am noticing that Make Your Choice is stuck on tier 2 despite me having met the Prestige requirement on Pig to unlock it at tier 3 for all Killers. What's the deal?
[ARCHIVES] Progress not counted towards some challenges
Platform: STEAM PC Description: The progress towards the archive is not being counted for some challenges. Steps to reproduce: Select one of the following challenges and try to complete them: TOME 13 - LEVEL 2 - Kill 8 survivor(s) by any means. TOME 13 - LEVEL 3 - Repair a total of 10 generator(s). [Only the progress for 2…
The Knight - Guards doing quick actions without ordering
Hi, Lot of times (happens on almost every match) the Guards usually break pallets or kick gens without me ordering it if i did break a gen or pallet before. Platform: PC (Steam) Player: Knight Perks: Anything Step 1: Break a pallet / kick a gen with a Guard by clicking into it. Step 2: After that, Guards keep kicking them…
Xbox series X- game closes playing the knight
1: Boot the game 2 : Play as the killer "the knight" in a public match 3 : In-game start as usual, game suddenly force closes itself after about a minute in a match, usually after injuring the first found survivor but sometimes not. ADDITIONAL INORMATION Character played: The knight Perks played: Nowhere to hide, Trail of…
Legion vault animation bug?
I dont know if this is intentional, but Legion is using the window vault animation when vaulting pallets. This works on any pallet, any map, any platform and maybe it isnt a bug and the animation was changed with the new pallets?
PS5 Trophy Survival Treasures is not working
Tropqhy called Survival Tresures is does not pop up when you escape with a new item. I wish this will be fixed soon its one of my last trophies before platinium trophy.
The Knight can exploit Make Your Choice
in our most recent match, our knight would remain in his power, giving the rescuing teammate the exposed status without the knight having to be a distance away. The use of the knight, at the hook, using his power to transport his “being” away from the hook, procced Make Your Choice, and resulted in this toxic mess. We…
Freddy's dream world is ruined.
PC For suvivors. Very dark dream world, unusually dark, almost feels like Dredge's darkness ... get in a dream world? Always?
PC - Bug with event offering background
Just play the game Wait for offerings Its animated background that becomes green
PC: Knight locked out of power for entire match
(also constant power sound) perform a break action with any guard attempt to send out any other guard right next to another breakable object sometimes will bug out and lock you out of your power for the rest of the match had this happen to me 3-4 times since release, been able to replicate it in an ai match by attempting…
None of my challenges are progressing
Ever since the new patch went through this week, none of my challenges have been progressing. For example, I have unhooked many people, but my progress hasn't gone up from 7/15 all week. On the killer side of things, I have interacted with easily 10+ red glyphs, but my progress hasn't gone up from 2/3. I have yet to test…
Survival Treasures and Milk n' Cookies Still Bugged
Ever since patch 6.2.0 milk n' cookies (open 30 basement chests) and survival treasures (escape with a new item) have been bugged. I've been waiting for at least survival treasures to be fixed so I can finish the platinum however, it seems like the issue isn't being taken care of. As all the posts I've seen about this…
PC - Dead Hard Exhausted on the ground without endurance effect given at all.
Against a knight and without being in the mend state, I dead harded against his guard (Carnifex), and as usual as when DH doesn't activate when I intend it to (as in it activates too late due to activation delay), my character (meg) slid on the ground and the exhaustion effect popped up on the side. I was effected by…
The Mastermind still bounces off of windows
Platform: Any Description: When the Mastermind approaches a window during Virulent Bound, he is supposed to either vault the window or, if a survivor is vaulting through it, hit that survivor. However, he sometimes does neither and instead just bounces off of the window. Steps to reproduce: play the Mastermind charge…
No Injured Speed Boost
Every now and then since this patch you just don't get a speed boost when you get injured,it even feels like you're slowed down more than normal speed. Please fix this,this happened to a few streamers I personally watch and also lost me a few games.
solved: Pharmacy does(n't) work
Edit: Missed the change that makes it not work while healthy. Oops. Perks played: Plunderers instinct, Ace in the hole, Sprint burst, Pharmacy. Character played(+item+addons+offering): Nea. Ran a brown medkit without addons which I dropped next to the survivor I spawned closest to. Used a purple coin as an offering. Map:…
Sadako Mori X Survivor DC
Step 1: down survivor step 2: Mori (with power) survivor step 3: survivor dcs before Mori completes step 4: onryo is completely soft locked for the rest of the game and unable to interact in any way or move or look around. no screenshots unfortunately. As a sadako main I have survivors dc mid Mori often, but the softlock…
Archive - The Last Place You Look
I played two matches using Plunderer's Instinct with Elodie in Haddonfield map, both times i opened 3 chests and died, none of them counted towards the completion of the archive, i don't know why
Switch: Menu curser taking priority over controls
Switch when I loaded into the match the menu curser was visible and made me incapable of playing the way this glitch happened was I loaded into the lobby with menu open either that or because I pressed start before match start so far it’s only happened the once but since it is so game breaking I reported it Twitter post…
Healing a teammate with medkit does not give any points towards Benevolent Emblem.
As the topic states you get no emblem reward for healing another teammate with a medkit. Several amtches in a row i noticed this bug. Normal heals work as intended. This happens every single match i've tried now. I'm playing on PS5. Given this is probably an extremely low priority to fix i thought i should at least inform…
It’s not very game but when I’m in a lobby waiting to load in the game , it will give false levels for some survivors. Ex . Mikalea ( P 20 ) , Claudette ( P 12 ) , Feng ( P 10 ) , and me p 20 . At the end of the trial mikalea is p 20 but the claud and feng were both level zeros . PLEASE HELP DEVS , I could’ve lobby hopped…
Inner Healing Bug
I play on PC(Steam) I was running Inner Healing Jill was running Boon:Circle of Healing Jill Set up the boon i was hit and went to the boon to heal After my heal inside the boon with no med kit my Inner healing activated. I was able to heal in a lock without cleansing a totem only healing at a Boon Totem
Inner Healing Bug
Inner healing is being shared among survivors. My friend did a totem, and we all got inner healing proc'd, our other friend used a locker, healed himself, and it deactivated it for us.
Guardia compagnia decides to break things
Hey I play on Ps4 and sometimes when I try to make a path for the guards to patrol they start to destroy pallets or gens nearby without me pressing the attack button.
Make your Choice/ KNight Guard bug
Something funny happened to me this morning. A knight could summon Camp and make a Guard in front of a hook and hold him 32 meters away. If you now try to unhook, Make your Choice is triggered and he can spawn the guard at the 32 metres point,awake and can put you into dying state by 1 hit. I once made a bot video about…
New Hex not working (Darkness Revealed)
Platform: PC 1) Multiple times now - the Hex does not light up but you get the points when you take it out (and sound effect). 2) It appears that Distortion is not blocking it even though we lose a stack - killer has come directly to me in multiple instances after breaking a gen and I'm close but have Distortion just like…
Wesker Bug hits at Dropdowns
Fast Vaulted the stairs at father campbells chapel. The half-stairs that curve up to the balcony. Landed, ran 3 steps over. Wesker dash-vaulted and landed and instantly hit me, like I was outside a normal window and hit me. I was FAR ahead and the hit shouldn't have happened, but as he dropped it hit me. Zero to do there…
"Free" Vittorio perks..
I got vittorio with shards earlier and got him to T1, i went to get his now unlocked t1 perks on myain, Zarina.. found i could get all his t3 version perks with her.. this is not intended, correct?
PC - Unhooking yourself consistently causes rubber banding
Whenever you unhook yourself via Deliverance or another method, you will consistently rubber band back. As shown in the video I recorded below, it happens consistently with the same timing (you can use the Haste duration's indicator to determine this). Steps to reproduce: Unhook yourself Run away from the hook as soon as…
Game is very laggy ever since 6.4.0 release (PC/Steam)
I don't know what happened but the game has been very laggy ever since 6.4.0 was released. I play on PC (Steam) and the wiggle skill checks when the killer takes you to the hook are laggy and off, nothing like they've been since they were introduced into the game. Before as soon as you pressed the button/key to hit the…
Hags traps& bots in customs
So with hag when I press LT (Xbox one S) it will trigger the animation to put it down but immediately cancels. It will take about 4-5 tries to get it to work however it's not every single time I try , it's very random . I noticed it doesn't matter where I attempt this (in a jungle gym/open field). As far as bots well if…
Oni Skin bug
The Oni Skin „armored titan“ is bugged while activating his power and charging his demon rush. Plattform: PS5 source: https://youtu.be/j8vvemj_1gc
Increased Clutter Spawning
On outdoor maps like MacMillain there is notably more clutter spawning. Even on the new map, there seems to be an excessive amount, but I cannot say if it is 'more'. This is causing a lot of fat shaming. The only maps I have not been fatshamed on have been indoor maps. It could be a coincidence, but it has happened three…
Constant crashes when playing killer (console)
The new 6.4.0 update causes me to crash every time I try to play killer. I was trying out the new killer, everything went fine until a gen was completed and my game crashed. I use a Xbox one x. Thankfully I didn’t get a penalty so I tried another match and yet again another crash. I thought it was just the new killer so I…
Game keeps failing to load a match
Platform: PC (Epic Games Store) This has been happening for 30 minutes. I look for a match and the game gives me an error "Disconnected from the Host". It gave me a penalty too. I tried to play in custom matches with bots and I recorded what happens. It happens as both, survivor and killer. As survivor you will also lose…
Knight App Error issue
On PS4, App Errors have occurred very often when kick gens or summon guards. My build is following, but I think it's not seems to be related to App Errors. Nowhere to Hide Hex: Face the Darkness Hubris It's occurred 5 times today.
PC - Undestroyable pallet in RPD Right
I was playing the Executioner in RPD and came across a pallet that I could not destroy -- the option did not present itself. I tried multiple times from both sides to no avail. I don't play this killer or this map often enough to say if it's a one-off. documents to add Images included HOW TO GET YOUR LOGS (THIS PART ONLY…
Matches failing 5+ times in a row, consuming items
I'd like to play the game. But This is the 5th time in a row that I've been disconnected from host during load. I even exited the game and restarted before the matches. Please, I just want to play the game and have fun! And now I can't post this message for another 300 seconds. :( Please make this better. I just want to…
You Can Jump Into the hatch while on a hook
Here is someone else's clip I found of the bug. You can also hit the prompt to enter while being carried on the killer's shoulder; however, this will cause the animation for crawling out to play, but you will fail to escape, you will get “hatch escape” score even though. This can be repeated