A bit of restriction on Locater Perks
I'm guessing this is going to be an unpopular opinion among Killer Mains but here goes. I feel like there should be a restriction as to how many Locater Perks the killer can use at once (BBQ N' Chili, Nurses Calling, Discordance, Rancor and so on). There isn't a lot of "gameplay" whenever you're up against a killer with…
Killer perk censor
I like the new censor that shows when the survivors are still in game and the match isn't over. Whether you died or escaped first. My only major problem with it is that I can't see the perks when I'm queued alone. I believe that if were are with swf we can't see the perks until the party is dead, and if we are queued solo,…
Blood points
I’m not sure if this was suggested yet, but, would it be possible to put in something where we could sell the items and add ons we don’t want for blood points?
Keyboard + Mouse support for Xbox
I was able to confirm that a keyboard works on Xbox, but not the mouse. I am eager to play the nurse, and improve my skill with the huntress. At rank 1, the nurse is 99% likely to get butt #########. It would be greatly appreciated!
Ideas for a Pig buff?
Pig right now feels terrible, her bear traps are just time-wasters and her ambush is easily countered by paying attention to your surroundings (or using Spring Burst if you want to use that stupid perk). Unfortunately, I don't have any good ideas on how to give her a useful power. My best solution is make Tampered Timer…
I really loved the game! But I have a suggestion that I believe most players would agree on. It would be cool if it had a cross-play mode to get us to play. Because not everyone has a good or reasonable computer to play Dead by Daylight, but has a console that supports the game. I believe that the cross-play platform would…
This event kinda sucks
https://youtube.com/watch?v=tMqC8j9smqk Just watch it.
Cybil Bennett outfit for Kate from Silent Hill 1999 please!
I don't know if there will be license issues with 2 decade year old game but i really want that outfit! For Kate because she looks pretty similar to Cybil.
Remove the pointing gesture!!
I can't count the number of games that I've been killed or a dumb teammate loses us the game because they think it's cute to point out my position to the killer.
Legion changes
Since they have no counter to play against and their power is too weak to hit multiple survivors in one phase I suggest some changes: Nerfs: Legion can no longer down survivor by attacks in Feral Frenzy. Terror radius up to 32 meters range. Deep wounds status effect change: Deep wound timer no longer goes down while…
Self-Care redesigned
Most of the strength of Self-Care comes from the fact that hits are useless when you heal. There's no drawback to getting hit multiple times if you manage to heal yourself between hits, and you can do so an unlimited number of times. Self-Care compounds the problem by allowing survivors to heal themselves. If this game is…
Load Screen Addons, Perks, and Offering Descriptions.
It would be rather nice to have some tidbits of info from different Items that might help with general knowledge. For example: 1. "Freddy's Red Paint brush addon reduces his terror radius but also slows him" 2. "Meg's quick vault will remove the sound you make when vaulting but it does not remove the tracks you leave…
Remove the Button Mash on the hook.
Seriously, I'd like to stop dying to this garbage. It just got turbo'd with this latest hotfix or something, since I keep dying to it in despite maintaining my usual pace.
Get rid of/shorten hook breakdown upon sacrifice
With the new hook spawning system, hooks are REALLY far apart. I downed someone near the exit the other day, and had someone recently sacrificed on the nearest hook. I did not have nearly enough time to carry the second person to the second nearest hook, which was really far away, so they wiggled and escaped. Maybe hook…
Evil Within I and Bloodlust
I seldom get Bloodlust during Evil Within I (without stalking): is it a bug or a deliberate game mechanic?
Killer creation : The Songbird
The Songbird : Weapon : a broken foot microphone. Memento : With his nails, pull off the vocal cords of the survivor (not actually seeable, because that's to gore for DBD) Power : Mermaid Singing: You start singing, slowing you down but disrupting survivors in your radius of terror who are affected by blurred vision and…
Improve Hex Totems Locations
I think this is something that all killers that use hex perks want. I am tired to see survivors spawning near hex totens and when they don't start match near them most of time hex totems are so easy to find/spot, survivors find them so, and because of this it makes generators get repaired fast and killers lose one slot for…
Solution to Camping and Tunneling: Pain Shock effect
Besides camping and tunneling this proposal also partly solves self-care being too viable, "gen-rush" and trying to unhook yourself while the killer is standing near the hook to down you again if you succeed. Disclaimer: anything I propose in this post is not supposed to make survivors or killers stronger. If any part of…
Why did they stop gen rushing?
bc honestly it’s useless when 3 ppl are on a gen
Nerf the Chainsaws of Hillbilly and Leatherface
How many times has this happened to you? You get in a game, and the first thing you hear is vroom vroom vroom. The killers the HB/LF and their spamming that chainsaw hard. Now. I know what your thinking, so what if they spam the chainsaw. I don't think its justified that these killers can spam there insta - down moves.
Yes. we want it. in every EVENT where cosmetics are involved. please make it exclusive and not make the players buy it for auric cells. after the event the said cosmetics that came with a certain event, Should just be GONE. never gonna be SEEN again on Shops.
Let us get rid of addons/consumeables for Blood Points
It’s in the title. I’m getting things I won’t use because it screws up my game play style. I’ll take back half the blood points just to be rid of them.
The Issue of Balancing using "Fun"
You will leave the viability out of a killer. Now, let me begin by stating that not all killers will be the best, or on equal level. Even if the game is 50/50, there'd be a low, mid, top tier. As expected with a game like this. However! We should still be considering whether or not a killer is fun for both sides, which…
Remove the function to change characters through triggers (PS4)
I get what it was supposed to do, but it’s become more of a pain than a convenience. I’ve accidentally changed characters when I set my controller down seconds before a match begins way to many times. Can it please be removed off of console?
An option to not be matched with SWFs as killer or survivor, give true SOLO queue.
There really should be an option to not be matched with SWFs. They're completely broken and ruin the game and with the new match making coming you're going to kill your game. You're removing the one small option we have to dodge suspected SWFs. Getting stomped by them and then trashed talk after game after game after game…
Killer Creation: The Plague
The Plague As always, Power and Perk effects are listed in tier order of 1/2/3. Backstory:The closest thing that anyone knows about The Plague’s real name is “Patient 0”. The plague was an experiment conducted by the Japanese government in an attempt create a cure-all for every disease known to man. It was their hope that…
Improvement for match making
I was wishing the other day that we could maybe get some interface during the matchmaking process so that we can see the progress towards finding a match. Also being able to customize characters and such during the matchmaking process with a swf would be nice as it works for playing solo. Having some indication of progress…
Matchmaking skill
Typically I don't complain about this, but it has gotten to a ridiculous point. I am a Rank 1 killer and survivor and since this event has started, I have gotten the worst of the worst. Disconnecter's, griefers, conceded solo players, etc. But the thing that has bothered me the most lately has been the skill gap within the…
How hard would it be to license the Phantasm films?
Old and somewhat lesser known horror series Phantasm, seems like it would be a good fit with the game and you could get some interesting mechanics with the Tall Man and his flying Death Ball. plus Funeral home for a new setting
New hatch/black lock mechanic idea
Currently, the game has an option for the last survivor to find a way out, which is the black lock/hatch. But the situation is, if killer found the hatch first, they probably gonna camp it, and when the survivor appears, they know that it's impossible to escape through the hatch in front of the killer. That is a huge…
Did you really increase the amount of lunar points earned as a killer by 1?!
Dead by daylight devs, how have you come to mess this up again? starting with the points bug at the start of the event, then the large wait to get into a game and now you try to fix this by increasing the points gained as a killer by one?!!!?. This is not going to make a change at all. You should really increase the points…
Mr. X as new Killer
I mean he would be a cool killer. Any Ideas for his power?
So I happen to vault through a window and I still ended up on the same side I vaulted. This hasn’t happen once with me before and I seen it happen to only one other person but this stupid bug or glitch has me frustrated at this stupid unbalanced game. I assume it has to do with the medium vault being a new feature An all…
unbalance player both survivor and killer
every time i use survivor i face a pro killer some of them use hack system i think, and when i become a killer the survivor is strong at the same time player survivor will troll us, why i feel hard to use as killer ? Dev need to see this soem of player use hack in this game dev better find the solution feel not fair and…
What’d really spice up the game and make it more deep is an extra PERK +(1). Stronger builds as killer/survivor. Why to settle with 4...
New Killer idea - Werewolf/Vampire/Demon
First of all, I see what kind of pattern is behind the killer design of dbd. They are always human (or at least were human before the entitity touched them), so they had no superpowers before that. But I can totally imagine a Werewolf/Vampire or Demon Killer (where Demon should be the less probable ... because ... you…
So I happen to vault through a window and I still ended up on the same side I vaulted. This hasn’t happen once with me before and I seen it happen to only one other person but this stupid bug or glitch has me frustrated at this stupid unbalanced game. I assume it has to do with the medium vault being a new feature An all…
Survivor rank system
I liked recent change for survivors to make it harder to pip. Good call. How about further changes in that direction? For example how about not rewarding them for unhooking since that is simple and doesnt take any skill. Let people to play with equally skilled players
Switching survivor on console
When I go into a game I have to carefully set my controller down during lobby waits otherwise my survivor switches to another one because the trigger was pushed. I'm not the only one having issues with this and many times the game will start before I can switch my character back and I'm suddenly a character I dont play…
The pig
Nice to meet you! I cant speak english well. i am from east asia user! please understand.. I love dead by daylight so much especially jigsaw. without saying power balance, i just wish if trap is working, The jigsaw move OST is played. then, very very very very wonderful.. She will be a killer with a great deal of charm.…
Quitters and addon loss
Seems like it would be a good policy to not consume addons if all four survivors intentionally quit on your game. It hardly seems fair to lose so many blood points and good addons (if you happened to use them) just because people rage quit. A better solution might be to make stiffer penalties for quitting a game.
Post-game chat
Can you add an option to hide the chat after a game on pc? I'm so sick of those insults
Play with Playstation 4 players
I just wanted to ask dear Dead by Daylight team if they could do dedicated server because my brother and I wanted to play ps4 and pc together but it's not that that's why I wanted to ask them if they could do that with the PC PS4 Or maybe XBOX One can play together
Amazon Digital Code
I see lots of steam games being sold on Amazon as a digital code. That means when you buy it you get a code to activate on steam. I noticed Dead By Daylight isn't available. The only option right now is buying a Steam Wallet Gift Card which actually costs more then what the card is worth due to being sold by 3rd party…
Lightweight and Predator
Lightweight should reduce footstep sounds while Predator should increase them.
Lightweight and Predator
Lightweight should reduce footstep sounds while Predator should increase them.
Prestige version for Alternative Outfits
Im talking about the outfits that come with unlocking the character by purchasing the DLC, such as Feng Min with the purple sweater and non-cup hairstyle, Quentin with a beanie and quilted shirt or Laurie's piss yellow outfit. These outfits are WAY better than the default versions, so why not make prestige versions of…
QoL Changes
* Can we stop getting daily rituals for characters we rarely, if ever, play? I hate runing Huntress, yet 50% of my daily rituals are for her and her stupid hatches. I run Trapper all teh time, never get a Trapper daily. When I do run survivors, I favor Feng, but I always get Jeff and Jake dailies, I have never leveled them…
Hold this hook!
Add some feature not perk soo surv can hold hook and when i hold hook no one can sandbag me just becose why not.Like i on hook and another surv try unhook me on killer eyes and i can't do ######### with this just wait until he kill me on hook.So mayby if i hold left mouse buton i hold hook and prewent from this action like…
So I have some ideas to make leveling more enjoyable and to reward more dedicated players
So here are the ideas in a nice illustration: So I have a few issues with certain parts of the game at the moment. One of them is the leveling. At the moment there are 54 Survivor perk, this are 112 Bloodwebs after level 50. With 55k points per web this are 6 million Bloodpoints. Let's assume you get 15k points after each…