Hatch and DC
So i'm getting much for of these games: 2 survivors left, mostly SWF - but not only - where i down a guy and dont hook him, cause i want to find the last guy and 4K. But then he DC's to grant the hatch to the last guy (or salty af). This annoys as hell of curse. Even as (solo) survivor i hate this cause it does not feel…
Better Feral Frenzy background music + Affected by Mix Tapes add-ons ?
The current "military souding" Feral Frenzy background music if it fits the game's OST doesn't fits the characters' personalities well as they seam to being more rebel, modern and agressive. I think it may be cool to change it to something that sounds more rock/metal/electronic, for instance something like the Chapter's…
Quality of Life: Botany Knowledge
Similar to the We'll Make It icon a survivor sees if their rescuer has that perk, I'd like to see the same for Botany Knowledge. While not as fast as tier 3 WMI, BK is still pretty effective at 33%, I'd like to know if the person saving me has it.
Cross platform
In the pc version is way faster to find a match than the console version. Is it possible to add a crossplatform feature in the future? It would help who plays on the console to find a match way faster
Brazil Portuguese for PS4
I wish for Portuguese (BR) translation for PS4, I mean, the PC version has it, why can't console also have it?
Why? You've taken two steps backwards...
5 minute killer queues. 3KS, 2 gens, 8 hooks, BLACK PIP? Killer ranking was fine as it was, only survivors needed adjustment (you could do very little and still pip easily) Disconnects during load still happening - the only upside, 4 man disconnect = black pip for killer because of gatekeeper changes. I don't understand…
The Plague Lunge
I feel like with the vomit distance, especially when she has her ulti, the lunge distance is way too far. I always get lunged by her around walls, and jungle gyms. You cant have range from the ability as well as a super lunge. Just doesn't make sense to me.
The new map needs a size adjustment
The new map is ridiculously huge. As a killer it takes forever to simply get from one side of the map to the other, and if you're in a chase on one side you're pretty much screwed since the survivors can easily complete the gens on the opposite without having to worry to much about the killer getting there quick. Of…
ranking system
I really like the idea making it harder to get to the higher ranks. And yes, rank doesn't really matter so I'm definitely not crying about deranking etc. But what I have a problem with is (and maybe it was already the case prior to this change): I got chased the whole round. I spawned, got spotted by the killer, chased for…
The new ranking system
I just cant understand this new ranking system, I do understand that the development team want to make some change and make a more balance ranking system. However, as a rank 1 killer before, I find out that the new ranking system is totally not reasonable. Last game I play with billy and get everyone down 1 to 2 times, and…
State of Current Matchmaking at Higher ranks R6~R13 (Returning Rank 1 Survivor/Killer)
After playing a few dozen games I would say this depipping system is definitely broken for both Survivors and Killers. Killers getting anything above a Black Pip against an organized 4man SWF is basically a pipe dream unless they royally screw up or troll (This is where all the forum love of "Survivors are still OP etc etc…
New Matchmaking Sucks
Ok the ONLY good thing about this new system is that I'm consistently getting lobbies after like 10 seconds, but that's it, everything else about it sucks and isn't worth the update. Sure I'm getting them consistently, but I'm getting 200+ ping lobbies 9 out of 10 times leading to LONGER time wasted trying to find a lobby…
New map feedback
To be honest, the new map sucks gameplay wise.... I just played a round of huntress on it and its so huge, I am basically forced to tunnel and camp, no way I genreate "map pressure" otherwise. Also the locker distribution is horrible, they are all clustered in the temple basement or on that one spot on the top, but nowhere…
Fix the Queue
I wish I could start/join a game without it crashing 17 times. Especially with a bug that causes lobbies to get stuck at 3 people, or when killers take 5 minutes to get a lobby.
New Achievements when you put in major changes to the emblem system.
So I was wondering... When you do a major emblem system change like you did in this patch, could you also add in a new Rank 1 achievement for both killer and survivor? Don't need the rank 10 and rank 5, just a new rank 1 achievement, since reaching rank 1 is really the important one. The reason I ask is because of bragging…
General sound feedback on 2.6.0
Survivors' screams can be heard like they got downed or hit right next to you. Clown intoxication and infectious fright screams are included. Terror radius is like killer is chasing you all the time. Even if you are not being chased the music keeps up like it is you being chased. You can not tell anymore the proximity of…
New Pipping Feedback
There needs to be some sort of major punishment for ragequitters, on survivors' and killer's side alike. Both are denying pips by simply ragequitting, and the compensation (Survival/Leaver Bonus) are not enough to affect pips. I am tired of doing spectacular in a game only to have a ragequitting survivor/quitter lose my…
Plz fix bugs
Yes I love this game and its a lot fun, play it all the time with my friends when I get a chance. But feel that there should be improvements like when running or standing near a pallet while the killer is chasing me, I feel as if I pull down a pallet directly in front of the killer, they get stunned but still manger to hit…
[Killer Idea] Farmer Vincent
My idea comes from the movie "Motel Hell". The Killer would be Farmer Vincent, and his weapons of choice would be a hammer, and a trip line. Everyone that has seen the movie remembers the chainsaw fight while Vincent wears a pig's head, but that only happened once, a hammer was his preferred tool. The trip line could be…
Actions for killers (like survivor's point/come action)
Title pretty self explanatory. Would be nice to have some sort of prompt/taunt for a killer: Billy could do his default "roar" Doc could laugh manically like he does Leatherface could does his weird howl. Myers put his knife up to this throat and do a "slit" motion. etc.
Did they really nerf the movement speed for holding the puke
######### sakes man how am I suppose to use this in loops? They do a really harsh nerf and they keep the bug where the fountains basically makes the survivor impossible to pick up wow just wow.
Please Fix Matchmaking
Ok devs, I thank you for making ranking up harder since I didn't think I belonged with rank 1 players. Now please fix matchmaking. How does it make any sense that as a rank 15 killer I get matched with purple rank survivors. What the what.
buff plague bloodpoints
u really need to buff the bloodpoints u get while playing plague.it makes no sense that u get only 300 bp(like a normal hit) when using corrup purge.infection,fountains, vile purge bp and its post hit are not enough either.if u make a 4k u get like 25k bp max, when i make that amount of bp with other killers without…
New matchmaking - From instant lobbies to 3 minutes wait
If I'm lucky it might occasionally be 1 minute but more often than not it's 3 minutes. It was instant before the update. This is awful.
[CONSOLES] Adding Achievements/Trophies from "Left Behind" DLC & Ranking System
Hi devs, I love your game and I'm an achievement/trophy completionist. As right now, I have 91% of the PS4 Trophies obtained in Dead By Daylight since the new chapter launched. If there's something that feels missing on Xbox One and PS4 are the few achievements still exclusive to Steam: the achievements related to the…
Still Allowing DC's
It's fun going for the new killer's achievement and you can't get it because the game developers refuse to punish people for leaving the game. Great feeling being denied your achievement because of some bs isn't it? This has gone on long enough, I don't care about a system that is in place if it doesn't work, this right…
Toxic DCs
Well, I believe, I'm done with this game. Typical match, quite good add ons and +100% bloodpoints for all. But what does the toxic SWF I get do? They decide to spoil my game experience just for the fun of it: they don't even try to repair gens, they just hide in the boxes and dc at the moment I've found them. At the end of…
Thanatophobia buff idea.
Make this similiar to the Leader perk, Affects all the survivors action speed like repairing, opening the exit gates, cleansing totems etc. except the healing action. This would force the survivors to heal first before doing any other action. New values: 14/17/20/23 Tier 1 15/18/21/24 Tier 2 16/19/22/25 Tier 3
Anyone having issues with the new audio system. Chase musics are way too loud, like hurt my ears physically, and other noises are way quieter, like I can't hear foot steps or other movements like I used to. Is it gonna be like this from now on? Because I think I might have permanent ear damage if terror radius and chase…
New rankings based on statistics
Many different concerns come to mind in relation to the new ranking system, as many others have expressed their own. Honestly? Changing a ranking system will push people away from the game. Why? Here are my thoughts. Emblem changes as discussed in the patch notes were based off of statistics and only statistics. This…
Reconsider how console bans work please.
If on PC someone goes insane in game chat. They can be banned or punished right? Well this doesn't seem to be the case on console even though I would propose this be thought out again. I was DDOS before and submitted a ticket only to be told they won't do anything about it even though I can prove it happened. I would even…
What a hell is a new Matchmaking?
Want to play as killer? Wait, when you are a *bad word* HOST. I don't get it. Start searching and if you get SWF, High Ping or "op" item set on suvivors you have to drop a lobby and wait AGAIN, AS A *BAD WORD* HOST. Sure, some ranks have a short queue time, but they get matched with random ranks, total mess. Are you making…
DC Bonus for survivors
Hey, so with the new rank system I'd like to see a boost put into benevolence as the DCs rob survivors of the capacity to obtain benevolence points. Over the course of the last few hours I have had at least one DC per match and each one has been in the first three min of game. I don't mind de-pipping if my team does bad…
Plague Issue and a DS issue
When being unhooked versus the Plague, invincibility frames don't work when corrupt purge is used. You are hit and downed before your feet even touch the ground. When being picked up under the hook with DS active and available (this happened because of the mentioned lack of invincibility frames) if the skill check is a…
New matchmaking is questionable.
I’m a consistent R1 killer who has always been able to match against people of my own caliber.. that is until the latest matchmaking changes. I enjoy winning as much as anyone else, but getting a 4K and seeing that my R1 killer was up against 3 R15’s and a R9 makes me feel like I just abused these survivors without even…
Spirit fury+ enduring broken combo
With all the nerf to the number of pallet in each map,this combo is sick. Nerf the first or the second perk
Piggy buffs
I know after Hag and Trapper Freddy and Wraith are probably next on the buff table after which I think Amanda should get some love and here's some suggestions. Crouch/Ambush 1) increase Amanda's crouching movement speed to 100% to help her not lose a huge amount of pressure due moving slower than nurse. 2) Remove the the…
Hex Perk totem idea
Idea for these hex totem spawns: Hex: Ruin= the hex totem will become active and start to glow when the first generator skill check occurs Hex: Huntress Lullaby= the hex totem will become active and start to glow when the first survivor is hooked Hex: Devour Hope= the hex totem will become active and start to glow when the…
Proposition for changing NOED
Hello, Before going further, i will just explain a few things. I play both side and i am fine with actual version of noed as it encourage survivors to do a second objective in order to not be punish later and it can be easily outpass. I make this proposition more like an idea if at some point the perk get unbalance in…
The old Matchmaking system pls
the new matchmaking system sucks as killer. i getting lobbys with survivor very fast but the most of survivors coming from korea and there ping is like +366. So the Survivors quitting the lobby bc my ping is too on +360 SO NOW I GOT NO LOBBY PLS DELETE THIS ######### MATCHMAKING…
Hex perks
Hello everyone I'm a bit new to the forms but not to the game. I have a few ideas for some hex perks for a killer. Hex shuffle - once every 120/90/60 you as the killer have the ability to shuffle your hex todems. Meaning they will respawn to a unlit totem if avable. Repair todem - as the killer 1/2/3 times per match you…
Very Rare Toolbox Add-On: Machine Lubricant (Ruin counter)
Toolbox Add-On Machine Lubricant (Very Rare) allows for any Toolbox to repair a generator without suffering the effects of hex totems (Hex Ruin).
Keyboard and Mouse support for console.
I think that this would be something great to introduce. Most games are a bit hesitant to add this, as in shooters it can give players with keyboard and mouse an unfair advantage. I don’t think this would be the case in DbD. I would argue that survivor is easier on a controller, whereas killer is easier with keyboard and…
The new matchmaking sucks
It's just toxic swf over and over again. Many smurfing to face low ranks. We're talking people with 2000+ hours. They bring all their most broken stuff, tbag after every pallet, just try to do as much as they can to wind up the killer, they have no interest in playing normally, and in the event that its not a 4 man then…
Killer Perk Idea - Eternal Flame
The Entity hears your pleas for blood, and admires your love for breaking the will of survivors. Upon beginning a match, The Entity blocks all totems from cleansing until 1/2/3 generators have been completed. Alternatively, totems are blocked for 2/3/4 minutes.
Miner Killer and underground mine map
So. Whynot a miner killer (trapper gas mask is similar). Mining pick as weapon. Throws grenades to explode the coal in the mine or similar mechanic. Fumes in some areas of the mine cause status effects or exhaustion if activated. Map is a mine, lots of passages, cave in's instead of pallets (function the same way). Nurse…
Limit aura reading to 1 perk/player
As title: why not limit to 1 aura reading perk for player? I see a lot of player that just run aura reading perks as killer to know in every moment where survivor are, just no fun to play as survivor in that cases. (and I say that a 50/50 player) Same rule for survivor, maybe in future we will get good aura reading so…
BP Cap with Shrine Perks QoL
So we all know how the BP count is maxed at 1,000,000 and that if you own perks that are in the current shrine you can either get 150,000 or 250,000 BP depending on the perk. So my proposal is that if you buy a perk from the shrine and you have points that are above 850,000 BP then your BP cap will go over 1 million so…
Stagger from falls
Hey everyone, First and foremost, if there was any topics that have been made already, I apologize for making another thread. Creating something for the killers when they land from falling, they should also receive stagger as well. Especially if they fall from any high places with an survivor on their shoulder. Point of…
Additional ranking system
I think that there should be an additional ranking system for SWF games so killers have 2 matchmaking pools to pull from when searching for a game. 1 for normal matchmaking and 1 for SWF games. So then good SWF survivors get matched up with killers more able to deal with SWF advantages and killers who do poorly against SWF…