New survivor items

Mooks Member Posts: 14,893
edited June 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Now that the devs have confirmed this is a possibility and they are still early on the process might as well try again to throw my ideas/concepts in!

while obviously not perfectly balanced, I do think these would fit thematically into the game without breaking the game (when implemented correctly)

Survivor Items (click for link to forum thread): Piece of ChalkPocket KnifeWalkie TalkiesLighterWater BottleSling ShotSpray Paint CansSalt PouchSmoke BombVoodoo DollSmudge Sticks

Post edited by Mooks on


  • k3ijus
    k3ijus Member Posts: 279

    really nice ideas,walkie talkies could be key for communication in dbd.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    Well, my concept isn’t about voice communication but it would reveal eachothers auras

    (though if they ever decide to implement survivor voice comms it would be cool as an ‚extra‘ item which you can activate/deactivate)

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited June 2023

    I would like to see an item that teleport's the survivor out of danger. If developer have watch any Texas Massacre gameplay. In that game, there are Fountain Wells that survivor can drop to evade the killer.

    What if there was an item that allowed you to teleport to somewhere such as locker further away then 40 meters. Perhaps item could only be used if the killer has no line of sight, allowing you to lose the killer.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Yes, what if there was an item that allowed you to win a chase for free?

  • Zensunim
    Zensunim Member Posts: 157


    When nearby, you hear it. From far away, it does a generic loud noise notification to all survivors and the killer. Would be useful to draw the killer to pretend like I'm blowing up my 5% gen while a 95% is being finished and a window or locker isn't nearby. And also hilarious to use next to a killer that downs or moris a teammate.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited June 2023

    I don't know. it is brainstorming ideas. perhaps item could cost 1 hook-state to use though an item having negative might make item more of negative then upside. Items exclusively have no downsides and only upsides. I cannot say same for killer add-on though.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    While not teleporting, my ideas for a Smoke Bomb or the Piece of chalk might be something in that direction 😉

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited June 2023

    smoke bomb? Flashlight already blinds you. The idea of obstructing the killers vision is already an item in the game. Of course the blind is limited time for balance reasons. I highly doubt the killer wants to get blinded for 10 seconds straight. Flashlight bind are specific to animation locks. We don't want to see Instant-blind flashlights. Those were very scary, especially for Mathew Cotes Hag.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    You haven’t read my concept at all and just judge it by your assumption of it…?

    i am talking more about smoke like Clowns power, something to help the survivor evade the chase but not make it as OP as a teleport (which you suggested) would be

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    yeah the reason why they would not put something like that is obstructing the killers vision is like 10 second blind. not fun to play against.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,394

    Cool ideas

    Piece of Chalk - Loop Manipulation.

    Not sure how balanced the free-form use of it is. Too slow to place the doorway, and it's best use is to get out of a corner when the Killer is searching the area. Too fast, and it becomes a staple tool to let Survivors escape a loop with a lot of high-walls and mindgames, by adding another layer of mind-game "will they use the chalk". I'd suggest that if you want an Item to do loop manipulation, it'd have to be an item that utilizes dedicated areas (instead of just any wall) that instead change how a loop is approached,. (EG: Keys to open a Door).

    Knife - Wiggle Interaction

    Wiggle is an indirect mechanic to prevent permanent shoulder-carrying. I don't think it should have a dedicated Item for it. Perhaps an addon (EG: Firecrackers cause wiggle progress to advance, flashlights have an addon that speeds up wiggle progress when shown on the Killer).

    Walkie Talkies - Linked Auras

    probably would have the best use case when being chased by the Killer, to be used to pinpoint the chased Survivors location (chased Survivor pinging their location to the holders of other walkie talkies and also trying not to bring the Killer over). In that case I wouldn't make it a hold to show aura, but a press and it will show Aura for a duration. (Lower charges, but each use lasts for a duration). I also would not impose any range limitations. Addons could include revealing the Aura of the Killer during the duration, sharing the Aura reveal to nearby Survivors.

    Lighter - Totem Interaction

    The concept of an Item interacting with Totems is interesting. That hasn't been explored, and Dull Totems do always spawn as a map interactable. And I am a proponent of essentially taking Perks and making Item counter-parts.

    Slingshot - Indirect Disinformation

    Honestly not a fan of the Slingshot, given that if it does work to distract the Killer, the Survivor never had to be in the spot they made the notification. Which is the best-case time-efficiency wise.

    Spray Paint Can - Team Objective Aura-read

    seems like it could be integrated into the Map Item. Survivors standing within the light of the Glass Bead can perform an interaction to consume the Light, to see the Auras recorded by the Map for [x] seconds. Placing the Marker now costs Map charges (or has its own charge count). This interaction could even become a basekit feature of the Map item to give it more identity and team-play value.

    Salt Pouch - Chase Hazard

    Salt pouch - AoE Trigger: regarding something that the Killer walks over causing something to trigger, I don't think a hinder is the best call given DBD's balancing or thematics, especially salt. If sticking to salt, I'd suggest information? EG: it reveals the Killers Aura for a duration. Though overall not really enticed by this one.

    Smoke Bomb - Temporary AoE information Suppression

    Honestly I think that Firecrackers should at base throw scratch marks around an area, which effectively acts as a "smoke bomb" for the purposes of obscuring scratch marks.

    Water Bottle - Debuff management & Creating a Problem, and an Item to fix it

    There's something to be said about buff/debuff manipulation in an Item that hasn't been broached yet by Med-kits. Exhaustion detriments as its own concept is another discussion, but not for the basis of creating an item.

    Voodoo Doll - Killer Interaction gains Charges

    The concept of an item charging by seeing the Killer is interesting, (Though I'd suggest just making it charge while in Chase with the Killer to simplify it). Killer proximity to charge an item could frankly be utilized with any concept, however the Stun effect given to the Doll is frankly OP.

    Smudge Sticks - Debuff management

    Overall an item centered around interacting with status debuffs hasn't been touched on (clearing mangled/hemorrhage/broken/blindness) . If Exhaustion is to be included (instead of being on a water-bottle), a single-use item could certainly be a contender (even if the item becomes single-use as a result of an Addon that enables clearing exhaustion)

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    Thanks for the constructive feedback 💙

    just a few notes on my ideas - though generally I agree there is always a small grate between useless/boring and OP

    Piece of Chalk

    i think I mentioned use on only breakable walls instead of any wall - also maybe have a distinct noise notification nearby for the killer to know that the item was used (there would still be the mind game if the survivor actually went through or not etc). I feel like this has much potential and would definitely need more brainstorming and obviously playtesting in different directions!

    Walkie Talkie

    toggle instead of hold definitely sounds logical

    Water Bottle

    i don’t really remember if I thought about the Exhaustion effects first and then the item or the other way around. It was at a time were DH was much stronger and IW got just nerfed I think and I wanted to have Exhaustion to have some additional negative effects

    Voodoo Doll

    Still love the item concept generally. A direct stun would be OP (I think I proposed a light stun, where killer wouldn’t lose a carried survivor), another effect would be cool too though.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    Such a strong mechanics should not be bound to an item (or perk for that matter). Things like these should be basekit mechanics. And while it would be fun to have something like this, I am doubtful it could be implemented in a reasonable way - you would need to compensate killers quite a bit for this AND you would need to go thru all the maps to include the feature into them.

    Like I love the idea. It would be something new and something interesting to play around - maybe even a fix for hard-tunneling. BUT. Sadly it would be too much work to do right.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    The killer could find another survivor and it is not like it would be impossible to find the survivor after teleporting to a locker. I do agree that it would be strong anti-tunnel tool and I could imagine survivors trying to teleport to exit gate in EGC for uncontested escapes. At the same time, I don't exactly take item balancing too seriously. I kinda see it more for the memes and more for fun factor. casual-side of the game. unfortunately a lot of non-serious aspect of items does end up showing in gameplay too often and player facing these items can experience a loss of fun especially if their killer is already underwhelming and not amazing fun factor.

  • Masterninja
    Masterninja Member Posts: 443

    It would be wonderful if firecrackers wouldn't be event items. They are so fun.

    Also refined serum is also very fun to use, it should be an item not an addon

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    If I wanted any new item mechanic in the game, i wanted something else to be reworked in compensation of this new item arrival.

    It is called "Hammer/Nails" , and it will be a tool to offer new mechanic that reworked Breakable Walls mechanic exclusive for killers, into Buildilable Walls instead for Survivors. The concept is simple, Survivors with these items can go to any location, where a wall, vault location, and maybe even a pallet location, even after it's destroyed; and simple used their limited charges to repair the damage or build new defenses. Building will cost the Survivor time and charges to build up their defense; but if they set it all up just right; they can help themselves and their teammates with improved and strong God tier loops; unless the killer is forced to break it down in advance. It would be great item for both sides, as for killer it gives them more time on gens not being worked on and gives them new engagement with Builders survivors waste their time in holding their defense. As for builders, they can have opportunity to fix any mistakes the Survivors makes like dropping killer shack pallet and it's destroyed; they can used half their new item charges to rebuild it, or if they are ambitious, a whole team could fortified a whole building and its surrounding loops if they wanted to. Not doing a generator, and simply just make the killer be annoyed by playing demotion man simulation game instead. The possibilities is endlessly with Survivors new found abilities to rebuild what is lost or doesn't exist before. Imagine a killer going into lobby and seeing a Survivor with a hammer, they can see them building two pallet loops or fixing deadzone with a new pallet spawn.

    As for what the item will do:

    With 24 charges for yellow rusty hammer, 32 charges for green used hammer, and 40 charges for the purple factory new hammer. The charge rate depends on what defense they are building.

    12 charges for a new pallet, the time it takes to build it is 30 seconds.

    8 charges for a Breakable wall to be build. It will take 20 seconds to build and work on any wall with a narrow doorway.

    4 charges for a vault location, in a form of a sandbag/ fence vault. It takes 10 seconds to build it.

    As for add-ons for these new items, I am not too sure about balance for them. Especially when considering more charges or speed addons; but maybe the ultra red addon can give the Survivors the ability to instantly build a buildable item for free at the cost of consuming all of the charges, or maybe white addons to allow the ability to see all build able locations anywhere in the map, while holding the toolbox. You can also do skill checks to progress the speed up of the construction or have a addon to removed them entirely.

    Currently, Breakable Walls are randomly placed and in some situations, it is never worth breaking the wall as it makes to loop stronger if they remove by Breaking. Survivors cannot interact with it, and cannot destory the walls themselves if they want to make it easier to loop the killer taking advantage of this rng mechanic. Plus there are wall placement that do not make sense and do not offer any advan when destroyed, which defeated the purpose of what Breakable Walls would do for Killer in any average match, besides.... being BP farming for brutatilly points.