I was stunned when i wanted to place a pallet. While in old Freddy it was just M2, now i have to hold M2 and use M1 which annoys me. I would rather prefer use M2 to put a pallet, and hold M2 to lock onto fake pallet and use M1 to rapture it.
IMO, game loop should change a little: survs should not die on hooks. instead each trial should have time limit. Hooks and mories just makes one or more survs being unable to do objectives (new objectives could be introduced). Surv on hook can be rescued or wait untill his hook timer runs out then they are removed from the…
The rest of the trial means "it wont disapear after period of time", not "it cant be removed". If it was, it would be called "it can't be removed". I may assume that. I should assume that. But it does not means it.
This should be explained somewhere ingame.
What about invocation being basekit, and invocation perks alow to do multiple invocations in one game? Invocations are okayyyyish, but not worth perk slot
wait, wait, wait. You want to path be fully invisible to survs; being able to see survs during creating a path; make infinite range. So You want to be fully invisible while traveling whole map with faster speed and hit unprepared survivors at will? Its like Wraith+Nurse+Spirit powers prons combined.
People care about bp, but not as much to feel satified being rewarded those bps after being killed. Such change needs more than few extra points, it needs some mechanical changes of trial rules.
First thing BHVR should do is to make survs an actual team with common goal. Right now survs not always tries to escape killer but also to play selfish, competitive against other survs. For example - If my sacrifice will make all 3 other survs escape I did not won even tho I participated in a win. And if my lack of…
Almost all, or most at least, forum users are iri both sides each month. Have completed all tomes and got most available achivments, have bought all DLCs. Not impressed. Also. No. Killers force constant pressure to survivors and reducing gens from 5 to 4 per 4 survs is great move, otherwise every killer game would be won.…
So why killer que is so damn high?
Then why killer que is so damn high?
You know that this deactivates once You stop tunneling? If surv wants use whole time of this perk, it means it's more beneficial to not tunneling killer since it means two survs are useless.
My personal theory is that Philip was member of some kind of tribe or family with magical connections where he learned how to write magic symbols which power depend on material he used to write those, but with warning that all magic has its price. At some point he was kidnapped by another tribe made out of cannibals. He…
Swamp realm was made alongside autoheaven, mcmillan and farms. In game files and original artworks there is also mention of fourth killer that was connected to autoheaven. Whole wraith design, his general look, and most importantly addons looks like connected to swamp, and more importatnly tribalism. His addons suggests…
Maybe its worth to mention that in my case problem happens more often when buying nodes manually, and less often when using autobuy. It seems like problem arises when holding node at the time the match is found.
New distortion is problematic, because it should be safe perk, for stealthy players, but at the same time it req surv to play NOT stealthy to gain stacks. So as I said in different topic and was mentioned in op. Tokens shihldd be earned by conspicuous actions, so that game can progress while distorted players can play safe.
BHVR can give all killers BBQ basekit, and make that after hooking, surv is teleported to random hook with no aura indicator for killer.
I recall that my game stuck in loading after trial. I believe it was also because of buying bloodweb nodes and being interrupted by sudden lobby find or game start
no, it is not. Its like saying that NOED is rewrding killer for not doing their objective. No, it is not. Its rewarding their teammates, while its actually not. Its punishing killers from rushing objectives. Can we please stop defending unhealthy mechanics and instead concentrate of making game more healthy? If this change…
log added
maybe, for every eliminated survivor, every repaired gen is counted as +1? So if you killed surv at 5gen, then they got massive buff, and if they was killed at 1-2 gens then not much changed. Also, if survs was eliminated when all other had 2 hook stages, then they will start dying very fast and this buff will not do much…
Maybe. but being in a chase is something that distorion is doing to avoid. Its counterintuitive to distortion gain stacks during a chase, especially that new predator counters it totaly. And conspicious actions is something survs have to do. If they only try to immerse and wait for others to die, then they will not get…
Distorion stacks should be earned by conspicious actions. 2 tokens may be good i think
The problem is that survs only pretend to be a team. Tunneled survivor is buying time for rest of them, but at the end tunneled one dies and loses. This is main issue there (side with the fact of premature ending the game). My personal solution is to remove sacrifices during the trial completely: 1. Introduce time limit to…
Perk affects new survivors who cant hit skillchecks, and this make those survs more frustrated and leave the game = great perk design!
IMO whole perks system need total overhaul and limit their numbers, every character should bring only one = good perk.
idk. I had issues with myu internet connection and my ping was going high to the extreme amounts. If servers really were prioritise kkillers, then all hits i got during such "freeze" times should count since i hit survs from my perspective, game even showed me they was hit and laying down, yet when ping returned to normal,…
I would like to see a button "chaos shuffle" in loadout menu that will grant you random perks with start of the match, and if for some reason all 5 players use that, perks are randomized from all perks in the game (tier 3) and not only available to chosen characters.
Maybe instead make lithe and sb or other perks activated by button press? Woudnt that be easier? I think this mechanic is intended for players to NOT have everything on demand.
Yeah, i know that ;) Tho i found this funny either way :x
Killer cannot be changed once started looking for a match. 4 survs can change everything anytime. Yes, killer should be able to see survs items unless everything (killer, perks, items, add-ons) are preselect and cannot be changed. Then either killer should be also shown to survs, or nothing is shown to anyone.
Not only that, people that try to play together are forced out the game before match ended. Imagine if in lol 3 towers on your lane are destroyed and thus you are removed from the game... All time invested wasted even if your teammates truly escape. BDB needs to change it's core aspect - sacrifices during trial, and…
I think it should work for 90 instead of 120s from the start, and should be active at all time, deactivate only when time goes down.
shame that both perks comes from licensed characters
It's also not like this has been over a couple days, it's been building over the past couple weeks where just once or twice a day it will randomly disconnect me. Im pretty sure that random events in few weeks would not adds up to 6h. But i dont know when DC penalty resets, someone could explain that
Its weird. Few days ago I was disconnected from the server without a reason since my internet was ok, and I had no penalties. Also. I had few connection issues because my pc was loosing contact with usb WiFi adapter and instead testing this in game I was using other methods to NOT be kicking from server and thus, even tho…
There are 4 survs, killer have to be as strong as they 4 combined. Killers gave to catch you, it's only a matter of time, but there is 4 of You. And yes, survs are not "a team" that is why this feels so unfair. Game would greatly benefit if sacrifices would be removed, and instead everyone would play untill the time runs…
Low skill player as Nurse is way worse than low skill player as survivor. Yes, aura reading helps, but only if one have muscle memory of blink destination. I remember how it was back when i was playing the Nurse. Thise was my worst hours of playing this game. Lot of trials left with not even single hit. Im not good player,…
My thought is that killer que is too damn high!
1-2 bots could be okay… except bots are extremally afraid of TR and 2 killers covers almost whole map and thus bots could be useless. No. Instead surv role should be somehow more fun
I doubt she would be performing the same in 8v2 if she would be her basekit. We are talking about the nurse. Not pro players mastering the Nurse.
idk, maybe its for the trial last shorter than regular ones? All killers are buffed, and objectives are tweaked fo this reason. Hey, there is no hooks either
I have yet to play it. I had no time. Tho I just wanted to replay to one sentence: "game mode everyone's always asked for". I would rather play 5v5
All perks should be unlockable for free, characters should be payed. Otherwise it's p2w
Haemmorhage is now temporary debuff, especially in sloppy. Healing after it's effect runs off is a key for it to work
What do you mean by that? What pressure and reason yoiu hae right now in game? To win or loose, with chases and gens in between. Is there something else? Is premature death what gives you reason to play?
the pace of the BHVRs work indicates that any meaningful changes will take place in about six months or later
I would remove ability to fully remove players from the game: 1. Trial should have time limit. 2. Hooks makes survs immobilized and usless for some time or untill someone unhooks them; Mories removes survs for some more time without ability to help them. 2a. If hook time is up, Entity removes surv from hjook, to a random…
What does it means mori fit the killer? Those are killers and you can find multiple reasons of why one killed survivor in a specific way. Which mori fits and which not the trapper? He is most "human" of the killers that do what he does by force, serving Entity even if he dont want to. I would agree if someone said that no…