Clean Break question
This perk does not deactivate when getting broken status effect during its countdown. And no invocation perk states that this status cannot be healed. Phrase "for the reminder of the trial" means there is no time limit. So my question is: Does anyone tested it? 1. Starting clean break countdown. 2. Performing invocation.…
Desperate Measures should also count for killed survs.
This would help somehow vs camping and tunneling and would be more fair imo.
Original wraith lore
Hey BHVR, can You leak original wraith lore? We know that auto heaven and junkyard is not original wraith place, swamp is. And wraiths lore was changed, we accept this, and deal with his current lore. But can we know what was his original lore? My personal idea is that Hags lore is actually Wraith lore.
Game locks in loading in lobby when match found during bloodweb purchase
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Game locks in loading in lobby when match found during bloodweb purchase PLATFORM: STEAM STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: 1. Que for a match 2. Buy nodes on bloodweb 3. If match is found during animation, game stops working VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS:
I wanted to share funny story
I started a chill (i was hoping) game of peekaboo. I used Dredge to be able to teleport and 4 aura reading perks (not that this means no regression and no chase. First thing i learned was that one surv had distortion. I found one person, that ran into me almost immidately, and hook him. Then i found another two working on…
Changes to core DBD gameplay
It may seem controversial, but please, think a little about it. Changes in this topic will not make dbd experience worse (except it will remove tunneling entirely, and camping will be not as frustrating for survs as it is right now), but instead will make game feels better. Most dbd problems comes from hook sacrificing and…
What is wrong with "be there or be square" challange?
Its simple challange, req to gather two invitations. I just did it. Endgame screen said i did it, but then in tome menu, it says that i have to get two invitations… Is there something i dont know? Is it a bug? Can someone confirm its not only me?
suggestion of how to increase value of chests
Chests are waste of time in any case, and necessary evil if we have tome challange to open some. But I have, quite controversial I assume, idea of how to increase value of chests and makes them as valuable as gens. Remove items from bloodweb, leaving there only add-ons. Simple but effective. This way, if survivor wants to…
BHVR please add "hahaha" reaction on forum
People often write something funny, silly, sarcastic, troll or plain stupid, and I can't react to it in any way. I can't just write "hahaha", "xD", "lol" with quote since it's offtop. This would be real quality of life change.
is it bug or feature?
I got 136k bp in a match, but progress bar shows only 22k Did something changed, and now it counts bp before offerings like anniversary cake? Especially that just moment ago progress bar was full.
New survivor perks suggestion
This is suggestion subforum, where people are suppoused to put their suggestions towards game improvements, but for some reasons, some of those suggestions (Perks, killers, powers, items) are thrown into community creations subforum, which means those are no longer suggestions but fanfics and bhvr ignores them towards new…
Killrate, Winrate and game balance
So. Because certain topics went into the course of killrates and winrates i came into conclusion that new topic is needed. This is not a suggestion tho it will contain my suggestion of how to balance things. Main point of this topic is to discuss over what feels fair in terms of team balance. And as much as balanced…
New killer idea: The Unknown
"The Unknown" Killer with 0 terror radius, 90% speed Powers: Seek: Teleport 2m behind selected survivor who's aura was revealed to You for more than 2 seconds (cooldown 10s; delay 30s, or 3 aura reading instances). Hide: Passive - Looking at the killer is impossible, whenever survivor look at Unknown, whole Unknown body…
dbd has too high an entry threshold
I hope I don't have to explain why I think so - an incredible amount of perks, many different counters for many different killers, many weaknesses and tactics. Many players get lost in this and give up the game. I suggest that there are hints in the game. For example, when one of the survivors notices the killer, the game…
A weird game i just had
I used Nurse, which is my lowest mmr killer since i play her in most chill way possible while challanges and daily. I was planning to do challange of chasing survivors, and them chill in snowman and throwing snowskulls. And i got sweaty tryhard survivors with flashlights, headon and other harrassing perks, who decided to…
New monetization opportunities.
Dead by daylight is a p2w game, there is no point in hiding it or distorting the narrative to make it appear that it is not. Definition of pay to win is: Designed in such a way as to allow players to exchange real-world currency for in-game benefits. And being p2w in itself is probably not that bad, since people defend it,…
N ew game mode: Escape before Dawn.
All maps are dark as night. Trial has time limit of X minutes (Beta tests for balance required) Survivors have to repair 5 gens and turn both gate switches before time limit. When time runs out, day comes to the trial and either survivors (if gates are still closed) or killer (if both switches are turned) are consumed by…
Camping and tunneling
As solo player, who bought the game to have fun, and chill infew moments in the day i can spare on video games, i feel cheated by the devs who dont want to remove those tactics from the game. Maybe efficient teams in high mmr, sweaty teams in turnaments etc. can deal with it. But if im solo player, having 20min to play a…
Feedback and suggestion about anti-camping
I just had an opportunity to use it against camping huntress, and it was great. Untill she hooked another survivor in a basement. She was camping them from the upstairs, noone could do anything and self unhook was not used (Maybe it waas due to survs lack of knowlege). I think that in case of basement, progress should rise…
Survivors perk idea: boon: not alone
General perk Radius 16m Whenever killer is in boon radius, their aura is shown to all survivors for 1 second, every 3 seconds. Killer have general perk related to boons, yet all current boons are character related so its quite reasonable to introduce general boon perk, so that killer perk have any use.
New killer idea: The Priest
Nickname: The Priest Name: Eugeniusz Zamojski History: Eugeniusz was a very promising cleric. In the seminary, he applied himself to theology and psychology, wanting his ministry to be as good as possible. He happened to offend the lecturers when he publicly criticized some of the outdated traditions and tried to propose…
Red Herring perk buff
I think nobody will argue that this perk is usless. Maybe some newbie killers would go for notification, but you have to be away from the generator to actually use it, and other survs should not be there either. My idea is to make special item (litteral red herring? xD) that would become active after reparing generator for…
killer perk idea: lets play
When hooking a survivor, aura of survivor that is furthest from sacrifice is revealed for 2/4/6 (or 1/2/3) seconds. This effect cannot be countered by aura hiding abilities. Effect cannot be extended. For every non-consecutive hook, this perk gain 1 token. At the end of the match, if "lets play" has at least 4 tokens,…
A legit nerf for the Nurse
I dont think Nurse is OP, but its only my personal opinion, nobody had to agree with this, and dont try to convince me otherwise, unless you have some new arguments, since none of current ones could change my mind. But its irrelevant. What is rellevant is the change i brings here. One of reasons why people think the Nurse…
Cosmetics for killer power please
I would love to see a tentacle claw instead of trapper beartrap. Victor fitting Charlotte outfit. Pentagrams instead of Hags triangles. Bats instead of Artist crows. The only reason i heard that is preventing this is that survs would be confused what killer they are facing. So why not to tell them that? Not at the lobby,…
Killer perk Idea - thinking ahead
Perk starts inactive, and recharge hen you dont see survivors. Perk recharge reset each time you breake a pallete. If perk is active, being in 5m radius from not dropped pallete and not in chase, you may destroy this pallete.
A Wraith lore request
I have a request to reintroduce original lore for Wraith. It can be a tome lore from pararrel dimention to not ruin current Wraith lore (tho i hate current Wraith lore and I would not cry about loosing it). But it would be great to know what was originally planned for him, based on his addons, swamp map (what was…
My fix for haste effects
Make them to not stack... Let the game use the highest haste effect but make them not stack so we would not have survs 112% and more. If surv is in Dark theory aoe, they move 103% (yes, i think it should be 3% haste, not 2%). If they leave boon range, they move at 102% speed due to MFT (Yes, i think it should be 2%, not…
Simpliest way to band-aid fixed Skull Merchant
Prevent her drones from being edployed close* to te gennerators. Close - Means that drone scan should not reach generator. It may reach surv that is working on a gen from a side drone is deployed, but only this one side. Not all sides, not even gen as it is.
Little buff for Sadako PTB changes
I just read tweaks in Sadako power. Destroying a tape with hit is great change, and eacreasing cooldown of her power is a thing i would like to addressed: Sadako is one of few killers that can traverse the map with little effort and it would be great to maintain this particular feature of her. I understand that killers…
Killer perk idea: Death Game
Pain and suffering is what motivates your every move. Let them scream, let them feel your devotion. Be like a cat that play with a mouse. Unhooked survivors are full health. Unhooked survivors are exhausted for 30s, unless you was closer than 20m from hook within 10s after hooking a survivor and not in chase. (*is this…
Idea: Universal buff for hexes
I want to make it clear and easy to understand, but some resons first. Most hexes are really not worth using, some of them are extremally situational, and only handfull of those are really high risk - high reward perks that hexes suppoused to be. But instead of buffing every hex perk individually i would love to see some…
maybe some hook changes im order to prevent Hook suicides?
I would remove skillchecks and progression from faild attempts, but lower the base self unhook chance to 1% and 2 attempts with luck giving 2x as much chance as it does now, and slippery meat increasing attempts to 6 on first and 4 on second stage (yes, self unhook attempts also on 2nd stage).
Feedback: Behaviour main income should be cosmetics instead of perks.
Monetizing character power if definition of p2w Even Lol has something like that in terms of early runes that was able to be bought by extreme grind or by real money, and they removed it, leaving monetization to skins. I really cant understand p2w policy and especially why some people defend it. All perks should be…
Feedback: Killer powers shoud have cosmetics
Not all killer have powers that can be adjusted freely like dregde teleport, or Nurses blink. But i dont understand why huntress cannot have different looking hatchets, Wraith different bell or Hillbilly at least sawblade. There is lot of games, even competetive ones, the big games, where character skills changes with…
Suggestion: Perk Overhaul
I have a big concern towards perk quantity. Each character brings 3 perks to the game, there is tons of perks from which lot of them shows up extremally often, and some almost never, its both quality and quantity of those perks, but because there is so MUCH perks in the game, there is no way to adress all of them and make…
My idea to buff trapper
I believe this killer deservs more. Trapper is overall solid choice in lower MMR but he seems a little off between other survivors. He has some problems, tho we dont want and i believe we cant remove all of them, but some of them can be changed. Power visuals. Bear traps are nice, but in case of killers and monsters of…
Discussion: Should effects of "Aftercare" after being hooked?
For those who dont know: Aftercare allows You to see auras of other survivors after one healed or unhooked them or they healed or unhooked one. But this effect dissapear after being hooked. IMO... its effect is simmilar to Bond but with no radius, it basically work on entire map. But there is a requirement of performing an…
Discussion about hexes
What forum community thinks about it? Are hexes worth using over other perks? Are those overpowered/underpowered? Some hex mechanics should be tweaked? For me hexes are just bad except few. Those should be high risk-high reward perks that grants killer huge advantage in exchange of risk of removing etire perk oput of the…
My Idea to balance Dead Hard
IMO dead hard needs changes, but not in numbers but in way of how it is used. One button, that does not require skill but rather luck, or certain circumstances is not a good mechanic. Only counter for it is to "wait it out" which is really bad counter, because it just feels unfair whatevery You do. Its very vurnelable to…
Suggestion: Lobby perk loadout visible to others
Or at least ability to put tags: healer, resquer, gen commited, or others. So that our teammates knows what we are gonna to do. If i bring healing perks, it would be better that they come to me for being healed. If im good in chases, others should let me be the one who buys their time for gen repairing.
Buff for Empathic connection?
I mean, its great that others know where I am if they are injured, so that i can heal them, but bringing bond would be better for everyone. This 10% more healing is also nice, but feels insignificant. Can i ask to buff it to at least 25% more healing? Especially that this is altruistic healing, the thing that supoused to…
What is age rating of Dead by Daylight?
In a game, which main feature is blood, scream and violance. Where various killers hit, down and hook mostly innocent people. We have profanity filter... Why?why there is no way to disable it?
Why bluepring offerings are not secret?
Despite of the fact that secret offerings are not secret and everyone knows what other people use. Why blueprint offerings are not secrets? To be honest... i thought those offerings actually ARE secrets since i never saw others using those, i guess i was lucky, but because of their effect i was sure those are secrets. I…
Encouragement to not tunneling and camping
I'm not telling about some dramatic changes, and i'm not saying this will remove tunneling and camping at all. But this suggestion will give some encouragement for killers to not kill. My understanding was: what is the point of the trial. And answer: to make pain and suffering. So the suggestion is: Some changes in devout…
All perks should be available for free
I may be seen as some greedy or poor or toxic, or whatever... but Perks are too essential to gameplay, maybe more than killer powers (tho this is debatable), and locking those in any way is unsportsmanlike pay to win, unfair behaviour. Maybe im just old player used to b2p games, but buying advantage in the game is a thing…
This is actually funny
This Meg I was trying to do adept on killer i like the least, so i had to be mercilles. There was two general bp offering and a cake, so Meg got +300% bp from this match, and yet... she dc on her last hook...
This is why i dont like changes in killer adept
Because its some serious bs. I play her once in a while and i decided to get adept at last... But because someone decided to ds i lost this chance... Why ds does not count as kill, even if it does in some places? Iri emblem means this last surv was killed. But 4k should means adept achivment, yet it does not.
One buff for Trapper
Make his traps semi transparent. Those are too visible outside bushes, especially on brighter maps, and on maps with no grass. I dont as for much, maybe 20% would be nice. And change for bottle of tar which makes traps darker which makes them more visible... why? turn it to make traps even more transparent - 70% maybe?…