Cause he's not trapper and a licensed character... And because of that... That whip...
I'm sorry if the first post on your thread literally resume what a lot of people think about solo surv.. I only play solo and I can feel you but truth be told... Solo's exist in this game Just as a way to alleviate the Killer's MMR when they get destroyed by SWF'S and that's it. I used to play on red ranks but ever since…
The BP count always goes up if you pass 1 Million and received that in some bonus way... This is why I level up my character until level 50, waste up all my itens and addons and then I gather 1 Million BP to spend on prestige until like level 37... This new rewards will help a lot
I've been through these a lot.. see you next week
I'm in a 7 losing streak right now and the last game was against a pinhead streamer which went testing tryhard builds with it while everyone in the game gave up and decided to kill themselves on hook...I really don't know wth this mmr have in it's code but whatever it is, isn't working.
Right now I'm at my 3 losing streak of another normal day at dbd while the quality of killers doesn't seen to lower a bit.... It's kinda the reverse actually, the game tries too hard to find New players to play along with me while it finds decent killers, and when I say decent it's Just because it's easy to play killer in…
Oh yes, it exists a lot actually. If I win one or two the game decides that I'm a proplayer or something and puts me against sweaty Blights and nurses, and If I lose some the game tries to find me a baby killer, even though is rare, but at the same time it'll try to put me along with other newbie players and the recipe for…
Meh.. she's ok-ish. The problem is Just if people can't handle Camp/tunnel with her.
Escape based matchmaking working as intended
Count in your mind 1,2,3.... When you think you're 2,75 seconds start lighting their faces... Or watch a vid of people training flashlight saves and you get the hang of It... I did that at the beginning and I manage to hit clear shots when possible.
Oh well, I gave on this topic honestly, cause everyone agrees that blight is the most balanced killer right now and things like that but who am I'm to judge.. I Just think he is overperforming instead of twins or poor clown as an example... These are things that I don't get about the balance in this game
It's not a matter of accepting and moving on about what other players say to you, but realizing that the person being targeted could be passing through hard times irl... This is why I think online games nowadays should focus way more on hiring teams to actually gather and look info about bullies in their games…
Well, not only that but If you're playing against a coordinated SWF group it's literally them that decides the pacing of the game.. Just tune in in one of those main survivor TTV's playing with their audience or with a premade group on discord and see what I mean... And Just notice if they bring flashlights... It's a Full…
As a solo that suffers along with other random people, I fear every single killer and my teammates as well if things go south
Yes, thank you
You don't even know what I'm talking about with they...
Oh yes.. How may I improve against Blights then, Oh mighty skilled tournament champion? Especially on deadzones, without a exhaustion perk and against Blights with full sensitivity that can track you at any angle and doing whatever the hell J flicks or those movements on corners are... Enlight me then...cause at this rate…
Not only that but recently it got to a point where I'm dying with kindred on First hook and the killer's away. And Idk if it's the new amount of players from DBD free but people are super scared to make gens as it seems
If you've got a problem with people who are better than you at the game then maybe play something else.
I won't waste time anymore... I already noticed here is Blight's Wonderland and everyone is a great looper against a top tier killer except myself.. there's no point
And just look at how people overreacted to me... I don't understand how people think blight is fair cause from my pov as a console PS4 solo q player: 1- people on console can't do the same gimmicks as PC ones 2- I don't like the character cause I don't think a killer that can run from a side of the map to another in less…
I feel like people are actually trying to harrass me rather than having an actual I'm sorry tournament players, I'm bad ok
The problem starts when you think SBMM is working
Wow...the people on this forum.... Assuming too much out of one sentence?
Welcome to the real world where exist people with different skills
I can't stand how people think blight is fair
As a solo stuck on low mmr I don't agree...
You waste time Just for that? Alright....
I hate blight and how unpredictable he is so whatever incoming nerf is welcome...
Kindred, Empathy, BT and DH WoO, kindred, BT and DH That's my "try to help my team and therefore myself" build
Your last sentence literally resume it all: you can't know if you're being paired with someone at your skill level cause you aren't... I literally have games where I'm being paired with people who literally installed the game and If I win two or three the game decides that I'm a proplayer or something and puts me against…
Well, IMO: The game is killer sided if you're playing solo. As much as people say that good solo's can wreck a killer, which is true, from my pov this rarely happens. Especially considering SBMM now which sometimes puts 4000 hour survivors with 10 hours ones just because the experienced one died a lot in a row. Now, if…
The top Trinity... A good nurse , Spirit and blight mains... Especially Blight nowadays, everyone apparently seems to know how to use that character now
Y'know..this is curios to me.. I've seen a lot of people arguing how nurse is broken and stuff but everyone seems to agree that blight is ok??? I mean, I think he's in a position better than nurse right now cause his power is easier to master than her's and the mobility is S tier. and Judging by the amount of Blight's I…
Solo q balancing and adding killers buffs to compensate and make an equal playfield of survivors
Is BHVR indie level to this date? Considering the amount of licensed they're acquiring nowadays...
To keep the thread going, another thing I hate about this features on PC is that NVidia filters or whatever it is that enhances a lot the brightness... While in consoles you barely can see anything in some maps
^ Imo the mmr really exists but it's as simple as It gets... Win some = you're a " proplayer" and therefore will be put against other "proplayers" Lose some = take it, a little baby killer or some losing in a row survivors for you...
In a paralel univers, epic games buys DBD to put in fortnite and the models will look better than in the original game....
Talking of mmr resets...did someone that plays only like 3,4 days at most, managed to get iridescent 1? I never been able to reach that after MMR went on...actually the only time I gained the rank 1 BP was because of the past ranking system... I barely reach Gold 1 nowadays cause the mmr for me sometimes awards me a baby…
Hah..believing in casual matches in DBD almost in 2022... For real though... I think the "casual" part you're talking about is me and 3 uncoordinated randoms against a decent killer in an infinite loop in low mmr elo hell right...
Cause back then I didn't thought that years of work would lead to a simple mindset as: kills/escapes = Skill
There's definitely something odd with mmr. Most of the times I feel like I'm being paired with a below average team while the killers are somewhat very effective. Even though I think I'm way below low mmr struggling to get 2/10 escapes nowadays, it feels like the game puts good killers against me and the randoms. Which…
Always remember to put only one little circle in the "Did you have Fun this match?".... 🙃
I won't say anything cause last time I said I never encountered Twins and then I got two matches with the same Twins player/youtuber in a row making his little videos slugging the hell out of the games...
I'm dumb at killer and I consistenly get 3K's or so with her... Which is why I think they'll still nerf her, just like they did with my ex Deathslinger
Yes, I evade supposed SWF's and TTv's as well If I see then. If DBD became more helpful to solo's as if they were SWF'S then I would see no problem going up against everybody, but at the game's general status, DBD is unbalanced imo especially because of comms. I need to put kindred and empathy/Bond just to have a way to…
To be fair, I think soon enough they'll do something about it Just because of the killers complains everywhere.. I think CoH might work in a stack feature or something, giving only 2/3/4 heals per totem between all survivors before being disabled, then, the surv needs to bless it again to work.
I don't play with Twitch streamers or anything along those lines just to evade drama... And to be fair I don't stream but I would never put my stream ID on DBD if I actually did stream, and from what I seen only small channels do that to promote them. I had some past arguings with some Twitch streamers mad about me playing…
For real though, it's a mix between low BP count, offerings that doesn't really change too much unless you're in a event and in sync with other players so they can use the group BP offerings, and perk tiers that make you waste so much time considering at how many are present in the game nowadays.