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  • Cooldown to Tinkerer? That perk is completely fine the way it is and not all killers can even use it to their full advantage.
  • I think she is fun but you can definitely have your bad luck and have a ######### map that has to much obstacles to really do anything cool. She is still relatively strong and scary no matter what though even though I personally find her a bit easy to loop.
  • The only real reason he is weak is for the fact that he just suffers on getting those second hit's on survivors to down them. Legion is a slow mobility killer and his ability just feel horribly designed since it barely helps to down people in chases. That said he is an amazing staller in the game, with the new…
  • DS is quite easy to avoid honestly, it's only strong in endgame or if combined with Unbreakable. Head On is top tier meme perk but it's complete trash factually speaking. Dead Hard is WAY to easy to bait to really be considered strong honestly. And let's not forget those times the game just leaves exhausted on he floor by…
  • Yeah, I truly doubt you go against survivors who use the same characters all the time but I do get your point.
  • For survivors it can be quite hard since the map is a huge dead zone. Only some few OK pallets and a bunch of T,L loops. I don't hate but I don't really love it either, since it looks like a map that was mostly created without much thought or life to it. Honestly most of the Autohaven Wreckers maps, Ormond and Red Forest…
  • Nope, I still rarely ever found it. Last time I found a survivor with OoO I was the Wraith in The Game several months ago, so it really didn't affect me that much thankfully.
  • Plague and Legion are the definition of unfun when it comes to playing as and against them in DBD. Legion powers is just stupid, hit a survivor to see where everyone is, his not even particularly strong but he seems to be the best staller in the game. Thanatophobia and Sloppy on him can make the game last over a year cause…
  • From what I understand, this type of huge rank gaps usually happens when they are SWF. All my friends have different ranks and we always seem to gain a super random killer from virtually any rank. Yesterday I played with two of them, two of us were red ranks while the other was yellow rank. First killer two killer were…
  • I think Huntress Lullaby is actually pretty good, but just like Devour Hope it's a bit to tough to stack up. Since it's also a Hex perk you mostly just rely on how good the spawns of the totems of the map your in are and praise nobody is using Detectives Hunch. By your descriptions I think it's a B. I also think…
  • When it comes to killer abilities that piss me of. Ghost face, Plague and Legion makes me wanna throw my controller through a window. Ghost-face Night Shroud feels horribly bugged and I despise getting exposed right when I take his power off or when I am looking directly at the guy but the game says no. Legion is just…
  • Yeah, sadly I know. I simply think PH torment ability can make him MUCH more of pain when it comes to tunneling. Since the usuals helpful perks against tunneling means Jack ######### for him. Nah man, he had killed already one survivor and everybody else were already hooked once. There was no real reason to tunnel…
  • I doubt the people that intentionally play the way I mention will even use those perks but I guess it somewhat of a fair trade. I simply mentioned some of the possible perks that survivors get countered. They don't have to be particularly good or particularly popular. They are simply examples.
  • Oh whoops than my bad there. The thing is it PH torment just makes the killer also play in a degenerate kind of way. It's not particularly difficult to make someone touch the torment trial, (lasagna trial as I like to call it) cause at the moment it's a bit buggy. The trial can literally turn invisible at times and you can…
  • Actually, if you are tormented and he puts you in a cage it essentially makes a lot of perks useless. Examples are Kindred, DS, Second Wind, Borrowed Time, Camaraderie, Deliverance if he for some reason decides to cage you on first time), Babysitter, We'll Make It and virtually every other perk that activates from being…
  • I only really consistently ever use Sprint Burst or Lithe since I think those are the better of the bunch. Sometimes Adrenaline to get a free health state at the end and save myself if I am in a bad spot but it's quite rare honestly. Balanced Landing mostly depends on the maps and there are literally maps that have 0…
  • Oh, not really sure then, only real reason could be that the DC ban is not activated so if people get annoyed by killers play style or some other dumb excuse they DC and search for another game quickly. My advice maybe try activating the cross play, que waiting time is much faster and like I said, I really haven't found…
  • What killer are you playing as? I have cross play on and I really haven't found many rage quitters. Behaviour also disabled for the moment the DC ban so survivors will probably take some advantage with it.
  • "thats stopping the killer from doing chasing and gen protection" so here is the big grey area. Before you start a chase you need to FIND the survivors. For me finding a survivor is basically another one of the killer objectives in my eyes. It's find, chase and protect gens at all costs. That is mostly the reason I don't…
  • I had always had the idea that maybe the best way to nerf SWF is by reducing it to just two survivors or possibly 3. Another decent way could be by limiting the perks they can repeat. Like only one survivors could use Unbreakable and DS while the others aren't available, only one can use Prove Thyself something like that.…
  • We are definitely in a stalemate here honestly but I can see your point of view. But like I said, the survivor by hiding is not taking the game hostage cause it's not preventing the killer to end the game in any way. With good map awareness or a small map this is literally no problem and will not happen in 90% of the…
  • She is only boring to fight against if it a slugging Super Nusre with Sloppy and Thanato. Other than that, she is fine. At least she isn't fully brain dead so it is very rare to see incredibly good nurses out there. Using her can be a little frustrating but she is quite fun to use and do good with.
  • Yeah, sadly it's still a thing. Yesterday I accidentally got stuck on a hill in the map coal tower and the killer (who was a rank 1 Hillbilly) literally used that to his full advantage. He looked at me and recognize I was stuck so instead of taking me out of the damn spot he literally just left me there stuck. Once I got…
  • I mean, Holding the game hostage for me is basically when someone is doing something that the other player can do nothing about. I have never really interpreted hiding in an obscure corner of the map as taking the game for hostage. It just "prolongs the time a survivor can stay alive". That why I only view slugging for the…
  • I don't really consider hiding and not doing objectives in a 2v1 scenario as taking the game for hostage. The only real way for me for a survivors to hold the game hostage is if they abuse some spot where the killer can't catch them or pick them up. The only time I am ever bothered with the last two survivors hiding and…
  • For killers, almost all of the Hag skins are dreadfully awful and lame. They don't look cool or scary, they just look ugly to look at. HM: Eaily the candle Wraith, to silly to take seriously. For survivors: Almost all of Ace skins outside of his default common ones look awful. HM: Yui and Nea skins are neck on neck for…
  • RNG is never in my favor I guess and I only ever try to jump off if my team is not coming for me, everyone else got screwed or if I want to die on first hook for ######### teammates or douchy killer. Plus I do play killer a lot more than survivor.
  • Wow, so you actually just play like a scumbag for literally the dumbest reason ever. There is just no way that in every game survivors manage to jump of the hook by themselves. I have been playing this game since 2017 and I have literally jumped only 2 TIMES of the hook without luck offerings or Deliverance. Like this is a…
  • I actually run a All Looping Build with David. Dance With Me, Quick and Quiet, Lithe and Adrenaline. It's quite hilarious how much it actually works. XD
  • What in the actual living hell is that build XD? He should of swap Inner Strength with Quick and Quiet and he would have been the perfect DBD ninja. What rank was he?
  • Yeah, noticed that to. I have been getting non stop hella aggressive killers. One Plague slugged for the whole match yesterday and they all DCéd once she finally downed me. I was honestly laughing at the DC sounds but holy ######### that Plague was a pain in the ass. XD
  • Damn, talk about stubbornness, Huntress doesn't get affected by DH that much cause if you throw a hatchet the recovery is pretty quick. With the trapper situation I just told you what I mostly due, in chases a lot of people don't pay attention to their surrondings and before they know it they stepped on a sneaky trap that…
  • Damn talk about stubborn, In my case the trapper situation happens rarely, mainly cause I don't put it in spots where it's saying I am here please step on me. If you put a trap on top of a clearly visible pallet and they use DH is more of your fault then than survivor abusing an OP PeRk. I just mention what I mostly do…
  • Ah #########, I thought you were Opex cause you had the same Nurse pic but yeah, your description on how DH can be strong makes sense. Unlike our homeboy Opex here that apparently only plays in maps with infinite levels of pallets. But it still doesn't make the perk even close from being OP.
  • Respecting it is basically the counter, the boost it gives you is so small that if you don't attack and bait it out you reach it in 1 second. How the ######### respecting it situational, unless your on Badham, Lery or The game is literally very hard to all the times find good loops cause there are three other survivors to…
  • Says the guy who thinks DH is OP.
  • Like many has said. You just make the perk much more strong than it actually is. Dead Hard is incredibly easy to bait out, only killers I can maybe think on top of my head that can MAYBE suffer a lot with DH is Nurse due to her fatigues state and what not. Plus dead hard usually doesn't work most of the times, I have hit…
  • Yeah, only if your braindead
  • Let’s fix this thread. Badham shouldn’t exist XD.
  • They literally just told you why that mind set doesn’t make sense. Just because a survivor manages to do all gens OR open an exit gate doesn’t mean they have 100% guaranteed to escape. Taking the game for hostage for a ######### design death phase is what I would call taking the game for hostage and “cheap”
  • Not sure if this ironic or not, but not all SWF plays incredibly sweaty or just for the intention to piss the killer off. Also not all all of them have great survivors.
  • If you have Ash with Ashy Slashy puppet you can equip a key and it's barely noticeable XD. I did with him and the second time I did it with Bill with the perk Left Behind. You just have to play very stealthy and try to avoid the killer at all times. Use any notification perk, Alert or Spine Chill are the best for this I…
  • She is still playable but a lot of her add ons are terrible and the bugs can be absolutely game breaking at times. She feels balanced but at the same time entirely broken since her power recently is very inconsistent. I wish the old add ons came back but without the 5 omega blink nurse.
  • I play on console currently on rank 4 on survivor and there is actually plenty of variety, and ever since the Ruin nerf theres actually variety in perks to which is such a huge relief XD. Now it's mostly BBQ and Chili or Corrupt Intervention with any other two random perks. I think the slight problem right now is playing…
  • With your own definition I think Unbreakable belongs more on the unpredictable category and not uncounterable. But I do understand that when it works it can be SUPER STRONG, but if you don’t really slug for that much then the perk is entirely wasted. If it was straight up uncounterable than they would just get there ass up…
  • I do agree with you that certain perks are unpredictable. For your own definition I think Unbreakable belongs more on the unpredictable tier and not the uncountarable. I never take the chance of slugging for to much time just in case a sneaky Unbreakable is on play.Ever since the change I’ve been hit with DS like 3 times…
  • Never really liked it that much, it's fine against stealth killers but against every other killer just seems completely pointless for me.
  • All second chance perks have counters. The ONLY combination I can think of that is braindead is DS combined with Unbreakable. But then again you can just not tunnel or if you obliged them to use one this perks they just play with 3 rest of the game.Also the hell you mean Unbreakable has no counter. Just don’t slug at all.…
  • The only way DS feels useful now it's in the endgame or if the whole team has it (which for me it's rare). Is it abusable? definitely but is much more counterable now than pre-nerf DS. That ######### to this day gives me nightmares XD. I agree that the devs should make the change on only one person able to have it Or maybe…
  • If you know the survivor has been recently unhooked why would you take him out of the locker? How do you lose momentum when going after somebody you know doesn't have DS? You make no sense whatsoever. If you did open the locker but didn't knew it was the unhooked person than that was a simple mistake done by you. In the…