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  • All 4 if money ain't a thang. Demo is the coolest imo and a survivor favorite. GF with classic robes (extra dlc) is sick. Freddy is iconic. Never played Silent Hill so PH didn't really excite me enough to buy yet.
  • There's varying degrees. Of course it's wrong to just sit there until egc is up if the Killer doesn't come. Ultimately it's up to you how long the pissing match goes is all I'm saying. The fog is your yard. Also don't act like you've never stopped to savor a sweet victory for a bit. I'm a Killer main and i get it.
  • Well what else are you gonna do bro? Have a mini breakdown because the survivor is taunting at the gates for the umpteenth time? Sack up and end the match. Only you have the power to.
  • Nah that's weak and just prolongs the game. What are you guys scared your feelings will get hurt? Because that's the message you send. I always show up and escort them out when that happens. Just play along and give them that close escape from the monster they so desperately crave. Who knows, you may even end up bagging…
  • Maybe try survivor? It's a gay olde time compared to Killer, lol. I play this game because: A) It makes me feel like a badass running around with Michael, overcoming 4 other humans that are desperately clawing and scratching to escape. And B) mostly to do the game and the Killers justice. Most people don't know how to…
  • I made a post about this a few weeks ago but i thought it was only a console thing... Hmm
  • I picked this one ######### up at the gate while facing sideways against a flashlight and my killer completely shifted to the side allowing a flashlight save. DBD jank will eventually get you.
  • So he used EGC to kill you, what's the BFD? In the end he loses more than you but "trapping" and killing you is what he wanted out of this particular match. And Killer gets to set the tone. Perks of it being 4 v 1.
  • Me too. I cleaned the ######### out of my PS4 a few months ago. Flushed out the heatsink, replaced thermal paste etc., etc. My system is loud again though:/ and i think DBD is partly to blame. I can play graphically demanding games like Witcher 3 and it doesn't get as loud from what i can tell. With DBD it's noticeable.
  • Shouldn't be bannable imo. Not the Killer's job to get you unstuck. And he didn't purposely glitch you in there. At that point youre out of bounds from the game and normal "hostage" rules shouldn't apply.
  • Exactly. I don't know how relative to each other they are but it feels pretty close. Also helps you "find" the crosshairs.
  • Here's my tip: Learn Clown first. Get his bottle toss down 100% and your Nurse game will improve. At least on console. I used to be a straight up scrub with her but after learning how to judge Clown's bottle toss, ive wrecked the last 5 or so lobbys ive faced.
  • Well that sucks. It's crazy to watch PC players have a much different, much smoother experience... Wish i could switch to steam and have my cosmetics and cells carry over since i invested so much in the ps4 version.
  • They're around. Usually going straight to a gen while freshly unhooked then crying about "tUnNeLliNG". Just because you countered them doesn't mean they weren't trying.
  • You SHOULD be able to Kill off first hook. If the Killer wants to tilt the power scale his way by burning an ultra rare that's up to him/her. It's the Killer equivalent to SWF and the only direct counter. So unless you plan on getting rid of that, too...
  • This is something that you don't know you'll miss until its missing and gone. It adds some tension to an otherwise boring, non-interactive time for survivors. The 40-50 somethings with ailments pushing for change is kind of ridiculous lol. Only in DBD.
  • *Kobe I'd do it if the guy attempted to farm me previously or is about to.
  • ######### Boring. I don't want to waste my time chasing a damn bot that people will just let die on hook etc. because he's a damn bot. Yuck. The whole point of the game is the multiplayer interaction. They added bots to dbd mobile i assume because the player base is still small, that's not really the case here. *Yeah yeah…
  • Sure, i get it. It would be sweet to be allowed a honeymoon phase and learn the finer details at a snails pace but with a 3 year old, asymmetrical yada yada everyone knows the meta by now just by watching youtube. So thats not possible anymore. Just take it as a rite of passage, an initiation/hazing into the brotherhood.…
  • This is more towards every post like this in general but: Suck it up, butter cup. You're a Killer. If you don't like a challenge, maybe survivor is more up your alley. I'm semi-new as well and I've always wanted the best, cockiest survivors. Killing them mercilessly just hits differently.
  • Thats not punishing. The rescuer still gets what he wanted: altruism; a "safe unhook" and a chase. And he'll continue farming his poor tm8s across all matches he plays. You punish by slugging the unhooked, that way they actually lose emblem points and as a bonus someone has to come heal the slug. You can call it being a…
  • Not killers bro, survivor mains. They're the ones who care about the rift charms and cosmetics but can't stomach actually playing to earn them. Report and move on.
  • That's why i prep the area first with Clown's gas before chain smacking a victim.
  • Just play in a group. The last thing this game needs is standard comms. This would forever change the meta and not in a healthy way. Imagine as a new killer: body blocking; sabo; flashlight saves; head on stuns etc. every single game at all ranks, IF YOU CAN FIND ANYONE. Also, some perks and status effects like Blindness…
  • Because some Killers are actually capable of empathy, we just never get the chance to show it. At some point the game stopped being scary for survivors and became a schoolyard game of catch me if you can complete with nana-booboos and other tactics deployed purely to annoy. Killers recognize the feels, so they Warren G.…
  • How many Killers play that way because the broken/unfair swf mechanic sucked all the fun out of their own previous games? Sometimes back to back? I know i have. 9/10 you can bet the killer was just punked by boosted survivors that are ALWAYS one step ahead due to comms. Cause and effect.
  • It's the rarest trophy I've earned on PS4 DBD (0.3% of players) and it was pretty damn hard to pull off even with old Ruin,.. Very circumstantial. Far from OP, in fact, Scratched Mirror Myers is probably worse.
  • I bought it without looking here first and it's not letting me access the DLC :/ shows up as "purchased" when i go to buy. SMH.
  • There's some educated Nurses on PS4. All rank 1, all spanked us. It was humbling but it gave me hope of mastery.
  • Ranking up with survivor is so easy that it doesn't really matter if you get a few red ranks as killer, chances are they're still potato enough to capitalize on. I say this as a purple rank killer main/red rank survivor. Your focus should be in learning all you can as Killer, all the tricks and subtleties. You'll get that…
  • DS does have a counter but you have to burn an Ultra Rare offering (Ebony Mori). Had a Yui last night that ran straight to a gen after getting unhooked, just inviting me to yank her off. So i just downed her from beside and Mori'd her. I checked after and she indeed had DS. Moral of the story: Don't nerf Moris. It's a one…
  • When you're salty, everything's toxic. I had a guy that kept cleansing vs my plague, it really bothered me for some reason. I ended up tunnelling him out so he wouldn't be a bad influence on the rest. We had a little exchange after the match but i don't remember what was said lol.
  • If I'm playing as Tapp, I'ma get you off that hook or die trying. He's the only surv with a duty to uphold.