It is harder when i play survivor because of awful teammates who play horribly. When they decent, they are great gamez, no blame on the killer on balance please
There need to exist maps ti carry the survivors
A salty remark as usual
So if the killer performs well enough, the survivors get more things to help them? Brainless take and highly survivor sided, like the devs are. Survs dont need buffs
CoB should be basekit
Newsflash: she dont need more nerfs.
They should be basekit
no they arent
Killers should not have any strat at all, they make the game less fun, less easy for me, nerf them more, only i should bring and play however i want
Blame teammates in most of them for playing like garbage and having no game sense
Is very easy to know if yourself is on high mmr, dont overthink nothing
This survivors you described are the power role, blame the devs that cather to them because they are where most of the money behavior gets. Killer is stressful yet no buffs to the basekit of each one.
Dont whine, behavior already did a nerf
Tunneling is not a issue
Killers are making it a bit hard for me the matches, they are so lazy, unfun, insecure and bad at the game, i WANT A EASY MATCH, killers should play how i want while i use whatever perk, item and strat to win, killers are so bad for playing to win, i want easy games!!
It happens all the time, so unfun because is so boring, i want to have a easy match!
The most annoying killer is the killer that doesnt have a easy/braindead counterplay and the killer who negates my safe pallets and safe loops!
Survs will still whine about it
The perk shouldnt even exist, be glad that it exists and WORKS
As it should, the nerf to Pain res was dumb and purely to please sore remarks.
Getting a 4k is easier like that if the survs are trashcans, like i get when i play survivor most of the times; if not, a 4k is not easy at all.
If the 4 players have game sense of tasks, they will not waste time. Most matches that i winned in soloq had that type of survivor, that felt in conjunction with me what we should do individually, it is game sense, a learned sense of intuition. Yes, it should be learned instead of giving braindead tools to carry players…
Nerfing it would make it useless, apparebtly good gen perks are a no no. Oh, solo q is not a argument, the game was designed for it, it works bad with swfs because they shouldt even exist but devs allow because money. Eruption dont need nerf.
It is easier to be a good looper when most maps are braindead easy and survivor sided than being a killer that gets 3k/4k. The killer is not obligated to reward your amazing skills.
The killer is doing it for his deserved 4k, hatch escape is a pity escape that he chooses or not to give since he won, quit the whine
Most anti loop killers can be dealt with easy and yes, pyramid head IS overrated. Yes, anti loop is unfun, is more fun to loop the m1 killer in a braindead way, hard counterplay is too boring and unfun
There is nothing wrong with tunneling but yes, it is wrong for the killer to use any strat: Camp, tunnel, 3 gen strat, slug, hit and run (there are survs that complain about it), etc etc, killers shouldnt have strats otherwise they are boring and unfun AND need a nerf.
Most of these killers are underwhelming snd can be dealt with well if the players dont suck, even on solo q, YES. Survivors still have it way more easy than killers. No, Pyramid Head deserve a buff, he is too clunky and slow.
Hatch escape is a pity escape, at the end the killer still got a 4k in the sense that he won (the survivor shouldnt even escape if the game got to that scenario), hatch escape is a concept that exists just to make some people whine less
A tool to aid players with poor game sense, great
Solo queue is bad because some players are trash at the game and lack basic game sense, like running around the hook while the killer camps instead of doing gens or sometimes very dumb decisions
Eruption is better against solo q because dbd is intended to be a soloq experience, swfs should not even exist but devs keep it because of money. If eruption worked other way, it would be trash and if it worked like jolt and gave a reduction when the surv is downed no matter if someone is on or off a gen, people would…
There is nothing wrong with either, No slugging, no tunneling, no camping, no hit and run, no 3 gen etc etc, only the survs can have optimal strats, the contrary is unfun and boring
It should be basekit
People want killers to have no strategy: No slugging, no tunneling, no camping, no hit and run, no 3 gen etc etc, only survs can have, the contrary is boring and unfun Yes, nerf killers more!
It is not equally cringe because the mere perspective of dbd as a competitive game is cringeworthy, very much so than CS and call of duty. Playing casually and sweating happens a lot, especially on the survivor side, which is the one dbd benefits the most and for the longest. Still, dbd being competitive to the point of…
Camping only works if survivors allow. I lost hundreds of matches because the 3 simply stayed by the hook being camped instead of finishing the gens with me and escaping
it should not, will be a trashcan perk if so
DBD is a party game, everyone that makes it something competitive or takes it seriously are very cringe.
No, the killer should play for the fun of the survivor, Otz says the killer is a scumbag if he tunnels, killers are #########, toxic and sad people in real life that want power trip if they dont think about the fun of the survivors
If eruption get nerfed, it will be basically trash, the gimmick is how it works now, does not need nerf, cry less
True, hatch escape is lazy and there are survivors that gloat about it, pity escape should be removed
No it is not, Eruption does not need a nerf either, will be trash if nerfed and basically useless. Most of these complaints come from a place of pure salt.
It is the ideal killer, a killer easy to loop and simply hold w when he uses the power, braindead counterplay and very easy to deal with. If the killer is slightly challenging, he is boring and need a nerf. Perfectly fit killer for survivor gameplay.
EXACTLY, dead hard at pallet is braindead and very easy. I am not being ironic. People say that nerfed dead need skill but on a loop the killer is in a lose-lose situation.
He is a perfect killer for the entitled playera who want a braindead easy counter, keeo him, if he is strong he will get nerfed anyway to satiate the salt
Only the entitled players without braincells ask for it to be nerfed, survs not knowjng when to let go and that damage it provides is part of the perk, without it is useless
Eruption is not an issue
The survivor not knowoing when to let go is part od the design, without eruption is trash, agree
No, but it should, the focus on feet is good and should increase, onryo sadako has the best feet