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  • Middle ground? How about a scaling cool down to give killers more incentive to snuff. Basically when your boon is snuffed, boon perks go on cooldown for 45/65/85/105/125 seconds adding a token at each snuff increasing cd to max 125 sec. This means survivors have to strategically decide when/where to boon so they don't get…
  • This thread honestly i wasnt going to respond to because the premise is flawed. You're upset about a subset of killers that heavily rely on their powers to be even remotely efficient. I do take issue with claiming the devs have started to introduce anti-aura perks. Distortion has been around since Jeff/Legion release.…
  • I'd meet more in the middle ground for 2 reasons. Trickster power is a massive spike when used correctly, add-ons make it even more oppressive. It gives Trickster a skill-cap which is needed for a ranged killer. Preferably I'd keep it the same. If it is unused though the power should default to 80-85% charged. It leaves…
  • I laugh at the silly AI of nemesis zombies. The other night I had one spawn near me and walk in my direction while repairing a 4 open gen (means all 4 sides open). When zombie was about 3-5 meters away, really close. I just moved to the next spot on gen to the left and zombie would stop, then continue at me. Did this…
  • Completely anecdotal but no, killers should not be punished for camping. Even last night I played Oni for dailies. Dead dawg saloon map. 3 man swf and a Bill. I injure the bill who proceeds to run, 1st teammate hits mr with a head on, 2nd teammate in locker right next to first hits me with a head on, 3rd teammate comes in…
  • Its definitely possible. As a killer main i dont mind CoH as much honestly. This post came around as I was playing survivor today and multiple games CoH late game completely flipped the game to survivors favor. One game 3 teammates didn't even attempt gens they were just running into killer taking a hit and leaving to heal…
  • Tunneling is a legitimate style of play no matter how much it frustrates you. As a killer main I tend to go out of my way not to tunnel (unless you're toxic and teabag at every vault or pallet). When I play survivor I understand it though. I'm not the best looper but I know killer mindset. Anecdotal but last night vs a…
  • The only thing on blight is that his hit box during rush needs to be corrected either visually or otherwise. Its no fun juking a blight with a quick 180 only for them to swing in the completely opposite direction and register a hit. Same with weird corners where it appears to be a very wide swing and it still hits. At…
  • Trust me its frustrating on both sides. When you play excess killer over survivor you'll start noticing grabs that didn't go through that force you to autoattack, gen kick animations being interrupted by hitches forcing you to start over, boon totems being either unsnuffable or forcing you to get at just the right angle to…
  • sure. let's make some appropriate changes to even out this suggestion. Fast vaults now take 1.5 seconds to compensate and even out vaulting speed with killers. Pallet breaks now take .5 seconds on killer end. Oh and since we want balance, it takes survivors 2 seconds on a generator building up a bar to start repairing.
  • To address your question of ping comparison being fair originally. Yes it was fair. Time spent in this game creates a skill floor/ceiling. I used to rely entirely on sound because killers make sounds when they start a lunge, their red stain is noticeably close even if you don't look behind you. Im not saying dont fix DH…
  • I ######### because you do a good dead hard, ill acknowledge it. You get that extra range for the pallet stun or the window ill acknowledge it as a good play. When you ######### suck and dead hard at a killer early expecting a swing, they bait your DH out and hit you at the end, the killer is now punished for the survivors…
  • Its garbage. My ping averages 40-52ms and ever game I played last night had validated dead hards throughout the game where it should not have ever given it to survivors. Its more of BHVRs trashy coding where the devs only play survivors and rather than fix the issue of hitching and exhausting on the ground they just threw…
  • Server side validation is a mixed bag. It seems geared toward certain preset validations. Killers swinging at windows = killer side gets validated faster. Survivors dropping pallets = survivor side gets validated first. When it comes to the grab animations I think the server/code hiccups and tosses the killers validation…
  • yep permanent passive. could work even with new iri addon, it would just leave the generator trapped and require it to be reset like any other trap. If it gets completed welp then Trapper just out of luck. Keeps a nice balance in being oppressive but not over powered.
  • Thought up a different power curious of your opinion. Trapper: Years in the trials have made the Trapper even more cunning and sinister. Allows the Trapper to place 1 trap (at a time) into a unrepaired generator. When a survivor interacts with the trapped generator they let out a scream revealing their location and are…
  • Well just some ideas would definitely need adjusting per killer. Didnt want to come out with anything super OP that survivor mains wouldn't even consider. I just feel adding a choosable 5th perk would receive a lot of pushback. A secondary power boost perk would make each killer feel a bit more unique. Hag in particular,…
  • I would honestly rather see a 5th permanent perk for each killer depending on their lore/power. Examples like so below. Hag: Being well versed in ancient spells and evils the Hag can curse a dull totem with a hex that has been removed from the game (cursing takes 3 seconds and alerts survivors to its general location) Pig:…
  • Its even worse than that... its not -1 for losing on survivor if you are facecamped and first one out then its -4 to your MMR. A good anecdote from me is last night I was playing survivor to grind out some of the Halloween tome. Wraith killer (not even so scary b4 nerf now not at all) that chased and hooked a Claudette.…
  • I honestly think plague needs a slight buff/QOL improvement of her power. My idea would be a mixture of clown/reverse Myers. Let her swap between vile purge and corrupt purge. Vile purge stays infinite, always usable. Corrupt purge has a set limit to its use, once it runs out of power Plague must then find a fountain that…
  • If you see a skull icon on the top rightish portion of your screen that is the exposed status effect. If it had a bright red circle that is diminishing then it is a timed effect. If it has no bright red circle but stays then it is something permanent that a perk is causing ,likely a hex perk like noed or devour hope, or…
  • After about a week of trying i finally finished my adept killers. Quite a grind and having to learn tricks for each killer in order to reach merciless. I did notice that my last adept, hag, managed to get merciless with 3 iri 1 gold emblem. Some tips I feel I can give. If you play a killer with stealth, dont use it. If you…
  • I had planned to make a thread about this but the NFT debacle distracted me. SBMM has led to a noticeable uptick in hackers for high MMR. My best killers and the time I've played I can judge a survivors speed properly. Some are blatantly hacking, ie. picking themselves or others up immediately, unhooking or setting the…
  • If they (BHVR) are greedy enough to not only work with but support NFTs i doubt they will let a single bloody cent disappear from their coffers. I have honestly put up with a lot over the years with this game but NFTs are the straw that broke the camels back. Cant wait for VHS to put them out of business until then it'll…
  • Gotta admit I'm a bit disgusted with the amount of time I've put into the game now. I took a few months break a whole back. Came back for Nemesis and Pinhead releases but Jesus ######### I might seriously Uninstall now. The SBMM fiasco was enough to learn the year + project amounts to "did you kill" or "did you escape" is…
  • There is an audio cue when a blink charge is refreshed. The problem is it is extremely soft sounding and easily missed/confused for Nurses breathing. Next time you play her just listen really closely and you'll hear a pppssshhh when a charge finishes refreshing. Could definitely have an increase in the sound though as I…
  • I know I've complained about adept killers. Sadly on this account I'm only missing 5 total adepts (1 killer and 4 survivors). I FINALLY managed to get a plague adept last night, it only required me playing the entire match as an m1 killer without using power a single time. It was rough but the grade reset definitely…
  • omfg... i remember release killer days... back when EVERY vault was a fast vault. Vacuum pallets. No entities to block windows. Perma-sabo'd hooks. I know i got some complaints about killer nowadays and how the game is still slightly survivor sided at high MMR but jeez remembering those days this game is a blessing now for…
  • Agree with the less range. 16-18 meter range would give the perk a big solo q buff. It is offset being an exhaustion perk but give it to much range and it'll be abused by every team out there. Otherwise not a bad idea, I still run head on in solo q sometimes but it rarely pays off for a survivor friend, more self save.
  • Honestly i don't like it. It forces undue balances (some perks would have to be adjusted to fit a lower or higher numerical value) and as someone said would create a new stale Mets where you would see the same builds. Devs should just listen to HybridPanda and have whoever does the Shrine of Secrets create a system to ban…
  • Being a build up perk STBFL doesn't necessarily encourage camping. You can theoretically get maximum 3 stacks from a single survivor in a single chase. Because it caps at 8 and the average is 2 per chase it actually discourages camping. If you hit an unhooked survivor you only get 1 more stack which is lackluster and slows…
  • That was my first thought. A 10 minute limit that then allows the killer to end the game seems ok considering one of the emblems is based on a 9 minute timer.
  • I've played this game for longer than I care to admit sometimes. At this point though its like a brick wall arguing against a brick wall which isn't healthy for the game, the forums, or the community. So hold your opinion that NOED is OP and ill hold mine that its actually under powered. ✌
  • You being bad at soloq doesn't invalidate any point. Don't be lazy if you see bones do bones. You worry about NOED you have counters, Detective Hunch, Maps, Count Force, Small Game. Lol being down a perk for a vast majority of a game isn't invalid if survivors derp around, can't see a lit totem or feel the need to be hyper…
  • Comparing NOED and Adrenaline is moot. The only shared similarity between the two is requirements for activation (all gens complete). Adrenaline though has more benefits than just the heal and haste. It holds itself over through hook and carry states, this means you get a free heal off hook + haste if you were being…
  • It's more of the fact that Jason Voorhees IP is extremely hard to get a hold of and is still in litigation over who exactly has the rights to sell the license. IF BHVR can't buy the license we won't see Jason it's that simple. The closest they could probably legally get being a horror game is a killer who happens to be 1st…
  • They have it. Friday 13th game being in lawsuit limbo for so many years and the IP still being up in contention means DbD will never see Jason Voorhees. His replacement/doppelganger has and will always be Trapper.
  • From a killers POV from someone who has played DbD on different mediums since it was a 1 y/o game. The devs put so little thought into boon totems its pathetic. Hex totems originally were pretty OP, spawns were decently randomized and some well hidden but the effects themselves were strong. Devs listened because survivor…
  • For the initial data yes. They could take the larger MMR system they use for survivors for killers. I've noticed since the introduction of MMR it doesn't matter which killer I play i tend to have the exact same type of matchmaking. I definitely have my main killers I can typically always 3k on and some that I play only for…
  • This could be feasible. It is 4% baseline chance to unhook yourself so a slight 5 seconds endurance wouldn't be something that outrageous for getting such a low percentage. The only downside would be that Deliverance would need to be adjusted so that it had something along the lines of "pulling yourself off the hook with…
  • This stat is ridiculously skewed. A win for a killer is considered 2+ sacrifices. It doesn't differentiate from low skill new killers who tunnel/camp new survivors who don't know to commit to gens and high mmr games where getting 2k is a god send if survivors know what they're doing.
  • This isn't meant to be a humble brag but when it comes to adept Bubba the biggest problem is restricting myself. Even with add-on that removes the insta-down I've played to much Bubba so loops that the chainsaw can hit will hit when i play. It always results in 3 iri emblems and a gold chaser. It's gotten to the point…
  • Honestly this will just be more frustrating than helpful. Its already enough of a headache pulling a survivor off a gen or a totem only for them to boop take some random m1 hit and run off in gods know what direction. The validation of grabs needs to be looked at and heavily leaned towards killers for gens and totems while…
  • Im curious here as someone trying to finish up adepts. Currently only have Bubba, Plague and Oni left to adept. Its been an awful grind and Bubba (in all honesty my main killer because I've loved his kit since release) is frustrating. Being P3 with all perks and having to adjust myself to try and get merciless is becoming…
  • Nurse power feels bad because of how the designed it with her rework. Keeping her speed low, restricting her to 2 blinks without an add on that literally removes the only true unique strength of her power, and not letting blink recharge until AFTER fatigue runs out is what makes her skill cap high and her power clunky.…
  • I actually purposefully tank my MMR on killer with SBMM. I can play my main 3 killers and 4k 2-5 games in a row then run across a 4 man swf or a hyper sweat squad running 4 BT/Iron will with 2 BNP. Why would I subject myself to that torturous unfun game? Its easier to 4k a game then next game farm out 8 hooks then let…
  • They claimed they fixed the "hitch" from DH in the last mini-patch. In my experience I quit running DH entirely. I either have to burn it extremely early (pre-swing from killer or to get to loop 100% guaranteed) or it fails. I used to time my deadhard based off sound cues, when I would hear wind up for a lunge I would…
  • I've been sick the past few days so my comments might be a little off kilter. Pinhead kit and perks are optimized in a 3v1. The most common occurrence in a 4v1 against Pinhead with his base perks and base kit would result in 1 survivor being chased, 2 doing gens, and 1 finding/solving lament configuration. This is by no…
  • 2 specific reasons I can think of here. 1) PInhead being the new killer his perks and kit are better designed to fight a 3v1 than they are a 4v1. It had led to many people tunnel a single person out in a game where they are pinhead or to abuse the perks to get rid of as many survivors as quickly as possible (thx to the new…
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