Speed is not the issue. Its the fact that PS5 and Ps4 are downloading the same update but one is 3 times the size as the other. Without a reason
Meanwhile the ps4 update is 4.8GB. What the heck are we getting extra?
YunJin was a breath of fresh air. Perks that I can use that give me an advantage when my team mates are smooth brains. Fast Track and Smash Hit became fast faves.
False. Eccentric personalities and celebs are just regular people at the end of the day. Its you as an individual that distances yourself from them. Seeing them as something they are not.
Why does he have to be disfigured to be scary? Regular looking people are some of the scariest things out there. Because you never see it coming. You're what? 40% likely to be murdered by a relative or close friend than a stranger? Regular Humans are truely the scariest things on the planet. Have you ever seen a Karen…
Because you are acting rediculous, and as you said it, complaining. As well as posting on a public forum. Do not come out here expecting everybody to have the same opinion as you all time. You cant create an echochamber. So what if you dont spend money anymore? They already made their money from you and you cant get it…
OH NO. WHAT WILL THEY DO 😷 You sure got them!
You signed an agreement when playing DBD that BHVR has the right to change aspects of their LIVE SERVICE game when they want to. Meaning, no, you cant have a refund.
Dedicated as always.
I'd prefer PTB Bingo but hey, steps work too.
🤨 Ok?
As best said in Clueless. "She’s a full-on Monet. It’s like a painting, see? From far away, it’s okay. But up close, it’s a big old mess." The map is so faithfully created... thats it.
Nah, I think they can bring it back to what it was before the RE update without fully optimizing the game for last-gen console. 💁♂️ But we're at an impass so there's nothing more to be said from me.
Okay, again, im not referring to console optimization. Im referring to fixing the issues that were caused by the RE update. Console optimization is another discussion entirely.
Yeah, i was on ps4 for 2 years until I got my ps5, but thats not nearly as bad as whats going on now. Stop twisting the situation 🙄 Edit: *in regards to console Pre-RR* I also really never had issues with my PS4 aside from it trying to take flight when loading dbd. I never noticed what it was like until I upgraded. Suppose…
I ended up simping and buying just this whole situation 😷
Thats because its a definite statement. If you really think they will leave the game in the state it is for last gen, you're just being intellectually dishonest.
I dont think its fair to rule out last-gen consoles. A lot of people just cant get their hands on one at the moment. Just cutting them off is just so extreme, especially when you can barely get or afford one.
This is the most reasonable and logical response. You sir, get a gold star.⭐️
I've been playing alot of him lately, using the Soda Can and USB add-ons he becomes pretty OK when you start to learn to aim better with your machine-gun-hands. The USB will become basekit soon which is nice, and some of his add-ons are getting changes so we'll just have to see how he goes. Im thinking his Sonic Speed…
No one is saying quit. Just take a break and comeback later. I didnt assume anything, you have. You know what they say about assumptions, they make ass out of you.
I feel like the way you said what you did was just worded poorly. And has just lit a fire on their butt. I get what you mean though. If you feel the game is that bad why not just take a break and come back when its working again? Surely DBD is not the only game we all play
I highly doubt its getting pulled lmao. If it does please come back and @me
They would have to create new code and systems for power skins. Its worse than letting the art team make skins.
^ basically this. Can you imagine the reaction they would get if they released power skins before fixing the bugs we've been complaining about 🤪
It has been addressed multiple times, it's called Latency.
You can only change it from the main menu, not in lobbies, try it from there.
I haven't seen a Mori since the great nerf everybody cried about. Because playing survivor is not nearly as traumatic as playing killer.
Is it reeeeally a grind? Literally you have to is grab it and escape as survivor. Then as killer you just grab it.
But didnt they all ready make thousands off of DLC and skins? What difference would 3 months really make? They already make heaps of sales. And the vocal community is a small fraction of the actual player base I think.
Arent the all the other maps just suspended on a floating island basically? Why does this make any difference, just because you can see it?
I'm on console so I have to wait forever to even see what its like. *Le Sigh.
Trickster is so weird because I feel like its very player dependant on if you can hit knives. I love him, but i'm a terrible shot, so this faster decay is just going to be the death of me. Especially at tall and long loops where you rarely have an option to shoot.
Because killers make more points since its such a traumatic experience most games, there's also a bigger rate of cakes in the killer web. So everybody is playing killer.
Was this not the reason they were so hated to begin with?
You dont rewlly need to bother with one, there's atleast 10 posts every 5mins on why we should boycott BHVR. Wholesome moments are rarer than a white rhino now.
God knows, they'll fix pallets and then suddenly no vaults work😅
I really wish that made sense to me, but it doesnt. 🤷♂️
Let them have their moment, they made something you're wasting your life on. 🤡 Its riddled with bugs yet here you still are playing it.
Mmmm they did the ol' Buff but Nerf with the Twinkster... Don't know how I feel at all. All in all, its not the buffs I was really hoping for, but tbh hes in such an awkward spot without reworking his power, dont really know what to do.
Honestly dont even bother, you've been grasping at straws for awhile now and just disagreed with everyone. I'll save you the trouble 😴
Explain to me how you're going to compare DBD to fortnite. Just to push an agenda for high level skill balancing. We dont even have proper match making.
Sorry, im still waiting for you to give me a game like DBD.🙊 You cant be out here trying to compare DBD to Valorant. Thats just not how it works 🤪
That wasnt really my point, there just isnt another game like DBD that has high skill level balance, there's no point of reference. You shouldnt be comparing DBD balancing to LOL or Fortnite. I probably could have worded myself earlier before when referring to the genre, not the balancing and surviving.
Please name another asymmetrical survivor game like DBD that has managed to balance around High-Skill cap and survived.
None of those are in the same genre as DBD? So why are you bringing them up? More then half of those were shooters too. Unless we're making Machine-Gun Huntress a thing, I dont understand what the relevance here is.
Agreed, there are just some malicious/selfish survivors out there, it urks me that some people try to reap the reward by doing nothing at all for the team. If the sink is shipping I find better joy in making sure that Claudette goes down with me. Then consequently, The Butterfly Effect. Its all just where your ethics lay,…
I suppose but what is that? like 10% of the community? What happens to the other 90% just get gud or quit?
Not a clue, thats why I asked for your suggestions. The stamina bar is just overkill and not needed in this game otherwise you're just going to tip the scales too far. Too many killers would become too oppressive that way. I dont even really encounter W Gamers in my games. But you also admitted you dont even really know…
The stamina bar is the worst part of all those ideas. I agree, I have no problem with the totem stuff, but you're just overkilling it with the HW fear.