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  • Because every time you'd see a Doctor, you'd equip Calm Spirit or a Hag, etc. I just wish you could at least see the player ID of the killer since they can see the survivors.
  • Maybe I'm misunderstanding you so if I am, sorry but the Rift stresses you out, so then don't do them? Or just don't obsess over doing everything? I mean, holy ****, it's common sense if something stresses you out then you walk away from it. It's a game - most of us have grown up realizing we can't do everything in them,…
  • Why else do you think they pushed for crossplay? Its player numbers have been declining for over a year now - whether it be because of boredom or this crap playerbase (SWF tryhards, campers/tunnlers) it's been losing people for a while now. Crossplay will definittely extend its life for some time but unless they really…
  • The Doctor has been an annoying killer since his inception although he's become ridiculously cheaper ever since they did that dumb poll about which killer to buff next and has remained steady in that aspect since they continually buff that buffoon even though he's never needed buffed in the first place. The only saving…
  • How does that matter? If anything, that just makes them look worse. You're stuck indoors at work, no distractions, should have plenty of time and a stable environment to think things through. Yeesh, what kind of logic are you operating on?
  • Easily one of the best. He's like a Wraith/Myers hybrid, all their strengths and none of their weaknesses. He works good enough you don't even have to mark anyone and still wipe teams out from his stealth alone.
  • Funny, I just played a Wraith that straight up camped like it was 2016 and he was Switch. 😑
  • It's always been silly to me that DS should even exist in this game. You literally can only DS a killer if they're being a trashy tunneler after all. The fact DS is still basically meta when they nerfed it is very telling of the poor current state of this game. No one should even have to use the perk but when a majority of…
  • Here's a shocking revelation - why don't you just not attempt these at those ranks? I know, groundbreaking logic here.
  • For starters, why the hell would you want to even play in the red ranks? It's tryhardville there on both sides, sweaty, desperate killers or cocky punk SWF 4-mans. Seriously, it's 2020, the luster of being in the red ranks died years ago (IMO it did as soon as SWF was introduced) and anyone that still insists on playing in…
  • Camping and tunneling on PS4 is a ######### joke. Literally all ranks do it and yes, I am a rank 1 survivor every season as well. Like you said, most games play out the same - first person gets hooked, is camped or tunneled until they quit and then the killer just moves on, tunnels/camps the second and so forth. I play…
  • That would be ######### stupid and completely unnecessary. "We'll let you heal but not all the way." Think before you come up with ideas, please.
  • It really is a matter of fairness. Killer can see survivors, so they should be able to see who the killer is. It's a bit irrelevant too as on Steam there are ways to see the name and on PS4 you can figure it out too if the privacy settings are off so I really don't see why they don't just make everything open to everyone.
  • I think he needs a lot of changes. More traps, survivors should not be able to sabotage them and he should always be able to have two on him at a time. Trapper is still lethal as he's fast as hell and has one of the best lunges in the game but his power is so limited.
  • I don't use DS, never have and never will but free escape? Dude, it's a one use perk and it's not even guaranteed as you have to beat the skill check too. You use it, you lose it. Killers act like people can use it forever and they can't. It's like everyone forgets this, it's the concept of high-risk, high-reward. You can…
    in ds removal Comment by Judicar June 2018
  • True but originally his prestige had way more blood on it before it was mysteriously reduced. They have never commented on the change but did say some time ago that they have to get approval from the owners as to what they can and can't do with the licensed characters in all aspects. I somehow don't see the Halloween…
  • Pretty much why I don't question too many things regarding lore in this game lol. You can tell by the "uhhhh" and answering a question with a question whenever lore questions are brought up in the streams that they don't have a clue and just try to wing it. About the only real thought that's put into it are the backstories…
  • I think it was fine the way it was. I mean it was a ONE USE perk, how much more limited do you want to make the thing. I do not use it, not now or definitely not later when it's nerfed but it just seemed like such a moronic change just because some killers had bad games against four man SWF teams that all used it. Yes, in…
  • Nope. Tries to be funny and isn't. And the guy can get pretty volatile at times with his viewers, especially when they prove him wrong or offer a counter point to his own opinions. He's one of those players that should just stick to playing the game and not running his mouth. He's very skilled but also a bit of a loon.
  • In my opinion, I never saw what the big controversy with DS was. It's a one-use perk, once you use it, you're down a perk. Yes, in groups it can be maddening but if you're smart, you dodge the SWF squad that will use it 90% of the time. Like you said, in groups this perk is annoying as **** but as a guy who plays with…
  • The hatch change is something that was never needed but for whatever reason the devs felt after two years it had to be tweaked. As a survivor, if I see the killer camping the hatch then I just usually let them kill me then and there as the game is not really fun at that point with just two people. Even if they are a…
    in The Hatch Comment by Judicar June 2018
  • Only so much you can do to hide them. When you have 4 people wandering around a map, eventually they will be found. I do agree though that a scenario where a survivor spawns by an active totem should NEVER happen but the same can be said for survivors that spawn near the killer at the start. Both are aggravating situations…
  • Devs have been asked this and they didn't care. Yes, because it's so fair that BBQ&C gets two bonuses while WGLF only gets one.
  • As pitiful as Friday the 13th is they have one good idea regarding crap behavior from players and that's docking points for it. If killers camp they should just get a negative BP deficit to essentially make their score nothing. Might sound extreme but it is getting extremely old seeing players at all ranks now (used to be…
  • Please, killers think literally any viable perk survivors have in their arsenal is OP. There's a guy in another thread here saying frickin' Iron Will is OP for gods sake. Some will never admit it but the truth is they won't be happy until survivors are stripped of all perks. Funny you never hear any survivors complain…
  • Tunneling and camping are just garbage tactics. This is a GAME, I play it to have fun, not be griefed and trolled by people that want to ruin it for others. Maybe some people have all the time in the world to play this game every day but I don't and booting up a match to just get camped/tunneled is crock. I have played…
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