Rift seems too easy imo, but like I hope they don't change it because I quite like how quick I can finish this rift and hop to a different game till the next rift comes out. After they reduced the xp grind from 800 to 500 can't you get like 1-2 rift fragments from just one game if it goes really well? As long as you don't…
I don't actually mind MacMillan Estate, its Shelter Woods I despise. The amount of pallets is small and depending how rng is feeling that day you could get some decent tiles or you could get all T-walls which I have gotten a couple times. And I'm not a big fan of that new tile that has 2 windows but are strangely shaped.
Gonna do every challenge but the Twin challenges. Maybe next year.
I want a couple of perks changed but I don't know how I'd buff or rework them. Sole Survivor. I just don't see this perk ever. I'm not sure if it's bad or it's just cause survivors would rather use something else. Visionary. This is just Bond but for generators. This would I guess be a good perk for new players but I'm…
I usually only watch them for a short period of time since when I see them playing DBD it makes me wanna play it as well. Don't really like having the game running while also watching the stream so I'll just close twitch. If I'm playing killer though and someone happens to be a twitchie, I like being able to go to their…
Remove bloodpoint cap. Make it so you can combine outfits in the Store without purchasing the pieces first. I don't like buying pieces and finding out a second later that they actually don't look that good together and I can't return them lol. Prime gaming rewards shall never be a charm by itself, an cosmetic must at least…
Ah my bad, I messed up. Didn't see that OP only meant Blatant cheaters not subtle cheaters. I run into subtle cheaters a lot. NA. Not that often do I see blatant cheaters. I think I saw one last month? Was a feng that could insta blind the killer even if her flashlight was pointing at a wall and the killer was across the…
Subtle cheaters. Blatant cheaters. Boil Over RPD Bully Squads. Flashlight Blendette Bully Squads that keep sending me to Saloon. Losing Adept achievement cause someone Dcs. Repeats next game. The Grind. The 1 mil bloodpoints cap. Map sizes and the amount of pallets that spawn on certain maps. MMR. Chat filter. Trying to…
My headset cord got stuck between the wheels of my chair and so when I backed up I pulled on the cord and it bent the usb till it broke and so I had to play and entire match deaf and order a new one. That headset didn't work either so I had to send it back and get a new one.
2 people left on Ormond, downed the ttv Dwight at a jungle gym near shack and ran back across the map to the gen I chased him off of and found David injured on it. So I downed and hooked him. I didn't have BBQ so I just ran back to the jungle gym and combed my way towards shack and lo and behold I heard Dwight crying…
This is like almost 2 years old lol, this was before dedicated servers and everyone was connected via their own internet connection. Dwight probably had a lag spike is all, which was pretty dang common back then.
Lately it feels like playing killer is very frustrating since I keep getting stuck against subtle cheaters that have like a faster running speed then other survivors, can instant unhook or phase through walls when I lose line of sight. I've got like 2 pages worth of clips and reports submitted already from this week alone…
It's been almost a year since they changed Iron Will to counter Stridor, I quite like the change and hope they don't revert it back.
I like rancor, just means I need to hide when the last gen gets around 75% done and play stealthy till the gates are open. Or if I'm in a chase it means I'm dropping pallets like its going outta style and praying I can make it to one of the exit gates and someone will take a hit for me lol
Nemesis and Bubba seems to be the most common for me lately.
Literally just went against a Infinite Tombstone Myers on RPD and ofc, I'm the one who realizes he has tinkerer when he comes charging around the corner with no terror radius for a mori lol. Scared the crap out of me.
I quite like where she is right now, anymore changes would probably be pretty bad for her.
When Lisa's skin first came out, I got hyped and bought it because it was the first Legendary skin ever. I ended up buying Oni's Minotaur skin later when I saw it as well because its just straight up awesome. But 15 dollars for one skin is pretty bad so I was confident I would never buy any legendary skins again, but then…
Multiple times I'll have Deliverance and before I can use it, my teams already ran through the exit gate and the entity instantly kills me.
Borrowed Time, Botany Knowledge, Self-Care and Desperate Measures.
I'd rather get any other map besides Shelter Woods. I think I see this map more then anything else and always get stomped on it because someone's used the small amount of pallets on this map at the start lol.
Pretty sure you can just get this challenge by normally looping. I just looped a jungle gym and hopped in the locker with Quick & Quiet then left when they continued on the loop trying to "catch up" with me. Could also just hop in a locker with DS as the killers behind you.
I look great. What is stealth? Flexin the crown.
At least midwich has like 1 god pallet. Gideon has a handful now, and if you make the mistake and break walls then they can loop the god pallet with other normal pallets. 1 can spawn in front of the corner stairs that cant be looped around, the other god pallet spawns next to the freezer sometimes, and well, does the…
I wouldn't have a problem with a time limit on the entire match, sounds good to me as long as the timer isn't to long. 25 minutes seems alright. Don't know how many times I've got stuck in a match that lasted half an hour or more because either it was someone holding the game hostage or we just got stuck in an awful 3 gen…
I quite despise Plague to be honest. Whenever I go against her most of my perks are rendered useless. Iron Will, you vomit, loudest thing to hear in the entire map I swear. Self-care, cant use cause ya know, sick, same for botany. Only good perk I got on when I go against Plags it seems is BT.
My main build is Botany, Desperate Measures, Self-care and Borrowed Times. I like being able to heal people quickly or heal myself quickly to go take hits for the person being chased by the killer.
Back when I first bought Dbd I gravitated towards Claudette only for the sole reason she reminded me of Rochelle from Left 4 Dead 2. And then they went and added a L4D2 DLC which confirmed Claudette as my main. Though she isn't my only "main" now since I quite like hopping back and forth between all survivors (besides Ash,…
I consider it a win if I had fun even if I die, or the rest of my team makes it out even if I'm the only one that died. I also consider it a win if I manage to save someone with bt while they're being facecamped for no reason. Real fun to bodyblock the killer when they're tunneling them too.
Mostly play survivor but I do quite enjoy playing Huntress though not right now with the desync error. Maybe with the next patch I'll go back to playing her.
I quite dislike the overheat mechanic, ends up costing me a down most times cause of how slow it goes back down lol. And he should keep his roar, makes me chuckle every time I hear it.
Good map for survivor, bad map for killer. Lot of pallets, safe an unsafe and lot of the rooms have those upper parts that are easy to loop the killer on. Besides the rooms with the one stairway leading up to only a window. Those are unsafe as heck. But I also think it should be low priority, other maps need a rework more…
It was a metaphor. Was just saying it's not fair to lay the blame on the killer as well since it's the survivors who are just hiding instead of doing the objective cause they don't wanna die. Also, why should the killer have to search for them? If the killer is constantly checking the gens that the survivors have to do to…
What. Are you saying the killer is also at fault for not being omniscient and knowing where the survivors are hiding in the match at all times? Bruh, when a survivor hacks and escapes do you go to the killer and tell them that they're at fault for not being able to kill the hacker???
What even is this question lol. If they aren't doing gens you aren't required to go round the entire map searching every locker or corner for them xD
Sounds interesting at least, but can't really see the devs implementing it. Seems like you'd be more likely to get the cake with a swf then being solo lol. Or not, who knows. I'm just going off my solo queues since 1 or 2 of us die every time.
I'm not sure why they should add more pallets in instead of just increasing the distance between hooks just by a little bit, adding more pallets just makes it easier to loop the killer. Not to mention most killers will just go around the pallets instead of walking through them in case someone is near for the pallet save.…
I think the only reason why I can't agree to this is because at red ranks all I'm getting is teammates that die within the first 2 minutes of the match either by killing themselves on hook or dcing lol. Otherwise I do quite like this grind to get back to rank 1, feels more satisfactory when I do rise a rank. Besides the…
Imagine using 100 mori's to get all 4 different faces on Bubba when you can really only see the difference with the Claudette mask xD That would suck lol
Blight. His power confuses the crap out of me every time I bonk my head into a wall or tree to use and I tend to miss since they swerve at the last second lol. And gosh he's short like Hag, but I don't mind playing Hag since I can actually use her power without giving myself a concussion every time. And Oni as well, I'm…