Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • No argument here - solo queue survivors have it fairly rough. It's why while I personally do feel devs are survivor biased (mostly due to the reaction time to survivor problems vs. killer problems), I also recognize that non-swf also gets a raw deal, and the biggest change I lobby for is just putting voice chat in the game…
  • Oh no, that absolutely wasn't what I meant by that - I meant that due to the limitations, if someone's on console, and their team loses, they're generally going to bear the brunt of the blame regardless of skill level. Even if the Console player was the best one out of the group, toxic players are generally going to…
  • It's not really a short and sweet Answer: Console has significant disadvantages compared to PC. Nurse is practically unusable due to the low sensitivity and accuracy of turns from my understanding, 15-30fps average, and turns on survivor are similarly inaccurate, meaning that even an SWF is going to lose if they get…
  • There's also just the option of adding voice chat by default, and then just balancing everything with that in mind. Obviously, there'd need to be a mute system so players could just silence rage kiddies, but at the very least that would mean all Survivors are presumed to have equal footing on information availability. It's…
  • Can't say I'm a fan of passives. I'm more for updating powers to be more complex and interesting, since creative use and mastery of powers is one of the little joys of Killer. Adding passive power to their kit would just be counterintuitive for that purpose, and be generally uninteresting (One of the reasons I'm for…
  • I don't even think it's successful in feeling like a struggle to hold on though. It's so binary and repetitive that most of the time people just zone out until they're rescued - almost the opposite of intensity. I think several modest variant QTEs (Make a circle with the mouse, short Simon says sequence, timed button…
  • Can I just say how much I love this idea? I know it's an off-the-cuff one and likely would need fine tuning, but my god, he sounds so much more fun to play in this form, both against and as. It's an S-tier according to my idea of a good killer - one who has the potential to legitimately spook and create moments of…
  • I just take my headphones off and play FGO. They wanna add even more time to complain about for their queue, it's their call. I'mma do 1-2 mat farms and get to my instaqueue.
  • My actions would be, in order: 1 - Voice chat is now a standard feature for survivors. Can be turned off in options. 2 - Balance all perks/powers on both sides with step 1 in mind. 3 - Remaining in front of a hook for more than 10s while not in a chase increases the speed of generators for survivors by an escalating…
  • I'll actually agree on this, even if I don't play survivor much. Button mash QTEs guaranteed 3 times a match is a good way to get Carpal tunnel. There's a reason most games shake the QTEs up with different motions nowadays. Autofight is a more boring option than adding checks like simon says or make a circle with the…
  • Going off of the tier list model alone for balance is always a terrible idea. It promotes the idea that a killer at the top of the list is broken, rather than just being the most effective, which aren't really the same thing. And balancing otherwise leads to the same nerf-buff-nerf-rework-nerf nightmare circle League of…
  • Same here. The only reason I break this rule is either A) You were Teabagging and being a dick, or B) You deliberately farmed your teammates/unhooked directly in front of me with no intention of protecting them, therefore BARE THY NECK, THOU HAST EARNED THY PUNISHMENT. Though in the latter scenario what I try to do is slug…
  • Unfortunately this really. I still play DBD occasionally because I bought it back in the day, but Asymmetrical is kind of a red flag when perusing games. It's just not a model that can work in the age of feedback-based balancing. When one playerbase is so large it makes up most of the bottom line, the other will usually…
  • Yeah, it’s an unfortunate byproduct of anonymity combined with the competitiveness of online gaming and the popularity of Troll culture. Some people just don’t lose the impulse to burn ants with a magnifying glass as they grow up, and this is just how it manifests: those three factors just melt into a soufflé of pure…
  • Long story short: first match was as Myers, as he was the reason I bought the game. I sucked, only got 1 person to 3rd hook state and a couple of hits on everyone else. Didn’t get to Tier 3 until just before gate opened. Apologized in chat for sucking, and the first guy I’d gotten a hit on while still in Tier 1 said I was…
  • Sorry to hear about that, pal. Killer main here, but I prefer getting scares and surprises to actually winning (Jumpscsre Myers squad roll UP!). Sadly, more often than not I get SWFs who have little interest in my spookhouse, and the result is getting Gen rushed in 4 minutes, teabagged, and having the game dragged out by…
  • SWF is ‘broken’ more or less due to a wishy-washy balance philosophy. They absolutely do NOT want to remove the ability for survivors to queue as a group with voice comms, but also insist on balancing the game for the solo survivor. What this has led to is a situation in which a killer vs solo survivors of the same rank…
  • I've been saying for years that they just need to add ingame voice chat so every group of survivors has the same capability for coordination. Asymmetrical games either be balanced for group coordination or balanced for solo queue and still be fun for both sides. You cannot do both, because the 'fun for both sides' part is…
  • If I'm going to wager a guess, you're likely running into killers who've had a bad game, or are just dicks. Or, if they're red rank - they're playing sweaty because it's the only way you CAN play in red ranks. It's something I struggle with as well - at times you feel so frustrated with getting flamed and mocked in chat by…
  • Ironically, I've been pretty lucky the past couple days, but DID get one SWF yesterday that was blatantly trolling and BMing. They knocked out 3 gens at a time, dropped a pallet on me and started teabagging, then when I downed that one and gave her a smack for BMing, her friends flashlight clicked and teabagged while one…
  • Look at this tryhard here with the diamond league esports strat. Jokes aside, though: Survivor - Hide in grass while I survey surroundings, look for a path to middle/far generator as Killer will likely be crossing to my area shortly Killer - Attempt to find best vantage point to catch a survivor on a gen without warning.…
  • Fair assessment. Follow up point, however - if that's the case, maybe the devs just need to make a decision whether they want team based or solo experience, and change accordingly. Either remove SWF, add the option to opt-out of SWF entirely for Killers, or add voice chat so every lobby is presumed to have the same…
  • On one hand, I really like the concept you took here effect wise, particularly with the block family, which could potentially be the most fun to use. On the other though, I feel like the changes proposed wouldn't solve Freddy's core issue of most of his addons being very passive in nature. I feel like it would be a better…
  • I actually despise the whole "Freddy isn't fun to play against" discourse, because it generally seems to boil down to being the inverse of the 'gen speed too high' argument, but I actually 100% agree that he is bland, and a waste of potential, since Freddy's entire movie persona just isn't brought out. As stated, he's a…
  • Sure there will. It'll be a killer that gets buffed when queue times gets too long, or (more likely) another licensed killer to get those sweet "3 months of viability" bucks.
  • "I'll bully you all I want, you deserve it anyway." .... "But why queue times so long though!?" -DBD forums
  • Every tunneling Freddy was once a bullied trapper. Something to keep in mind.
  • Does SWF really need more incentive? Or do we want even MORE "WHY QUEUES SO LONG!?!?111" threads?
  • It’s a love/hate thing. The one game where the survivors aren’t gen rushing or bullying and tell me in endgame chat that I actually got jump scares on them is a great experience. But then I spend 4 more games with SWFs butt dancing on the grave of my newly nerfed perks, just HOPING I can get another game like the first…
  • If everyone’s sure BBQ is that powerful, I propose an experiment: devs should just make the BP bonus base kit for Killers and remove it from BBQ. Make that change and see how many killers still run it for the OP Aura Reading (Spoiler: they will not).
  • I mean, not really. If they're there to BM they'll usually just wait until the meter's a hair away, or in my case, since I just ignore BM and play FGO while I wait, they'll come to jump around you 360ing and teabagging. Frankly that last bit is fun for me - it's a reminder the only time they're wasting is theirs, as well…
  • Everyone's entitled to play their own way, but I hold myself to a policy of not tunneling unless they force my hand (OoO callouts, consistently teabagging, emote spamming, sneaking up to tap gens every time I leave them just to be annoying). Be Wholesome to the wholesome people, toxic to the toxic people. I make it a point…
  • Every time I read "Nerf BBQ", I feel like it translates to "I would like to get an episode of King of the Hill in between matches." Eliminating the grind is at least in the 80th percentile for the reason most of us use it, including the 4k/slugfest jerks, and I don't see nerfing it doing anything except driving even more…
  • Jumpscare Myers. Is he strong? No. Are you likely to win a lot with him? No. Is it worth it for being able to almost hear someone falling out of their chair from across the country when you get the perfect ambush? ABSOLUTELY.
  • I mean, survivors could also just not bully and BM killers in SWF, so killer isn't a stressful pit of misery all the time? This is basically the early days League of Legends Support conversation all over again. Support isn't allowed to be strong>Also Consistently gets verbally abused>No one plays it>Community gravitates…
  • I actually do sympathize - it's the same feeling I get when I face the third SWF of the day with OoO that teabag anytime they're in LOS, and bodyblock with BT so they can teabag me at the exit gate as well. Especially common with Red Rank survivors, so likely the killers playing the way you describe just experience it so…
  • (SAW VII SPOILERS AHEAD) Could potentially be Hoffman? Though Saw VII ended with Gordon tossing the hacksaw out the door before closing it on him, Hoffman's been demonstrated to be the type to not give up easy - entirely possible in his final moments he found a way to jury rig amputating the foot before his strength gave…
  • Survivors (and I should note CERTAIN survivors - a lot of survivors are legitimately just looking for a fun spookfest, and I enjoy games with them immensely) aren't curious - they're ANNOYED. They don't care why they can't get quick games - just that they can't. What they WANT is for killers to play the game they want, in…
  • Likely the case - it's all I can do, I suppose. Gotta keep queues at a level that isn't frustrating.
  • I don't think they'll do that because queues will get even LONGER when killers just start taking the leave penalty.
  • It's indicative of the state of how fun killer is to play, but I'm pretty sure the only response it'll get is another MMR tweak to widen the killer pool. In my case, I keep queueing as killer, but I just watch netflix on the other monitor while I play. No sense in sweating on something you're intended to lose.
  • Unless you're playing perkless, I'm gonna have to ask you to step out of your glass house before throwing rocks. It worries the neighbors.
  • I actually agree with this - Much like "an eye for an eye" makes the whole world blind, "A nerf for a nerf" makes the whole game gimped. The issue here isn't "They gutted Ruin, so now they need to gut DS". The issue is that they gutted ruin, without looking at WHY it was used so much, -at all-. Trying to punish survivors…
  • I think it's fair to say that many have - just not all of us felt the need to spam the forums with it. The ones that do probably genuinely have a vested interest in seeing the game get better and may just be struggling with sunk cost fallacy. Frankly, though, I wonder about the logic of trying to force the devs to change…
  • I disagree, just on the basis that slowdown is no more fun than losing 3 gens in 2 minutes. It's a band aid solution, and doubling down on that isn't going to fix anything or get to the root of the problem (Whether that be generator repair speed or lack of secondary objectives for survivors), nor will it make the game any…
  • I think part of the problem with the concept of 'a satisfying loss' in dbd is that the game's intended purpose and actual design are at odds with each other. BHVR created what they admittedly intended to be a casual, fun-oriented asymmetrical multiplayer game...but then also added ranks instead of hidden matchmaking scores…
  • I'd say it's a little of column A, a little of column B. Frankly I think base Gen speed and Slowdown perks both need a look. Slowdown is just a band aid fix to try to prevent 4 minute matches, and generally isn't fun to play against. But it's become a necessary evil due to the rate at which gens go down, to the point…
  • This is straight up a rift problem, honestly. Those "Complete this challenge in one match" are shampoo drinkingly awful, and encourage equally as awful play. Killers slug and drag out to get their x traps/basement hooks/downs/sacrifices, survivors farm each other, get hit on purpose for self-heal challenges, chase injured…
  • Gonna throw a shout to the old school here and say if they want to explore the video game space, Scissorman -yes, that's his real name- from Clock Tower (fairly beloved in horror gaming) would be a good fit. He even has kind of a built in power in his home game that could be reproduced fairly easily - he'd frequently pop…
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