There's way too much thinking happening in this thread, shut it down.
I didn't know serial killers had a dress code. I thought be looked silly when I came back to the game but if you actually play as him you quickly realize he's actually crazy dark with personality compared to most the other killers in the game.
You wanted Springtrap, he came.
I mean if people didn't think it was going to happen after they been talking/testing it for so long I don't know what to say
I saw on Otz's stream his r1 was yellow and ugly, really hoping that's a bug.
Yeah I play nurse, slinger, billy, oni on console and the hitbox to land one of those chains seems 50x wider than any of the other hitboxes, shouldn't be an issue.
I think Scott was taking a clip of McLean talking about a game company investing in competitive DBD, something that can cost absurd amounts of money and confusing it with balancing general rank 1 gameplay. Scott makes many good points about sbmm but I don't think that's what McLean was talking about there.
More than anything hillbilly just needs all of his animations completely redone, he's a buggy mess that everyone seems to afraid to touch because he just about works.
You sure that's not a hybrid ssd ? My client runs perfectly.
I'm satisfied with a good match, Sometimes I mess up and everyone leave one death hook but it was still an engaging game. Edit: good example, I just 4k'd on legion, but it was pretty boring because the last 2 survivors just gave up and wouldn't even try running when I found them, that was lame and didn't feel like a great…
1st game of the day, we got 4k'd by a hag, everyone earned great BP, team played like God damned legends, all totems purged in the 1st few mins, team work off every hook, someone on gens on every save, everyone dipping in chases for protection hits, we got 4k'd but it was a great game. I love this new system.
Pretty much same experience, I think a lot of solo quers have had similar experiences because the swf boosted potato's who you got in your games have been put back to where they belong and the games feel much better for it. Even when we loose the games felt good and we all really tried and made good BP.
There is no rank reset it's going off sbmm elo that's been background calibrating for months so I fail to see how that's relevent, the rank numbers mean literally nothing atm.
There's nothing wrong with them doing a blind test to get feedback based purely on the events during the game, if it bothers you that much come back after the 16th.
I guess there funny because you can see a lot of random ######### from your team mates and killer but that gets old after while
I thought yesterday was national doctor day tbh, never seen so many docs, good ones too.
To be fair green ranks have always been considered the hell zone where people get trapped until they learn how to be a bit more emblem efficient in game.
Sounds like you're in bad sbmm bracket, just keep practicing and you'll get there, in my MMR it's normally the guy with borrowed time who comes for the save while the others keep gen pressure, I'm assuming you're running kindred so your solo q team mates have the Intel to make the best decisions when you're on the hook ?.
If you were so skilled you would understand that having a survivor on death hook at 4gen is far more strategically dangerous than a gen regressing from 80%. If you're 3v1 at 3 gen it's gg for the killer 90% of the time.
If that person's not a Smurf then I would speculate that they maybe being thrown around a different range of MMR to determine their own, most games online give you 5-10 placement matches where it throws you around all over the place.
I think it's about finding the balance, you sometimes have to act a little selfishly to get a foothold in a game but that doesn't mean the entire match has to be played out like that.
Alright I'll bite, there's nothing wrong with meta perks on either side, they are perfectly fine and can all he counter played. If you think you're going against swf in the lobby and you see lots flash lights bring lightborn and starstruck and watch them behave, keep your chases short unless you can get a down quickly,…
My best advice to you is keep facing those red rank swf, as much as you can and keep a positive mental attitude while you do and work on improving and expect nothing, after enough time you'll start to realize they all play very similar and have generic weakness and are vulnerable to certain perk load outs, then you'll…
How do you know they don't run meta builds because they have huge pp and off meta perks aren't big enough to support it ?
Hey man it happens to us all, have a good one.
The problem is once you open up the conversation to the broader topic on a forum like this there's no win condition and it creates a situation that could go on for a 1000 pages where no side backs down and nothing is accomplished which is why I find it easier to stay on point, which is cultural appropriation in a video…
Ya know I actually just tried him again on controller and he seems a little easier to control than after his change, maybe I'm going crazy because their was nothing in the patch notes but he felt more manageable, not great mind you by any stretch though playing on ssd so you don't get the power ready stutter also helps.
That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard, if you got a problem with it in real life then fine, but when it comes to the world of fantasy and creation and imagination everyone should be able to be anything and express themselves in anyway they see fit within a videogame on the condition it's not causing actual harm…
Wait what, is this, a cultural appropriation thread ? Surely not, I mean meg's a fictional character, what am I not understanding.
Learning huntress can be a cruel experience, there's no much of a skill floor but a massive skill ceiling, I play DBD on console now and honestly having no chat is a god send, turn it off, you don't need to tell people gg, everyone knows when it was a gg.
If you give me hatch I'm suddenly your best friend, if that helps.
Generally it's pretty obvious when a survivor has dh so in a chase it's very easy to bait out and takes mere seconds hence the meme "exhausted on the ground", however, in your situation it's a bit more circumstantial and given it's on a trap trigger you don't have the option BUT you are playing hag and traps are so…
If you haven't learned how to adjust your playstyle to swf like everyone else has to the point you publicly cry about it on the forums humiliating yourself and also exposing yourself as not very good at the game you should probably hold back on commenting on the intelligence of other people.
I swear 90% of swf are over alturistic maniac's that throw the game the second one of them go down. Half of them don't do gens and they all suicide for unhooks, it's so rare a swf team comes in like seal team six, does the gens and uses voice to evade me and leaves. I'll extend the olive branch that when you're new to your…
Guy's I know this looks bad BUT HEAR ME OUT
Yeah my game is vastly improved on solo survivor, we got 4k'd by a spirit earlier and the scores looked the same, but it was just a few critical errors at the start that let her super snowball the end of the game it happens sometimes.
I just can't stop imagining doomslayer grapling on to Dwight and punching his head into his torso and then exploding meg with a rocket it would be glorious
Or they been demoted from the boosted tier they were before based on their own performance in those games.
Not bfg division ??
Myself and many others have had complete opposite experiences with the sbmm on both survivor and killers, either the sbmm is bugged or it's decided you don't belong at the level you was before.
Pretty much this
I'm glad to see other people are having similar experiences like myself on both sides.
I legit think it needs another 15 seconds, 45 would be a real sweet spot of exposed status and even then the survivor really has all the control in hiding 90% of the time, even a nurse would be lucky to not only get over to you in time but be in a position where getting to you is a higher priority than what they are…
Ironically as the quality of my survivor team mates has drastically gone up I've found the games to be far less sweaty, yes the killers are scarier but the game is far more enjoyable when everyone's doing what they should be doing and just playing the matches out properly, even if we lose they are still really good matches.
I'm actually having good 9am eu games lol
I know it sucks to get mis mapped on killer but you can m1 killer blight and use his power sparingly and still do fine, it's not as fun but you can still win.
The best ending is this forces them to finally address the top 5%, the worst ending is they ignore it and nobody in that bracket plays which historically kills all online games. Take your bets.
Awful news, huge loss for bhvr and as one of the few devs that had real visibility it's a tragic loss for the community, bhvr now become more a faceless corporation that exist only in update posts. Best of luck to you McLean, can't believe we are loosing the guy that bought us blight.
Last night I played all killer and experimented with most played and least, all good games bar one, the fairer match making on killers I barely played was exceptionally nice. Tonight I'm about 10+ games in on survivor and every game so far has been competent team mates vs a competent killer and all have been enjoyable…