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  • There's a difference in being slightly annoyed and just not having fun at all with a game anymore. The more you lean towards the "no fun at all" area then the better off you would be moving on. I played WoW for the better part of a decade and the last 6 months or so that I played it was almost no fun at all and I finally…
  • Solo Survivor is terrible. It happens way too often that the last survivor to die has the least amount of points. They don't go for saves, they hardly work on gens, they just urban around the map and jump in a locker at the slightest hint of a heartbeat never to be seen again. Can't even run We'll Make It anymore because…
  • That's just the internet dude (or lady or whatever you prefer) it isn't exclusive to DbD. Its a sad truth and you gotta have a thick skin to survive on here. Personally IDGAF what anyone on the internet says. If they're nice I'll be nice if they're not then I ignore them.
  • I use Inner Strength as it isn't affected by slowdown perks like Thana or Sloppy and totems are free bloodpoints.
  • Was terrible on both sides. Had a challenge that was glitched that I couldn't make progress on and my post is almost a month old with zero responses. Couldn't even do half the killer stuff because of dcs. Had a couple games where I ran devour hope for the kill the obsession challenge and as soon as I downed the obsession…
  • I could care less about rank as long as the game itself is fun.
  • I don't know how many times it has to be said but you can't punish people for playing swf. Not all swf are depip squads hell bent on bullying the killer some people just want to play a game with friends.
  • Hell I don't even bring items in to most games I certainly wouldn't waste time going back into the map at end game to get one.
  • Doing nothing for that 2 minutes is exactly what a Trapper or Hag player would want. They get to setup and the survivors have done nothing, not even make progress on the gens that aren't blocked.
  • lol I can just see all the Bubbas dropping their totems in the basement.
  • They should just give us the Banana Splits instead. They had a horror movie last year and they could be like legion where they have four different costumes (the lion, the dog, the elephant, and the gorilla). Jokes aside there are a lot more well known horror movie characters out there that would draw people in better than…
  • My god the entitlement some people have.....That leave button is there for a real life emergency not "wah this killer has ruin" or "wah this survivor is repeatedly crouching at me". Newsflash people sometimes losing isn't fun and if you go into a multiplayer game expecting to win every game then instead of dcing you should…
  • You could always just burn a cake/pudding depending what side you play. In my experience burning a party streamer as survivor is like marking yourself for death. Against all odds you will be found first and you won't get ######### done the entire match lol.
  • Because selfish "HaHa you didn't get to kill me so I win" types of people smh.
  • I'm glad you added "small percentage" in your title too many people on here act like everyone they encounter is like that.
  • I agree that each killer should have their own score requirements but one of the things I'd like to see changed is how you get punished for snowballing. As a killer if you 1 hook everyone and get a 4k with 5 gens up you don't get anything for it even though you flat out stomped. As survivor if one person runs the killer…
  • It always comes back to SWF no matter the topic its amazing....Imagine being a low rank survivor(14-20) and having to sit in the que until matchmaking reaches all the way into the red ranks to find you some teammates. Then have to sit there and watch them dodge you one after the other because they see your low rank. Or…
  • I quit using self care when they nerfed it and I got a lot better at running the killer because of it. Up until the Stranger Things dlc and Inner Strength I just used Iron Will or brought in a med kit. Now I usually run Inner Strength, Head On, Quick and Quiet, and Dance with Me. But I don't really care what perks someone…
  • About all you can do is hope your team is smart enough to figure out whats going on and they don't play scared and try to make progress on all 3 gens at the same time. Walk away as he comes to your gen and the second he's gone jump back on it and if everyone does this eventually one will get done.
  • Apart from bloodpoint offerings they're fairly useless. We've all had that game of "ooo I'll thicken the mist to make getting around the map easier" only to face a trapper or a hag. "Hey I'll burn some party streamers" then get found first and camped the entire match. That ######### wears on a person and eventually you…
  • I feel like a fully stacked lullaby is easier to hit than a 3/5. No sound is better than the longer offset to me. If a killer has lullaby and they're getting hooks at a decent pace I don't even bother searching for it I just wait for it to hit 5.
  • "A game is as competitive as a player can make it." And when people chose to play to have fun regardless of escaping or getting kills I would call that casual would you not. There are a lot of people that don't take this game very seriously and play just for fun but they're all overshadowed by ghost stories of only…
  • Honestly I play survivor with a ps4 controller and killer with KB/M. To me 3rd person camera control, hitting skill checks, and having to mash to struggle are just soooo much easier on controller. If you have any console experience you should give it a try.
  • I mean if flashlight saves are considered toxic then what are Head-On saves or pallet saves. People just use the word toxic to describe anything they don't like and not liking those things as a killer is fine but its still not toxic. The only thing I consider toxic in this game is higher skilled players drawing out a match…
  • I wouldn't say all 4 survivors need to be on death hook just the survivor you're currently trying to mori. I get that its to try and counter tunneling but imagine having 3 ppl on death hook and having the 4th just urban evading around the map and you can't mori anyone. Besides if a killer wants to tunnel they're gonna do…
  • Didn't get the first one not gonna get this one. Hell I still can't make progress on the pallet drop challenge its stuck at 11/15. Posted about it and they've still not responded to me yet. Ended up having to do some killer challenges and go around it.
  • They mentioned a blood hunt for early January dunno if they've said anything else. Considering all they have on their plate and them taking a break for the holidays I wouldn't expect anything more. Hopefully they'll be working on matchmaking when they come back.
  • Killers don't do anything but swing lol someone has never played killer. Matchmaking is pretty broken though (the devs acknowledged it in their last stream but said a fix was unlikely until after the holidays) its just pulling numbers out of a hat at this point.. I can play killer (rank16) and get one game of all rank 20's…
  • Had quite a few killer games like that last night. Was rank 17-16 (don't play killer often just doing rituals/challenges) and getting matched with survs as high as rank 4. One game as Wraith was something like rank 4, 5, 8, 15, or something close to that.
  • Imagine someone looking your way after you make a loud explosion.....the nerve of some people.
  • its funny how people are like "those low rank survs should just not play with their high rank friend". Yeah lets just not play with the friends we bought this game to play with. Its easy to dismiss people who like to play with their friends when you only play solo surv or killer. We aren't all toxic and grouping with low…
  • When the killer camps no one gets to play the game. Even if I'm not the one being camped I'm forced to sit on a gen for what 80 seconds w/o a toolbox then go sit on another gen and another then just leave. Where is the fun in that for anyone. No one gets to make saves and no one gets chased you only get a 3rd of the…
  • I would rather the devs focused on fixing bugs and reworks/new releases instead of a voice chat system. Honestly after running into one or two toxic ######### I'd be auto muting everyone at the start of every match from then on anyway and I bet it wouldn't take long to run into a couple.