That's interesting and all, and I'm definitely gonna look into it- but it still doesn't change the fact that the majority of hackers in this game are very much survivors. It's a minor caveat, probably, but I just don't understand why it necessitates a killer AI vs a survivor one. In fact, I don't see the correlation at…
While I'm here again, I'm curious to know what you mean. I play a fair amount of both roles, and BY FAR I encounter more hackers when I play killer. In my 5 or so years playing this game I've encountered like, 2 hacking killers vs nearly 150 survivor hackers. I don't get the logic. Am I missing something?
It's been almost half a year since my 'over-dramatic' post. 5 and a half months or so, and DbD is seeing many long-awaited and far too often requested changes going through at the almost 6 year mark. Whether or not it is due to the very likely possibility of competitors cropping up or not, I couldn't be happier. Still, one…
New Boil Over literally ensures you cannot be hooked from certain zones on certain maps. I’ve played a lot of killer since it came out. I didn’t really have the room to drop any perks but IG is basically a necessity now jic I run into it and I have been for about half of my matches. Most of the time it’s fine, it’s the…
I love her so far, playing as or against. I honestly don’t see how she’s hard to counterplay, if she starts overdoing crows at a loop just leave. Run through one if you gotta it’s not that big of a deal with how quickly you can get them off tbh. She is by no means impossible to loop. It’s like hag, I think, people will…
I got mine second try, would have been first but ppl kept hovering near the hooks. I had the same concerns OP did, but as it turned out ppl don’t seem to know how to counter her yet and most just seem to wanna goof around. Games with any other killer are a total sweat fest so I’m enjoying the temporary break. I’d say get…
redacted comment removed since I was fooled and am now sad. ‘the fog reborn’ patch should be a thing though. Someone hire that man.
Last point before I’m truly done- what keeps DbD on top besides no true competitors and their many licenses? Don’t worry I’ll wait… let one, just ONE contender arise, which it absolutely will before long, and let that contender start accruing licenses of their own- well that will become a problem. you ppl tunnel focus on…
And none of those have even come close to replicating DbD’s niche genre. Unlike VHS. Am I speaking Ancient Greek here? Is vhs better? God no. Is it closer to DbD than any other? Yes. Yes it is. that’s the whole point.
You ppl just focus on the extreme and completely ignore or miss the important points. is what you’re saying true? Absolutely. is what you’re saying the whole story? Not at all. it’s about the simple fact that these attempts are getting closer and closer to the DbD formula. It’s a threat. Look how many streamers are getting…
No. They haven’t. Name one. You can’t bc no game has come even close. Now, however, they’re getting scarily close. DbD has gotta step it up or fade away. If you don’t see the very likelihood of a potential contender within 18 months you’re just not paying attention. It’s that simple and it’s all I’ll say on the matter. I…
You ppl don’t see the end game. I already have admitted vhs won’t kill DbD. But it’s the first wave of an oncoming onslaught. They have to step up now or fall to whatever pops up in the next year or two. And trust me, a true contender is on the rise. mark my words- The devs ain’t stupid- they know. Thus the blood hunt. And…
Pay more attention buddy. It’s a crap game, but vhs beta has launched and coincidentally we have a blood hunt at the same time despite never having had one at this time of year beforehand. They shouldn’t be threatened, at least not by vhs, but they clearly are. it’s a good sign. They’re smart and paying attention. Gotta…
Call it what you will- melodramatic or. It it’s the truth- DbD, as much as I love it, has had it far too good for far too long. It’s allowed them to do the bare minimum and this game, which most of us love, is a complete nightmare even though it’s been 5+ years. Now they have to get their sht together or fail like Friday…
Killers have a streamlined gamestyle because it it far more intensive than survivors'. Killers can't afford to waste time on multiple objectives like survivors, so if they're playing well they have a better time maxing their score. However, the whole 'bbq' thing is irrelevant. Survivors have WGLF, and since you can body…
I believe all channeled healing actions are meant to be affected.
Idk because I basically bullrushed the pig and got the match over with. Didn't stick around to find out lol.
Just had this happen. Not only did i remove it and it stayed on, it somehow activated itself with no gens being done afterward. Then a gen did get completed, after mine was already active, and the addon that hides the auras of the boxes continued to hide them. Either that pig was hacking or this is a busted broken combo…
Isn't it always like this? I've never known any other way. Xbox does that to me with pretty much everything, full thing no small patches. It's why I gave up on Ark- constant way too big updates* killing my data cap. If there's an alternative I'd sure love to know it.
Frustrating? Constantly being paired with people who are at twice my frame rate is frustrating. Losing almost every hit validation in the same scenarios is frustrating. Having been waiting for, and eventually given up on promised console optimization after an amount of time too long to count or remember. Also frustrating.…
Tomorrow? Maybe? I suppose that's fair, having lost literally like half of the event by now. /s
Took a 2 day break. Just logged on to do some dailies and see if BHVR managed to fix a glaring issue before the next monday. (Wednesday if we're being honest) They didn't. Go figure right? This is my shocked face :| Do you see it? <-- Every other match, playing killer, same bug. We should all know the problem is…
lmao. you kidding? This is BHVR. If they were as competent as, well, pretty much ANY other game company on their level of success about 70% of the shite we have to deal with wouldn't happen. And that's a conservative estimate. Somehow, the game is fun enough that we deal with it anyways and they know it. This allows them…
I’m no genius, and I realize we console players are always the lowest of priority, but: Isn’t it pointless to apply a ‘fix’ to just steam if people on other platforms in their lobby still get the bug? Are we just testing steam only lobbies to see if it works, because if not you may as well just use sage and smudge the…
Literally every killer match for me. I’m giving up. Xbox, crossplay on, can’t say with it off since matchmaking takes way too long to bother that way. It would seem to me that this is an Xbox problem- only consistent thing I see in the reports is that cross play is on for everyone who’s bothered to confirm, with the sole…
Spoken like someone who isn't at a red rank competitive level. Because if you aren't this is true. Otherwise this is a ridiculous statement. Those who have arrived and spent some time there knows which side the scales are imbalanced towards, and trust me, if not the many many people who have been voicing the same…
Like many have pointed out- being a survivor, in a swf anyways, is far easier and takes much less skill. Solo surv is a much different ballgame, but swf survivor is easy peasy titty squeezy. So much so that it's always amusing when i get toxic mail from the very like who think they've actually accomplished something…
Just because of the fact that poor people like you are in the minority, it doesn't change my perspective. Nor my point. Limit ALL players to the exact same FPS limit or admit your bs bias. The end. We're done here.
Xbox here this is happening like twice per match. It’s infuriating.
I’m not defending anyone, I’m stating that people blaming bhvr’s releasing new content and cosmetics for the lack of optimization is both short sighted and an unrealistic assessment of the situation. Funny how it’s relevant when you people are calling for the wolves but not relevant when someone points out the flaws in the…
Wrong I exclusively play on Xbox. Try again
Not so simple. Again engine tweaks are time consuming and expensive. Hell, even console updates can be costly and they do those regularly. Many games can’t or won’t- go ask thefunpimps. That’s my whole point, what is being asked is neither easy or simple to accomplish, and I see no reason for bhvr to stop everything…
We all want console optimizations, but y’all need to quit flaming the cosmetics- those bring in money, and money will be needed to fix these problems. The last thing you should want is for them to decrease their income to get what you want, income = motivation. Plus people keep pointing out the separate teams on each.…
Meanwhile, in Nazi Germany... 🙄
Streamers behaviors and opinions heavily influenced this community. May as well make peace with that fact because you can’t change it.
Survivor: Defiance- The sight of your killer fills you with the will to live. While the killer is within 16m of you while you are on a hook, entity progression rate is slowed by 10/15/20% Killer: You’ll Regret That- You relish in turning your victims hopes against them. For every 33% that an exit gate is powered gain…
You’re on something, for sure, if you think coms don’t give a huge advantage. So much so that I think we can safely ignore any of your input because that is a ridiculous claim to make, and yes, the killers who play against swf all the time can verify this. You seem to think you can ignore all of their observations and make…
This is laughable incorrect. So so wrong.
All of these arguments about balancing both sides to each other are asinine. It’s about balancing the game to its core concept, that of a 1v4 game where the one is as strong as the four. And it sort of already is, up until swf is a thing. Swf breaks this game there’s no way around it.
See that works make too much sense and it’s been stated they don’t want to do that. Maybe because these swat swfs would have to go against a killer that’s prepared for the bs, and without that guarantee to bully the killer they’ll lose interest. All logic points to the fact that swf is so ridiculously game breaking that it…
No this guy hit the nail on the head. An accurate assessment of what you are suggesting isn’t an attack, it’s an observation. It’s far more feasible to suggest changes to what they’ve already poured time and money into than to offer, well, what was already stated- a complete rework. That would be unreasonable. Which isn’t…
Competent does not equal balanced. I would need to see some hard data to back the 2k average claim that seems far too low. Regardless, she strikes me as the least balanced and worst designed killer in this game- at least in terms of fairness to counter. Just by standing still spirit can reduce survivors’ tactics to pure…
If determined to win, don’t chase anyone too far, maybe far enough to get a pallet out of them, then return to your route. Given enough of this, and after they’ve checked boxes for keys, they’ll get desperate and start making mistakes just to be done with the situation. If playing anyone other than huntress I typically…
Demo takes no skill? Rofl ok dude.
Getting slapped by demo and then shredded before you can get to the next loop- super strong. Playing demo without it feels clumsy, and it’s super satisfying downing multiple people who cluster up.
I agree with one huge difference- ghost face. And I find furtive to be more reliable than nemesis but both are good together. Stbfl in the wings as well- catch up with obsession, get some chase stalk, let them go. Catch them exposed with 3 stacks and go on with your day. Works per well
See now you’re suggesting empathy for the killer, and im not sure that’s allowed lol. Being that most killers that I see who run it struggle to secure even one kill, and similarly how most people who run things like UB+DS etc seem to do so because they can’t run the killer well, you’d think there’d be some common ground…
True swf makes it easier, but i often deal with it just as easily when solo which is how I play survivor 80% of the time. It still isn’ta big deal. In fact, when the last gen pops, if I think Noed is there, I just hide a bit and wait for someone to get hit and then find and cleanse it if it is. Again, not even remotely…
Yep and it highlights the whole whiny aspect of the bias I mentioned. If there’sa notes either hide and get out or find it and clean it it isn’t that hard. Again, 1 2nd Chance perk for killers that can be cleansed vs several that survivors use. It’sa hilarious argument. Noed doesn’t stop my crew at all, just shows us down…
No, Noed is exactly equivalent to all of the 2nd Chance perks that survivors have, except killers just have the one that can be deactivated before it’s ever used whereas survivors have numerous ones that are difficult to play around. The only difference is that whiny survivors seem to feel that it’s ok and necessary for…